Flex :: Creating Dynamic Object - Generic Component

Mar 27, 2012

I want to create a generic component in flex. This component deals with different ArrayCollections dynamically (I want it in that way). So I thought to pass the arrayCollection and the type of that arrayCollection as arguments to the component.

var list:ArrayCollection<ClassA>;
init_Comp(list, "ClassA");

If it is possible, I can read it like this,
var newDynamicInstatnce: typeOf("ClassA") = list.getItemAt(0) as typeOf("ClassA");

Finally I have a Dynamic Instance type of that I pass. Is this possible in Flex or Is there a better way?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3: Determine If A Generic Object Is Actually A Button?

Aug 7, 2009

I have this bit of code, and it's not working as I expected. btnContainer is a VBox that contains a ton of buttons (toggle=true); and I want to reset them to un-toggled at a certain point.

for (var btn:Object in btnContainer.getChildren()){
if (btn.isPrototypeOf(mx.controls.Button)){
btn.selected = false;

With the above code, "btn" shows up as just the index during each iteration of the loop (0,1,2,3,...), and the conditional never evaluates to true.I also tried this:

for (var btn:Button in btnContainer.getChildren()){
btn.selected = false;

This works fine, except that there is also a label inside btnContainer; so it throws an error when trying to cast the label as a button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Generic Actions For Multiple Objects?

Feb 3, 2010

want to simplify coding and wondered if there was a way to write a script that could be used on multiple objects without having to write it to address each object individually. I am building a simple menu where I want the menu link to rise and scale up when the button for it is rolled over and then return to its original position when the mouse rolls off. I know I can write this per button and per item, but wanted to see if there was a way to write it once and then apply the action to everything. EX. My menu consists of 5 items (and respective buttons) home_mc (home_btn), menu_mc, dining_mc, contact_mc, specials_mc.If I write the code

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function homeOver(MouseEvent) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Function To Place A Component On The Stage?

Apr 18, 2009

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function addComponent(int <width>, int <height>, int <XPos>, int <YPos>)
t is a general query i think so. i.e., A basic programmer's task for defining a function for my requirement.I think,if I want to add a Button onto the stage at 100,100 pixel position and the button component's width and height are 50,50 respectively, (i.e., button.X=button.Y=100 && button.width=button.height=50).So, a button must be placed at 100,100, then, the sample code looks like this:

Button <btn_instance> = new Button();     //creates Button instance
<btn_instance>.addComponent(50,50,100,100);// properties of button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Generic Function To Place Component On Stage?

Apr 18, 2009

I am new to flash and ActionScript 3.0.I am learning ActionScript 3.0. My requirement/need is the AS3 code for placing any type of Component(viz., Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, ListBox, radiobutton, Slider, Scrollbar,Label,TextField, etc.,) on the stage with desired width,height, X and Y parameters(values) which we mention in "Properties" tab of Properties Window in flash.

Hence, What I need is, (say)a generic ActionScript 3.0 method/function, which places any of the components present in "Components Panel" onto the stage. i.e., As per my idea, the function prototype or signature may be like this:
function addComponent(int <width>, int <height>, int <XPos>, int <YPos>)

i.e., A basic programmer's task for defining a function for my requirement. I think,if I want to add a Button onto the stage at 100,100 pixel position and the button component's width and height are 50,50 respectively,
(i.e., button.X=button.Y=100 && button.width=button.height=50).
So, a button must be placed at 100,100, then, the sample code looks like this:
Button <btn_instance> = new Button(); //creates Button instance
<btn_instance>.addComponent(50,50,100,100); // properties of button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating Object With Dynamic Name

Dec 2, 2009

I have a xmlfile with some node. I need to create an object of my class for each node. I knoz how to parse xml and get value, no problem here, but I can' create dynamic object with dynamic name...

Here's my class code:
public class Simple_Forum_MV extends MovieClip{
public function Simple_Forum_MV(MV_name:??,title_forum:String,description_forum:String) {
MV_name:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
MV_name.width = 500;
MV_name.height = 50;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #1056, Creating Dynamic Object?

Apr 13, 2010

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package {
import flash.geom.Point;[code]......
The following error is generated: ReferenceError: Error #1056: Cannot create property xx0 on IconTour.    at IconTour()

I guess this is because xx0 isn't declared? How does one declare a dynamic object/variable?

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var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.foo = "hello";
obj.bar = "world";
//... and on for however many params you need
[Code] .....

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I have one MXML File as

<objecthandles:ObjectHandles xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" backgroundAlpha="1" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx"


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I've made a custom component that looks basically
like "mx:HBox->mx:Button mx:Box mx:Button" where the buttons and box are children of the hbox.

How do I offer the user access to the box (say its dataProvider and itemRenderer) through my custom component?

So they just need to write 'local:MyCustomComponent dataProvider="rar" itemRenderer="rar"/>' and my box inside that component can use it?

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Flash :: Get Number Of Properties In A Generic Actionscript Object?

Jan 15, 2011

How can I get the number of properties in a generic Actionscript Object? (Like Array length)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Generic HitTest - Detect Collision With One Object

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Right now I'm working on an advanced hitTesting engine, and What I'm trying to do here is create an engine that will detect collision with one object instead of two. That basically means that if any other objects touch this movie clip, the hitTest will return True. Right now the .fla containing the engine has nothing but a circle that can be moved using arrow keys and 8 squares that disappear when touched by the circle. Obviously, I could do something like:

if (circle.hitTest(square1)) {
do so and so
} else if (circle.hitTest(square2)) {
do this and that
} etc...

But that would be too long, since the engine has to be able to contain 100 squares without too much change in the code.

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Flex :: Creating A Dynamically Sized List Component

Aug 16, 2010

I need a List that resizes to exactly fit its content, unless that height exceeds its (dynamically sized) parent container. My requirements are as follows:

The component extends List, or at least acts similarly. variableRowHeight and wordWrap both equal to true. The height of the list cannot be less than minHeight (roughly 32px for scrollbar arrows). The height of the list cannot be greater than the height of the parent container .

Note that the parent container can be resized dynamically.

The height of the list should be updated as the size of both the contents and parent container changes.

Live updating would be preferable but not necessary.

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The trouble is that with variableRowHeight and wordWrap, it's very hard to know the size of the content at any given time. If the parent container's width is reduced, a line wrap may occur in the list which will change the height of the content. I know I can measure the height of the list content using measureHeightOfItems() + viewMetrics.top + viewMetrics.bottom, but when should I calculate that? What events should I listen for? And the thing I've had the most trouble with - when should I calculate it to set the size initially (i.e. just as the content has finished populating)?

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Flex :: Creating Component To Have Typewriter Effect In Text

Sep 8, 2010

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Flex :: Creating Custom Component With A Drawing For Hero Mobile?

Dec 30, 2010

I'm trying to create a custom component which displays a red rectangle in the middle with the following Flex Mobile project for Android (in Flash Builder 4.5 Burrito) -

MyComp.mxml (has no errors):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


even though I have added c:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash Builder Burritosdks4.5.0frameworkslibsmxmx.swc to Flex Build Path (by clicking "Add SWC" button in the project properties dialog).

PS: Power Stackoverflow-users, consider adding a tag for Android-AIR or Flex-Hero or maybe Flex-Mobile

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Put Scroll Of Tree Component In Left Side Of Component Or Creating A Custom Scrollbar For Tree Component

May 20, 2009

is there any way to put scroll of tree component in left side of component or creating a custom scrollbar for tree component

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Flex :: Actionscript 3 - Delete Node Of Type Object From Flex Tree Component?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a tree with nodes , and a delete button , first user select the node and click this delete button , I want this node to be removed from the tree , Its not XML , every node in tree is of type Object


I tried delete myTree.selectedItem (but compiler wont let me do it) also tried myTree.selectedItem = null (just unselects the item)and also how can I access reference to parent object of myTree.selectedItem ?

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Flex :: Flex - Creating Dynamic Lineseries In Linechart?

Oct 11, 2011

This is my array collection

[Bindable]private var Projects:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection( [
{ Department: "Software", TotalProjects: 73,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:13},
{ Department: "XML",TotalProjects: 50,Completed:20,Inprogress:20,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Publishing",TotalProjects: 25,Completed:5,Inprogress:10,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Indesign", TotalProjects: 70,Completed:30,Inprogress:30,Approved:10},
{ Department: "Imaging", TotalProjects: 42,Completed:30,Inprogress:10,Approved:2}]);


how can i create mx:LineSeries dynamically depending upon array collection values. Now only 4 line series is there but some times i have to show more as per the array collection values change ex: if one more status HoldProject added to array collection?

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Flash :: Flex Dynamic Object Name And Add Object To Object?

Jun 16, 2011

I have this situation where i'm trying to save "chat logs" while people switch around views in my flex mobile application..so, my plan is i'm starting out with a main object that I plan to re-use as the main chat log object..I call it textObjso, when someone new wants to chat my plan is to make a new object with the persons username.so how if i were to get the username from something like data.username how could I translate that into the var name of the object I want to make? So in the end i end up with.[code]

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Flex :: Creating Dynamic Tabs Using ViewStack

Jan 19, 2011

I'm having problems creating dynamic tabs here's my code:


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Flex :: Designing A Generic Toolmanager?

Aug 14, 2011

I want to handle multiple operations on a UI Component (button ,textfield, swfs,custom objects etc) in like scaling,skewing ,color,rotations etc etc and save them too. Earlier the actions were done

using a single tool and single mxml file but now the tool is separated into different tools. Was wondering how i can design / use something like Toolmanager class to handle actions etc?

Also the tricky part is that some objects can have more operations defined for them Like 'object1' has 3 operations that can be performed on it and 'object2' has 5 operations defined on it.

We are using MVC design pattern but no frameworks as such. What are the different design patterns that can be used to do this? Edit: To be more precise i want implement this in AS3 OO way.The application is similar to drawing application which supports addition of various images,text,audio,swfs etc. One added user can perform various operations of the objects..like adding color,scaling skewing,rotation etc etc and custom effects and after that export the drawing as PNG.Likewise some effects that are applicable to text are not applicable to images and vice versa. and some effects can be common.

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Flex :: Creating A Dynamically Named Object?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to create a dynamicly named object.

something like

private var myVar:String = "dynamicName";
private var [myVar+"staticName"]:Object = new Object;

but what i wrote above dosn't work for some reason.

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Flex :: How To Render Component With Dynamic Visibility

Jul 29, 2009

I have a custom ActionScript component that I'm using in a Flex application (Flex 3.3, ActionScript 3). This component contains an Image control whose visibility is set dynamically based on a property of the data element provided to the component. The problem is that even when I set the image to be visible, it will not render onscreen. Is there something specific I need to do in order for the image to render? Snippets of relevant code below:

override public function set data( value:Object ):void {
_data = value;
if( _data ) {
if( _myImg ) {
_myImg.source = someImageClass;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: AS3 - Creating Dynamic Property And Then Binding Control To It

May 5, 2010

I am trying to:
1) create a dynamic property
2) bind that property to a label
This works great for "sealed properties", but for dynamic properties there doesn't appear to be any event triggered. Are dynamic properties implicityly not bindable?

var myObj:MyType = new MyType(); // MyType is dynamic
myObj["myDynamicPropertyName"] = "initialized";
BindingUtils.bindProperty(myLabel, "data", myObj, repeatedLabel.name);
// myLabel now displays "initialized"
myObj["myDynamicPropertyName"] = "changed";
// myLabel still displays "initialized", it should say "changed" !!!

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Flex :: Creating Dynamic Class For Bitmap Containing BitmapData From SWC?

Jun 1, 2011

I have the following code

///Get BitmapData from library in SWC
var ClassReference:Class = getDefinitionByName(products[i].producticon+"Data") as Class;
// Create new BitmapData Instance From it


I get null in the trace. How do I make a dynamic class that I can refer to for this bitmap similar to how your reference a class from and embedded media?

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Flex :: Pass Object To Component By Event

Mar 3, 2011

I need to call a component and pass an object. Now I am using event initialize to pass into the method of component but it seem to execute only once as follows. Is there anyway that I can make it call every time it loads.[code]

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Flex :: Deep, Generic Serialization Of Objects?

Jan 24, 2011

Is there any way, without having the creator of the object implement any special functions (no specific serialization functions) (however, they can use annotations), to have Flash serialize a generic, possibly deep (objects within objects within objects, etc, etc, etc) object?

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