Flex :: Flash Site Often Does Not Render Until Refresh

Apr 16, 2010

[URL]. Our client communicates with a Rails backend to get login details and then logs into an Adobe LCCS server. We have been cruising right along but around noon yesterday we developed a bug that causes the swf to not render until you refresh the page. On subsequent refreshes it pops up right away. The problem happened even when I disabled the code that checks in with the Rails server. How could refreshing make a difference?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Site Won't Refresh?

Aug 28, 2010

I want my site to refresh every time I open it. I've been looking at the unique identifier script, but I can't seem to understand where it goes. Is it in the HTML with the SWF or in the SWF itself?When you load a movie, variables, or a text, what you load is put in the cache of your computer by your browser. This can cause problems because if you load files, chances are that you are going to update them quite often, but Flash will look for the files in the cache, that is to say the old ones.The solution is to load your files with a unique identifier. Example:


This works also with LoadVariables, LoadMovieNum and LoadVariablesNum.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Site And Refresh The Page, The .swf File Is Stuck At The Preloader Screen?

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I've been reading up on it for a while now, but I can't seem to figure it out.

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Professional :: Refresh Button Does Not Refresh Flash Website

Sep 30, 2010

I had an issue with my index.html testing on IE and the preloader just stalls on "loading 0%". he told me that locally the progress event doesn't have time to load and to try uploading it to your server and see if it works. It worked just fine. Rah Rah Kglad.
So today I'm fine tuning the swf/ fla to clean it up. Reduced some picture sizes and deleted unused files and reduced the swf from 4000 KB to 350 KB Rah Rah Gene. replaced the swf in Dreamweaver and re-uploaded with Filezilla. Rah ah Filezilla.
Everything working great and my preload went from 23 seconds to less than 3. So I'm real happy except for one small issue. Firefox and IE both do this. If I hit the refresh button, it stalls on "loading 0%" once again just like it did locally.
If I hit the refresh several times it WILL refresh randomly....2 times refresh......10 times refresh etc.
Spoke to my hosting company who said everything seems fine on the server. BTW he said Chrome did NOT have this issue Rah Rah Chrome.

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Flash :: Flex Render Culling Objects Not In View To Stop Them Getting Drawn When Not Needed?

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IDE :: Adding A "Refresh" Button In Case Site Doesn't Load?

Sep 2, 2009


Once in a while it doesn't load the first time through on certain machines. Because of this the client has asked me to add a button to the site much like here...


The only problem with this is I need this button to "hide" once the site DOES load.

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Flash :: Adobe Flex Page Doesn't Refresh When New Query String / MVC Parameter Entered

Oct 26, 2011

I am working on adding functionality to where the URL takes in a parameter as defined by an MVC style looking way.eg. (URL... )where 12345 is the corresponding Id number that I want to get.I have this functionality working.I am using Internet Explorer 7.My issue is that when a user attempts to enter a new query string id into the URL, the page doesn't refresh when the user hits enter or the refresh button. (The user can navigate to the url/#/Id/12345 only when opening a new window/tab)Does anyone know if this is a feature that doesn't work in Flex or if there is some code or configuration needed to allow this?

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Html :: Flex - HTML + CSS Dynamic Render In Flash?

Apr 11, 2010

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Flex :: Render TIFF Image In Flex?

Sep 15, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: When To Render Legend In Flex

Nov 11, 2009

My Flex chart has code that creates a legend from each data series. Currently, I have the drawLegend function execute when a button is clicked.

I am trying to get the legend to draw automatically but I am having trouble determining when to call the drawLegend function. Users click on an 'Update' button which retrieves data. I want the legend to get created after this, without the users having to click on another button.

I have put my drawLegend function in several places (ResultHandler, afterEffectEnd(for chart animation, etc.) and nothing works.

Sometime after the series has been added to the chart and after the series animation ends, the legend can be added.

How can I trap this point in time and call my function?

Below is the code I used to create the legend. Note that even though the code processes each series, I noticed that the Fill color is null if it is called too early.

private function drawLegend(event:Event):void {
// Use a counter for the series.


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Flex :: Re-render ItemRenderer For A DropDownList?

Mar 2, 2011

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[Bindable]override public function set data (value:Object):void {
if (value!=null) {
_data = value;


This will also not cause the dropdownlist to reset to scrollPosition 0

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Flex :: Render Html In 4 (web) Without An Iframe

Apr 12, 2011

I know this question was asked before, but none of the solutions work properly. How do I render a basic html in flex 4 without an iframe? I saw textarea renders some weird format that would suffice if it would work. For example I wan't to add an image like this


then 1. I press enter 2. I add the image again like above, I get the img tag inserted 10 times or so; which is weird (but not funny at all). All things being equal, html is a much normal approach, is there a basic renderer for flex 4 that works ok?

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Mar 16, 2007

How do I render a basic html in flex 4 without an iframe? I saw textarea renders some weird format that would suffice if it would work.For example I wan't to add an image like this

text_area.htmlText += "<img src='...' />";

then 1. I press enter 2. I add the image again like above, I get the img tag inserted 10 times or so; which is weird (but not funny at all). All things being equal, html is a much normal approach, is there a basic renderer for flex 4 that works ok?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How Does A Flex App Render Images In Order

Jul 14, 2009

Coming from a pure programming background where I have a render() and which image is drawn over which, is based on in the order of the drawn function of the image being called.

But after trying out Flex, I notice that Flex allows images to be created & drawn in the MXML file using the <image> tag and that I can also create and draw images in a AS class file link to that MXML file.

But it seems like any images created in the MXML file are drawn over the images created and drawn in my AS class file.

Is there a way to specify the draw order of the images?

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Flex :: How To Render Component With Dynamic Visibility

Jul 29, 2009

I have a custom ActionScript component that I'm using in a Flex application (Flex 3.3, ActionScript 3). This component contains an Image control whose visibility is set dynamically based on a property of the data element provided to the component. The problem is that even when I set the image to be visible, it will not render onscreen. Is there something specific I need to do in order for the image to render? Snippets of relevant code below:

override public function set data( value:Object ):void {
_data = value;
if( _data ) {
if( _myImg ) {
_myImg.source = someImageClass;
[Code] .....

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Oct 4, 2009

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Flex :: Event Triggered On Component Re-render?

Feb 10, 2011

What's the call analogous to creationComplete that happens every time a component is rendered? I want to rerun a function every time the component gets rendered (it has to make an HTTP request, but the url it calls changes each time) and I can't figure out how to do it.

For context:

<s:Group xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%"


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Flex :: 4.5 - Assign A Item Render Dynamically?

Jan 13, 2012

I want to change a list's item render with code like this: booklist.itemRenderer = BookItemRender; BookItemRender is a subclass of s:ItemRenderer. It report error: 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type How to correctly specify a itemRender in code?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex: Render An Unrealized UIComponent To BitmapData?

Aug 21, 2009

What is the best way to render to a UIComponent which hasn't been added to the stage? (I'm using UIComponents as renderers for objects, and want to render new copies for image export, filtering, etc.) Two strategies I've seen/used so far include realizing the component to ensure it calls all the lifecycle methods: Add the component to Application.application, render with BitmapData.draw(), remove component. This is similar to what I've seen done for printing unrealized components as well. Add the component to a pop up window, render with BitmapData.draw(), dismiss popup after rendering complete. I believe both of these just rely on the UI not refreshing while the current thread/event is executing, though (1) could also rely on the component being realized out of view.

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Flex :: Create A Simple Web Browser That Can Render Websites?

Apr 9, 2010

1) With these technologies is it possible to create a simple web browser that can render websites?

2) Is it possible to run these technologies on the server side? I am guessing no as Flash requires a browser to run within?

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Flex :: Using An Image Item Render In A Data Grid

Jul 7, 2010

I'm attempting to add an image to a datagrid item render dynamically in flex. Here is my DataGrid code The value of "str" in the getImagePath function is correct.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Shader Effects: Render One Object Into Another?

Nov 12, 2010

I want to make such effect: draggable semi-transparent object (let's call it 'plastic strip') over window with arbitrary objects. Plastic strip should be turbid, i.e. it blurs content under it (not blurred itself). What's the best way to do that with PixelBender shader on Flex?

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Flex :: Display ArrayCollection In Group With An Item Render?

Jul 27, 2011

i got an Arraycollection which holds other arrays in it.i want to display the data inside with an item render but cant manage to do this
here is example code to explain my question

<s:DataGroup dataProvider="{news}"

and this is the item render

<s:Label text="{data.??/}"/>

now what i dont understand is what comes after data? in the array collection the data goes like this : myArrayCollection->[0]->firstname

so when im binding data to item render,how do i represent the [x] to get to the specific name that i want? this obviusly wont work

<s:Label text="{data.[0].name/}"/>

and one more thing is what is the lightest way to display data in a listgroup with simple item render (image and text)

private function convertFBEventData2TreeData(eventData:Object):Object
var children:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();[code].....

i dont know what to add after data, i tried many things but nothing work :

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Flex :: Layout - Scroller Component Does Not Render Horizontal Scrollbar

Aug 30, 2010

I'm pretty sure my dynamic mxml layout must give me two scrollbars (horizontal and vertical) but it only shows vertical one.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="[URL]"
xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" width="100%" height="100%" xmlns:local="*">
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Get The DataGrid To Re-render The Visible Items So That The LabelFunction Will Be Run Again To Get The New Data?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a DataGrid where some number of the columns can have a labelFunction. The nature of the labelFunction result can change problematically(eg apply formatting,bypass formatting. How do I get the DataGrid to re-render the visible items so that the labelFunction will be run again to get the new data.I've tried the invalidateDisplayList, validateNow, and tried dispatching ResizeEvents on the DataGrid.

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Flex :: Get Anytihng From SQLite To Render - Display Any Data - Even Text?

Aug 5, 2011

I am trying to get anytihng from my SQLite to render in Flex, and I can't figure out how to display any data, even text, in Flex. What am I doing wrong?


I've tried a number of different components, and I can't seem to get the data to bind properly (although this code finally doesn't have the dreaded "Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to... " message, or the other dreaded "Property undefined" message).

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Flex :: Should UpdateDisplayList Layout And Position Every Time Render Is Called?

Jan 6, 2012

So updateDisplayList is for laying out, positioning and sizing a component's children. It seems a waste to me, however, to have all that code running every time a render is called, even if no changes have been made to the relevant properties or child properties.The way I get around this for performance's sake (working on mobile) is to set a flag inside of my overridden updateDisplayList that lets a big part of my own sizing/positioning code run only the first time.Is this a bad idea/ big mistake? I just can't see the benefit to letting it run every time otherwise if I don't expect anything that affects sizing/positioning to change.

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PHP :: Flex - Refresh Particular Tab Of TabNavigator?

Nov 3, 2009

I am using a Tab Navigator component in which there are three canvas components. When I click one of the canvas (or tab), a Pie Chart is displayed. Actually what happens is that on-click
1. the canvas sends an HTTPService whose url is set to a php file
2. That php file actually gets information from a database. Based on that information an xml file is created
3. Fusion Chart uses that xml file to display a pie chart

The database is being updated after some time. Is there any way the Pie Chart may get updated after every 3 minutes to reflect the modifications in the database? or
Can I send the particular HTTPService again and again after every 3 minutes 'in background'? or
Is there any good way to update the information in a particular canvas (or tab) of Tab Navigator?

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