Flash :: Flex Render Culling Objects Not In View To Stop Them Getting Drawn When Not Needed?

Oct 27, 2010

Does anyone have any knowledge (preferably with links to make it official) about how/if Flash/Flex culls objects not in view, to stop them getting drawn when not needed? A specific cases: I have an 800x600 panel (a Canvas or Sprite, or other container) containing loads of Sprites representing individual game objects like asteroids or spaceships or missiles or map-tiles. The game world might be 5000x5000 so can I naively position Sprites anywhere in this range and let Flash cull them effectively? Or do I need to manage visibility somehow at a higher level (like manually removing them from the parent) to avoid performance issues?

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Jan 6, 2010

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private function loaded(event:Event):void
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public function Seed():void{
grow1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onGrow, false,0,true);


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var bmp:BitmapData = new BitmapData(100, 100); //setup a dummy bitmap
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[Code] .....

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Flex :: Component Getting Items From Array Before Its Needed

Sep 7, 2010

I have an app where a user puts in the required info into text inputs inside a titlewindow pop up and it sends the data entered into a datagrid. This first time when I call for the popup and enter info it works fine. Here's the problem: the next time I call the component pop up and click anywhere on the popup, including textInputs, the first the item in the array is automatically entered into the textInput where the user is supposed to enter the data themselves (BTW this textInput is also a autocomplete component).What I want is nothing to entered into textinput until the user inputs the data themselves. I've been tweaking with it for hours and im stumped. Here's the code: (this is main page)


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Jun 19, 2009

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Flex :: Create And View Flash Log?

Apr 5, 2012

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop The Time And View It On The Winning / Losing Picture?

Oct 29, 2007

I have created a small game and i set up a time with it.. But when you win/lose you go to another 'picture' and then you no longer can see your final time.. My question is: How do I Stop the time and view it on the winning/losing picture? If you need any codes just ask And if there is some pro flash people and who are bored they might add me on MSN and teach me more?

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Flex :: Extra Wrapper Or Decorator Class Needed When Using SWC Assets?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm still learning how to compile with the Flex SDK. And I'm learning how to use SWC files and [EMBED] statements to pull my assets into my application.With the Flash IDE, I can link a library asset to a class and it's automatically embedded into my custom class. So that's 1 asset in 1 class. With the Flex SDK and SWC files, it seems I can only* pull in assets at the variable level, so I end up with my custom classes containing yet another class -- this means I have an extra wrapper/decorator (whatever you want to call it) class that I didn't have when using the Flash IDE.Is this what people typically do? Doesn't that seem superfluous?I've read Colin Moock's 'Essential Actionscript 3.0', where he mentions something about embedding a SWF at class-level as binary data.

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Flash :: Custom / Horizontal Tree View In Flex

Dec 3, 2010

I am not sure if it possible or what would be the best way to archive the following in Adobe Flex 4 (I am also fine with Flex 3). I need some kind of a tree view, but the items should be placed like a tree from top to down and not like it is done in the treeview implementation of the Flex framework. To make it more clear here an simple "graphic":


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Jan 22, 2011

Flash Builder's design view is worse than 3's (which at least was usable if you ignore some quirks), so WHAT do Flex UI designers (those who don't have paid design teams...) do to design a complex UI? Because Design View (also based on what a lot of people say about it..) gets more useless with every release.See image for some differences in design view vs.Flash. WHAT is causing this? css also posted..("Duration", "hr", "min" are mx Labels, the image size text is an mx Text comp.Project is an "mx only" SDK 4.1 project.) I don't even care that the spinners look different, I just need it to show me correctly sized stuff so I can position things via Canvas, or properly size containers.

mx|Label {

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Jul 3, 2011

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Flash :: Flex - Builder - View Verbose Build Logging?

Feb 2, 2012

Is it possible to enable verbose build logging in Flash Builder? Ideally, I want to be able to see the exact arguments that are being passed to the mxmlc.exe compiler. Context: I'm currently trying to automate our build process using GradleFx so we can move away from using Flash Builder and run our build on a CI server. At present, I'm running into a few problems and my lack of knowledge about the flash/flex build process is impeding progress. Being able to see what the FB project translates to would greatly aid me in being able to set up the new build scripts.

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