Flash - How To View Google Docs Or Word Files In Flex App

Jul 3, 2011

I am evaluating flex for a mobile and a web application and one of things I want to be able to do is show a google docs or a microsoft docs file (doc,ppt) within a flex application. Google docs files are published as web pages so I guess you need a html component with javascript enabled. Does such a component exist in flex 4+? Similarly how would I go about showing a word or a powerpoint file inside a flex app? How does a site like slideshare or scribd do it?

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on (Release) {
gotoAndStop(Frame Number);

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Professional :: View PDF Files Like A Flipping Magazine?

Mar 8, 2011

In brief, I want to view PDF files like a flipping magazine. You know, just the same flipping effect that ibook did on ios. Adobe reader is the only choice to browse PDF on computer for me. It's kind of bothering and annoying now.So,Plus, my computer runs on win7 64bit.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Specific Sound Files Based On Letters In User Entered Word?

Nov 19, 2006

I was thinking that it may be possible to create a primitive, yet usable actionscript based text to speech system for Flash movies (One that is platform independent).

Is it possible to right a series of actionscript commands that would play a collection of certain sound files based on what word or words the user has entered?

For example:

If the user types "Red Pen"

Can actionscript tear apart those two words and play sound files "Arr", "ee", "Dee", "Pee", "ee" and "EN"?

If it is possible, and if someone could help me out on it, then I'll start figuring out what phonetic sounds I'll need to record and program, and see if I can't build a simple text to speech program for flash movies.I have no immediate commercial application for it, and I don't plan on one.So if I can pull it off it'll be free to everyone, source code and all. Of course, it may be in my voice, but it shouldn't be hard to take what I plan to do and use it as a template for anyone else's voice recordings.

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