Flex :: Extra Wrapper Or Decorator Class Needed When Using SWC Assets?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm still learning how to compile with the Flex SDK. And I'm learning how to use SWC files and [EMBED] statements to pull my assets into my application.With the Flash IDE, I can link a library asset to a class and it's automatically embedded into my custom class. So that's 1 asset in 1 class. With the Flex SDK and SWC files, it seems I can only* pull in assets at the variable level, so I end up with my custom classes containing yet another class -- this means I have an extra wrapper/decorator (whatever you want to call it) class that I didn't have when using the Flash IDE.Is this what people typically do? Doesn't that seem superfluous?I've read Colin Moock's 'Essential Actionscript 3.0', where he mentions something about embedding a SWF at class-level as binary data.

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public class mySchoolDO
public var schoolName:String;
public var schoolLocation:String;


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


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And so far everything is working. However, I want my Concrete class to load in an item from the library (basically the graphic for that item). This works fine when just loading in the Concrete class, but as soon as I add a decorator the graphic disappears, and I'm not sure why.

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My Abstract Class

package todd.flashBook.navigation{
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class navButton extends MovieClip{


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var quiz_1_2:CaseStudyQuiz = new CaseStudyQuiz(2);
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1136: Incorrect number of arguments.  Expected 0.

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ActionScript Code:
var asset1:Asset1 = new Asset1(...);
var asset2:Asset2 = new Asset2(...);
var asset3:Asset3 = new Asset3(...);


This is kind of a tedious process, especially when the composition hierarchy is long and you have to pass them all as arguments through many nested classes.For instance, I needed to link a preload sprite (the typical circle in gradient color which is constantly rotating until the load is complete) from the library to any thumbnail class of a gallery, which in turn is part of another class, which in turn is part of the main class. So I needed to pass this preload clip as an argument throughout the nested classes.

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Jun 19, 2009

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I am interested in any kind of issues, as we have already reproduced issues with content that occur regardless of the app domain / security domain where its loaded ( and occurs also in both Loader and SWFLoader).

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Oct 27, 2010

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Flex :: Action - Reuse Flex Library Assets?

Dec 24, 2010

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Flex :: Extending DropDownList To Include An Extra Option?

Mar 27, 2011

I want to extend DropDownList control to include an option for creating or editing the options. For example; for a list of projects in the dropdown list, there will be another option that says "Create new project..." or "Edit projects..." and this will be the last option in the list. When user selects this option, the selectedIndex or selectedItem will not change and corresponding action will be taken (for example a popup window shows up).This will be a convenient way for the end user. Now I want this to work independent of the context and the class must be reusable. User will only specify the optionText and optionFunction to work this out. The basic structure of the class looks like this:

public class OptiveDropDownList extends DropDownList
private var _enableOption:Boolean;


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Mar 18, 2010

I'm attempting to compile my Flex project with an ANT build script.One of my MXML components references an external XML data file, like this:

<mx:XML id="treeData" source="assets/data/help.xml" />

When I build the project using Flex Builder, it compiles fine. However, when I try to compile it using ANT, I get the following error:

Error: Problem finding external XML: assets/data/help.xml

How come ANT isn't finding the XML file? Apparently it knows the source path otherwise it would not have found the component to begin with. I added the source path to the target anyway, but it doesn't seem to have made any difference:

<source-path path-element="${SRC}" />

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Actionscript :: Flex Fetching Assets From A CDN

Mar 25, 2010

My main.swf loads symbols from other swfs at runtime. If I keep all the swfs(main and others)on my server, things work fine. But if I keep all of them on a CDN, one particular symbol won't display occassionally. With flash tracer plugin for firefox I am able to see that all the symbols have been loaded and their z-indices are as they should be.

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Jun 16, 2011

I have some text content in a scrollable container and I want the user to be able to scroll it having the nice effect of it moving according to the swipe velocity and to keep scrolling until the user taps it. (as many applications for mobile touch screens).

I am thinking to combine events to do it. I will catch the swipe to know the direction, have mouse in and out to see velocity and legth of the swipe, and then keep scrolling with a proportional velocity and length until the user taps the screen.

(I donīt want to do the work and find out it was really simple and I just didn{t knew how)

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Nov 2, 2011

I am running flex with BlazeDS. My backend is in Java.

I have the following function in actionscript:

override public function execute():void
var responder:CallResponder = new CallResponder();


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Flex :: Determine Code And Assets Size Within A SWF?

Mar 25, 2010

Is there a way to take a compiled SWF file and figure out how much of it's size is used by code and how much is assets (images, etc)? I'd like to see if I can get my Flex SWF smaller but I'm unsure what's taking up the most space.

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Flex - Convert An Image In Assets Folder?

May 13, 2010

I'm trying to convert an image in my assets folder


to type Object. It needs to be Object because that's what the function I'm using it in is expecting.

Any ideas what would be the simplest way to do this?

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