Flex :: Flash - Overwriting .HTML Wrapper?

Mar 26, 2010

When I make changes to a Flex project and rerun the project, it seems that FlashBuilder4 rewrites my html wrapper that embeds the SWF. But I have additional javascript code in the html wrapper and don't want to keep losing my code. I had to re-write the code once and it was a pain in the neck.How do I stop it from re-writing the html. And the related question: how do I stop it from deleting the html during a clean?I basically need to exclude the html from its processing once it's been created the first time. P.S. I'm using Flash Builder 4, but I suppose it's the same in Flex Builder 3.

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Flex :: Flexbuilder - Builder3 Is Not Generating Html Wrapper When Targeting?

Feb 26, 2010

In Flex builder 3 when I create a new flex application targeting the flex 4 sdk, it wont generate a html wrapper file. I have hunted around the web for answers, but no success. I have made sure the box is checked in the project properties to generate html wrapper.

The only workaround is to target an older version of the sdk (i.e. 3.2), which will cause the wrapper to be generated. Then I can revert the project to sdk 4. This then means I can never do a clean of my project because this will result in the wrapper being deleted. Has anyone else come across this? Is this just a bug with Flexbuilder3?

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Flex :: Crash - IntelliJ IDEA Wrapper Html Crashes Browser?

May 22, 2010

I'm building an Flex 4 application using IntelliJ IDEA 9.0.2 generated sample Flex application. I replace the generated mxml with the following code from the book Hello Flex 4. It simply crashes the browser when I run it. It says "Waiting for [URL]..and then crashes I tried it on both FF 3.5.9 and Chrome 4.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Flash Runs Smoother Without A Wrapper (HTML)

Mar 2, 2010

If I load a swf in FlashPlayer standalone, it will play nice and smooth. If I load the HTML it's embedded in (with SWFObject) in a browser it stutters like hell. If I use my browser to open the swf on its own, that runs nearly as smooth as in the standalone player.

That the standalone player runs smoother is understandable, since it then doesn't need to go through the browser layer. A slight performance decrease when adding the HTML DOM layer is also understandable, but in my case the difference is huge!

If I were to guess:
Standalone: 100% (benchmark)
SWF in browser: 90%
SWF in HTML in browser: 30%

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Php :: Place Variables In HTML Swf Wrapper?

Dec 15, 2011

Can you place php varibles in the html wrapper for a swf, that could be read into the swf when it loads?Perhaps using a param?

$myVariable = "$var1,$var2,$var3";

like this with php in the html?

<param name=FlashVars value="$myVariable" />

or perhaps ?

<param name=FlashVars value="myVariable=$myVariable" />

Then perhaps in the swf with as3 using something like this?

var myloader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
myloader.load(new URLRequest(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters))
myloader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded)


Unsure how to access it using the correct path to the param and then how to get the php variable $myVariable into myloader.data?

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Professional :: Html Wrapper Not Getting Used For Release Build

Jun 24, 2010

I am using Flash Builder 4.  In the Flex Compiler option, I checked 'Generate HTML wrapper file', and then added some text to the  alternateContent variable in the auto generated index.template.html wrapper found in html-template folder. For Run/debug settings I have the src/index.html file set as the file to be launched. In the bin-debug folder, the index.html incorporates the content of the html wrapper, and when I run the app in debug mode it behaves as I would expect.  However, when I export a release build, the index.html file doesn't incorporate the content of the html wrapper file, and therefore doesn't do the check for a valid version of Flash Player.  Do I have to manually copy the index.html file from bin-debug to bin-release each time I export a release build (this does seem to work)

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Javascript :: HTML Wrapper Div Over Embedded Flash Object Cannot Be "clickable" By JQuery?

May 27, 2010

I've been trying to do as the client requested : redirect to campaign page then to destination page once a customer clicks on the top banner in swf format.If you are using Firefox, Chrome or Safari, I suspect you can reach the destination page.However, if you are using IE or Opera, I doubt it.I think to cause of such a weird problem is:The swf ojbects don't have a link to url, SO I have to hack the theme template file like this :

<div id="header">';
* A quick and dirty way to put some swf into PHP, and rotate among them ...


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Java :: Use A Wrapper Class Around An Object In Flex?

Jul 11, 2009

Select a school listed in the first datagrid, and display all the student records /details of that school in the next datagrid. But, since datagrid is editable and requirement mentions : "Use a Wrapper class around the object to get the data, set the same and save. Ensure wrapper is bindable to take into consideration the updates being made to datagrid text fields."

I have an object which is a type of a Data Access Objects i.e. DO.


The mySchoolDO is an actionScript class of following code :

public class mySchoolDO
public var schoolName:String;
public var schoolLocation:String;


The showSchoolStudents will display all the details of students on to the datagrid. But, my datagrid is editable. And, I want to use WRAPPER CLASS around this object such that

a> I can retrieve individual values as present in studentsDO i.e. studentID, studentCourses, studentGender, studentPhone.

b> I shouldbe able to set the values as they are updated in the visual datagrid.

c> Finally save all the data and submit on submit click.

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Flex :: ArrayCollection Wrapper Allowing Binding Mechanism To See Changes?

Jul 26, 2011

I have an ArrayCollection containing bindable objects. I would like to access them in multiple places like below (there's only one label for clarity). How can I achieve that?hould I write some kind of wrapper for ArrayCollection dispatching special event (which?) catchable by Flex event mechanism.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Flex :: Extra Wrapper Or Decorator Class Needed When Using SWC Assets?

Sep 10, 2009

I'm still learning how to compile with the Flex SDK. And I'm learning how to use SWC files and [EMBED] statements to pull my assets into my application.With the Flash IDE, I can link a library asset to a class and it's automatically embedded into my custom class. So that's 1 asset in 1 class. With the Flex SDK and SWC files, it seems I can only* pull in assets at the variable level, so I end up with my custom classes containing yet another class -- this means I have an extra wrapper/decorator (whatever you want to call it) class that I didn't have when using the Flash IDE.Is this what people typically do? Doesn't that seem superfluous?I've read Colin Moock's 'Essential Actionscript 3.0', where he mentions something about embedding a SWF at class-level as binary data.

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C# :: Flash - SWF Wrapper In C#?

Dec 28, 2010

i have a SWF file with a simple function that returns a string. can i use it in c#? is there any .NET wrapper to flash files that allows "talking" to it?

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Data Integration :: Overwriting Xml File Using Flash

Sep 21, 2010

Is it possible to overwrite an xml file and save the result using as3?

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Flash :: Use Pixel Bender Within An FP9 Wrapper File?

Oct 6, 2010

We create Flash games which are embedded within third party wrapper SWF files, which are exported for FP9.

If I create an FP10 SWF which uses Pixel Bender classes (Shader, ShaderData), when I run them in an FP9 wrapper within an FP10 player, an error is thrown

VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flash.display::Shader could not be found.

Is there any way to get access to these FP10 classes - or does the version of the outermost wrapper determine what's available to child SWFs? Is this something to do with applicationDomain?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Using FP10 Classes Within A FP9 Wrapper In Flash Player 10

Oct 6, 2010

We create Flash games which are embedded within third party wrapper SWF files, which are exported for FP9.If I create an FP10 SWF which uses classes specific to FP10 (Pixel Bender classes such as Shader, ShaderData), when I run them in an FP9 wrapper within an FP10 player, an error is thrown VerifyError: Error #1014: Class flash.display::Shader could not be found.I thought this may be something to do with ApplicationDomains - maybe the child SWF was forced into using the global classes from the parent SWF, but assigning a new ApplicationDomain to the child didn't make any difference. Is there any way to get access to these FP10 classes - or does the version of the outermost wrapper SWF always determine what's available to child SWFs? It seems odd that the FP10 classes are not available in a FP10 player.

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Flash :: Call JQuery Plugins Without A Wrapper Function In Global Scope From It?

May 8, 2011

Calling jQuery Function from Flash

if we have a jQuery plugin of the following style[code]...

Could anyone point me in the right direction for how this call can be made directly or clarify if it's just not a supported operation?

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Flash :: Html - Using Images In Flex / Html Controls

Jan 4, 2010

Using the flex text area I am trying to put an image inside a list. Whatever I do, the image is pushed to a new line. The html is below. I want to show text and the image on the same line in list item 2. I have taken some of the formatting out for readability.


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Html :: Flex - HTML + CSS Dynamic Render In Flash?

Apr 11, 2010

I have HTML + CSS text. I need some lib with simple function like "Render String Var conteining HTML" So no external files (like in flash lib called HTMLwraper you just have to play your SWF on top of HTML). dinamic! I give it string it renders It into some conteiner (not as a bitmab but as if it was real HTML dynamically rendered in flash). (And I need real HTML + CSS support not what normal rich text block gives us)I am going to use it in with Flex (Flash Builder) so I like MXML component model but even pure flash AS3 will workout.It should be Free and Opensource (any license like GPL, LGPL etc will be ok).So Is out there such flashflex library for HTML + CSS dynamic rendering (rfom given String or XML)?

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Flex :: Compatible Html Tag To Show Flash On Html?

Sep 1, 2011

There are various ways to show flash(swf file) on html, for example, object or embed tags.I want to support IE6-9, FireFox3-, Chrome, Safari, and as many other browsers as possible.(especially IE6-9)But I also want to use simple tag as possible.What is the best way to write html tag to show flash(swf file)?

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Html :: Rendering HTML Text Containing Advanced HTML Tags Like <strong> - <em> - <span> And Advanced HTML Entities In Flex

Aug 4, 2011

I am designing a web application in Flex 4 and currently facing an issue rendering advanced HTML tags and entities in Flex 4. All I want to do is basically render an HTML text coming to me something like the one given below:-


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overwriting XML File?

Nov 9, 2008

I want to overwrite a XML file on my localhost, I always geta error "Error #1088: "The markup in the document following theroot element must be well-formed."AS3:

function upload():void {
str1 = "<?xml version='1.0'


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX]Tempory Overwriting Of Function?

Feb 14, 2004

I declared the folowing fuction for the onRollOver -and onRollOut state of three buttons:

for (var i in this){
if (this[i]._name.substr(0, 6) == "sound_")


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop The Drawing API Overwriting?

Mar 6, 2006

I'm trying to make a little Flash Movie which randomly displays 3D cubes on the screen.

I've got a scene which consists of an array of shapes, each of which extends a basic shape class.

Then the camera has an array of shapes which it calls a scene.

You call the drawing method like this: camera_x.showScene(myScene);

The problem I have is that if there's more than one item in the scene array only one gets drawn. It's like the biggest thing is hiding all the rest.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MC's Overwriting Themselves When It Goes Back To The Top Of The For Loop

Jun 26, 2007

I have a for loop that attaches a new mc to the stage fills it with info from a database. I should be left with three mc's but not the case. only the last one shows up on the stage. I went thru it with the debugger and it is filling all those movieClips with data but, overwrites them when it goes back to the top of the for loop.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop Overwriting Itself And Only Displays The Last Value?

Apr 15, 2008

what do you do when a loop "overwrites" itself and only displays the last value?

for ( var j:Number = 0; j < xml_array.length; j++ ) {
//Set state movie clips' parentMC and mainBroadcaster and onRelease functions
this ["state" + j + "_mc"].mainBroadcaster = this.mainBroadcaster;


here is the code snippet for the loop; I've used this before in a previous project and it didn't have this problem.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Array Overwriting - Reference/value?

Nov 14, 2008

I've created two custom classes to contain data for a web forum controller flash tool:

class postClass
public var post_id:Number;
//plus some other variables like timestamp etc


When I try to assign a new post to a user (by adding the post data to the postArray variable) I overwrite posts that I had already placed under other users. More specifically, if I'm posting the first post for User Y, I overwrite the first post for User X with the exact same data.I thought this was a reference vs. value passing error, but I tried to eliminate this by not copying the "postClass" objects, but assigning the data directly into the user's postArray array:

var userArray:Array = new Array();
function addNewUser(masterPostIndex,UserNumber)


This all seems to work fine until I try to write a new post for a second or third user. If I trace the contents of User X's posts, they immediately become identical to the content of User Y's posts, as soon as User Y's posts are added. Later, when User Z comes along, both User X and User Y's posts are overwritten. This code is kinda long, so I didn't want to post the whole thing - but I can post any parts you're interested in, of course.

This really 'feels' like a reference-passing error (arrays are all looking at the same location in memory), but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong - I'm not making a postClass object and then pushing it onto the user's postArray (I tried that too, same result).

var newPost:postClass = new postClass();
//read and assign values to newPost
userArray[userIndex].push(newPost); //

this is clearly passing the referenceI can see how the latter example would pass the reference to newPost to the user object, then when I change newPost in the next iteration (when user Y posts something), User X's data will change too. I tried to avoid this with the first set of code.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Populate Textarea From Array Without Overwriting

Apr 14, 2009

How can I populate this textarea from an array without overwriting its self on each loop all I get is "Thursday".[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Writing / Updating / Overwriting To Xml File

Sep 3, 2008

I am able to load xml file but I want to know how should I do following taks using ActionScript 3.0

1] Create New XML File.
2] Updating XML File.
3] Overwriting XML File.

please give me guidence about xml file CRUD(Create/Read/Update/Delete) operation using ActionScript 3.0.

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Actionscript 3 :: Get Back File Information After Overwriting?

Feb 25, 2012

I wrote over my actionscript code, saved it and closed it. now i cant get the information back. Do you have any tips. Been writing for 2 weeks on it. Iknoow i should backup it :)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadMovie Only Temporarily Overwriting Image?

Jul 7, 2009

I have a movie clip called "play_btn". The timeline has 2 labels, "paused" & "playing" ... paused contains a movie clip called "playButton" and playing contains a movie clip called "pauseButton". playButton & pauseButton contain images of a pause button and a play button.I am trying to replace the playButton image using:

loadMovie("play.png", play_btn.playButton);

This works when the swf is first loaded but then if I do:


The original play image is back.Why, surely loadMovie should be overwriting the original image?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: FileReference - Overwriting Text Files Bug?

Jan 11, 2009

I've been saving plain text files to the hard drive using FileReference.save and everything is working fine. However, instead of overwriting a file with the same name (as the dialogue box says it is going to), the new text is simply added to the end of the text file! I've even tried using a Byte array, but the same thing happens. Perhaps a Mac OS Flash Player bug?


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