How To Measure Silverlight Or Flash Control Load Time With Google Analytics

May 22, 2010

I have a simple silverlight page for for finding available domain names. This problem is equaly valid for a flash control as well.

I use Google Analytics for monitoring the traffic. I would like to find out how long it take for users to download and render the Silverlight control.

Once the java script on a page is loaded there should be a way to start a timer and then stop the timer once the Silverlight/flash control is loaded. Key points I would like to measure are:

Time it takes to download the silverlight/flash control Time it takes to initialize the control

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Flash :: Google Analytics Library?

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I am trying to push in the Google Analytics library into my As3 widget. I plan to use the EventTracking feature in addition to the regular HTML-like pageview tracking that it provides. I plan to use the library in As3 mode (not the Bridge mode) since the widget is embedded on a lot of external domains.

Using the SWC to add the component to my project adds about 50k in file size. And my widget in itself is a very painstakingly achieved 120kb. I cannot afford the 50k overhead and every KB trimmed takes me closer to actually using GA with my player.

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Using Google Analytics To Track Action On My Flash Site?

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// legacy tracking codeindexLegacy_mc.onRelease = function()getURL("javascript:urchinTracker('/home/indexLegacy');");};

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dumbest Flash Component For Google Analytics

Feb 2, 2011

So I think this question is dumb, and I think I may know the answer already but, I think I may also be very confused, so hear goes. I have a website It is made up of an entire flash site, all in pure AS3, I have the flash component for google analytics, I have events set up all over the file to tell me when things are downloaded, using trackEvent, then all the navigation is all set with trackPageview, so thats all good. If I turn on the debug command and test the file, it tells me what is going on, the only event that fires automatically, is if the user watched the entire intro, it will wait for the intro to finish and track that as an event.

The next part of this site uses swfObject, to allow me to use alternate content. The html side of this site is almost the same as the flash side, it uses all the same event tracking, but no pageview tracking, as from my understanding this is tracked automatically when the user goes from section to section, the analytics code is within the head section. So my question is this. If a user has flash and goes to my site, it should only use the analytical stuff that is in the swf file, correct, however because the analytical data from the html file is in the head of that document, it should also track that at the same time, right. so would this chalk up in my analytics as 1 page visit or 2.

I have been running it this way for a month and the reason I am even questioning it is because, in October 2010 before this was all in place, I only had the analytics set up for the html side, and even that set up did not include any event tracking at all, at this point my analytics was averaging 2500 visits a month with an 83% bounce rate. This was obviously untrue as almost everything was counting as a bounce. Now in January my analytical data is looking very different, my visits are sitting on 5600 and my bounce rate is 39%, I think this is looking much better however I am still concerned because I do not know if I really am getting double the visits, or if the html is adding 1 and the flash is adding another simultaneously.

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Apr 23, 2010

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on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {

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on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0,5) == "http:") {

like a solution that worked with the standard clickTag code and didn't involve changing any code in the flash file.

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Professional :: How To Add Google Analytics

Oct 7, 2010

I would like to add Google Analytics to my flash file. The flash file is contained in a HTML file, which I already added the script provided by Google Analytics. At the moment, when a user visits my site, regardless which page is visited, only the homepage is counted.
What as3 do I add to the flash file to keep track of each page that is being visited? I've tried a few codes provide on Google Analytics page and other tutorials, but none worked. The as3 for the menu buttons is displayed below.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Google Analytics Tracking?

May 7, 2010

I've integrated Google Analytics with Flash before using the previous tracker:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">[code]...........

PS - Google Analytics is installed properly, as it is registering the index page.

PPS - THis was set up over a week ago, so should be good to go.

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Google Analytics On Flex IFrames?

Sep 29, 2009

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In this scenario, what is the best way to include the pageTracker code to track and trasnfer the visitor and campaign cookies from one domain to the next?

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Flex :: Use Google Analytics On Vkontakte?

Dec 22, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Preloader And Google Analytics?

Oct 12, 2010

I'm using Google analytics in my flash app. It works perfectly, but the time to publich the app came and I'm using an external swf. as preloader, which only consists in an small progress bar and summons my Flash app once it's completely loaded.Now i'm getting this error:Error #1009: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object



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As3 :: Flash - Measure The Amount Of Time That Has Passed Between Method Calls?

Oct 4, 2010

If I want to measure the amount of time that has passed in as3 between method calls. Is the highest resolution from:

var now:Number = new Date().getTime();

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Put Google Analytics In Asdoc Output?

Jun 23, 2010

I'm using the asdoc.exe program that came with Flex Builder 3 to generate documentation for FlashMOG. I want to put in my google analytics javascript before the closing body tag of each file. Is there some way to get asdoc to do this?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Page Tracking With Google Analytics?

Aug 5, 2009

[URL] here's how I've re-written the code for AS3 - the corresponding javascript code is in the html file.

Code: Select allvar testLink1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/folder/file.html');");
testButton_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, trackLink1);
function trackLink1(event:MouseEvent):void

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Integrate SWFaddress Google Analytics?

Aug 27, 2009

I have an as2 site that calls different swfs to the stage from movieclips.The buttons are movieclips and the content that is pulled in is a different swf for each button.How would I go about integrating SWFaddress in here and being able to get analytics functionality out of it?

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Feb 5, 2011

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Actionscript 3 :: Adding Google Analytics To Adobe Air HTML?

Oct 12, 2010

I am attempting to add google analytics tracking to an Adobe Air app created with HTML and javascript.I have tried adding the ga.js file and using it like I would in a webpage:

<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/js/ga.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-********-1");

But this doesn't seem to register anything on the analytics dashboard.Have also tried using the GA for flash actionscript library but I can't seem to create an instance of the GATracker as it needs a DisplayObject?

EDIT :using the information from grapefrukt I tried the following:

air.Sprite = window.runtime.flash.display.Sprite;
air.GATracker =;
var tracker = new air.GATracker( new air.Sprite(), "UA-XXXXXXX-X", "AS3", false );

but I get the following error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference

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