IDE :: CS4 Scrollbar Missing?
Jul 27, 2010
When opening an .fla in Flash CS4 everything is aligned top left and no scrollbars appear:Have I forgotten something really simple here !? Can this be a mac to pc issue? I tried resaving the .fla but nothing changed.
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Apr 26, 2009
how I would convert this vertical scrollbar into a horizontal scrollbar
heres the code:
onClipEvent (load) {
diff_y = bound_box._height-scroller._height;
bounds = bound_box.getBounds(this);
top = bounds.yMin+(scroller._height/2);
bottom = bounds.yMax-(scroller._height/2);
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May 24, 2010
I have a big project in Flash CS4.Things have been normal for several weeks. Today the Library was missing. The library tab is visible. My project name is selected. But the rest of the panel is all gray. I have downloaded an update to 10.0.2. I am working on a Dell Laptop XPS M1330. I went to the Dell site and downloaded & installed the one video driver update. I also began a new project and tried to import one image into the library. It imported successfully, but the library panel is still blank.
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Jul 21, 2009
I have many flas with Document Classes associated to them. I have been using them successfully on both Mac and PC for over a year now. But just last week when ever I transfer the files to my Mac to work on them I get the error class not found on your classpath one will automatically be generated upon export.
Is there parts of the files that can become corrupted but continue to work on the PC? I have not changed anything in my classpath recently and some files have retained the link and some have not. I have tried transferring the files many ways now and even tested them on other macs and both macs have the same problem. I've emailed the files, used a flash drive, done interenet transfers (FTP) and I still have the same error. I can open the files fine too.
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Sep 23, 2009
I have a small problem. I've just completed my website in flash and have discovered that on a small monitor the bottom half of the website is cutoff.[URL].. This wouldn't be a problem if you were able to scroll...but the right scroll bar is missing. Unsure why.
I published the index.html straight out of flash and have tryed all options but for placement the current options work best. I have little to no html coding knowledge.
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Dec 18, 2009
When selecting a movieclip or text box, the "Graphic Effects: Filters" dropdown is NOT available in the "Properties" window. It's not grayed out....
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Oct 9, 2010
When I tried to open it, it came up with "The FlashResources.dll is missing.einstall". I did reinstall.. 3 times. Still the same problem. I decided to take matters into my own hands and download the FlashResources.dll file from google and download it. I put it into me system32 file and ran ' regsvr32 flashresources.dll ' but then it said "DllRegisterServer entry point not found".
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Oct 13, 2011
Everything was going just dandy until I viewed the movie. Because I wanted to see the preloader, I tested the movie and simulated a download... and was greeted with a white screen. I waited for some time, and suddenly the preloader appeared, loading from 80% onward. Basically, the first 79% of the preloader was represented by a blank screen.
I've provided a link to the .fla file. The button isn't actionscripted yet, and the motion tween was just filler content so the preloader could be viewed.
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Mar 25, 2009
I used flexbuilder3 for a while. But a month ago i installed flash10 on my pc. (worked fine) but after some weeks when i wanted to do some flash again it gave me problems.
When i debug my project (F11) it comes up with:
Flex Builder cannot locate the required debugger version of Flash Player. You might need to install the debugger version of Flash Player 9 or reinstall Flex Builder. Do you want to try to debug with the current version?
I have checked if the file was available and it DOES excist.
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Attachments: flash-problem.jpg (308.2 K)
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Jul 9, 2009
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Jul 15, 2009
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but when i opened the application to use it said this 'The FlashResources file is missing' reinstall flash.
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Sep 11, 2009
I have just switched to CS4. When I updated some text in a movie on the site (originally built in an older version of Flash from back in the Macromedia days) things went fine until I published the document. The movie file looks fine but random characters have disappeared and some portions that were Italics have become regular. Everything stays good in the movie file, but the published one loses characters. I tried publishing for flash 5 but that made no difference. What should I be trying?
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Dec 26, 2009
My sample templates are missing, all that shows now are Cateregory: Advertising and different size banners. I searched my harddrive and found the rood folder where they are stored but only the folder for Advertising exist. I haven't deleted anything, so could it have been a glitch at installation, I had startup problems with Flash constantly crashing at the splash screen and finally had to uninstall and reinstall.
Running WinXP SP3.
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Jan 9, 2010
i'm having a little problem with my site because my font don't appear online... i have one font and when i see my page in another computer, i see times new roman...i know that if i use flash, i don't need to worry with that... so why this is happenning??i made another site and it was everything ok with the fonts that i used...
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Feb 4, 2010
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Mar 16, 2011
The programming/developer manuals tell us this: >In order to have a display object appear in the display list, you must add it to a display object container that is on the display list.<
But, they (intentially or not) fail to tell us how to add a display object container to the display list.
The following code renders a blank screen (nothing gets displayed):
var tf1:TextField = new TextField();var tf2:TextField = new TextField(); = "text 1"; = "text 2";var container1:Sprite = new Sprite();var container2:Sprite = new Sprite();container1.addChild(tf1);container1.addChild(tf2);container2.addChild(tf1);
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Feb 25, 2010
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I have been using Uploadify in my PHP application for the last couple months, and I've been trying to track down an elusive bug. I receive emails when fatal errors occur, and they provide me a good amount of details. I've received dozens of them. I have not, however, been able to reproduce the problem myself. Some users (like myself) experience no problem, while others do. Before I give details of the problem, here is the flow.
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Aug 26, 2009
i missed something in the Aplly of ColorTransform, but i can't see...I made a background for the menu buttons that changes depending to the container x position.the problem is that it changes the text color too, and I don't figure why... here is the code :
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code]......
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Jun 21, 2010
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Sep 16, 2011
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From server B, all the images are there.
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Dec 19, 2009
I've been using arrays and for loops in flash for some time now. Mostly successfully.But I'm missing some important understanding of how they really work. Here's the simple code that turns my head around and makes me realize I know nothing.[code]When I trace _root.term_array later in the code, it gives me the list of words and then a ton of 'undefined's. When I trace _root.term_array.length it says it's got 130 items. In my mind it should only have 13.
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Jan 4, 2010
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Sep 2, 2010
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Jan 20, 2009
I recently updated text in a page. Now, when I test the movie, random characters within the modified text are missing. Is this a bug or am I overlooking something? I am using Adobe Flash CS3 on Windows XP.
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