IDE :: Add Some Spacing Between The Text?

Feb 12, 2012

I am currently designing a countdown clock and I would like to add some spacing between the text. But every time I add the spacing it does not work. I just want the days to show and I need them to go over boxes that require the numbers to be spaced out.

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myFormat.underline = true;

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<br />
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Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
// main timeline objectvar index:Object=this;// New Xml Objectvar fileXml:XML;// check how many menu items we have.var totalMenuItems:Number;// Main Menu Propertiesvar spacing:int=5;var menuItem_txt:TextField;// New URL Requestvar xmlLoader:URLLoader=new URLLoader(new


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�____bullet 1
�____bullet 2

but I want it to look like:

�_bullet 1
�_bullet 2

(ignore the underscorE)

I tried messing with indent, leftMargin and others but with no luck. I'm publishing for Flash 8.

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Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
// main timeline object
var index:Object=this;
// New Xml Object


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Aug 4, 2010

What im going to be doing is replacing the bottom info with just a link-strip, unfortunatly I didn't want to have to sift through ten dynamic text fields re-animating every one with tweens to the way I wanted them so I set them all to a parent variable defined as "mt", such variables being as follows:HomePortfolioDocumentationDev BlogCase StudiesSupport For

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