Java :: Video Uploading Applet For Users?

Apr 17, 2010

I am working on a small project that I need the ability to let users upload a video to my website or use a webcam to record a video and then upload it. I have seen this done on several sites (youtube,facebook etc) so I know that there is a java or flash applet that supports this. However I have not been able to find one. Any good flash or java based video uploader with these features?

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Flash :: Do A Audio Video With Java Applet?

Dec 16, 2010

This is the code i wrote in J2SE with Native java wrapper for Gstreamer. But alas it does not work in Web Browser, i am very upset what i can do now, i have no alternative to end this project. IS it impossible to use audio/video with Java Applet for Gstreamer or To build a CD/DVD quality audio ? (this is not targeted for world wide web, only web browsers between peer to peer or peer to 10 peer). ex: working sample as j2SE but same code does not ever work with java applet from browser.


Note: Follow up: In any web browser this native way works, when you have java. So JAVA applet works in any browser. Those who are like me, faced this problem, do not get confused.

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Java :: Any Opensource Alternative To Squish To Test Flash / Silverlight / Java Applet Gui Objects?

Jun 3, 2011

If one doesn't have the source code, the only to test is to send keystroke and mouse move so I found this product but it's not free and opensource price is not even known :([URL] Squish supports automating interactions and testing non-HTML/DOM elements, that is, native objects, which are embedded in a web page. This is done at a fairly abstract level, which means that mouse and text input can be recorded and replayed.

In addition it is possible to inspect embedded native objects with the Spy tool and to insert verifications for these native objects. All of a native object's public properties can be accessed in test scripts.

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Java :: Youtube Keep Flash Video Playing / When Go To Users Profile Page From Video Page?

Aug 31, 2011

In the cosmicpanda update for youtube, you can go from a video page to the video creators profile page while your video is still playing in flash. Does anyone how Youtube accomplishes this? I would like to know if it's possible to keep the flash state of a site constant while moving from page to page on a site.It doesn't seem as if the flash is reloading, so I don't think that they are just saving cookies for the current video time and starting the video at that point when they refresh.I would assume that they're using ajax, but the application of this feature is really clean. The URL gets correctly changed to the users' profile page's URL. The back button still works as it should. (I can press back and forward between video page and user profile page and the video continues going clean and never drops.)

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Java :: Flash Whiteboard Web Applet?

Nov 5, 2009

I want to put a whiteboard on my website so users can draw something and then save the image to the server containing the drawing. Are you aware of any open source/free already made whiteboard application out there ? I also need the save image function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Java Applet On The Same HTML Page?

Jan 19, 2009

I am an amateur game developer working on a class project. I have created a game in Flash AS3 that needs to send variables to a Java Applet residing on the same HTML page. (The Java Applet is a separate interactive audio engine that I am constructing for my thesis work.) Both Flash game and Java Applet work fine on their own. The solution needs to run in a web browser,have not found a solution that encapsulates the usual three languages (ActionScript 3 > JavaScript > Java Applet) within a single tutorial, snippet of working code, or forum thread. I have tried piecing together countless combinations of AS3 > JavaScript and JavaScript > Java solutions, but have not yet found a successful combination. I have found an instance of AS2 > Java communication working, but aspects of the JavaScript source were not available for me to piece it together. I am not a JavaScript guru by any means, and have just recently begun learning AS3 and Java

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Java :: Voice Recording Applet / Flash In Web Browser

Mar 21, 2011

I'm going to do a voice recording plugin/addon on a website that will record audio and send it to the server for further processing. I have had two suggestions; either write a java applet or use flash. The service is supposed to work for all major browsers(IE, Firefox, chrome,..). I'm new to this area of development and is looking for tips on how to proceed with this. What is the pro's and con's for each solution?

For java applet, what Java speech API library do you recommend? I want a simple, small library, I only need voice input. Also, I am puzzled by Flash development, I can't find any good information about development, the adobe website dosn't make much sense. What is the programming language for flash, and how do you actually run it in html code? I have found ActionScript 3, is that used to create Flash plugins and can it perform voice recording?

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Flash :: Javascript - How Does A Browser Interact With A Player Or A Java Applet

Nov 9, 2010

I've been trying to understand how flash animations or a Java Applet work within a browser. I can think of a couple of ways - The Flash Player/Java Applet are machine code that's dynamically linked it, and given some parameters about the area of the screen that belongs to them; after that, they run within the same process space. The browser exposes an API that the player/applet use to talk to it and they live in a separate process. (Presumably they talk via sockets?) The API could correspond to openGL/X11/some custom calls.

These possibilities still don't explain things like how a button click can make the player full-screen, how it can play music, how it can inspect the DOM, etc. For that matter, is the video displayed by decoding to a sequence of images, and rendering them one at a time, or is there a more efficient way, e.g., of pushing the deltas in the image? The Wikipedia page on Java Applets

(1) talks about how the applet is run in a sandbox (presumably a separate process), but it doesn't say how the browser and the applet communicate. Perhaps the answer depends on the underlying platform?

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Flex :: Actionscript - Wrap A Java Applet Around A Flex Application?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm just learning about Flex and I'm loving it. Unfortunatly I still have to make the decision on which RIA technology to use and its dependent on, among other things, from the following case: How can we wrap a java applet around a Flex application? More specifically, I would like to wrap/integrate NASA's World Wind applet in a Flex panel, similar to what Adrew Trice did with the Google Earth API.

An alternative would be id Flex would support direct access to the 3D hardware through OpenGL or DirectX. But I do not think that that is the case yet, not even through AIR.

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Compress Files Using Flash Or HTML5/JS Or Java Before Uploading?

Feb 1, 2012

Using an unobtrusive technology (HTML5, Flash, Java Applet) which runs in the browser, is it possible to handle compressing of files before being uploaded to the server? I'm building software which will be consumed by a lot of slow connections and by non-computer-savvy users and circumventing an application install would be very beneficial for them.

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Java :: Enable Intranet Users To Take Screenshot Of The Current Page Via The Browser?

May 22, 2011

Is it possible to create a screenshot from the current page the user is on? (It's for an Intranet enviroment).

I know this is not possible with JavaScript alone, but is it possible with Flash or maybe an Java applet?

I have been searching around but I couldn't find anything.

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Java - Upload Image Thumbnail To Server Without Uploading Whole Image?

Aug 27, 2009

As far as I know, what I ask here isn't possible, but I thought I'd ask anyway in case I'm missing something.

Suppose you want to let users upload JPG images, and these images are scaled into smaller icons and the original images are always discarded and never required again. Is there any way that would commonly work in most modern browsers that would let the user select a single image on their hard drive, have that LOCALLY turned into a thumbnail and upload the created thumbnail to a server?

In a case where the server just needs a small image, it would be wasteful both in user time and server resources to proceed uploading the whole image, only to immediately discard it. It would be much better to just scale it on the client.

I can imagine three options. Just plain HTML/Javascript, using Flash or using Java. If this were possible with Flash, that would seem like the best option. But reading documentation, it seems that you can upload a file from the HD yes, but you cannot look inside the file you are uploading. On the other hand, if you enable "can access local files" in Flash publishing options, it seems that you can then no longer access the net, so that doesn't work.

With HTML/Javascript, it is possible to load images and display them on a <canvas>, but if you try to access the pixels of these images, you get security violations, so that doesn't seem to work.

Java I hesitate to use, because only 96.52% of my users have it installed, and the file upload dialogs I have seen implemented in Java (at Facebook for example) have not worked well (unresponsive interface). I wonder though if Java is the only thing allowing resizing images from local HD?

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IDE :: Uploading Video To Server?

Jan 21, 2010

I imported a video in flash cs4 and media encoder did it's thing. I saved the file as a swf flash file and uploaded to server.

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Actionscript 3 :: Uploading Video Using The YouTube API Via Flash

Nov 25, 2009

I'm trying to work out how to upload videos to YouTube using the api from flash. There seems to be libraries available for doing this with php, ruby, java etc. but not AS3. point me in the right direction on how to do this?

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Professional :: Video File (flv) Not Playing After Uploading To Server?

Apr 12, 2010

I did a bit of search without success to find if anything like this was answered before.Sorry for asking a silly question, I am a newbie and hence maybe missing something obvious.I used the Encoder to create the flv file and embedded the file in the timeline and the swf file plays the video just fine locally. For some reason, it's not playing after I uploaded it to the server. I did copy over all the files (swf)s) & flv). It's a very small video and I can't even see the video(just blank) while running the swf file after uploading the files on to the server. All other frames are working as expected.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Website Which Involves Uploading Video?

Jul 21, 2010

We are planning to create a website which involves uploading video.The issue is this video must be edited (cropped, resized and shortened) by the uploaded. Does anyone know of a solution/set of apis, where this can be accomplished?I had a look at the YouTube apis but there are no editing or uploading methods that I could find.

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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - IO Error While Uploading Photo With Low Uploading Internet Speed?

Mar 1, 2010

Actionscript:"http://" + _root.tdomain + "/");


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Flash :: Building A System That Allows Users To See A Video Only Once?

Dec 27, 2010

My client wants to distribute a video to some people, specifically car dealers, but he doesn't want the video to end up on Youtube or something like that. Therefore he wants the recipients of the video to be able to see it only once. My idea to implement this is:Generate a unique key per viewerSend each viewer a link to a page with a Flash based video player, with their key in the URLHave Flash get the video from the server. On the server the key is checked and the file sent (using php's readfile or something equivalent).Then the key is invalidated.I was thinking this wouldn't take more than a day to build.I know that if you want somebody to be able to play something, you implicitly give them the power to record it as well, but the client just wants me to make it as hard as possible.

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Flex - Play Video From A Point Defined By The Users?

Jan 25, 2011

If i broadcast a video and divide it into packets, and when a users connect to the netgroup and receive the object from the group( the user will receive from specific time let say actual video is 10 minutes and user connect to the group, and seek video for last 5 minutes). how can i achieve this task. is it possible ? i am using flash player 10.1

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Media Server :: Live Streaming A Video To Multiple Users

Mar 17, 2010

we're planning to set up a live streaming service, one operson live streaming a video to multiple users. so no more than one channels contemporary in uplaod, and at the beginning it won't be a open broadcast service (maybe later..) we initially don't know how many can be the users. I've red that there's no theoretically limit for the maximum number of users connected with a fms, is this also valid for live streaming, or has it some limitation due to be live? is it necessary to have our fms, or is it possible (and cheaper) use a server provider?

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Media Server :: Users On Specific Network Can't Connect To Video?

Dec 1, 2010

We've just installed Flash Media Server 4 to host video for a new client. We've gotten it to serve up video to the public and ourselves (inside our own network), but the problem is our client cannot view the videos. They keep getting a "can't connect to the network" message.Does anyone know of how we should troubleshoot this? The videos are each about 90 minutes long, and for right now, there are six of them, which is why we wanted to stream instead of embedding them.

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Media Server :: Video Chat Archive / Storage With Multiple Users

Dec 6, 2010

I have developed a audio/video/text chat application with multiple users. I would like to store/save live session in to a single video so that we can manage archived live sessions, and make these sessions available for other users just like a normal video/FLV.

I know we can store single live streaming with DVR but I need to store all the live cams into single video. Note: I'm using FMIS for above application (with rtmp).

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ActionScript :: Javascript - Load Video From Users Hard Drives Without Server?

Nov 3, 2009

I need to play on my .swf a movie (h264) from the users' hard drive.Unfortunately the as3 components only read from URLs or streams, and you can't set the data or load from your c:/ path as the security sandbox stops you. Here is what each component loads:

Video >> netStream
VideoDisplay >> URL
VideoPlayer >> URL

I tried attaching a (byteArray) to all of them but nothing seems to question: Is there a way of doing this without actually uploading the videos (h254) to the server?I have read that it is possible to do a javascript that can upload the data to it and then pass it to the netstream but I can't figure out how to do it myself.

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Media Server :: Audio / Video Delivery Slow When Concurrent Users Increases?

Feb 21, 2012

When concurrent users increases my a/v conent delivery to the client is very slow. or even drop. Feel breaks in the session. but when check my server rsourses,  almost free. One more observation, when i liesten to the recorded stream everything seems to be fine like there is nothing oing bad in live session.
Is there somthing which is missing for concurrent users for FMS config file.

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Media Server :: FMS 4 - FLV Not Saving - Record Video From The Users Webcam And Play It Back At A Later Date

Mar 24, 2011

I'm trying to record video from the users webcam and play it back at a later date.
I call

However, when I look at the FMS Admin Console at the streams in app/_definst_, their types are either "NetStream" or "Live". If they were being saved wouldn't they say "Stored"? After I close the application doing the recording, the "NetStream" type stream disappears, and after a while all the "Live" typed streams are gone too. Nothing is saved.

I have no idea what is happening. I don't know if it's a problem with my AS3 code not closing the recording properly or if I'm doing something else wrong, or maybe somethgin isn't right in the FMS?

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Actionscript :: Java For Audio/video Recording And P2p?

Dec 10, 2010

What is better to study. Java or Actionscript for audio & video recording and streaming.

And working with p2p.

Can java stream video/audio via p2p?

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Java :: Handle Multiple Video Streams In Red5?

Apr 15, 2012

I am writing a Red5 application that provides 1-on-1 video chat to a Flash client over RTMP.

Unfortunately most tutorials I was able to find were sketchy at best and the documentation of Red5 itself tends to be vague when it comes to API concepts and intended usage.

In short, I am a bit stuck and looking for hints on Red5 ApplicationAdapter implementation. Gnarly details are as follows:

First of all, the connections come in two flavors: visitors and consultants. A visitor should be able to indicate which consultant it wishes to communicate with. A consultant simply gets connected to the requesting visitor as long as the consultant is not busy servicing another. Obviously, every RTMP connection has two-way traffic: both sending and receiving video. From the standpoint of the server, connections bring in a bunch of video streams that get their receiving endpoints assigned by request. Since several video conversations can be in progress simultaneously, the main task of the application is to handle the mapping of visitor streams to consultants and provide a list indicating each consultant's state (busy/available) via AMF.

So, all in all, I have a pretty good idea what I am aiming for but how to achieve it with Red5 is still a bit of a mystery.

What is the easiest way to establish the connection type (visitor/consultant)? Which API classes should be used to implement a persistent, globally accessible list of active connections for reporting the state of each consultant? How to switch receving endpoints dynamically when the goal is to connect a specific visitor to the selected consultant?

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Flex :: Develop A Video Chat Web Application In Java?

Apr 19, 2011

Currently we are in the design phase of an application that will allow two users to communicate with each other using chat and video (with audio), the application is a web application that currently is a java web app with Spring and hibernate, but we want to incorporate video and chat between two users and we are evaluating the options to developing it, so far we have two choices, either develop a Flex UI that leverages its video and chatting capabilities through Red5 or something like that and communicates with the Spring app using BlazeDS or a completely java based approach using (maybe) JMF and/or applets to achieve the video and chat interaction. The question is, which would be the most scalable approach to develop such an application?, what would be the approach that is the least intrusive from the end user perspective?

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Java :: How To Capture And Save Live Feed Of Flash Video

Mar 1, 2010

Is there a tool, any type of programming library, or a way to capture live feed of Flash video and save it? I don't want to capture the screen but rather like to capture the actual feed.

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Java :: Record Webcam Video To Local Filesystem From A Browser

Jun 28, 2010

What is the best (and simplest!) way to record video from a webcam to the local filesystem--all from a browser? Ideally the video would be recorded in HD and then we could use ffmpeg later to convert it into the formats and sizes needed.

Here are some things we've looked into:

Use Flash to stream to a local Red5 server. But we've had issues with video quality here. A Java applet using JMF (can we even write to the filesystem from an applet?). We've heard this might not be very efficient though. Can it handle HD?
Write a custom Firefox plugin. Would this be very difficult?

Basically the hardest thing here is that the controls need to be embeddable into a browser. All we need is a box where the webcam frame is displayed to the user, and then some Javascript hooks so we can code start/stop buttons within the HTML page.

The computer is fully controlled (it's a kiosk) and we can do just about anything to it. We just need a solution that runs in the browser. Our current app is run in Firefox in kiosk mode and the webcam recording is just a part.

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