Media Server :: Flash Video Streaming With "fall Forward" To HTML5 Video For Mobile Only
Jul 19, 2010
I'm looking to duplicate the video-embedding technique shown on [URL], whereby they show the flash video to all platforms where flash is available, and only show the HTML5 player on mobile devices. (specifically, iphone / ipad)
Is there a browser-sniffing framework, or some other method available to accomplish this?
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May 23, 2011
We recently purchased FMS4 and I'm in the midst of setting it up. However, not that it's a HUGE deal, but....
I see conflicting answers in the forums about whether or not it is possible to stream media in the HTML5 <video> tag (going back to early 2010).
Ideally, I'd like to stream (most of the time using flash), but for the specific browsers that support it, (chrome, ff, IE9, and select iOS devices) HTML5 video tags.
So, can FMS 4 do that?
<video id="something" controls="controls">
<source src="" type='video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"' />
If so, how? I gave it a shot using the above code (minus the "blah, blah, blah" ), and the video doesn't play - if all it is, is a syntax error, then please be so kind as to provide the correct syntax.
However, if it isn't possible unless you download something else, like the File Packager for HTTP Streaming or the Origin module for HTTP Dynamic Streaming..
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm working on implementing a fallback mechanism for the HTML5 video player. I've got a way to replace it with the swfobject Flash player, but how should I detect if any issues have developed?
In other words, if we use the following list of error events that can be thrown, which one should trigger the Flash player replacement? Or should we simply do a replacement if any error is thrown?
Also, where should the onError handler be called? I'm thinking on the video tag, but want to make sure.
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Sep 17, 2009
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Sep 6, 2011
I am trying to set up Adobe Media Server to stream to HTML5 pages too... It's working with Flash, with NetStream, but I need it with HTML5, to work in iPad/iPhone phones...
I get AmazonCloud and ordered Adobe Media Server, and there I found location to f4m file...
I replaced title with my stream name and I get output like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<manifest xmlns="">
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Dec 12, 2010
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Feb 16, 2011
Flash media server 3.5 to stream live video to a webpage with flex GUI embedded in it.For this I have used Adobe flash media server start screen .I could able to stream video correctly.I want to know how long it could be do like suppose I have to stream like this for 3 or 6 months
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Jun 21, 2011
I use Flash Media Server 4 and Flash Media Live Encoder 3.2 for a strem rtmp.
I set FMS url to rtmp:localhost/livepkgr and I set stream name to :livestream.m3u8
I started FMS and I'd want to play my stream in a HTML5 video tag.
I have not changed FMS4 parameter, and I'd want to insert the src attribute in video tag.
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May 19, 2010
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Jul 1, 2009
I am a professional video editor specializing in corporate video and occassionally TV commercials. We often post "review" videos in Flash format to our website for our clients to check progress, etc. These videos are usually around 3 minutes in length and occasionally reach 20 minutes Trt. We use Adobe Production Premium CS4 which includes Flash CS4. I usually export the videos at the included preset, "Web Large Widescreen". The playback is almost instantaneous on most DSL and T1 connections. I use the "Full Screen" option button and when the videos are viewed full screen, they look amazing.
Here is the issue: I have recently created a video for a client that contains text and is approx. 50 minutes in length. The video format is 4x3 and the client wants the transcoded Flash video to display at a 640x480 square pixel dimension. The video plays fine over most DSL connections. It chokes on T1. Question: Can streaming Flash video provide better quality and playability for longer duration Web videos? Could any of you direct me to a chart that compares streaming Flash with the "simulated" streaming typically exported from Premiere CS4's Media Encoder?
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Aug 7, 2010
We are deploying a media management system within a local network. FMS will be used to serve the media within the local network. Since we will only have max 100 users and we have a powerful dual 4 core xeon and the plan was to install IIS and FMS on the same machine. But now I read that there will be a conflict because the embedded Apache server that FMS installs will fight for port 80 with IIS.
So one possible solution: I've been reading in the Adobe docs that RTMP is far more efficient than tunneling through HTTP, so if we make sure all client machines allow RTMP (firewall exception) can we then change the configured Apache port and assume that Apache will never ever be used?
Heck in this case can we configure FMS and choose not to install Apache at all and be OK?
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Jun 18, 2010
The purpose is to support playing flv without requiring client side script like actionscript.
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Sep 15, 2009
I have a video player working just fine with one video, steaming and using dynamic stream switching on a flash media server.Now I want to have more videos.I want to start using SMIL files for the dynamic switching list for each video.If you do not know what a SMIL file is you probably can not help.
Anyway how do I point to a SMIl file instead of just listing the is how I do my list at the moment
var dsi:DynamicStreamItem = new DynamicStreamItem();dsi.addStream( "mp4:GeneralReel_512x375_BR300_CBR_A96_Prog_1KFPS.f4v", 300 );dsi.addStream( "mp4:GeneralReel_512x375_BR600_CBR_A96_Prog_1KFPS.f4v", 600 );dsi.addStream(
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Apr 29, 2011
I downloaded Flash Server and FMLE 3.2 to test live streaming to test HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) to IPhones and Ipads.
I watched Kevin Towes tutorial about this from the following link: [URL]
It looks like Kevin is accesing an .m3u8 file from the video src tag. I can't get the m3u8 file to output from FMS.
I can receive a f4m file, but no m3u8. Don't IPads & IPhones need the m3u8 file?
I am trying the out of the box configuration of the Flash Server that I found on an Adobe Tutorial [URL]
The FMLE settings are:
FMS URL: rtmp://localhost/livepkgr Stream: livestream%i?adbe-live-event=liveevent&adbe-http-streaming-ver=1.0
I can't seem to figure out how to make it work. It gives me a file not found error when I try to download the .m3u8 file from the following location... [URL]
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Dec 8, 2009
to generate thumbnails of the streaming video to control de contents of the video streaming. Could I do that in the server side?There is any setting to do that? Could I use the getOnMetadata method to catch a bitarray and then put in into a bitmap file?
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Jan 20, 2010
I,am using FMS 3.5 to stream video over internet.This video will be a part of a website . I have the webserver in my company. This webserver has the local LAN IP : which is binded with a public internet ip 212.77.xx.xx .This website is hosted using IIS 6.0 on OS windows 2003 server with SP2.I created a swf name sample.swf from sample.flv file and gave it the rtmp address as follows: the instance on the server, and is the LAN IP of server) ,and it worked fine and every one within the local company network could see the streaming video. Now i tried to replace this local address with the public address and the address became as follows: url...After giving this public IP in the rtmp address i,am getting a message "Failed to load Flv from the address url...and as as result the video is not streamed and it only shows the progress bar on the link url... without loading the video. I have also checked the ports 80,1935,1111 on the server and they are open. Is there any problem with my rtmp address with public IP or any other reason ??
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Mar 23, 2010
I've tested an exciting tutorial about streaming live video with Flash Media Server 3.5..every thing went good and i could see my webcam broadcast from my machine through my web site but unfortunately.I can't see it from any other machine.I'm using Microsoft windows XP SP2and flash media live encoder 3but my web server run UNIX is this a problem?
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Aug 23, 2010
I thought Flash could play a video without having it not fully loaded first. (even on a normal server)
My SWF is calling the video from the server (I mean the video is not embedded in the SWF but is on the server space) My problem is that the SWF seems to download the video in full before playing it.
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Dec 18, 2010
I'm going to broadcast a esports tournamet on our website. And I want to add my partner's logo onto the corner of the streaming video. How can I achieve this?
Also, how can I make the streaming flash player display an offline image when the streaming is offline?
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Mar 16, 2011
I am currently building a movie player which will play movie stored in the FMS with my PC as localhost(later on i will port it to my Android device).However,through the following code, I tried to just simply connect to the localhost to retrieve one of the video,but it keep popping out errors which I don't get it.
nc = new NetConnection();
ns = new NetStream(nc);
View 4 Replies
Nov 28, 2011
I am having a server[url]... in which there is an flv file in one of the folder (http:url...)and on this server only, FMS is also installed (http:url...). I want to stream the flv file by using the FMS server, so I want to know that whether this flv file can be streamed directly from the same location where it is presently now or I have to add the file in the application folder (vod) of FMS.which path to follow for video streaming using the FMS server.
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Jun 4, 2009
Before I buy the Flash Media Server, I would like to know that:
- Is it possible to crop the webcam video (because I need just one part of the whole picture) before streaming from the client's Flash Player to the Media Server? (it would reduce the bandwidth a lot)
- If not, can the player store some parts of video until it is fully streamed with all it's data (30 fps) to the Server? (e.g: client: low bandwidth, I need all frames that the webcam records, real-time doesn't matter if it takes 1 minutes for 20sec video, that would be ok.
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Mar 23, 2010
When using Flash Media Live Encoder 3 to dynamically stream live video, the subscribing to it is "jumpy", for lack of a better term. I have no issues with swapping between bitrate streams on pre-recorded video, but when I use live feeds one of the streams seems corrupted. I've tried various bitrate settings and different people experience the video differently, but about half the time, one of the streams is all tiling and stuttering.
Example: If publishing 3 streams (200kb/s, 600kb/s, and 1200kb/s) and the bandwidth drops, causing a downshift from 1200 to 600, after the transition the 600 is in this weird stuttering 1 second loop and persists to do this until the dynamic stream requests a switch to one of the other streams.I've tried reinstalling FMIS, FMLE and no matter what I do, there seems to be a 50/50 chance that a viewer will experience this. What's so weird to me, is I'll watch it in 2 separate player instances on the same machine and one of them gets the stuttering on the 600 stream and the other one doesn't.
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm using FMLE 3.1 to stream live video encoded with H.264 format with FMS 3 and Flash player 10 + AS 3 to connect to the stream. When I connect to the stream, just the audio is played. I'm able even to get the metadata information about the video, but I just receive the audio. I already tried some stuff like
1. "Flash 10 won't play live stream H.264 after iTunes install" [URL]. I tested it in a complete different environment than mine, but the same result.
2. I've tried some format to play method, but this is just to play files"mp4:saple.f4v");"mp4:sample");
3. Also read "How do you watch and record a live h.264" [URL], but I don't get even to play the stream at first place. This is the code I'm using
var video:Video = new Video(720, 480);
var ncVideo = new NetConnection();
this.ncVideo.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus);
[Code] .....
Another detail is that when I record the video to a file for instance "sample.f4v", I put this video in the FMS but when I connect to this stream I receive the "FileStructureInvalid" error message. I went from changing the extension to .flv [URL] to the solution to flatten the files [URL] but this is not the case because I'm using FMS to stream the recorded video.
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Aug 11, 2010
I am a Wedding/Events Photographer/VideographerOne of my client want his events be live streamed over internet, I am quiet new for this type of jobas to what Software / Hardware I have to purchase for Live Streaming of Video over Internet.. and how it will encode in realtime.?
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Nov 20, 2010
I have Flash media server, flash media live encoder, and flash cs5.I'm gonna be using flash media live encoder to stream my desktop and webcam to my website. My current host (host gator) doesn't have rtmp enabled on their web hosting plan, only on their dedicated and vps hosting. My question is do I need to switch hosts to one that has rtmp enabled so I can stream to my website for people to view?Also, can I embed this stream into another part of my site?
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Nov 24, 2010
Is there a way to start streaming video (.mp4, .avi, .mkv) which wasn't fully uploaded yet?
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Dec 18, 2010
I have successfully set up a media server and used media encoder to stream my desktop to the server. Then I used Flash CS5 to create a actionscript, adding the source url and published the swf, skin and html files. This swf/html can work locally with skin without problem.
Then I uploaded these 3 files to my apache server. After that I try embedding the streaming video into a forum post. I used the forum's BBcode [flash] to insert the swf file with full path into the post.Though the video can be played, but there is no skin.The forum also supports html code. What codes to I need to embed the video with functional skin?
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