Media Server :: Master Process Not Found, Or Multiple Masters?

Feb 11, 2011

The line: Master process not found, or multiple masters

appears in /var/log/messages of a Centos server running FMS 3.5 right around the time Flash videos stop working on a site we built. Oddly, nothing appears in /opt/adobe/fms /logs/ master.xx.log at the corresponding time*. Is there likely to be any more illuminating information somewhere on the server, to help us identify what caused Flash to stop working?

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Media Server :: FMSEdge.exe Runaway Process On 3.5.2 / Win2003 Server?

Jan 14, 2010

Default install of Flash Media Server 3.5.2 r654 on Windows 2003 Server Sp2. 16 GB of RAM. Just testing with the out of box Flash application, and simple 'hello world' rtmp streaming video app, we see several times a day at seemingly random intervals FMSEdge.exe will jump to 100% and peg the CPU and stay there. Until it is killed, the Flash applications are unresponsive until it is killed. As one would expect, this is a showstopper for any serious use -- Keep in mind this is an OOB install. There was a previous thread mentioning a similar issue (ie FMSEdge pegs cpu) coinciding with the virus scan, however no one responded to solve that issue.

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Media Server :: Optimal Application.xml Process Tag?

May 17, 2011

I am wondering what values should I put in the Process tag of Application.xml considering my application. I've done some studies but I am still unsure and would like some expert opinion To help you help me :  I have a video chat application that comes with a contact list, so think skype on the web.


I set a RollerOver because sometimes RTMFP crashes on my server, and by putting the RollOver it seems to help, by re-newing the core process. However when clients are connected before the rollover, then they will not see their friends going online after the rollover which sucks.

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Media Server :: Run Fmsedge Process Without Root Access?

Feb 19, 2010

1937396On Linux, the fmsedge process needed to run without root access.

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Media Server :: Buffering Process Bar Not Working With FMS Streaming?

Feb 10, 2012

I am developing a video player that is almost done, but there is a problem in Bufferbar

I am using a flvplayback for video playing when I use http path for video it show bufferbar working perfectly like below:
_flvPlayback.source = "";
If I use rtmp path from the fms the bufferbar does not work it shows already full like below:
_flvPlayback.source = "rtmp://";
In both case video playing perfectly. Only problem regarding buffering bar.

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Media Server :: Get Authentication Working Again Without Restarting Whole Fms Process?

Feb 23, 2012

I am sometimes (sporadically) facing the problem, that I cannot connect to FMS server with FMLE, using username and password.When I then restart FMS everything is working correct again. A customer discribed that he was not able to reconnect to the fms, as soon as he closed the FMLE without stopping encoding process?I am using the default authentication plug-in in FMS 3.5.6 on a 64-bit Debian.Everything else is working correct, only reconnecting with encoding-software (like FMLE) is not working.Is there any possibility to get the authentication working again, without restarting the whole fms process?

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Media Server :: Error #1014: Class Could Not Be Found

Dec 16, 2011

I am developing application for recording the video in mp4 format with h.264 codec and I am able to record video in mp4 format with h.264 codec, but when I am compiling the Swf by "CTRL+Enter" at that time I am facing error "VerifyError: Error #1014: Class could not be found" and when I am publishing Swf by "ALT+Shift+F12" then I am not facing any error,what step I need to do for removing the error.

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Media Server :: Failed To Wait For Process Condition: Errno(22)

Apr 21, 2009

I am experiencing some failures with FMS 3.5.1. Searched the logs and it appears the following error repeats itself more than 20 times per second in the admin logs: Failed to wait for process condition: errno(22).

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Media Server :: Client Returns Server Not Found:rtmp:// When Accessed From Another Pc?

Jun 29, 2010

i have a small LAN of about 8 computers all of which are running windows 7. I have installed FMS and XAMPP webserver on one of the machines. I want to stream live from one PC to all the other PCs on the LAN. I have a webpage with jwplayer embedded in it on my XAMPP webserver that is able to see the live stream when i start it locally. I mean the live stream works fine on the machine with the servers on it. But when i want to view the live stream from another machine in the LAN by accessing the webpage that has the jwpalyer from another machine, The jwplayer returns "server not found:rtmp://" error. I was thinking that maybe a firewall is blocking the 1935 port but i have turned off the firewall of every PC on the LAN. I have unistalled any antivirus program on all the PCs. But i still get the same error when i try to access the live stream from another PC on the LAN.When i run netstat -a -n|find ":1935" i get SYN_SENT and i think the request for the stream is sent but the conection is rejected.

This is the code for the webpage with jwplayer embedded in it. maybe it:
<html>head> <title>JW FLV Media Player</title>    <script type="text/JavaScript" src="swfobject.js"></script>


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Media Server :: Dynamic Streaming While In The Process Of Writing A Tutorial Not Working

Mar 15, 2010

I've been experimenting with Dynamic Streaming while in the process of writing a tutorial. The documentation is quite clear on a few points: The keyframe interval in the various encodings should be shortThe bufferlength should be at least 2x the keyframe intervalThe player should sense a bandwidth change, by default, within the 4-second sampling interval and call for a switch. Then, the switch could take as long as 2x the keyframe interval after that. What I'm finding is wildly different behavior than this. It takes anywhere from 10-15 seconds for the player to notice the change and call for a switch, then another 20-40 seconds for the switch to happen. When switching up to a higher bitrate stream, this just means the user gets low bitrate video for longer than they ought to. But when switching down due to falling bandwidth, the buffer runs out and the user stares at the rebuffering sign for a lengthy time - long enough to give up on watching the video, for sure.

I've encoded an H.264 MP4 file at 64, 384, and 768 kbps, at 30fps and an "every 60 frames" keyframe interval. I've streamed it rtmp via two different CDNs that use FMS 3.5, into two different Flash video players (JW Player and Flowplayer). I've restricted my bandwidth on Windows XP with Netlimiter 2.0; and on the Mac with 'ipfw'. I've set bufferlength between 4 and 10 seconds. I've tested switching up and switching down. For up, I start with a 200kbps bandwidth limit. The video starts OK with the correct stream, then at 5 seconds I open up the bandwidth to unrestricted. For testing down, I do the opposite: start at unrestricted and then at 00:05 restrict to 200kbps.

My test page, with both players and sample code is at [URL] n-flash-bitrate-switching/ I also have a couple of screen recordings there showing the behavior of the whole process, both switching up and switching down. I thought I've done everything right here - paid attention to every documented detail, but it works rather poorly. Can someone explain whether this is expected behavior, if the players have implemented dynamic switching poorly, or if I'm doing something wrong?

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Media Server :: Slow Stream Start Times / Or Server Not Found With FMIS Upgrade

May 7, 2010

I recently upgraded from FMS 2 - FMIS 3.5.Over our internal network videos stream like a dream!However, accessing them from outside our own network means that they take about 20 seconds to load, or sometimes just get a message saying the server isn't found.This wasn't a problem with the FMS2 and there have been no changes to firewall settings or anything like that since the old server was up and running without problems.I have the new server set to use exaclty the same ports, but wonder if there are some other settings which could be causing this?Networking isn't really my area of expertise, and I have no idea where to start looking to improve things.

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Media Server :: FMIS 3.5 Unable To Access Any Of Video Content / Getting Server Not Found Error

Jun 11, 2010

Some users are unable to access any of our video content, getting a Server Not Found error.We have our FMS configured to use ports 1935, 433, 80.  Our firewall is allowing RTMP traffic to each of these ports. Is there something more I can do from my end to make sure users can access our FMS?

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Media Server :: FMS Admin Console Won't Load - Server Not Found

Jul 18, 2011

Randomly on Sunday night the FMS Admin Console which you can access via [URL] stopped working, as in it would not load. It times out and Firefox says 'Server Not Found' It was working fine on Sunday morning and has been doing for a year now, I rebooted the server and that did nothing. I have no idea why it will not load as the server runs fine and I can still stream and everything.

View 20 Replies

Media Server :: Core Process Restart/re-cycle Have An Impact On Fso/flv Of Running Session?

Apr 21, 2010

I came across a very strange issue. There was a session in which no fso has been recorded. It was a session of around 110min with more then 10 users as per the logs. Flv have been recorded for the session and I can see the chat text file which has been written from server side script but no fso has been recorded for the whole session. While cross checking the logs access log and Master log i saw that the last message recorded on that particular session was around 14:47 and in master log i see following lines:

2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (i)2581223 Core (56012) is no longer active. -2010-04-18 14:52:56 52768 (w)2581256 Core (56012) _defaultRoot_:_defaultVHost_:::_0 experienced 1 failure[s]! 56012 is the core process on which this session was running. So is it somehow related? I mean no fso being recorded on server with core recycling? In access log these are the last 2 messages on this core:disconnect session 2010-04-18 14:52:20 Central Daylight Time 56012connect session 2010-04-18 14:52:46 Central Daylight Time 56012 FMS server version is:FMS is 3.0.2Windows server 2003.

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Media Server :: Large Volume Of Connections And Exceeding The Process Memory Limit Of OS?

Jun 7, 2011

It stands to reason that an OS would have a memory limit for the FMS  process.  I have a video chat app to which I may need to connect 300,000  or more concurrent users.  Has anyone done this?  Would this break the  bank?  What's the most you've ever had connected at once?
The video portion of my app goes through a good  CDN, so I don't think there's a problem there.  But my chat room is all  on one FMS instance. I see something in FMS docs in "configuring performance features" that warns, "Adobe recommends that you ensure that your total system memory usage does not exceed the process limit of your OS".  Granted it's in the context of configuring media cache, but  wouldn't the same apply to chat room size if the numbers get high  enough?

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Media Server :: OnTimeCoordInfo Not Found Error While Doing DVR?

May 4, 2011

While streaming the DVR i get the following error "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onTimeCoordInfo not found on dvrlive and there is no default value." here i have attached the code i did am i want to do anything more? i didnt use any server side code. DVR publishing script


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Media Server :: FMS 4.5 Installation (libcap Not Found)

Oct 10, 2011

I am trying to install FMS 4.5 on Fedora 15 x64 server. I have downloaded the fms 4.5 development server and extracted the files. Now, when I type the command:


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Media Server :: User Not Found Live Encoder 3 To 3.5

Jun 5, 2009

We are testing Flash Media Server 3.5 with Flash Media Live Encoder 3. Right now we have the problem, that we can not connect from FM Live Encoder 3 to FMS 3.5 running on the localhost (M:AdobeFlash Media Server 3.5Apache2.2). Both running as Standard Installation on the same System (OS: Windows XP SP2). The User is not found. So where do we have to setup the user, so that the connection is possible


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Media Server :: Error Message: Method Not Found(getStreamlength)?

Mar 1, 2010

ok, so I got the broadcast running as SE suggested, everything is running smooth local and live except for one thing.every 45 seconds or so, I the encoder displays an error while broadcasting. the broadcast however continues, so I went to the error log in application.00.log. and this is what was there:I'm assuming it has something to do with the length of the file, when I look in the folder that saves the broadcast, is dozens of files that have approx size 1 mb. As the broadcast goes, I see the file being created, and then when it reaches about 1 mb, a new one is born. it ?

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Media Server :: Nonameaegan - "The Requested URL / Hls-live Was Not Found On This Server"

Mar 20, 2012

Currently I am working on the Http Live streaming for the ios device. I am following the steps given by the link below, [URL]. Even though I'm following the steps given, I didn't get the Live Stream. I could not find the hls-live folder inside the application folder of the Fms 4.5. When I typed [URL] in the browser, it displays as "The requested URL / hls-live was not found on this server".

View 11 Replies

Media Server :: Sending Error Message: Method Not Found (FCSubscribe)?

Nov 26, 2011

Accepted a connection from IP:, referrer:", pageurl: "http:/ ream&type=liveSending error message: Method not found (FCSubscribe).

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Media Server :: 1046: Type Was Not Found Or Was Not A Compile Time Constraint: DynamicStream?

Apr 27, 2009

I'm trying to set up a dynamicstream for the first time but am getting these errors:1046: Type was not found or was not a compile time constraint: DynamicStream.1046: Type was not found or was not a compile time constraint: DynamicStreamItem.Do I need to import something in order to use the DynamicStream class?My script is:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/vod");
var ds:DynamicStream = new DynamicStream(nc);


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Media Server :: Error #1069: Property OnBWDone Not Found On

Jun 7, 2011

function Function() {}Error #2044: Unhandled AsyncErrorEvent:. text=Error #2095: was unable to invoke callback onBWDone. error=ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property onBWDone not found on and there is no default value.    at MinCam()


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Media Server :: Live Streaming - Sending Error Message: Method Not Found (getStreamLength)?

Nov 10, 2009

I got this error when i am trying to connect on rtmp:// Accepted a connection from IP:, referrer: , pageurl: Sending error message: Method not found (getStreamLength). I don't have any problems with vod but on live streaming is so hard for me to get it.My encoder is a Media live encoder 3 and the media server is media server 3.5.

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Media Server :: Adobe Flash Tried To Play A Live Or Recorded Stream That Does Not Exist. Source Can't Be Found?

Sep 5, 2011

I have started a stream from Flash media encoder to flash media server. According to my encoder, it should be located at: "rtmp://localhost/live" and is called livestream.In the Flash  software I try and set the source of FLVPlayback component to rtmp://localhost/live/livestream", and I get this error: "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound : Adobe Flash tried to play a live or recorded stream that does not exist. Source can't be found.". Both the server and encoder is runnind and I am encoding.

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Media Server :: Have Multiple FMS Installation Running On 1 Linux Server?

Jan 19, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple FMS installation running on 1 linux server?This mean that each fmsadmin, fmsmaster, fmsedge, fmscore will run under a specific user. (not vhosts of a single FMS install)How will this impact the performance of the other FMS instances in case there are more of them running on the same server?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use A 'master' Sound Instance ,that Can Play Multiple Times Simultaneously?

Jul 27, 2010

Imagine this scenario:The application is a Game, where the enemy characters can 'attack' the player, and each time they attack the 'Attack.mp3 file is played from the libraryNow my question is, if I have to create a new instance of the MP3 file in the memory, each time playing it, or can i use a 'master' Sound instance ,that I can play multiple times simultaneously.(similarly I can use one 'enemy.jpg' bitmapdata, that I can then copy to the screen with copyPixels, and only having it in the memory just once )IE if i have 50 'Enemy' characters running around the game

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Media Server :: Pre-buffering Multiple NetStreams?

May 21, 2009

I am running into some streaming bugs and am wondering if anyone else has come across them. Very grateful in advance for any help as I've been banging my head against this for a week now.
First of all, I'm finding that no matter what value I set for a NetStream's bufferTime property, the NetStream will not begin actually playing until the bufferLength property is over 2 seconds. This is not what Flash documentation says (that the default value of bufferLength is .1 seconds). Could this issue a function of the FMS configuration with my RTMP hosting account? Is it something I can resolve with my asc file?
Also: In my Actionscript 3 app, I need to pre-buffer a number of video streams so that any one of them can be triggered immediately later in the program. I do this by building an array of NetStreams (within a single NetConnection), then playing each of the streams I need to pre-buffer and immediately pausing each too. This is successfully causing them to buffer in the background, so that they're ready for immediate play when I need them. When I do this with just one NetStream, it works fine. But with more, the streams are behaving unpredictably. They are successfully buffering, but when I need to actually play them and I go to unpause them (Netstream.resume), the NetStreams are generally NOT playing back correctly. Their behavior is not consistent, and they mostly play with no video, or no audio OR video. The one exception is the FIRST NetStream that I started pre-buffering, which is the only one that's consistently playing back fine with its audio and video. Again, if I unpause any of the other NetStreams, they play back with just audio, or not at all.

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Media Server :: Create Multiple FMS Applications?

Aug 14, 2009

Another question re setting up FMS to do multiple vid conferences:I have 3 or 4 video feeds being generated from different locations, and those 3 or 4 video feeds are going to be consumed by others.  Can I do that through the same NetConnection/FMS application?  Or do I need to create multiple FMS applications (i.e. one for each feed)?  I currently have one feed on a NetConnection, but I'm looking to expand it.

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Media Server :: Stream From Multiple Folders In VOD

Oct 1, 2009

I want to create folders inside of VOD that I can use to store FLV in and them stream them to webpage.When I do this the webpage displays a white screen.It doesn't seem to find the FLV.

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