Media Server :: NetConnection.close() Not Closing The Connection?

Jul 7, 2011

I'm creating a very, very basic AIR application which mainly just needs to check if a given FMS is up and running. To do that, I'm simply connecting to the FMS and after a successful connection, disconnecting to free up the connection slots. All is repeated at some interval. This is like a monitoring tool.
However, looking into the admin panel (Influxis) I can see that the number of active connections is ever growing, even though I'm calling close() on the NetConnection instance every time.
Also, adding a timer to trace the netConnection.connected value outputs always "true", after the close() function has been called.
I'm not creating any NetStreams, nothing.

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Media Server :: RTMFP Connection - Change The NetConnection Url To The Remote FMS Server

Sep 27, 2010

I'm using the RTMFP protocol to publish and play video and audio, but i'm with a little problem. I installed the FMS 4 Development Server in a Windows Server machine located in our local network and it works perfectly. In order to deploy our application, we have a remote server with a fresh install of the Ubuntu 10.04 Server, and the FMS 4 installed in this server. In other server we have the Java and Flex application, which will be used in the client browser.

The problem is that when trying to change the NetConnection url to the remote FMS server, which is the Ubuntu server, the netconnection can't connect to it. When changing to the RTMP protocol it connects, but with the RTMFP don't. I can't find any information in the log files or anything else.

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Media Server :: FLVPlayback Component's NcMgr.netConnection Is Null When Connecting To My Flash Media Server?

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a Flash Media Server working with a little video playback application I wrote a few years ago that has suddenly stopped working.I'm using CS3/Actionscript 3.My app uses the FLVPlayback Component, and was working well last time I checked.  I recevied a report that the videos stopped working, and have been looking into it.I figured I'd add a bunch of event listeners to the FLVPlayback's ncMgr.netConnection so I could get debug info on things like io errors, net status, etc.The problem I'm running into is that the netConnection is null when I set it to anything on my Flash Media Server, and adding any event listeners to this netConnection throws errors.Here's what I've tried so far:

Playback of a local FLV file works fine.In the FLVPlayback documentation, I found an example and stole the URL of the stream they were using in the example, and that works fine, although it is an HTTP protocol stream rather than RTMP.Any attempt to access FLV files on my Media Server, which has worked fine in the past, basically cause the FLVPlayback object to sit and hang in "buffering" mode and never progresses beyond this point.The netConnection object in this case is null.Here's my code:[code]........

Again the purpose of this is to troubleshoot the video streaming from the Flash Media Server, and it seems like there is no netconnection to the server being created.Does this mean that the server is not working, or is there a problem with the way I'm trying to access the content on the server?This was all working fine before, and I have set up the server-side application .ASC files and such to allow things to work fine on the server end.

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Oct 21, 2010

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Jun 30, 2011

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Media Server :: Cannot Establish NetConnection - Raw TCP/IP Connectivity Has Been Established

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Media Server :: Multiple Or Single NetConnection Object Per Application?

Sep 22, 2009

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Aug 20, 2010

I've noticed that when I use in my client Actionscript it sends a POST request off to the server. I thought this was odd because requests for data are normally GET operations but I didn't worry about it because it doesn't impact my applicationow I have our sysadmin complaining about the amount of data I'm shifting over POST requests because POST requests aren't cached by the web servers (and we are working with the kind of traffic levels where that matters.) Is there anyway I can make call() use GET?The code  I'm using is all fairly standard, but here is the relevant snippit:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR, securityErrorHandler);


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Media Server :: Get More Info For NetConnection.Connect.Failed Error?

May 11, 2011

I have a single server that runs IIS and FMS, both on port 80.  The server has two internal IPs assigned to it, one for IIS and the other for FMS.  I also have two static public IPs.  My router maps one public IP to IIS' internal IP and likewise for FMS.
IIS works fine.  Using an online port scanner, I was able to determine that port 80 is responsive for both public IPs.  Before I had configured my Adapter.xml and fms.ini, only IIS' public IP was responsive.  This seems to indicate that FMS is fine.
However, when my ActionScript creates a NetConnection and calls connect(), my netStatus callback takes about half a minute to be invoked, and I get "NetConnection.Connect.Failed".  Which is not very informative.  Is there a way to get more info about the cause of the error? 

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Media Server :: Fms3.5 NetConnection.Connect.Rejected - See Video Through Rtmp?

Jun 9, 2010

today I install fms3.5 on my pc.

1)I can use rtmp://localhost/vod/mp4:sample2_1000kbps.f4v , it works ok. But when I use rtmp://, I got Netconnect.connection.rejected. is my fms server IP.

2)When I set fms use port 1935 and 80, rtmp:// works ok on other pc. But using wireshark(Wireshark is a network protocol analyzer for Unix and Windows.) I found , the flash player connect 1935 port at first, it send "connect",the server replay "connection.rejected" and "no scope "vod" on this server". Than it connect to 80 port, so I see the video is not send throw 1935 port with rtmp, but throw 80 port with rtmpt. Why? How can I see video throw rtmp?

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Media Server :: When One Client Closes Its Netconnection All The Other Clients Of The FMS Are Also Disconnected Automatically

Jan 1, 2011

I have a big issue with FMS 3.0 and specially with netconnections. Sometimes, when one client closes its netconnection, all the other clients of the FMS are also disconnected automatically. I am trying to find an explanation but nothing... It seems to be a bug as, most of the time everything works very well, but sometimes (not often) this strange behaviour happens. I don't know what to do and it's really annoying as it affects the reliability of my application.

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Media Server :: Make A Local Streaming (connection) To The Server,by Seting The FME?

Jul 21, 2011

I managed to make a local streaming (connection) to the server,by seting the FME at rtmp://localhost(or my IP)/live.But now i want to make a non local streaming.

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Feb 15, 2012

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Nov 5, 2011

I Need to Broadcast 20,000 to 40,000 Live Streams.! (Bitrate : 128Kbps / Viewers Per Stream Apprx-10 Server : Adobe FMS Server Amazon EC2 Instance - Bandwidth Apprx 100mbps)My Question is1. How Many Concurrent connections Possible for one Adobe FMS Server? (Amazon EC2 Instance)2. is this possible to use RTMFP for this process? (20,000 Connections Via Amazon Adobe FMS Server EC2 Instance )3. if Possible Over RTMFP then How Many Developer Keys Need for this Operation. (or) Pricing Details for the Developer Key. (or) Any Separate Key[s] Available For Amazon EC2 Instance?

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