Media Server :: Number Of Connections On A 100Mbit Port?

Sep 10, 2009

If I am streaming at 256kbps how many connections can I get on a 100MBit port? I confess tnat I don't know the math

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How is it possible to determine in advance the max number of simultaneous connection for my FMS?

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Media Server :: Set The Maximum Number Of Connections Of FMS On The Same IP?

Apr 10, 2012

How to set the maximum number of connections of FMS on the same IP?

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Media Server :: Set The Maximum Number Of Connections Of FMS On The Same IP In Multiple Instances?

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In multiple instances, limiting the maximum number of connections for the same IP?You give me the answer is to limit a single instance, whether there is a way to limit the number of users of the entire connected to the FMS?

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Media Server :: Installed FMS4 In A Different Port Number, But Its Not Working?

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Parden me if this question was asked earlier. While installing FMS i have entered the port numbers 1935,100  instead of normal 1935,80 as i already have wamp in my default port 80, but when i try to call the localhost url, both the port [URL]..

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Media Server :: Closes Connections And Rejects New Connections?

Feb 23, 2012

I have been running FMIS 3.5 for about 18 months, and recently it started acting up even though I have not made any changes.  After a while (sometimes days, sometimes hours), it starts rejecting new connections, but it allows existing connections to keep working.  If I refresh my app, then I can't reconnect.  The license I have is unlimited.  Can anyone shed some light into why this is doing this and what I can do to fix it?  Sometimes it happens when only a couple dozen people are online, and today it did it about 4 times with over 1500 people online.

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Media Server :: Flash Media Server But How Can Open Port 1935

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Media Server :: Only Allowing RTMPE Connections To An Edge Server

Jul 8, 2011

I have a setup where I have some edge servers (as in <Mode>remote</Mode>) that pull content from an origin server. I only want to allow RTMPE connections to the edge server. I'm trying to do this by using the <DisallowedProtocols> element on the origin server. I'm setting: <DisallowedProtocols>rtmp,rtmps,rtmpt</DisallowedProtocols>

in the relevant Vhost.xml on the origin server. However, when I do that, proxying through the edge server stops working. I get a "Connection attempt rejected by FMS server [ Server.Reject ] : Connection failed." from OSMFPlayer (which I'm using for testing) and these lines show up on the origin server's core.00.log file:


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Media Server :: Fmsmaster Using Admin Server Port

Dec 28, 2009

It seems after a while the admin server stops responding on our fms server.When logging into the linux machine, I can see that the fms admin process is not running, and the pid in is stale.When trying to restart the service with:"./fmsmgr adminserver restart" it fails to start the service with the following message in /var/log/messages:[code]How is it possible for fmsmaster to be using the admin server ports, and how would I prevent this in the future.

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Media Server :: Phantom Connections In Console?

Jun 29, 2010

The attached image shows 17 client connections.  Unfortunately there are not 17 clients connected to that app.  In fact, I add users to a userlist shared object in application.onConnect(), and that shared object only reports 6 connections.  That is the accurate number of connected users.
Why the phantom connections?  Even if I unload and reload the app, the 17 client connections return.
How can my userlist shared object and the client connection number be out of sync? This situation seems to be related in some way to an FMS memory problem that is cropping up all of a sudden.  When I have larger numbers of connected clients - say 300, the client connections reported in the FMS console are ten times that - like 3,000 or more.  Then the application is unloaded by FMS for being a memory hog.
The app itself is simple.  It just stores each user in a user array and passes chat communication to and from these users.  The last time this main.asc code was changed was 2/8/2010.  No problems with it in the countless times we've used it since then.  Why the sudden phantom FMS connections, memory hog behavior, and constant unloading of the app?

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Media Server :: FMS Connections Doesnt Disconnect

Aug 14, 2011

URL...I am running application instance that implements publisher/subscriber on video streams. Application code is very thin and can be removed completetly if required. In a specific time, randomly, disconnect messages stopped happening which causes the folowing:

1. Streaming service shows decrease of bw per second

2. Users count is increasing linearly.

3. No disconnect messages apears on access.0x.log

View 6 Replies

Media Server :: Sudden Drop In Connections?

Sep 7, 2011

I have FMS 4 and a videochat app (one-to-one), everything runs smoothly until about 750 users (it means about 1500 connections to fms), then I get a sudden drop in users connected to 300-400, no errors in the fms log and the cpu/memory usage is at about 25% just before this. I'm running Windows 2008 R2 Web (x64) and I've red somewhere that maybe this version of windows has some connection limit that could be the cause, but I've no idea of what could be happening.

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Media Server :: Disabling Port 80 On FMS?

Jul 1, 2010

I am new to the Flash Media Server and have a question on its use of ports. Now if a server has IIS and FMS and one wished only to stream flash (VOD). Could I edit the fms.ini file and remove port 80 from adaptor.hostport?
In my thinking I would stream over port 1935 and would lose the ability to progressive download over port 80.Now I do not ever want to use progressive downloading so no issue so far. In addition I can now run my IIS server on port 80 for my administartor console into FMS.  All my clients are internal and thus I do not need a stream on port 80.
Is my thinking sound or am I misssing something?

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Media Server :: Admin Console - No Connections Listed?

Mar 17, 2011

I have a FMS server running that I am hosting some VOD content on.  I am using HTTP dynamic streaming to deliver this content.  Everything runs fine from a technical standpoint, but I am unable to see the connection details in the Admin Console.  I have loaded vod -> defaultinst under the applications tab in the console.  No connection details populate.

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Media Server :: RTMFP Groups Vs Direct Connections?

Jun 4, 2011

I'd like to hear some opinions about using NetGroups VS. using direct p2p connections between everybody, considering there would either be 2,3 or 4 people max in the group.

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Media Server :: Change Port From 80 To 1935?

Oct 26, 2009

How do I change the port from 80 to 1935? I am using server 2008.

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Flash :: Forward Port 80 To Media Server And IIS?

Apr 7, 2011

FMS and IIS are set up with separate IPs on the same server. Both are configured for port 80 because others, including 1935, are often inaccessible from certain environments. Problem is, the server's behind a router. Port 80 can only be forwarded to either the IP of FMS or that of IIS. Even if the two were on separate machines, I'd still have to deal with this.

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Nov 23, 2009

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Media Server :: Netconnection.connect(), Which Port To Open

Sep 25, 2010

I have a swf running within a web browser and publishing audio stream to the server. If the client's computer has a firewall, should it be configured for outgoing etconnection.connect() request?

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Media Server :: Sending Data Between Clients Using Port 80?

Oct 15, 2010

Im need to send some data between 2 Flash clients. I have an issue whereby there is a probability that there could be firewall issues with communicating over port 1935 or 443 know you can use RTMPT to tunnel video over port 80 but im not sure about sending data objects.

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Media Server :: Using Port 81 Fallback For Apache Configuration

Dec 14, 2011

I need to upgrade FMS 4.5 for HDS/HLS streaming. I am using Server 2008 and I need to use IIS7 port 80 for legacy web sites. I would like to configure in fms.ini using ports 1935 and 81 and Apache requests to port 8134. Can I use this configuration? Do I need to open ports 81 and ports 8134 in the network? What is recommended in this case?

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Media Server :: Change The Default Port 80 For Fms4.5 Hls?

Dec 16, 2011

i have a iis need 80 port so how to change default port 80 in fms4.5

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Media Server :: FMS 3.0 Stops Accepting Connections After 1-3 Days, Restart Required?

Oct 7, 2009

We have a custom application that is running on FMS. Server is dedicated just for fms, there is only one application running on the server, with more instances, average traffic is 3-15 simultaneous users.The problem is,server suddenly stops accepting connections (after 1-3 days from restart), from this point it is impossible to connect to any instance, and fms server must be restarted.When the server crashes, the admin console can see all open instances, can close instances, can restart fms. There is nothing logged, that would explain this sudden failure.Second problem is, cores are connected and disconnected too often, causing client to reconnect (takes 2-5 seconds).

Hardware: 4 x quadcore Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E7440 @ 2.40GHz, 32 GB ram
OS: CentOS release 5.3 (Final), kernel: 2.6.18-128.4.1.el5
cpu and mem usage: 1-5% max[code]...........

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Media Server :: Live Webcam Video Becomes Choppy After 600 Connections Per Stream?

Dec 10, 2010

Server conf:

2 x Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           L5410  @ 2.33GHz
16Gb RAM
2 Gbit ethernet channel
OS - Linux CentOS 5.5 x86_64
FMS4 Interactive
Live stream parameters:

320Ñ…240 qua_=87 bw_=200000 kf_=5 fps_=18
So, after approximately 600 connections to one stream video becomes choppy (periodically freeze, slow motions). CPU-usage at this time is 100-120% (maximum is 800%, 100% per each core), network usage is 500 Mbit/sec.But second live stream(with few connections) at this server looks fine simultaneously with 600 connections at first stream.Experiments with recommendation in "Configuring performance features" documentation chapter(enabling/disabling  aggregate messages and configure the size of stream chunks) do not help.

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Media Server :: Call Total Current Connections/Users In Flex

Jan 9, 2011

I'm trying to find out how I can tell how many users are connected to the same FMS application in a flex application:
public function totalConnectedUsers():void{
lblText1.text = "There are a total of " + bindableUserVariable + " Users Connected to the Stream Now";

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Media Server :: RTMPT & RTMPS Only Allow A Certain Amount Of Connections From A Single Client?

May 20, 2011

I've been trying to figure out FMS for about a week now. Because of company firewalls, all traffic must go through either port 80 or 443 (I configured this in FMS.ini). I also created a self-signed SSL certificate and configured the adaptor.xml file to use it. Nevertheless, here are the problems I am experiencing: For RTMPT & RTMPTE, I can't start more than 9 connections. Beforing configuring FMS to also use port 443, I could only get about 4 connections. Now I would like to say that I testing this between only two computers, the FMS server with apache web server and a client.why it will not at least start 10 connections which I know is the limit for the dev version? Also, when using RTMPS I can only start 1 connection. Why is that?

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Media Server :: Admin Login Fails With Non-Standard Port?

Oct 28, 2010

I just installed FSMS 4 and could not log into the administration piece (the login s would fail) even though I was using the ID and password specified in the fms.ini file.

During the installation I had specified a different port for the administration port. I changed the port back to 1111 and I could log in with no problem.

Why is the admin login failing if I don't use 1111 as the admin port number ?

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Media Server :: Large Volume Of Connections And Exceeding The Process Memory Limit Of OS?

Jun 7, 2011

It stands to reason that an OS would have a memory limit for the FMS  process.  I have a video chat app to which I may need to connect 300,000  or more concurrent users.  Has anyone done this?  Would this break the  bank?  What's the most you've ever had connected at once?
The video portion of my app goes through a good  CDN, so I don't think there's a problem there.  But my chat room is all  on one FMS instance. I see something in FMS docs in "configuring performance features" that warns, "Adobe recommends that you ensure that your total system memory usage does not exceed the process limit of your OS".  Granted it's in the context of configuring media cache, but  wouldn't the same apply to chat room size if the numbers get high  enough?

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Media Server :: FLASH Video Conference Large Scale Over 100k Simultaneous Connections

Mar 1, 2010

I am involved in project managment for a large video conferncing project involving over 100k simultanous connection and most likely to be increased 4 times by next six months.While figuring out the scalability area ,it was concluded that smart selection of hardware and origin-edge clustering will be suited most. Well while studying this documentation says it supports thousands of calls but unfortunately I could not determine the actual numbers. Can you tell me how many edge server will be needed for 100k simultanous calls/number of sessions per edge server and will we need license (4500$) for each edge server?

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Media Server :: Number Of Connection Allowed In The Free Developer Ediiton Of Flash Media Server?

Mar 27, 2010

I would like to know the number of connection allowed in the free developer ediiton of Flash Media Server.

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