Media Server :: Live Streaming With DVR On 64-bit Linux Platform
Nov 9, 2011
I deployed FMS 4.0 enterprise edition on my 64-bit linux platform. in the applications folder of FMS, i create a "dvr" subfolder and at the same time create a dvr.asc. the code is as the following :
i expect the live stream will be recorded on the FMS server , but unfortunately nothing happened . But if i use my pc ( 32-bit windows xp platform) , everything works well. when i connect to my win_xp pc, the fms server automatically created a streams\_definst_myVideo.flv file under the dvr folder.
then the fms server on 64-bit linux cannot create the myVideo.flv file ?
We purchased Flash Media Streaming Server Interactive edition in order to have the security featuers of not allowing unauthorized connections streaming live content to the server. Is there a document with procedures that details how to make this happen, the allowedHTMLdomains.txt does not work when you place in IP ranges that you do not want connecting. I need some help just to figure out a way to keep someoen from connecting to the server and not streaming live content. Has anyone configured this in Linux because the documentation is mainly for Windows. Any help/advice would be great since this seems to be a common problem for anyone who runs Linux.
I have Flash Media Streaming Server 3.5 (not Interactive) running on RHEL5.5 x86_64 Linux.All is working well, however how do I prevent unauthorized access to connecting to the live stream and streaming content?How can I setup the server to require a user and password to stream live media to the server?I am new to this product and I have been reading some documentation but I have not found a clear cut answer on how to force a username and password to connect to the server to stream live content only.I am using the Adobe FMS Apache install, what files need changing?[code]I want to lock down a person from connecting to the server on the public internet and starting a live stream?Can this be done with a user name and password?
I'm running Flash Media Streaming Server and have only been serving VOD up until now. I had my network administrator open up port 1935 to the outside world during the setup process and now I can't remember if that was actually required for streaming VOD to clients. Most documentation I've read says that this port should be open, but I seem to recall reading something at one point that suggested it wasn't necessary.
I've just started messing around with publishing live streams using Flash Media Live Encoder to the Flash Media Streaming Server. I have that working without issue but was surprised to find that no authentication is required before a client running the live encoder can publish a stream to the Flash Media Streaming Server. An authentication module is available however it only works with Flash Media Interactive Server and Flash Media Development Server.
If I leave port 1935 open to the outside world, there would be nothing to stop anybody anywhere from streaming video via my server. Anyone else running a default install of Flash Media Streaming Server and with port 1935 open to the outside should see that this is true of their setup as well. I'm wondering if I can safely close port 1935 without limiting the functionality of the server or if there's some way I can require authentication prior to publishing a live stream even though I'm not on the four-and-a-half-times-more-expensive edition of the product.
We (the university I work for) want to add an IP camera to the top of a building (so it has to be IP, we can't put a machine up there, so USB is out of the question) to stream a live view of the quad. The problem is, I can't find a way to stream any IP Cameras through the flash live encoder. I tried a camera by Axis, but their capture driver only supported MJPEG which the live encoder does not.
I have a FMS 4.5 with (License) and is set up and running fine, now I want to stream Live to the IOS Devices but no luck. I have a web page for test purpose with the video src tags to: URL... and in the server I have a livestream.m3u8 pointing to the same URL..., Now the Encoder have the AAC plugin and all the presets like it shut but when I go to see it in my IPad 2 this is how it looks.
Finding faults in my reasoning, or expanding the discussion further. We are benchmarking FMS 3.5.x for live dynamic streaming and we have run across an issue. When throttling the client from a high bandwidth (1500kbps) to a low bandwidth (325kbps) via a bandwidth shaper (a physical firewall) it takes a very long (real-) time for the client to see the new stream-quality.
During the investigation of this issue we have narrowed this down to:
1. when transition is requested from client, the client-side buffer is 1/2 i.e. 4-5seconds. 2. if transition is request on a client with unlimited bandwidth, it takes about 6 seconds for the server to process, find an acceptable switching position and send a "transition.complete" event. 3. on the throttled client however, this event takes much longer.
is there a possibility of authentication FMLE users to the server on the FMSS? Or such a possibility exists only in the FMIS? Actually, somebody had to deal with this problem? Decide whether it?
I m a begginer with FMS. I have a licenced version of FMS and I want to stream a live video from the Localhost or another machine with camera. And then then I should broadcast it to many clients. I don't know how to begin
I'm finally getting the hang of the Dynamic Streaming of live video content via FMS 3.5.2 and FMLE, and to a lesser extent, the DVR functionality that has newly been made available.
Inquiring minds want to know... is it possible to add DVR functionality to live Dynamically Streamed video content? In other words, I want to be able to provide DVR capability to our live videos that are being streamed at 3 different bitrates.
Is that currently possible? Jodi, can you ask David Hassoun, who seems to be the leading authority at the moment, if this is possible, and if so, if there's a tutorial we can access?
I was pretty confused while stetting up a FMS and reading the docs. Live Streaming is by default enabled for everyone without password. Then I discovered and installed the authentication module. But this does not work and is not well documented. Also the download page states that it will work with FMS but some lines below it is stated that: "the Flash Media Server Authentication Add-In is only available for the Flash Media Interactive Server and the Flash Media Developer Server. This Add-In does not work with the Flash Media Streaming Server." hmmm. Confusing. How can I prevent that everyone is using my server for live streaming?
I've tested an exciting tutorial about streaming live video with Flash Media Server 3.5..every thing went good and i could see my webcam broadcast from my machine through my web site but unfortunately.I can't see it from any other machine.I'm using Microsoft windows XP SP2and flash media live encoder 3but my web server run UNIX is this a problem?
I'm hoping there's a simple answer to this. I'm attempting to stream a live event using FMLE and FMS. The first thing that throws me off is that I cannot push the stream to the server using RTMPE, only RTMP[T]. I assume this is because the the encryption is handled by the server and not the encoder. However, for the sake of security I would like to disable RTMP connections from the flash player to the server. Yet it would seem that if I incorporate the server side scripting described here [URL] (namely the changes to my main.asc file), that my server would reject an RTMP connection from FMLE? Is that correct? If so, where do I go from here? Can I broadcast a live stream using RTMPE only? Do I need a different encoder or something, or am I just missing a very simple point?
The article Live dynamic streaming with Flash Media Server 3.5 mentions two different bit rates for each video size type.But why? Are these bitrates related to different compression ratios? And if so, why exactly two?
We have a problem working with FMS 3.5 (installed on a IIS server). Configuration of the servers all based on IIS: webserver (authentification, xml data loaded by Flash app, data (on IIS) sended to and recieve from FMS). Seperate FMS 3.5 (latest update) server. Only running FMS (no other apps are running on this machine).
I have got success in making live streaming with telecast at different pc. The application which I have made has the features: I' am publishing live stream using the connection like: nc.connection("rtmp://"); publishing the stream like: ns.publish("mycamera","live"); now, on other pc I am running the file for telecast using the following code: making connection with server: nc.connection("rtmp://"); playing the live stream:"mycamera"); vid.attachNetStream(ns);
Now, that was for the live stream for publish and view. But I want little more than that.I want to record the live stream at the publish end simultaneously. I have tried the code at publish side like: nc.connection("rtmp://"); ns.publish("mycamera","live"); ns.publish("mycamera","record"); But it is giving me error: NetStream.Record.NoAccess when I am changing the connection point to tmp://", t is giving me the result but then effecting the live telecast.
I am in the market for a good (pro)camcorder to stream live university seminars. Currently I use a Canon Optura Xi with firewire output and use the miniDV tape for backup in case something interfers with the live stream. I want to get away from miniDV tape and find a video camera with SD/flash card recording. My dilemma, most new camcorders do not have firewire output for live recording. We do our live stream through the Adobe Media Encoder
I'm using FMLE 3.1 to stream live video encoded with H.264 format with FMS 3 and Flash player 10 + AS 3 to connect to the stream. When I connect to the stream, just the audio is played. I'm able even to get the metadata information about the video, but I just receive the audio. I already tried some stuff like
1. "Flash 10 won't play live stream H.264 after iTunes install" [URL]. I tested it in a complete different environment than mine, but the same result.
2. I've tried some format to play method, but this is just to play files"mp4:saple.f4v");"mp4:sample");
3. Also read "How do you watch and record a live h.264" [URL], but I don't get even to play the stream at first place. This is the code I'm using
import; var video:Video = new Video(720, 480); var ncVideo = new NetConnection(); this.ncVideo.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNetStatus); [Code] .....
Another detail is that when I record the video to a file for instance "sample.f4v", I put this video in the FMS but when I connect to this stream I receive the "FileStructureInvalid" error message. I went from changing the extension to .flv [URL] to the solution to flatten the files [URL] but this is not the case because I'm using FMS to stream the recorded video.
I am a Wedding/Events Photographer/VideographerOne of my client want his events be live streamed over internet, I am quiet new for this type of jobas to what Software / Hardware I have to purchase for Live Streaming of Video over Internet.. and how it will encode in realtime.?
We intend to develop a Flex client application the user to send audio from your microphone and mp3 at the same time to a server that Flash Media Server.It would be a mix of microphone and music in mp3 that is playing in the application at the same time transmitted to the listeners.What will be the version of Flash Media Server that enables this mixing of audio from microphone and music played on the client in flex?
I have Flash media server, flash media live encoder, and flash cs5.I'm gonna be using flash media live encoder to stream my desktop and webcam to my website. My current host (host gator) doesn't have rtmp enabled on their web hosting plan, only on their dedicated and vps hosting. My question is do I need to switch hosts to one that has rtmp enabled so I can stream to my website for people to view?Also, can I embed this stream into another part of my site?
I used video component for live stream .It is working well.but I need play and pause button on mouse over video in live streaming.I do not know how i do in mouse over in live streaming.flvplayback component have mouseover option in normal video streaming.Any possible way to use flvplayback component in livestreaming video?Any idea for mouse over pause and play button or any playback component(like flvplayback ).
I have setup allowedhtmldomains & allowedswfdomains. is this safe enough? i just noticed a unusual entry to my server. log Accepted a connection from IP:X.205.45.212, referrer: [URL] the problem is all these url is not valid , site name is ok but there is no such directory /user/world_cup/player.swf so how was this connection accepted? is there a way to crack these security on FMS. What other things i can do to secure my live stream?
I have some questions regarding 4.5 and deciding which version we must license (FMIS or FMS). Obviously there is a huge price difference and as this is within a local network we don't require encryption or multicast. Here is the scenerio we need to stream live DVR to mac, windows browser AND iPhone/iPad and devices running Android 2.2(Froyo)+. I need someone from Adobe to help us decide.
1. I see DVR is now listed as a feature in Flash media server page. Does that mean its no longer exclusive to Flash Media Interactive server. For both http streaming and RTMP? 2. Previously in order to stream live to Adobe dynamic streaming, Flash media interactive server was required because a live segmenter had to be used. Is this still the case? Or can we just launch adobe live media encoder (FLME) and stream to flash media server.3. Related to #2 can we switch between serving streams via RTMP or dynamic streaming without changing the format of the material on disk?4.I was at a webcast for 4.x and remember being told that the latency for http live dynamic streaming was 20 seconds because of the repackaging that had to take place. Is this still true? What is the latency for iOS playback from ingest to playback?5. For the iOS playback feature do the streams have to be in Adobe dynamic streaming format or can we just stream via FLME RTMP and trust it to do the right thing?6. Does the iOS playback support DVR?7. Does the Android plugin have good support for RTMP live streaming including DVR?
We have triple checked every possible component from a hardware level up to a software configuration level.Our platform consists of 2 origin servers with 6 edges talking to them (really beefy hardware).Once we inject a live stream into our two origins... we can successfully get the stream out via the edges and stream it successfully via our player.Once we hit around 2200 concurrent connections, the FMIS servers drops all the connections busy with streams.From the logs the only thing we can see is the following.Tons of disconnects with the Status code 103's which according to the online documentation means Client disconnected due to server shutdown (or application unloaded).We simulated the scenario with the FMS load simulator utility and we start seeing errors + all connections dropped around the 2200 mark.
The machines are Dell blades with dual CPU Xeons (quad cores) with around 50 gigs of ram per server... The edges are all on 10 Gb/s ethernet interfaces as well.We managed to generate a nice big fat coredump on the one origin and the only thing visible from inspecting the core dumps + logs is the following [code]From what it looks like above, FMS is hard crashing when trying to use clone(2) (basically it means when its trying to spawn a new/another process).I am really hoping there is someone out there who can guide us in the right direction with regards to how we can pinpoint why our platform cannot cope with a pathetic 2200 connections before the FMIS daemon drops all connected streams.