Navigation From 1.swf (scn.1) To 2.swf (scn.1) And Back
Apr 11, 2011
I just missed the Flash Q&A @ Facebook... didn't get an answer to my navigation question: I know how to go from 1.swf (scn.1) to 2.swf (scn.1) and back. (buttons) I don't know how from 1.swf (scn.1) to 2.swf (scn.1) then back to 1.swf (scn.3)
Actionscript 3.0 I've created 5 buttons that are set up to go to different frame labels on a timeline. They work fine individually (when going from one part of the movie to the new area where I have navigation, the first button clicked will work. Any of the 5. But when I try to go to another button in the navigation..nothing. Here's the AS. Am I missing something?
I have some dynamic text fields in a frame called ExerciseFrame (which contain different random numbers, texts, ... and other variables.) When I navigate to another frame called helpFrame and back to the exerciseFrame again, all variables and text fields and other random numbers,... are reset. I mean text fields which contained many data in them becomes empty! I do navigation by a button in exerciseFrame with a simple eventListener( gotoAndStop("helpFrame"); And in helpFrame another button with this code (gotoAndStop("exerciseFrame"); How can I keep the state the whole exerciseFrame unchanged when navigating away from it and back to it again? version: AS3 - Flash CS4
What is the easiest way (for Fash novice) to navigate back and forth between the slides of presentation made with Flash Slide Presentation feature. Each slide contains animation and plays well the first time but when if I want to back to a slide, it would only show the last frame of that slidI tried many things including making buttons for back and forth and managed to make buttons that fade when you pan over them (big accomplishment:) but can't get them to actually do stuff for me, like go forward and backward. I tried to assign to the button's frame "UP" thee following script but it doesn't work:
onKeyDown = function() { if (Key.getCode() == Key.LEFT) gotoAndPlay (_currentframe-1)
I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.Here's the code on frame 1:
i am using google maps and when i have put a button on the fourm to navigate home i am getting a error #1009 here my code hope someone can spot my error
I've got an interesting issue with the actionscript in my file. I've created a slide show with 27 labeled frames - they've been labeled "frame 1", "frame 2", "frame 3", etc... My issue is the first time everything works perfectly, if you hit next or previous. It goes to the correct frame. On the last frame if you click next it should take you back to "frame 1" and basically loop through all the frames again if you keep pressing next. The problem is it goes back to frame 1, and then next doesn't work on this frame. I don't understand what's going on considering the first time around - these frames work perfectly.
im using cairnform framework as3 and i have a single swf file, and i m searching a while for back button to go back a previous screen with all data's which r there previously.
I have a Flash website with 3 interfaces( 3 frames with movie clips inside). they have a button that goes to different loaded .html page(text). But once the back button is pushed on the web browser, it always goes back to the first frame instead of the actual last page, which might have been frame 2 or 3.
I have a project (see attached) where I need to have the folders seem like they are floating in space, and I need the best way to make it so when you click on a back folder, it slides off the screen and come back in front of all the folders.
Anyways I am using action script 3.0 and I created multiple layers using just one scene. I created a layer with lables on them to mark where I want my buttons to point to and go to. I have the stop (); on the first frame. And I made my buttons mostly interactive with movie symbols and tweens.My first scene I have 2 doors, the user can pick which door to go to and it takes them into a different path.I made the buttons that are clicked to go forward, and then I tried to make an invisible button on the button edge of the scene to go backwards However, the PROBLEM is when I click my button to go backwards I am stuck on the first page and can't move forward.
function gotoOne(evt:Event):void{ gotoAndStop("one")}backbutton1.addEventListener("click",gotoOne); function gotoFour(evt:Event):void{
I have a GUI using Flex. I have a condition like i need to execute some command line arguments in the local machine and get the results back or output back to a textbox area. How can i do a button on submit, execute command in the local machine and return the output?Command to execute example:
echo logfile.log | grep username
button1.onRelease = function () { // in this computer, it will now run a command, please wait. }
I am working on a having external swfs get loaded into the main swf one by one from an array.I can get the first one to load, but it just keeps on playing the first item in the array over and over, instead of loading the next movie. I have a container on my stage, cleverly named "container" and I am using AS2 and loadMovie.
I am guessing my conditon on my if statement is off, but I am not sure how to tell the onEnterFrame to check the currentframe of the loaded swf and not the container itself. I might be way off, but in my mind I feel like this mostly makes sense, but knowing Flash it is probably not nearly enough coding.I might also add this won't be running on the web, so I don't need to worry about preloading swfs since it will be running directly off a PC onto a screen in our office.Here is my code:
Code: var myClips:Array = ["movie1.swf", "movie2.swf", "movie3.swf", "white_logo.swf"]; var i:Number = 0; _root.container.onEnterFrame = function() {[code].....
I've got the standard scene 1 with three frames on it. the first frame has a movie clip with about a 70 frame timeline. the second frame has a movie clip with about a 20 frame timeline. the third frame is black with a stop action. i'm trying to make a leaderboard banner, and i need each clip to play one after the other.
right now, when ctrl+enter it plays nothing. i actually have to rewind it to have it play the first clip. then it just repeats the first clip and completely skips the second. in the first clip's timeline, I have a parent.gotoAndPlay(2); on the last frame.
I have some knowledge of Flash, but not enough obviously. Right now I've got the standard scene 1 with three frames on it. the first frame has a movie clip with about a 70 frame timeline. the second frame has a movie clip with about a 20 frame timeline. the third frame is black with a stop action. i'm trying to make a leaderboard banner, and i need each clip to play one after the other. right now, when ctrl+enter it plays nothing. i actually have to rewind it to have it play the first clip. then it just repeats the first clip and completely skips the second. in the first clip's timeline, I have a parent.gotoAndPlay(2); on the last frame.
1)have a pop-up menu when a button is touched, then ok to close but still in the same page as it is 2)invoke the popup menu by using samsung's "MENU keycode",then ok to return the same page as it is 3)having the user to swipe 5 images to view them, left image as 1st and 5th image as last image with smooth transitions 4)and also using the "BACK keycode" to go back to previous page
basically this code will work like a browser back button its very simple but "could end up very long" basically it will act "similiar to the browser back button"
on (release) { if(page1 = _currentframe){ _root.gotoAndStop("quiz"); } else if (page0 = _currentframe){
it works when the (page1 = _currentframe){ is rotated with the first if statement...because for somereason it seems to not recognise the "else if's"
Sometimes flash seems to execute two loops faster that one loop which contains all of the actions that the first two loops contain. Does flash cash processes so that repetitive processes are performed faster if they are performed back-to-back?
I�m trying to have two navigations in the same scene where i want both to load external swf�s but i�m having problems with the 2nd one.
I wrote this code in the first frame of my fla instead of writing it in the .as file. I don�t know if i�m doing well with this but i also tried to insert the same code in the .as but the same errors show up[code]...
I'm currently developing a full flash site. I've made the dropdown navigation menu with flash also. However, whenever I insert or import it into the webpage .fla, nothing works. When I preview the navigation menu swf file it works perfectly, ie, the mouseover effects, however I lose all actionscript coding when I bring it into my webpage .fla, what am I doing wrong?
how to change the focus of movieclips and buttons when I press the arrow keys of the keyboard. Its kind like the tab navigation but with de arrows keys, in the four direcctions. This flash app i'm developing has to be handled 100% with the keyboard.
I have just read the tutorial on hyperlinks in dynamic text boxes.Whis is very good but not quite what I need.I want to load in my navigation from external text file using SO's.So from a link in my text file I want to go to a named frame or load a new movie.I have managed to make a link work inporting it from the text file but do not know how to get links to work to other content. I really want to start a function from these text links within the SO.
Etiam nisi ligula, sodales non, pharetra eget, tempus ac, purus. Vivamus sagittis mollis risus. Proin dictum libero a elit. Curabitur feugiat, metus sit amet convallis imperdiet, est tortor volutpat nulla, eget mollis diam nisi vel lacus. In diam ligula, euismod eu, dapibus non, fermentum quis, urna. In consequat pede eget erat. Quisque luctus felis. Mauris dignissim. Fusce pulvinar, dolor sit amet porttitor egestas, quam massa tristique pede, nec porttitor diam odio in magna. Mauris congue mauris eu lectus. Duis eu felis ut ligula consectetur blandit.
I have a navigation bar made in flash that I placed on a dreamweaver document and I don't know how to make the links work with the flash. How can I tell the flash to go to the certain dreamweaver docs?
(as) function onLoad(){ var menu :Array = [ {label:"Home", url:"[URL]"}, {label:"News", url:"news.html"}, {label:"Sports", url:"sports.html"}, {label:"Features",url:"features.html"}, [Code] .....
I need to move my navigation to top left of the stage, and it is appearing at x:275 y:200...Can someone look at my flash navigation? I try to do it myself but it wont move the entire navigation just some part, do i have to do this manually or their is a easy way of doing this?
bit bricked up with this one I'm trying to take screenshots at every node in the navigation so that I can put it in the next node as an icon (as a sort of back button).I've created a package