Preloader Can Not Close After Main Site Has Loaded
Dec 11, 2010
I'm using the sample external preloader file supplied with CS5 as the basis for my customised pre-loader. It's working fine except that once the main site has loaded and is open, the preloader remains loaded in the background.[code]...
I have a full flash website which is broken down into:
- Main movie which contains navigation and interface components
- Several content movies which are loaded into the main movie on demand
- An intro movie which is around 3MB in size; its a full CG movie.
At the moment the main movie preloads and then the intro movie preloads afterwards in a sequence; like so:
Main Movie > Intro Movie > Content Loads
There is a skip intro option which will skip the intro movie step and jump right to the content load once the main movie has loaded.
My client wants me to do something which is proving very difficult and I am starting to wonder if its even possible as searches on the net have given results which don't really work properly.
Here is what I need to do:
When the main movie is requested, its preloader appears which it has a load bar and a "skip intro" button. The difference being, this preloader will be loading the main movie AND the preloader; which the load bar representing both movies load progress.
To complicate matters, if the skip intro button is pressed, the preloader needs to drop the intro movie from the equation and just account for the main movie & thus skip the intro; straight to the content.
The way I have tried to do it is to have a preloader code in the intro which sends the total size and bytesloaded back to the main movie which deals with those values, adding it onto its own size. This is proving cumbersome and although appeared to be working, isn't working propery.
So I make my site in flash, forget to add a preloader for the main timeline. I go back and add the extra frames to allow this but as soon as I add even just one more frame it make all my graphics go jaggy edged!?! See diagram below.
I'm in the middle of optimising a site, to which end I've constructed a preloader / welcome screen. My problem is that although the preloader apparently works (as in the bar moves and a numerical "percentage loaded" value is displayed), it only appears once the rest of the site is 80-90% loaded, i.e defeating its purpose.....?
this is my final bug then I can finally launch this bloody site. here's my problem, I am loading an external .swf, which contains a pre-loader. the preloader in the external .swf works fine when I test it online by itself (not being loaded via main.swf) But when I test the external.swf through the main.swf the preloader does not work. the external.swf just plays through like it does not recognize the stop in the first frame to initialize the preloader skipping it is my code:
I have this Preloader movie clip on one scene called "preloader" then i have content on the second scene called "main".The preloader works fine, its just that once it is loaded somehow it doesnt go to the "main" scene.This is the AS on the preloader MClip ::
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); total = _root.getBytesTotal();[code].....
I bought a template for my fiance's music band and also I bought I music player for Demo songs. I integrated it successfully into the website but unfortunately when I try to close the music player the only the site is closing, the music is going to continiue playing in background.
This is the site: soundsix. hu/ test --- menu point DEMO
I import a external SWF into a UILoader, the SWF contains a netStream that I need to close from a Main.swf event handler, slideShow_btn. Basically from Main.swf when/if slideShow_btn event happens I need to check and close the nsStream in videoplayer.swf Here are my event handlers in Main.swf
I am a rookie with this, I copied and pasted from a tutorial. the main page and directions pages work fine, but for some reason the others get stuck when the % reaches close to 100%.
I have a movie clip which, when closed, should send you to a specific frame on the main timeline... I have used frame labels on the main timeline... Here is a bit of my code so far:
I have a gallery where I'm loading jpgs that are in swfs...into my current scene. These are made into buttons. So I want to know how to close the loaded swf by clicking on it?
Can a loaded movie unload itself, I've tried but nothing positive. This is the thing, I have a section that I loaded, and I want a close button in that loaded movie, not in the actual main movie.
I am working with Flash MX Professional 2004 on a mac running Tiger. I am near to finishing a fully flash based website.I am fairly new to Flash so experiencing a wee problem with my Preloader. The preloader is an animation in a movieclip that I have placed at the start of each scene that contains only one of my portfolio photos which once downloaded fades in and fades out. The Preloader tested in an isolated test scene on its own works fine, it is placed in frame 1 with the following actionscript 2 and a stop action placed in an actions layer. The downloading photo fade in starts in frame 2. When the user closes the photo it unloads it from the level it is in ready for the user to choose another photo which will go in to the same level.
Yet when the same scene is played back on its own level within the main website FLA it does work as an animation. Rather it stalls, blank to start with then at 50% download it goes straight to the 100% loaded part of the Preloader animation and stays like that until the photo has fully downloaded. It does this at all bandwidth tests and also does this when tested live once uploaded to server. It should animate smoothly up until the photo downloads. Very frustrating problem. I notice that the first frame of the scene has an unusually large size for some reason as the preloader is only 10kb in reality yet shows as 60kb, may be there is something going on here or perhaps it just needs the script changing slightly?[code]
I don't know much about Flash so understanding how to implement a preloader for my entire site is just a bit beyond me. Basically, I just want a loading bar, "loading" text, and the percentage text (this should all be in AS3). I know that in Flash CS5, a preloader bar is included as one of the components. The only problem is that I don't know what to do with it (and it shows up as blue and white so not sure how to change the colour).
don't know much about Flash so understanding how to implement a preloader for my entire site is just a bit beyond me. Basically, I just want a loading bar, "loading" text, and the percentage text (this should all be in AS3). I know that in Flash CS5, a preloader bar is included as one of the components. The only problem is that I don't know what to do with it (and it shows up as blue and white so not sure how to change the colour)... the Adobe file for that component explains somewhat but the example it uses includes an MP3 and button component, both of which I don't need.
Adobe Flash CS3Action Script 1.0 & 2.0 Im just almost done with my site. Just put in a preloader in the 1st scene of my site, and this is the script I put in:
I'm trying to integrate a preloader into my site and I wanted some feedback on when/where to use it. I think my site will likely be around 3 megs and was going to just use one preloader at the beginning. I then thought about integrating it into each subsection, which will likely be around a meg a piece.
how to make a new preloader work in a flash template which has it own preloader.Im not talking about the preloader for the site, but for loading the external swf in between. The buttons/menu are loaded via xml. And when you click on a button, it loads a external swf and this is where the preloader works.
we have a website online the last few days, Everything works well but the only prob encountered so far is our main preloader (positioned on the 1st frame, once loaded it sends you to frame 3 where the rest of the code lies), the preloader itself only is visible when starting around 80/90%. I want to be able to see the preloader loading the site from 0%. Ive changed the settings of AS2 where i export the classes in frame 3. it helps a little bit but still the preloader starts now from around 60/70% and still not from 0%. A AS file is attached so you guys can have a look at the code behind the preloader.
I made a preloader that works perfectly to load one of my .swf's on my machine, but how do I make it work on a site? I'm mocking up a site currently just using local files.
My problems comes in when you have to open a different image album and have to eliminate all the previously loaded children in the movieclip. When i load a new album i used a code you posted here: AS3 How to remove previous loadersbut the problem is that sometimes the user leaves the album page before ALL the pics laod so when they click on a new album to open it a new image is placed somewhere else cause the loader has already been launched. I've tryd to close() the loader but it doesn't seem to work.Here you can see the working site to see what im talking abouy you have to click on an album, leave before all the pictures load and open up another one.
getImage(dataList[0].file) function getImage(href:String):void { var loader:Loader = new Loader();
This is the code i used in a gallery that loads images sequentally. My problems comes in when you have to open a different image album and have to eliminate all the previously loaded children in the movieclip. The problem is that sometimes the user leaves the album page before ALL the pics laod so when they click on a new album to open it a new image is placed somewhere else cause the loader has already been launched. I've tryd to close() the loader but it doesn't seem to work. Here you can see the working site (to see what im talking about you have to click on an album, leave before all the pictures load and open up another one.
getImage(dataList[0].file) function getImage(href:String):void { var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE, imageReady);
Here's the site... [URL] *Just type in "insight" as the password. After the site launches click your refresh button and the site sticks on the preloader. The loader is just checking to see if all bytes are loaded and there's a shared object that sent to a user's system that is also checked at start up.
I am trying make a preloader for a site I've bulit.I did this site via the displaylist the whole thing and I have every pages linked togther as actionscript files
How it is done, when you enter to site [URL]. Preloader loading the content of site and when you re-enter to site you see the preloader once again and preloader loading from 1 to 100 fast. What script cause this effect?
I have 2 mc, mc1 with script : onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!loaded && this._url != _root._url) { if (this.getBytesLoaded() == this.getBytesTotal()) { loaded = true; _root.mc2.gotoAndPlay("preloader"); }}}
And mc2 have preloader in 2 frames and then goes frame with label loadMovie("content") but its not working.
how to preload external swf's into my main site. I have tried all sorts of differents codes and ways to set it up, but nothing seems to work. I have a preloader I use to load the whole site, with this code
myProgressBarListener = new Object(); myProgressBarListener = function (eventObject) { myProgressBar._visible = false;[code].....
is there a way i can take this code and the preloader i have made and place it on one frame in my timeline and change the code a little bit to provide for my external swf to be loaded into a holder?If anyone has links to how to do this easily that would be awesome. I am having quite a headache trying to figure this out. I have a lot of photo galleries that i need to preload when the button is hit and you are directed to that frame in the movie, so people have something to look at while that photo series loads.
i am extreemly new to flash / website design ( i made my first site 6 months ago ) i am very interested in making a good looking flash site. I have made a simple flash site before using dynamic text loading it form .txt documents. too bad the site is realy lame and i want to make a better one. here is the url to my site here This came about throught the useage of tutorials on this site. i am using flash MX version 6 now i am in the process of making a new site for my profile which will be totaly flash, using flash movies getting imported into a main site under a certain is how it is set up.