Professional :: Centering And Scrolling For .swf Files In Browsers?

Jun 30, 2011

horizontally center my flash movie in browser windows. Worked swimmingly, but now realize there is no scroll functionality. I did find another code sample that allows for scrolling, but I could not make it work. Can anyone take a look at the following code and tell me what I need to do, or simply revise the code for scrolling? (Caveat: I'm a designer, not a developer, so I know nothing about HTML. Feel free to assume I'm an idiot;-) 


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Professional :: Flash CS4 Crash When Scrolling In FLA Files

Jun 28, 2010

Today one of our artists started experiencing a crash in Flash CS4 Professional when scrolling the workspace around in one of his .fla files. All he has to do is hold down the spacebar and scroll around with the mouse; or use the scrollbars to scroll around. It has crashed about 10 times in the last hour, and we copied the file over to another machine and saw the crash there as well. We've only seen it occur with one particular file.

The machines are both Intel Core i7 machines with 8GB of RAM and two different video cards, one running Windows 7 and the other running Vista; and the crashes cause the Adobe "let me report this crash to the mothership" dialog box, so I don't think it's video card driver related; I think it's just a bug in Flash Professional. We're running version 10.0.2 with no updates available to Flash Professional when choosing "Updates..." from menu.

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Browsers Not Picking Up New Files

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I have a flash container that calls other swf files and loads them and plays them one after the other.I upload/overwrite those files each month as new promos happen.the file names stay the same as they are defined in the container file.Im trying to find a way to add some kind of variable into the action script so it finds the file and adds the date in as well. This way when the browser looks at the files it will see new dates and then load the new file from the server as opposed to the local cache.Is there an elegant way to do this?Im using CS5, but it looks like the action scrip was written in an older version.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Centering External Swf Files According To Browser / Screen Resolution?

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// detects width of end users browser
var resX:int=flash.system.Capabilities.screenResolutionX;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Audio File Works On Mac Browsers But Not Windows Browsers

Jan 13, 2011

I inherited a flash website about a year ago.. not sure what version it was originally done in. I've made changes on the model last year using CS3 Flash Action script 2, but don't remember the flash version when published. The audio in question is the music that plays in the background when you get on the website:


When I changed the image of the model this last week using CS4, I published it as Flash8 actionscript 2... now, the music plays on Mac Safari and Mac Firefox, but not on the Windows versions of IE or Firefox..

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_root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);


then there's the stop() that's used when the music is toggled off..

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Professional :: SWF In FF And Chrome Browsers

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I have one problem with my swf file, I have created an swf for calculating speed. In the time of 12Sec. one person can move some distance with some x speed, an another person can move same distance with 2x speed, but finnaly two persons will reach the distance in same time that is 12Sec. I have created one timer for this, will show the time.If I run the swf the timer is working fine, I embeded this swf into html and I checked that html file using IE it is working fine, but if I check it in FF or Chrome the timer is running bit slow and it is effecting my functionality.


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Professional :: Different Browsers When Flash Is Published?

Feb 1, 2011

i am facing problem with internet explorer and google chrome, viewing my flash document. When i test my flash document on IE, it simply does not show my flash work at all. Instead this show up:
and on google chrome i have just click on screen for it to show otherwise nothing happens.

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Professional :: SWF Plays In Windows Browsers But Not In Mac Ones

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple swf file containing an m4v file along with default player controls. I want to add this to a Web page. I've successfully generated such a file, and using the HTML generated by the publish option, I've gotten it to play on IE, FF, Chrome, and Opera under Windows 7. When I try to open the same Web page from the same location on my Mac, however, I see the player controls with an green animation that indicates loading. The movie itself never loads. I've tried this under Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on Mac, all with the same result. I've also had friends try this on other Macs, with the same result. Is there some difference in how Windows and OS X deal with SWF files that I need to account for?

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Professional :: Centering Registration And Transformation Point?

Mar 15, 2010

This is giving me such a headache.I have a movie clip and it has a centered registration point but the transformation point is in the top left corner. I want both to be in the center of the MC. I want a little circle with cross-hairs in t in the middle of my MC, if at all possible without moving my MC. But I cannot get that damn cross-hair to budge from the top left corner! When I go into the info window and change the X-Y values of the transformation point, the whole MC just moves to a new position. The infuriating things is, I've done it before but I just can't seem to work out what I did. Please don't tell me to drag the registration point in free transform mode. I can do that, but I cannot drag the transformation point in the same way.

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Flash :: Professional - Centering Xml Gallery Picture

Sep 17, 2010

I have a website that I would like to make a little improvement. The website is functioning quite well except one little small thing. The xml gallery image is not centering. At the moment it is aligned to the top left corner. I would like to center all images no matter what size they are, but I don't know where to find the action script that centers the content in XML. Here is the website, so you can see what I am talking about: [URL] how to make a pop up window that you can see the image even larger and go up and down to see the details?

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Professional :: XML Don't Load On Some Internet Explorer Browsers

Apr 7, 2010

i have a site developed in AS3 and the link Portfolio load data from a XML file.
Some people that uses Windows XP 64 Bit with Internet Explorer 8 and Flash Player (and others IE with Flash Player version as mentioned) are reporting that the Portfolio Icons and informations are not show.
I have tested this behave with my browsers IE 8 (on Win XP 32), Chrome, FireFox, Safari and Opera and the problem dont occur to me, so i need some light to look for the problem, if it is in my Flash file.

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Professional :: Flash Working In Preview But Not In Any Browsers?

Jun 22, 2010

I've created a Flash animation and inserted the SWF file (created in Flash 8) into my Dreamweaver CS2 file. It all works fine in preview (both in Flash and Dreamweaver). But on any of the browsers the public file doesn't show the flash animation.
I have a transparent layer in Dreamweaver over the SWF file so that I could put hotspots which are working.
Here is the link to the website:[URL]
I've updated AC_RunActiveContent and downloaded a trial FlashCS5 but still no luck.

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Professional :: Varied Swf Speeds On Different Computers/browsers?

Jun 26, 2010

I've been testing my website's intro banner on a few different computers.
On my computer, in Safari and Firefox, it plays at the same speed as when I play it locally.
It runs fine on all machines I checked at work, but one.  On my slowish laptop, ran slowly there too. 
It's a pretty small file 87kb. Is it a cpu issue and not being able to process multiple animations at the same time?
Is there a way to remedy that or just don't worry about it? Is there some sort of standard when it comes to cpu/swf testing?
My concerned file is the middle banner at [URL]

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Jul 22, 2010

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Professional :: Flash Crashing In Multiple Browsers

Jul 30, 2010

Trying to solve flash video crashes in multiple browsers. Both IE8 and Chrome in Windows 7 Home Premium 64b were crashing with flash videos. Reading forums, Adobe Flash was to blame in that it has problems with IE8 64b etc. Well I made sure that the 32bit version was running and still had the same problem. Occasionally I noticed a message advising that the 8500 graphics card had recovered rom a crash. The graphics driver was uninstalled and then re-installed. Strangely both my browsers were no longer processing internet packets. I uninstalled Chrome and re-installed the latest version. IE8 and Chrome then operated normally AND no more flash video crashes.

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Professional :: Text Disappear In IE, But Visible In Other Browsers

Aug 12, 2010

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Professional :: Flash Site Not Working In Some Web Browsers?

Apr 15, 2011

Back in 1999, I taught myself how to use Flash (it was before Actionscript). I used it to make a funny website called Mirsk-T: [URL]..I also created some basic HTML on the site's front page to determine whether a visitor had Flash version 4 installed. If the person didn't, then the person would see a page with a link to Adobe's download site.
Now, it's 12 years later and I haven't used Flash since I created Mirsk-T in 1999. I also haven't done any HTML coding either. But I'm having problems getting Mirsk-T to work with certain browsers. The site works fine with Safari, Internet Explorer 6 and 7, and OmniWeb. However, when I access the site with Firefox or Chrome or Camino, I see the GIF image I created that appears when a visitor doesn't have Flash installed. And I know I have Flash installed on those browsers.
I therefore have no idea why the site isn't working with those browsers.
A few more details: The Mirsk-T site consists of two different pages. The opening page is at ( It consists of a Flash movie that is a song with animated lyrics. Once the song ends, visitors are taken to [URL]..The page with the song is what's not loading in Firefox, Camino and Chrome. If I directly put [URL]..into the browser bar of Firefox, Chrome and Camino, that part of the site works. So, there's something strange going on with the HTML in the page with the song. I'm guessing the HTML I had written back in 1999 for detecting Flash is not working anymore somehow.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has any idea why the front page (the Flash movie with the song) isn't working in some browsers. I don't know if I'm skilled enough to be able to change the HTML even if someone here knows what's wrong. But then maybe someone here could do me a favor and quickly fix the index.html file. I'm guessing it would only take a few minutes for someone who knows what he/she is doing.

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Professional :: Flash Fullscreen Working In All Browsers Except IE?

May 26, 2011

the following code not working in IE for fullscreen?

Here is my code
Flash file code: 
on(release){getURL("html/file name.html", "_blank"); }


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Professional :: Canceled Opening Page Error In All Browsers

Jun 7, 2011

I added a Flash animation to a web page, and instead of showing it, I get this Canceled opening the page error (that, or it just shows this big blank space) in all of the browsers I've tried (IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera). Adobe says Flash won't play in a 64-bit browser. I made sure I'm using Safari's 32-bit mode; it still won't play. I empty the cache, reset Safari, still nothing. I admit to not having loads of Flash experience, but this strikes me as odd.g

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Professional :: Centering Logo And Slogan In Middle Of Page Layout

Dec 16, 2011

I recently purchased a flash template and I have successfully replaced the information and logo with what I want, but my only issue is trying to center the logo and the slogan in the middle of the page layout. I've looked through the original flash files that came with it and tried everything I could think of. I am not having any success. I just need to center the logo and I am not getting it. I have provided a send space download link to the files also. [URL]

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Professional :: Does Adobe Have A Tech Support Contact For Flash On Browsers?

Sep 16, 2010

I am looking how to escalate to Adobe Tech Support but paying 29 bux an hour for some recruited college Grad that knows to little doesnt suit me.
Bought an HP Quad and it had Win7 home so poorly installed, configured, overloaded with junk, would not backup, when it did backup and create a repair disk they wouldnt restore.  HP's preloaded Win7 build both IE8 and Firefox were crashing with both BSOD and Browsers not responding and dying. Firefox never responds to anything, Microsoft indicates is an add on problem but I think it can be a flash issue although it occurs much more on Wiin7 (ANY Version) for 32 or 64 bit.  I have been screwing with this for a month screaming at Microsoft and Mozilla but its a waste of time.  
Microsoft forums are polluted for Win7 browser BSOD and Browser halting then crashing posts, there answer is disable add-ons.  I cant surf the net without add ons so that is a stupid reponse of finger pointing, giving appearance that Msoft, Adobe and Mozilla dont communicate.  No company will take ownership and drive the issue to find the root cause and where ever that cause is make them fix it, Msfot, Adobe of Firefox.   so what do ya do?
    The HP PC with horrible preload of win7 finally died and killed the build but Microsoft was equally useless in helping me repair that preloaded junk even though the OS is theres.    I BOUGHT real disks because HP couldnt support the mess - HP couldnt support chewing food let alone the mess they place on PC's with 90% asian parts with old drivers.   Eleven escaltions starting on DAY 1 of ownership of a Pavilion.  Hundreds of crash dump error reports sent to Firefox has still gone unresponsed, as they employ the 5th ammendment ,method of silence without support and Msoft remove all add on is laughable but proves HP. Firefox and MicroSoft wont assume responsibilty.  
This sucks as all three gloat and boast about a HIGH levels of support and awards won for support but it is all myth, and laughably a lie but I still want it repaired.   28 years in IT - retired I feel qualififed to make the observation.
I never attempted to contact Adobe but I get redirected after seeing the warning about 39 bucks an hour to answer a phone for a freeware add-on.
Does anyone know of have a escalation path to a real person at adobe or department beause tthis site redirects from the ASK Adobe Support link meaning I cant even mail a question to then,  Already a BAD sign but the driver is free, but they wrote, and millions are having issue so where is there support -  Why bother writing  the addon if people cant even ask a question.
So does any know if they support the flash add-on without charging?     a Glitch they might want to know about is flash shows in Win7 Event logs as version and I have logs showing that an addon report from the DEP (Data Execution Service) saw an add-on go to a non executalbe memory region whenthe only add-on I have is flash.
Google for IE8 Browser Crash 566,500, Win7 Browser crash 1,500,000,  Firefox crashing 587,000, Firefox flash crash 1,420,000, Adobe flash crash 1,820,000,   are 4,615,500 google posts found for one issue and I know there are more than that failing but Im sick of the whole thing so adobe is my last gasp.   Please respond if you have a fix or path to escalate to adobe.

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Professional :: Flash CS4 Can't Open .fla Files Or Lose Files/graphics?

Mar 20, 2010

I installed Flash CS4 Professional trial version for school use.  It wouldn't install successfully.  I deleted the font files the troubleshooting guide said to, tried again, but gave up. (I'm afraid to run regedit and mess up everything else I have loaded.)  (I previously had the Fireworks CS4 trial version loaded, then uninstalled it.)  My problem is this- I have it running, but it saves files and then they can't be opened, even if I use the save function often- it's worse when I create the file, test the movie and then save.If I try to open it again, it says "cannot open file."  Once it opened a copy I had saved, and it appeared blank, even though it was 544 kb file size.  I only need it for a few more days, one more assignment and I'm afraid my previous files are corrupt.  I have Windows Vista Home Edition.

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Professional :: Using SWF Files To Assemble Larger Flash Files

Mar 27, 2011

I am constructing a Flash animation and I was hoping to build it by scenes. These scenes would be individual SWF movies that I could import into my final Flash file in consequential order and when finished I would have a completed Flash Movie. There would be no interaction beyond Play/and replay. Where can I get information on how to construct this and is this a recomended way to do it?

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Professional :: Convert Flash Video Files To MOV Or AVI Files?

Nov 16, 2011

I've tried exporting a MOV file using Flash 8. I've tried converting to a MOV using ffmpegx. Neither have worked.

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Professional :: Adobe Flash Player "Movie Not Loaded" On Browsers?

Apr 20, 2011

On Browsers (Firefox, Chrome) Adobe Flash Player does not display and only shows a white empty space that, when right clicked, says "Movie not Loaded".

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