Professional :: Flash Site Not Working In Some Web Browsers?

Apr 15, 2011

Back in 1999, I taught myself how to use Flash (it was before Actionscript). I used it to make a funny website called Mirsk-T: [URL]..I also created some basic HTML on the site's front page to determine whether a visitor had Flash version 4 installed. If the person didn't, then the person would see a page with a link to Adobe's download site.
Now, it's 12 years later and I haven't used Flash since I created Mirsk-T in 1999. I also haven't done any HTML coding either. But I'm having problems getting Mirsk-T to work with certain browsers. The site works fine with Safari, Internet Explorer 6 and 7, and OmniWeb. However, when I access the site with Firefox or Chrome or Camino, I see the GIF image I created that appears when a visitor doesn't have Flash installed. And I know I have Flash installed on those browsers.
I therefore have no idea why the site isn't working with those browsers.
A few more details: The Mirsk-T site consists of two different pages. The opening page is at ( It consists of a Flash movie that is a song with animated lyrics. Once the song ends, visitors are taken to [URL]..The page with the song is what's not loading in Firefox, Camino and Chrome. If I directly put [URL]..into the browser bar of Firefox, Chrome and Camino, that part of the site works. So, there's something strange going on with the HTML in the page with the song. I'm guessing the HTML I had written back in 1999 for detecting Flash is not working anymore somehow.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has any idea why the front page (the Flash movie with the song) isn't working in some browsers. I don't know if I'm skilled enough to be able to change the HTML even if someone here knows what's wrong. But then maybe someone here could do me a favor and quickly fix the index.html file. I'm guessing it would only take a few minutes for someone who knows what he/she is doing.

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<div class="dinz-slider-film trigger-vid">
<object width="480" height="340" class="vid-flash" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="FlashID" style="visibility: visible;">
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_root.mySound = new Sound(_level0);


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Microsoft forums are polluted for Win7 browser BSOD and Browser halting then crashing posts, there answer is disable add-ons.  I cant surf the net without add ons so that is a stupid reponse of finger pointing, giving appearance that Msoft, Adobe and Mozilla dont communicate.  No company will take ownership and drive the issue to find the root cause and where ever that cause is make them fix it, Msfot, Adobe of Firefox.   so what do ya do?
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This sucks as all three gloat and boast about a HIGH levels of support and awards won for support but it is all myth, and laughably a lie but I still want it repaired.   28 years in IT - retired I feel qualififed to make the observation.
I never attempted to contact Adobe but I get redirected after seeing the warning about 39 bucks an hour to answer a phone for a freeware add-on.
Does anyone know of have a escalation path to a real person at adobe or department beause tthis site redirects from the ASK Adobe Support link meaning I cant even mail a question to then,  Already a BAD sign but the driver is free, but they wrote, and millions are having issue so where is there support -  Why bother writing  the addon if people cant even ask a question.
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function getMovie(movieName) {
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") != -1) {


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Flash Player Stopped Working On Web Site?

Aug 10, 2009

Flash player stopped working on web site Friday afternoon August 7th -
><object codebase=" rsion=6,0,29,0" height="105" width="803" align="left" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000">


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site Button Not Working From A Certain Frame.

Jul 11, 2009

I've got a nearly completed Flash site, but one of the buttons isn't working--sometimes.

It's hard to explain, so here's how you can see the problem. Run the .fla below, wait for the animation to stop, and click the "services" star. Two more stars appear: "design and production" and "editorial." If you click on "design and production" first, everything works fine. You can get to editorial and everywhere else. BUT if you click on "editorial" first (after clicking "services" but before clicking "design and production"), the "design and production" button doesn't work from there (the "editorial" label frames in the "inline_frame" movie clip).

I've got several Actions keyframes in the "inline_frame" movie clip--I don't know if that's kosher or not.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Site Button Not Working From A Certain Frame?

Nov 23, 2009

Run the .fla below, wait for the animation to stop, and click the "services" star. Two more stars appear: "design and production" and "editorial." If you click on "design and production" first, everything works fine. You can get to editorial and everywhere else. BUT if you click on "editorial" first (after clicking "services" but before clicking "design and production"), the "design and production" button doesn't work from there (the "editorial" label frames in the "inline_frame" movie clip).I've got several Actions keyframes in the "inline_frame" movie clip--I don't know if that's kosher or not.

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I produced a website a year ago now, and up until now it has been working fine. My client brought to my attention today that there are suddenly problems when viewing the site in chrome, IE and safari. You cannot get past the landing page as the 'enter' button is not there despit the graphics being in the right place.I have updated to flash player 10.1, and opened, published and uploaded the flash file in a newer version of flash to see whether that helped, but no go.

AS3 on 1st frame:

addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loaderFF);
function loaderFF(e:Event):void{


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Nov 13, 2011

I am working on a portfolio site to display images. I have 2 frames, the first contains a progress bar and this code:


The second frame has the content and different action script that is related to it.

My problem is that the whole site works fine in Flash when i "test movie" and "simulate download" but as soon as i "publish preview" in either flash or html the progress bar doesn't work, it just freezes on that frame.I am really new at this and have just pieced together the code i have from various tutorials on the net but this is really testing my patience. So frustrating because the site took me ages and it looks great in flash, just need to get past this little hitch.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Site Not Working In Google Chrome Or Safari

Jan 25, 2012

I had designed and setup a flash website for a client a while ago and just recently they emailed me saying their website doesn't work in Google Chrome or Safari. I have SWF Object 2 on the website and that doesn't seem to help. The flash component of the website doesn't show up at all yet works fine in IE and FF. What could be the issue here?

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Flash :: Full Screen Site Not Working On PC IE / Firefox Only (mac Works Fine)

Aug 6, 2009

My full screen flash site works oerfectly on Mac's (I have a mac). But on PC IE and Firefox the full screen flash site is cut off 1/4 of the way down the page (see screen shots in zip or test if you are on PC). live site [URL] The site uses a swf object (files included in the zip). I got this from a template on flashDen. my problem is that I only have my mac and can't test on PC IE / firefox. Not that I would know where to start. I think that the problem might be the swf object from [URL] but not sure? I need to sure my site to apply for jobs. But recruiters use PC and it is very embarrassing that they can only see 1/4 of the screen.

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Apr 20, 2011

On Browsers (Firefox, Chrome) Adobe Flash Player does not display and only shows a white empty space that, when right clicked, says "Movie not Loaded".

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Professional :: SWF In FF And Chrome Browsers

Jan 26, 2012

I have one problem with my swf file, I have created an swf for calculating speed. In the time of 12Sec. one person can move some distance with some x speed, an another person can move same distance with 2x speed, but finnaly two persons will reach the distance in same time that is 12Sec. I have created one timer for this, will show the time.If I run the swf the timer is working fine, I embeded this swf into html and I checked that html file using IE it is working fine, but if I check it in FF or Chrome the timer is running bit slow and it is effecting my functionality.


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Professional :: SWF Plays In Windows Browsers But Not In Mac Ones

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to create a simple swf file containing an m4v file along with default player controls. I want to add this to a Web page. I've successfully generated such a file, and using the HTML generated by the publish option, I've gotten it to play on IE, FF, Chrome, and Opera under Windows 7. When I try to open the same Web page from the same location on my Mac, however, I see the player controls with an green animation that indicates loading. The movie itself never loads. I've tried this under Safari, Chrome, and Firefox on Mac, all with the same result. I've also had friends try this on other Macs, with the same result. Is there some difference in how Windows and OS X deal with SWF files that I need to account for?

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Professional :: XML Don't Load On Some Internet Explorer Browsers

Apr 7, 2010

i have a site developed in AS3 and the link Portfolio load data from a XML file.
Some people that uses Windows XP 64 Bit with Internet Explorer 8 and Flash Player (and others IE with Flash Player version as mentioned) are reporting that the Portfolio Icons and informations are not show.
I have tested this behave with my browsers IE 8 (on Win XP 32), Chrome, FireFox, Safari and Opera and the problem dont occur to me, so i need some light to look for the problem, if it is in my Flash file.

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