Professional :: Flash Text Weird On Mac / Fine On PC?

Apr 7, 2011

Basically it's a font called Scene Pro and it's Open Type. I have a guy working on a Mac and the font does this on his computer.But it's completely fine on my PC. It's the same font.He has Font Book and we disabled all the fonts except Scene Pro - and still this happens. We need this guy to do more work in Flash but on a Mac he's kinda held back a bit with the text behaving like this. I end up Publishing the file from my computer. 

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Actionscript :: Flash Displaying Weird Text In A Dynamic Text Field?

Mar 2, 2011

I am working in Flash CS5 and I have placed a text field (dynamic, classic text) on the stage. I am accessing it through Actionscript on the same frame like this:

var ct:TextField = TextField(getChildByName("Temperature"));
ct.text = "Hello world";

What ACTUALLY appears is this: So... The H, Ls, and D are gone. Mysteriously. Without warning. I am sitting here utterly confused. Is this just me?

PS. The text field is set to Myriad Pro Bold, a font on my computer, so it isn't like it's a font problem.

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Professional :: Flash Activity Works Fine On PC And Laptop But Not On Net?

Aug 29, 2010

I've put together a little flash activity for my educational website, and although it works perfectly on my PC (I also zipped it up and passed it onto my laptop, where it also works perfectly), when I try to open it after uploading it to the website, all it shows is the background.
To download the ZIP file I passed onto my laptop: [URL]

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Jun 29, 2010

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Professional :: Flash Game Freezes On First Question Then Once Loaded Plays Fine?

Dec 9, 2011

I have built a flash game.  It seems to load fine.  I have a landing screen that clicks to the first question.  At the first question I can mouse across the answers, but it will not progress.  In addition the music does not play.  After a few minutes it does play and plays each time.  If I empty my cache file it does the same.

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Professional :: Sound Won't Play When SWF File Is Inserted In HTML Page--plays Fine In Flash Test Movie?

Dec 1, 2010

I have created a SWF file that plays/stops sound. The SWF file works great when previewed in Flash CS4, but does not work when inserted in the HTML file.Here are the 2 files that are automatically generated when I INSERT>MEDIA>SWF in Dreamweaver CS4:

Here is the ActionScript3 that I am using in the Flash file:


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Professional :: Can't Play Pogo's New Daily Hot Shots Game But Other Flash Games Play Fine?

Jan 22, 2011

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Professional :: UIScrollBar Works Fine On Pc But Not On Server?

Nov 22, 2010

I created a textfield on stage, set it as dynamic, put a UIScrollBar next to it , with component inspector I set scrollTargetName to the instance name of the textfield then I wrote these actions:
var externalReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("loremIpsum.txt");var externalLoad:URLLoader = new URLLoader();externalLoad.load(externalReq);externalLoad.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, textReady);function textReady(event:Event):void {    theText.text =;}
Ot works on pc just fine.  When I upload the swf and the text file to my godaddy linux hosting account the scroller doesn't work.example on server: [URL]the text you see displayed is only about a quarter of the file, I should be able to scroll through it.

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Flash :: Set Mc Size On Stage Yields Weird X , Y?

May 19, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Text Fields Worked Fine Under CS4?

Jan 3, 2012

So I picked up a project after some time of being away from it. The text fields worked fine under CS4, but under my new windows install and with CS5 the text fields turn blank when I try to change them. Everything else seems to work. I tried embedding the font with the embed button, but that didn't do anything.The text that it starts off with is there on the screen, but when I change it with something like: tEnemyPieces.text = "blah blah blah";the field turns blank.If I trace tEnemyPieces.text it will trace as "blah blah blah". But the text will not show on the screen.

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Professional :: The 'works Locally Fine, Not On Server' Deal?

Feb 5, 2010

There was always a flash movie on the homepage and it worked fine. A couple days ago I replaced the movie with a new one and added a .swf to the portfolio page as well. On the portfolio page, the movie is layered behind a series of transparent .pngs that link to their corresponding lightbox designations. The movie just plays, there isn't any interaction this way, atleast not in flash.

The problem: Everything works perfectly fine locally on all browsers and not at all on the server across all browsers. I have seen this problem before and read alot of posts about it.I know I have the proper scripts files. I've re-saved flash movies, changed their location within the site, published them with the appropriate settings, nothing seems to do the trick. Whats worse is that the lightbox doesn't even work online and it runs fine locally. Infact you cant even click on the .pngs and they aren't positioned the same with the css as they are viewed locally. I've overwritten the css with the up-to-date stylesheet many times as well

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Professional :: SWF File Plays Fine Locally, But Not Online?

May 3, 2010

I have a very rudimentary Flash movie that I have created. Link here to a copy of the SWF file on my company's website:The movie appears to work all right in IE, but not in Firefox or Google Chrome.Here are the details:It's a leaderboard ad, and like I said, it's pretty basic. I have a simple motion tween, and then an incredibly looooooong series of nested movie clips that create the effect of a counter (like a rapidly rising jackpot).I'm not really hip with the intricacies of ActionScript, so I couldn't code something more elegant. The "counter" is supposed to represent an increasing amount of money that not using our services might cost a company.

Ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands use a simple repeating movie clip. hundred thousands use one that is 10x as long, and so on. I had to stop at 1 millions, as the # of frames in between numbers was prohibitively long.i.e. there are 10 frames in between numbers for the hundred thousands place in the movie, 100 frames for millions, and 1,000 frames for millions.but, like I said, I'm a beginner at ActionScript.Thinking the problem might be due to the incredibly long movie clips, I removed the animations from some of the higher numbers from my movie, and this did not appear to affect whether it plays in Firefox or Chrome.

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Professional :: Alpha Tween Works Fine In Preview But Not In Swf ?

Jan 5, 2011

I have a few words written in static text mode which I have made a graphic symbol. On the timeline I have used both  motion tween and classic tween to create a aplha change from 0% to 100%.I made sure I have enoough space on my timeline (10 frames).The aplha tween works fine in preview mode however when I export the swf the aplha tween is no longer working? I have tried breaking the text,restarting flash,restarting my computer and similar suggestions from other blogs such as:

I was able to solve this by checking the box "Use runtime bitmap caching" under Blend in the properties panel for the MovieClip in question.I am currently using Flash CS5 on a imac.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Weird Yellow Stroke On Flash Buttons?

Dec 30, 2010

there is a yellow stroke appearing on my Flash buttons sometimes and i really have no idea why..anyone had this before? I didnt put there...and sometimes it appears on random buttons..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash CS3 Weird Error When Trying To Autoformat A File?

Feb 9, 2008

I get this error when I try to Auto format my script in an .as file inside flash CS3, though when I just check Syntax it says the script contains no errors. This is the error:

Code: ActionScript 2.0 class scripts may only define class or interface constructs. I just moved to CS3, and I use AS2 still, on flash 8 it didn't do that, so now I can't Auto format my .as files. I found out this question was asked on these forums and the answer was just not to use Auto format.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: After Reinstall, Weird Flash Does Not Seem To Compile Any Script?

Oct 18, 2010

First, the tab areas of the window panes in Flash go blank.See:[url].....I could understand if I was working on a slow PC. My system scores a WEI of 7.2. I'm running Win7 Pro 64-bit. It's very bizarre and distracting. I have to open and close the windows to make them look normal again.Secondly, and even more importantly, Flash does not seem to compile any actionscript! I created a new AS3 file. I tried a simple trace command, and it won't even output the trace.

ActionScript Code:

Why would it ignore everything in the AS pane? Even obvious errors ( import com.blah; ) don't cause problems.

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Professional :: Mac Projector Files Aren't Publishing After Months Of Working Fine?

Dec 15, 2009

I've published Mac projector files and .exe file from Flash CS4 for several months without issue. For the past week when I've published Mac projector files the .app icon appears on my desktop but when I try to play the file the dock opens but the file doesn't play. Any Mac projector files I published prior to this problem play fine.I've tried creating a new .fla file and have reinstalled Flash but I'm still having the problem. EXE files and SWF files play fine. Also, the Mac projector files publish at about half the file size they did before this problem, while the EXE and SWF files are the same size.

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Professional :: Animation Fails To Fully Play First Time - Second Attempt Fine

Jun 4, 2011

I made a simple 15 second animation. When I play it in the program (not published yet), it plays fine. When i publish it however (I have tried both flash published and HTML published), it plays about 3/4's of the way, and restarts. The second time through (and from then on), it plays fully, just fine. How do I stop this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Paramters Passed To Flash Movie Get Killed By Wmode (weird)?

Sep 23, 2009

I wasn't to sure where to post this exactly since I'm not sure if this is a actionscript or some other problem.Ok here it goes. The problem is this if in the embed in the HTML document I put in wmode="transparent" for the flash movie the parameter I am passing to the flash movie never gets passed ... I don't see how wmode can do such a thing but then again this is really my first time working with wmode in general.I tested it numerous times to make sure it really does come down to wmode and it does.Here is the code I currently have I hope there is someone out there that could explain to me why it's doing this.

<param name="movie" value="header.swf?playMovie=stop" />
<param name=quality value=high />
<embed src="header.swf?playMovie=stop"[code]........

Update: I have isolated the problem to a single browser which is Firefox. I've tested it with IE8, Safari and Chrome and they all work without any issues except for Firefox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Animated 3D Text Quality - Aliasing Doesn't Work Fine

Sep 29, 2009

i've a problem with a 3D animation of a dynamic textF (a textfiled nested in a MC). Everything goes fine, but the quality of the text, at the end of the animation, slow really down. It's like the AAliasing doesn't work fine (it's setted on "Antialising for animation", but if i use anyone else, the result doesn't change).

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Professional :: Motion Tween Works Fine In The Time Line But Does Not Work On Stage Preview?

Jun 7, 2010

I am new at flash CS4. (Upgraded to Flash CS 5 but this gives other problems in the meantime I continue with CS4)I have created  webpage. Within the web page I have created Motion Tween with Motion editor and once previewed, it works fine. Going back to the stage and previewing the result shows the initial position of the Motion tween but it doesn't move and behave the way it shoud. What's missing? Where am I going wrong?

View 9 Replies

Professional :: .flv Will Not Play Once Uploaded To Server But Plays Fine Before It Is Uploaded

Aug 6, 2010

I have a flash template that I bought and customized with dreamweaver, flash and Coda html editor, the website test PERFECTLY when I test the index.html file, all of the buttons work fine, I have a total of 12 .flv videos and they ALL play back fine, when I play the index.html file, the problem occurs when I upload the files to my godaddy server, 11 of the videos play fine, the whole site is fine, it is one particular .flv file that will not play once it is uploaded to the server. I have changed the orders the video play, renamed the file and changed the html flv path to reflect the name change, I have deleted all the files off my server, refreshed the server logged out and re logged on and uploaded everything again, I have re-encoded the original .mov file to a .flv file again using Adobe media encoder, still nothing, I am wondering why would the index.html play this particular .flv file fine, but once uploaded to the server it will not play, the path is correct I have checked it, if the path were the problem the index.html for that particular file would not play when I test the index.html file before I upload it, but it plays fine until it is uploaded, I am uploading the whole folder on the root, and this particular video file is in a folder with all the rest of the .flv files, I even tried changing the path and putting this particular .flv file in a seperate folder and change the path still nothing.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Weird "inaccessible" Error With Document Root Reference?

Apr 21, 2011

Alright, I am pulling my hair out on this one. Got this problem at around 9 last night and was up until 5 trying to fix it, and then all day so far (it's already about 9 PM again) trying to fix it. I've tried everything I can think of.Alright, so I'm trying to reference the document object from various classes in my class library. Everything seemed to be going peachy until I started getting this random, weird error. I thought maybe it was Flash acting up all of a sudden but I tried it on my Mac as well and I get the same error.Basically no matter WHAT I do, I am getting the error:

> 1195: Attempted access of inaccessible
> method getSessionHandler through a
> reference with static type pim:PClient


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Professional :: Animations Are Working Fine But The Audio Is Not Working?

Apr 23, 2010

I am creating a website that has links to flash animations. i have created a folder called flash in the root folder and copied the relevant .fla, .swf and the  .mp3 files into that folder. the animations are working fine but the audio all works fine in flash itself.

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Professional :: Exe Projector Running Slow While Swf Running Fine?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a strange problem. When I run an exe projector that I exported from flash cs5.5, and on few of my client's computers it running very slow in full screen.When I running an swf file (not exe projector), also in full screen, it running well!I checked my clients computer hardware, and it match the system requirements of flash player.

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CS3 FLASH Loads Fine But Not Online?

Jul 12, 2009

I am using CS3. I am having trouble viewing my FLASH content online. It loads fine in DW locally, but once on the server I have the following errors: Webpage error details


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Put Links Into These Weird Buttons?

Nov 18, 2009

ive got a flash template, but its really difficult to edit. heres the thing: there are 4 main categories buttons, and when i click each categorie, 3 options appears. for example


green, blue, red and yellow are already with button codes, for when i click it, it opens their 1, 2 and 3 option buttons, but these 1 2 and 3 for each color are not links, and when i try to add a code to them, ALL of them get the same link, like their instances from the same thing. and when i try to set a button to be instance of another thing, all of them change again.

its really difficult and i've tried everything. even creating another box for these 1,2and 3, but when i create a box on this section, another 2 boxes are created at its sides.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Images Does Not Load Properly In Flash 8 And Firefox - Works Fine In Flash 9 Or IE

Oct 25, 2006

Here's the site: [URL] From feedback I've gotten, it appears that under certain circumstances the first image in a set of images does not load properly, although I haven't seen it myself. I'm told this happens only in Firefox. And I believe only Flash player 8. Works fine with FF and Flash player 9, or IE with 8 or 9 I believe.

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Cannot Load Flash On Server But Locally Fine

Jul 11, 2009

I'm converting a several-years-old all-Flash site for a friend. I can activate the site in any browser if all the files are stored on my local drive but when I FTP the files to a server and try to launch, I get an error indicating either that the server has timed out or that the process is taking too long. I suspect the problem is in the index.html file which refers to some very old locations where the Flash Player is probably no longer obtainable, but I'm not sure.
[Code] .....

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