Professional :: Mac Projector Files Aren't Publishing After Months Of Working Fine?

Dec 15, 2009

I've published Mac projector files and .exe file from Flash CS4 for several months without issue. For the past week when I've published Mac projector files the .app icon appears on my desktop but when I try to play the file the dock opens but the file doesn't play. Any Mac projector files I published prior to this problem play fine.I've tried creating a new .fla file and have reinstalled Flash but I'm still having the problem. EXE files and SWF files play fine. Also, the Mac projector files publish at about half the file size they did before this problem, while the EXE and SWF files are the same size.

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Professional :: Publishing A Projector No Longer Works?

Feb 19, 2010

I've been developing a fairly simple presentation in CS4, AS3, OSX, which runs as a standalone projector.Everything was working for a while, but now for no apparent reason, any file I publish as a projector starts the Flash Player app, but the projector does not appear or play.Older versions that I had already published will play correctly, but if I re-publish them they do not work any more.

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Flash :: Professional - CS3 Mac / Win Projector Publishing - Using Older Version

Sep 30, 2010

How can I use an older version of Flash player when publishing to Man/Win Projector? The Properties says 'Player: 7' but when I publish to Mac/Win (.app/.exe) the file says it uses Flash player 9 (! One of our clients are having issues with a project published this way - on autoplay they get a white screen instead of the program screen and after they update Flash on their computer, the application (Projector) works. What's the issue?


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Professional :: Flash Lyrics Aren't Working

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to make a Flash lyrics with music following this tutorial: url...I know nothing about creating Flash animation but I have been following it to the letter. So, I start up Flash CS5, press F9 to get into AS3 command box. Then, I paste the code (lyrics.xml and mp3 is already prepared). However, I am getting compiler errors:[code]What do I have to do to make this work? Is there any easier tutorial for lyrics in Flash?

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Professional :: Animations Are Working Fine But The Audio Is Not Working?

Apr 23, 2010

I am creating a website that has links to flash animations. i have created a folder called flash in the root folder and copied the relevant .fla, .swf and the  .mp3 files into that folder. the animations are working fine but the audio all works fine in flash itself.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Camera Not Working In Projector Files?

Jan 31, 2011

I've written quite a bit of code around flash's webcam and just found out it doesn't work in the projector files (standalone .exe or .app files). I figure it's a security issue? The security panel asking for access to the webcam/microphone doesn't even show up.

All works fine with just the .swf file, except for full screen mode. This project will be in a museum, so it needs to run full screen, and use the webcam to scan in drawn images on paper.

how to get the webcam to work on a stand alone projector file? Or perhaps how to get the .swf to play full screen? I still need keyboard input to be available to take camera snapshots too btw

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Professional :: Exe Projector Running Slow While Swf Running Fine?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a strange problem. When I run an exe projector that I exported from flash cs5.5, and on few of my client's computers it running very slow in full screen.When I running an swf file (not exe projector), also in full screen, it running well!I checked my clients computer hardware, and it match the system requirements of flash player.

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Professional :: Error - IOS Publishing Requires Files Which Are Not Installed?

Sep 7, 2011

Some people reported this error when using Flash Builder, but I am using Flash Pro CS5.5 on a PC with Windows XP. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling Flash Pro and Flash Builder but it did not resolve my problem. I was able to publish the same FLA files about a month ago and did a successful test of my app on an iPad. I made a small change to the size of a slider. This error occured when I tried to republish.I don't know what files are missing but I'm guessing it is something to do with installing AIR for iOS. After reinstalling, my Flash CS5.5 folder includes an AIR2.6 subfolder but not AIR2.7

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Professional :: VideoEvent.COMPLETE Not Working For Android And IOS Publishing?

Jun 2, 2011

I have a project that I want to port to mobile platform on Android and iOS.The project uses a v.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, completePlay) handler to detect when video is finished playing and trigger the next action.
The project is running perfecty when publishing for Air or Flash Player 9 and above.However when just changing the target player for publishing to Air for Android or iOS the following error occours:Access of possibly undefined property COMPLETE through a reference with static type Class.

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.exe Projector File For PC Works Fine But Extracted .hqx For Mac Won't Open When On CD

Sep 9, 2009

I'm using Flash MX, AS 2, Projector 6, working on a PC. I saved two versions of my project -- one .exe for Windows and one .hqx for Mac. The .exe works fine when burned onto a CD. When opening the .hqx from a CD on a Mac, I got a message that the file is on a locked volume. I discovered that the reason for this is that an .hqx is essentially a zipped file which has to be extracted, and when a file is extracted, the unzipped files are written onto the same location as the original. When the original files are on a CD, Stuffit (Mac's zip extractor program) can't write onto that location. [So if anyone at Adobe looks at these forum posts, let me say that I think its absolutely ridiculous that the Mac version of Flash's projector files have to be extracted in order to be viewed!]

To get around this problem, I saved the .hqx on my PC, put it on a portable hard drive and brought it over to a Mac (because Stuffit for PC converts it into an .exe for PC), and unzipped it. When I'd test it on the portable hard drive or on a USB drive, the extracted file would work. When I'd bring it back over to the PC and burn a CD with both versions on it, and then test that CD on the Mac, it wouldn't work.

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Professional :: Flash Has Started To Publish Files But Can't View It

Nov 30, 2009

I have Mac Pro OSX 10.58 - CS 4 Creative Suite.I have been using Flash to produce projector files totally fine for months. However, today when I publish a Mac projector file I have come across a problem. Flash publishes a .app projector file OK, but, when I open it, it appears in the dock as if it were open but I don't see anything.
Any projector files I produced prior to today still play fine. But any projector files I have created today have the previously mentioned problem. I have tried creating a totally new FLA and publishing from that incase it was the FLA I was publishing from was to blame - same problem.
I have reinstalled Flash, but the error persists.Today I also installed new software. I installed the Developer tools because I wanted to use PackageMaker. I also installed Xray. I have removed Xray incase that was at fault - but the problem still persists.

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Flash :: Working Fine In Local System ... Not Working In The Live Site

Nov 5, 2009

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Flash Working Fine In Local System / Not Working In Live Site

Dec 14, 2009

I have a flash project, its working fine in local system and checked this file with uploading in someother websites, its working fine there too, but the same file is not working in live here is the link of the site, its showing blank page, the flash contents are not loading.URL...and here the same file which i have uploaded it in other server its working fine.URL...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Events Aren't Working?

Jan 6, 2006

I'm using Flash Pro 8 and I'm attempting to incorporate events into some of my classes and I'm having nothing but problems. After looking at lots of examples, this all seems okay, but doesn't work. First is the class code and secondly is the code on the timeline.

ActionScript Code:
class iaicu.mycampus.ClassSchedule {[code].....

Keep in mind that these classes are more elaborate, so events are intended to be more useful.

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Flash :: 3D Transforms On Loaded SWFs Aren't Working

Dec 12, 2011

Our creative team produces SWF animations in the Flash CS5 authoring tool that we (the engineers) load at runtime into a project built using the Flex SDK. Animations that don't use the "3D rotation tool" work just fine.

Animations that use the 3D rotation tool give the following behavior:

MovieClips that have 3D tweens applied using the 3D rotation tool show up in the top-left corner of the stage as if they had no transform at all (i.e. as if their Matrix3D was being ignored, and their Matrix was identity) MovieClips that have normal 2D tweens animate properly Alpha and other non-affine properties tween properly

Both 3D and non-3D animations play fine when loaded by themselves in a browser tab or the standalone flash player. 3D is only broken when loaded into our code generated SWF.

So it seems that for MovieClips with 3D transformations applied in the CS5 authoring environment, those transformations aren't being applied / respected when the SWF is loaded by our code SWF.

This is my first foray into 3D, so I'm not sure what could be causing this, but here's what I've tested / checked / tried, all to no avail:

I've ensured that actionscript 3 and Flash Player 10 / 10.1 is selected in the authoring environment. I've tried loading animations into code SWFs built using Flex 4.1, 4.5, and 4.6 at Flash player versions 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, and 11 I've applied Matrix3D to the containers that load the SWF animations, both identity and rotated. I can see the rotated containers do work with 3D in perspective, so I know that my code SWF is 3D capable.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Aren't Width & Height Tweens Working

Dec 13, 2009

An object has been attached. The object is then tweened starting from a large number and going to a small number. Except my tweens aren't working. From the trace statements, my objects are shown to end up being to x=-20.55 and y=-107373766.65.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Variables From Flash File Aren't Working?

Oct 11, 2010

Here's the actionscript.

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest()/employee_slideshow_datalayer1.txt");
//request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Functions Aren't Working - How To Make It Work

Jun 25, 2009

I have one function that for some reason, isn't calling the next function. I've been looking over this code all day and I feel like it's probably going to be something really small and stupid but I jsut really need help at this point. The function that isn't working is showUsers().

This is my code:

import fl.controls.*;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import fl.managers.StyleManager;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stage.align Parameters Aren't Working?

Oct 10, 2009

im using this code:

Stage.align = "BR";
var stageListener: Object = new Object();
stageListener.onResize = positionContent;

[Code].... fix the position of my MC, but the parameter "BR" (and all others) aren't effecting. My mc always shows up in the bottom right corner.

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IDE :: CS4 Loads Fine On Its Own, But Crashes When Opening Files?

Oct 30, 2011

I've had Flash CS4 (a legally purchased single-user licence) since the day it came out and used it practically every day without any major problems. Today I opened it up to carry on with some work, and it crashed. I had a whole host of other stuff that was open and updating at the same time, so I waited until that was done, then I tried again. It crashed. So I rebooted, and tried again. It crashed. Slightly panicked, I uninstalled Flash CS4, rebooted, re-installed it, and tried again. It crashed. Panic giving way to anger, I googled the issue, and this time uninstalled, with 'Remove user preferences' checked, went through my Windows system and manually deleted any associated files in my Application Data folder, rebooted, reinstalled, rebooted, and tried again. It crashed.

I have now just downloaded the Adobe CS4 Cleanup utility and run it, but after twenty minutes hanging at the 'Removing all session folders' screen and no processor activity I could see, I quit the program. I'm tempted to try reinstalling again (obviously) but I'm pretty sure I know what's going to happen.Just so it's clear, here are a list of the variables involved:Registered single-user licence of Flash CS4, running without issue since 2008Windows XP SP3The Flash IDE opens fine on its own, but crashes when it tries to open ANY Flash fileI have CS4 installed on my laptop, and that can open the same files fineAny

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Professional :: Instances On Flash CS4 Stage But Aren't Visable?

May 1, 2009

Last night I was working on my flash file and I must have changed some setting that has caused all of my buttons, movie clips and graphics to disappear from my Flash CS4 stage. Instead, it shows each instance's actionscript registration on the screen with a small circle. The instances are still there and show up when exported, but I can't see them while I'm editing the file. The static text and basic grapics are fine. Does anyone have an idea what setting might be causing this? I've tried multiple .fla files and had the same problem with all of them.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader Not Working Although It Loads Fine

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to make a preloader, althought it loads just fine the preloader bar wont move, better: the filesize against the loaded bytes does not let it move.
Code [URL].

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Professional :: SWC Files Stop Working In Large Project

Aug 17, 2010

My company is working on a casual game which is entirely made in Flash. To speed up development/compile time we split some of it up into SWC files, for example dialog controls, cutscenes, particle effects are all controlled via SWC files. This was working great up until a few days ago, we have been working on this project for about 8 months with no major problems. However, now all of a sudden, when we compile the game, none of the SWC files work. The game compiles and runs ok, but nothing from the SWC files are working.

The strange thing is that if we remove one of the SWC files from the folder (the game reads all the SWC files from one folder) then the game will work. Even if you remove a SWC which isnt immediately used by the game it will still work. It's almost as if there is some limit to how many SWC files you can have loaded. (There are only 10 SWC files in the folder we are loading from).

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Professional :: Working With Linked Video Files In Flash CS5?

Feb 15, 2011

However one problem I have encountered is the only way I can make the buttons appear after the video is finished, is by dragging out the single frame of video on the timeline to whatever length in seconds it is multiplied by the number of frames per second.

Is there some way to maintain each linked clip in a single frame and only move to the next frame (which contains the relative buttons) after the video is finished?

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IDE :: Flash CS3 Files Crash When Publishing To CS4

May 8, 2009

I have decompiled CS3 fla's and I am trying to publish them as CS4 files. I have Flash CS4 installed on my computer. Some of my files will publish but not all of them will. It is getting rather frustrating trying to publish these files while all I have changed is the text. Although as you must know, the text is now a graphic(from the Flash Decompiler), so I am now trying to publish the new file and it crashes. It does save as an fla but will not before a swf.

I know the message boards keep saying to uninstall Flash CS4 and re-install CS3 but this is not an option for me.

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Flash8 :: Buttons Not Working In Browser But Fine When Tested?

May 1, 2009

Ok so here is the problem:

Using MacOSX 10.4 Tiger
Flash Professional 8
Firefox, IE, Safari

I created a flash movie. All of the pictures fade in and out perfect. There is a button on each of the pictures and these buttons take you to the picture�s respective page. When I test the movie the buttons work fine. When I export the movie as (.swf) and try it again the buttons work. I am hosting it on a GoDaddy domain that has been purchased and am referencing it on another site that I own. When I embed it onto my website, the movie plays fine but the buttons are not functional. Here are the things that I have tried to rectify the problem:

- Tried exporting and publishing to Flash Player 7 and 6 DID NOT WORK
- Instead of:
on (release) {
getURL(http:// . . ._self)

I created a new layer and gave the button an instance name and used it as an action layer:

MyButton.onRelease = function() {
getURL(www . . . ., _self)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: URLLoader Not Working In Any Browsers But Fine In The Flash IDE

Oct 14, 2009

I have a problem that seems very strange. A flash script is using URLLoader to update some records and send back a message. In the flash IDE there is no problem. However, when I upload to the server, or viewing the swf file locally in any browser, the browser just hangs and does not show anything. I have also added a IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR handler which does not give me any information. The URLloader is communicating with a php script. I have found out that it works with a .txt file. Is the anything that needs to be included in the php script?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: PHP Mail Not Working In Browser But Fine In Flash

Jan 10, 2007

It seems that when I test my PHP mail in flash it works perfectly fine, but when I export it and try it in a browser it doesn't. Whats the deal, is it server-side?

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IDE :: Flash CS3 Not Publishing Changes To External .as Class Files

Jun 16, 2009

I use flash CS3 on Mac OSX and I'm creating several AS2 projects with .as class files. Everything code-wise is working perfectly. The problem comes when I make a change to a particular class file, save the file, and the republish the fla. The changes are almost never reflected in the published swf. The only thing I've discovered to work around this problem and actually get my changes published is to publish to a different flash player version, and then republish back to the version I really want. Somehow that seems to actually get flash to load the most recent version.

It seems like this might be some sort of flash caching problem, but I have no idea how to tell it to always check for the newest version of the file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Not Working In Safari , Works Fine In Firefox?

Feb 21, 2010

my site is comprised of several images loaded dynamically and added to the display list. i declare a bunch of loaders on the first frame, and add a preloader progress listener to the largest image to have one preloader for all the assets. I then added a COMPLETE listener to the same image, and add that image, along with all the others in the onComplete function. i have two issue. the preloader doesnt work in Safari. but works fine in Firefox? and i'm totally stumped on what it could be? another compatibility issue that seems to be arising is that one of the galleries of my site which corresponds to the "drawn" link. also does not seem to be working in Safari, but works in Firefox. its a fairly simple xml based image gallery, which loads thumbs on to the stage, and then loads a larger version of each, when the corresponding thumbnail is clicked. the other galleries of the site work fine in safari, and are basically the same code wise.heres my code for the loading and preloader in the first frame

import caurina.transitions.*;


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