Flash :: Professional - CS3 Mac / Win Projector Publishing - Using Older Version
Sep 30, 2010
How can I use an older version of Flash player when publishing to Man/Win Projector? The Properties says 'Player: 7' but when I publish to Mac/Win (.app/.exe) the file says it uses Flash player 9 (! One of our clients are having issues with a project published this way - on autoplay they get a white screen instead of the program screen and after they update Flash on their computer, the application (Projector) works. What's the issue?
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I have what is the viersion right before it? ..and the link to download it .?Ive been on this site day and night trying to find it and i have downloaded a bunch crap wasting time energy and bandwith. This has to be the worst, most unorganized website ive ever been to .Not surprising considering the quality of flash and their other product. no wonder steve jobs wants nothing to do with these morons. I have come close to throwing my computer out the window cuz of these fools.
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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Dec 15, 2009
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Jun 14, 2006
In order to meet the largest penetration of users with a flash player downloaded onto their machines, I have been tasked to Publish with Version 6 settings. However, I am creating my movies in Flash 8.
Are there any known draw backs to publishing with Version settings later than the Flash you are building in?
I.E. Component failure? Visual Quality? AS 1.0 v AS 2.0?
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May 22, 2010
i m using adobe flash cs3 with AS3 . I have updated my flash player in version 10 and it's activeX. But while I gonna publishing it , I do not get option of version Flash Version 10 in Flash Tab of File>Publish Settings. How, can I have option of Flash Player 10 ?
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I use different versions of FMS (3.0 3.5 4.0 to 4.5) to muti-point publishing?Use existing old ones for most streams, and use 4.5 for iOS apps.
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Aug 30, 2010
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Feb 25, 2011
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Jan 26, 2010
Ever since I`ve changed to flash cs4, every windows projector publish I make takes a really long time to open and play an animation.I`ts just very slow. When I created stuff on flash cs3, I had no problems running published projects.
Can anyone help me here? It`s just that I searched for a lot of forum questions just like mine on other web sites and none could . Since your the developers os this product I would like to see what you`ve got to say about this.
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Jan 30, 2010
I seem to be having a problem with the TransitionManager effects in Flash Projector flash.[code]Where mediaViewer (a movieclip on the timeline) is a TileList component that I extended and...when visible = true Will do a Zoom in transition. The problem is that while the above code works fine in a SWF file it doesn't in the EXE file. The component is not shown nor is there any transition taking place. If I remove the Transition effect it works as expected.
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Sep 4, 2010
I would like to know if it is possible to view a PDF document WITHIN an offline Flash Projector.exe? Just like when you have the ability to access the Acrobat toolbar within a web browser.
I have 45 PDF booklets that I can already open from a Flash Projector into Acrobat Reader for printing, but I would prefer not to leave the Flash Projector at all.
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Sep 21, 2010
a client asked me to incorporate a flash version check in a flash application i made for him.it should read something like: "you have flash player 10.x.x.x.x.x.x.x the current version is 10.1.x.x.x.x.x.x"the user veriosn is easy to get with Capabilities.versionbut is there an url on adobe's site to get the string of the current downloadable version from?
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