Flash :: 3D Transforms On Loaded SWFs Aren't Working
Dec 12, 2011
Our creative team produces SWF animations in the Flash CS5 authoring tool that we (the engineers) load at runtime into a project built using the Flex SDK. Animations that don't use the "3D rotation tool" work just fine.
Animations that use the 3D rotation tool give the following behavior:
MovieClips that have 3D tweens applied using the 3D rotation tool show up in the top-left corner of the stage as if they had no transform at all (i.e. as if their Matrix3D was being ignored, and their Matrix was identity) MovieClips that have normal 2D tweens animate properly Alpha and other non-affine properties tween properly
Both 3D and non-3D animations play fine when loaded by themselves in a browser tab or the standalone flash player. 3D is only broken when loaded into our code generated SWF.
So it seems that for MovieClips with 3D transformations applied in the CS5 authoring environment, those transformations aren't being applied / respected when the SWF is loaded by our code SWF.
This is my first foray into 3D, so I'm not sure what could be causing this, but here's what I've tested / checked / tried, all to no avail:
I've ensured that actionscript 3 and Flash Player 10 / 10.1 is selected in the authoring environment. I've tried loading animations into code SWFs built using Flex 4.1, 4.5, and 4.6 at Flash player versions 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, and 11 I've applied Matrix3D to the containers that load the SWF animations, both identity and rotated. I can see the rotated containers do work with 3D in perspective, so I know that my code SWF is 3D capable.
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package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
I also get the correct values when I read the values from the stage timeline.
trace ("TEST "+testMC.rotationX+" "+testMC.rotationY); //returns correct value
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Aug 7, 2010
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Oct 26, 2003
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View 5 Replies
Aug 24, 2010
I have an AS3 Flash 10 app that uses the mouse to dynamically update the perspective center of the the Flash stage using the Flash's native 3D. An issue exists when I dynamically load in an external SWF into a container that exists as a 3D movieclip (this is done by simply setting the z axis of the container to 1). When the dynamically loaded SWF is loaded the buttons in that SWF stop working. If I go back to the host program (the program loading in the swf) and 'remove transform' on the container where the dynamic SWF to reside. The dynamically loaded SWF works as expected. Have you ever heard of this issue? Do you know of any solution or workaround to this while keeping the SWF external?
FYI... there are actually a few pixels on the stage that DO in fact trigger the action of the button but the location of this trigger is completely unrelated to the visual location of the button itself. This reaction to the dynamically loaded native 3D element seems very unusual.
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Aug 6, 2004
External swfs not working properly
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Aug 6, 2004
External swfs not working properly
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May 5, 2009
I've made a simple portfolio web site which loads a swf file containing the navigation at the top and then the navigation loads individual swf files containing full page images.The problem is the full page images are distorting very slightly when they are loaded in. I've attached two images, the first image (picture2.png) is how looks when I just open the image's swf file, and the second image (picture3.png) is how it looks after its loaded in by the navigation.
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Sep 29, 2008
how to unload the swfs in as3 once you click a button to load a new one.
My file works great, with the exception of the videos playing over each other. slight bummer.
I have five buttons that each pull an external swf that is controlled by an xml file. If there were not sound it would not be an issue, but the sound overlaps if you click to the next link before the first video finishes playing.
I uploaded all the files here, including two test flv files. the files were too big to upload to the kirupa forum.
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Nov 22, 2009
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Files details:
test1.swf: It has the animation
test2.swf: It has the 2 buttons
test3.swf: It is the main file, in which I m loading the 2 files i.e. test1.swf and test2.swf
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