I've made a simple portfolio web site which loads a swf file containing the navigation at the top and then the navigation loads individual swf files containing full page images.The problem is the full page images are distorting very slightly when they are loaded in. I've attached two images, the first image (picture2.png) is how looks when I just open the image's swf file, and the second image (picture3.png) is how it looks after its loaded in by the navigation.
I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main timeline.eg. start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf
Flash - 8 : Above is an example of what I would like to do/have done. I've gotten as far as loading the "loaded.swf" into the "start.swf" but my problem is I'd love to use that little loading action I made earlier without copying and pasting into the new movie the same actions for a different link. So, how do I load "loaded2.swf" into "loaded.swf" via the link in "loaded.swf"?
I have a "photo" gallery that loads numerous SWFs through xml, one by one on click. All works fine. All my SWF work fine stand alone. But when I load them into the player, many swf dont work properly.in example, I have textinput textfields in many of the swfs, which work fine on their own but not when loaded into the player. Then I have a word search game that works fine when alone, not when in player. I can see there is something as my mouse cursor changes into the "button finger", but nothing visual.
All drag and drop assigments work fine etc. I have no idea whats up. I have receantly switched to as3 and in as2 there was _lockroot declaration that solved similar problems, but now in as3 (where it supposedly should be automatic) it doesnt work. As it seems that it cannot recognise it own stage value, or selection_focus when loadedinside another swf through xml.Using cs4, as3.
Okay, I know this is a stupid question but, if you bring in a jpg or png image and either convert it to a graphic or a movie clip, or just leave it as an image, is there a way to distort the image other than scaling, rotating and skewing it. For example, I want to change the perspective of an image the way I do in photoshop.Let's say the image is a house, in photoshop, you can take the house and make it look like a trapezoid shape, you know, wider at the bottom than at the top Is there a way to do this using flash tools? Envelope distorting, if you break the image apart doesn't really work.
this might have been handled somewhere else, I just didn't know how to word this error properly. Type is distorting randomly. This is happening with multiple fonts (and will show up in exports). I'm running Flash CS5 on Snow Leopard.
I need to achieve the image scaling done here (not copying the site, just need that image scaling technique)[url]...
i've got the listeners in place, and have no problem getting images to fit the browser windows. the problem is stopping the distortion, while also making sure at least 1 dimension fits the browser's dimensions (ie no borders appearing along one direction). i don't mind the browser 'cropping' the image.
i used the code for loading an image into a MC and it makes the image look really compressed by changing the colors. i checked the image from where the code is pulling it and its fine.[code]
I am loading a jpg into my Flash. When I zoom into the flash in the browser (for example, setting the zoom to 125%) the jpg in the flash starts to distort and pixelate. How do I get Flash to not pixelate the jpg?
Usually when I want to create multiples instances of a same movieclip (that's already in the main .fla library) I use new mcClassName()but what if the clip is external, for example Ball.fla, Ball.as and Ball.swf? I've loaded Ball.swf into the main .fla and I don't know what to do now
how to unload the swfs in as3 once you click a button to load a new one.
My file works great, with the exception of the videos playing over each other. slight bummer.
I have five buttons that each pull an external swf that is controlled by an xml file. If there were not sound it would not be an issue, but the sound overlaps if you click to the next link before the first video finishes playing.
I uploaded all the files here, including two test flv files. the files were too big to upload to the kirupa forum.
I m loading 2 .swf in one flash file and want to control one with another. The first contain small animation and other has play and stop button. Now I want to control that animation with these 2 button. Files details: test1.swf: It has the animation test2.swf: It has the 2 buttons test3.swf: It is the main file, in which I m loading the 2 files i.e. test1.swf and test2.swf
This may seem a stupid question but I just started learning AS3, Is it possible to keep my menu on top of externally loaded swfs? My menu is sitting on the main timeline as movieclip and the externally loaded swf overlap my main timeline completely completely covering my menu.[code]....
I recently changed the setup of my project from only having one SWF, to loading in my main SWF through a preloader. I'm facing a problem of scope. My old code for targeting things no longer works. This is it.
ActionScript Code: if (this.parent.contains(Credits)) { Credits.gotoAndPlay(120); CreditsText1.gotoAndPlay(120); }
What would I change this code to in order to target the exact same spot in my loaded SWF? I should add that all my code is in an external .as file, which is set as the DocumentClass for the loaded SWF. I've tried both "this.parent.parent.contains" and "this.contains" Neither worked.
Is it possible to keep my menu on top of externally loaded swfs? I believe it should be but I just cannot figure out how to do it. I have searched around and I believe I should use something like addChildAt but when I try to use it in the main menu actionscript my external swfs do not load anymore.. My menu is sitting on the main timeline as movieclip and the externally loaded swf overlap my main timeline completely completely covering my menu...
What I'm trying to do is create buttons in one swf that load another swf and also give instructions to begin playing from a certain frame in that swf. The target swf has a preloader on frame 1 and then a movie clip that contains a video in frame 2. Depending on which button the user presses the video will be cued up ready to play at different frames. think it may need an if statement ie if x=34 then goto frame 34, but I can't seem to pass the variables to the loaded swf.In the zip file is an example of what I'm trying to do.
If I load an SWF file, is it possible for the pre-loader to access and change a string variable inside the loaded swf? Is there any special way to do this or would it be a simple case of loadedMC.variable = "new value"
I am trying to make transitions between loaded swfs. Below is my code. I know I need to add to one of the functions to make it play the "out" transition before the new swf is loaded. Each swf has a timeline with a stop frame and a frame labeled "out". The below script allows me to press buttons and load the coresponding swf to the stage.
If I load an SWF file, is it possible for the pre-loader to access and change a string variable inside the loaded swf? Is there any special way to do this or would it be a simple case of loadedMC.variable = "new value"
I need help getting my loaded swf files to play the "out" transition before the next movie loads. I have a main swf with 5 buttons (movie clips) that load external swf onto the stage.[code]The loaded swf has a stop() an intro animation and on the last frame have.dispatchEvent(new Event("removeMe", true));
I'm loading 31 SWFs in total. For example, the first one shows and it has a 'Next' button. When Next is clicked, then it loads the second SWF; and so on until reach a total of 31 SWFs.
No problem here, but thing is that while more SWFs I'm loading, heavier gets the file and little by little it's being taking longer to load. Because when I reach the 31 SWFs, I got a total of 31 childs loaded one after another.
I've been thinking in the posibility of removing the SWFs once they are no longer seen but can't find how to do it...
It basically does this in every one of the 31 FLAs, so, as you can see, it goes loading and loading SWFs. Problem, as I said, while bigger the amount of SWFs loaded, slower the process gets. I'm using e.target.parent.addChild because all this is inside a MovieClip called mc.
I am loading external swfs into a MC on the stage. I noticed they are stacking up and not being removed or replaced. How can Iremove the previous loaded swf?
I am trying to make transitions between loaded swfs. Below is my code. I know I need to add to one of the functions to make it play the "out" transition before the new swf is loaded. Each swf has a timeline with a stop frame and a frame labeled "out". The below script allows me to press buttons and load the coresponding swf to the stage.[code]
I'm loading movies into my parent movie, and i was wondering if it was possible to communicate between the two - so i could swap out other external SWFs (in the parent) based on input in the loaded movie.I'm still relatively new to Action Script, and have been learning quick, but i have been unsuccessful in my attempts so far.
I have created a prelaoder for my whole .swf file but as this .swf is a gallery I would like to load in pictures when you click on certain pictures is there anyway to do this i.e if you load picture01.jpg into movie01 how do you use a preloader to preload this???