Okay, I know this is a stupid question but, if you bring in a jpg or png image and either convert it to a graphic or a movie clip, or just leave it as an image, is there a way to distort the image other than scaling, rotating and skewing it. For example, I want to change the perspective of an image the way I do in photoshop.Let's say the image is a house, in photoshop, you can take the house and make it look like a trapezoid shape, you know, wider at the bottom than at the top Is there a way to do this using flash tools? Envelope distorting, if you break the image apart doesn't really work.
i used the code for loading an image into a MC and it makes the image look really compressed by changing the colors. i checked the image from where the code is pulling it and its fine.[code]
I am loading a jpg into my Flash. When I zoom into the flash in the browser (for example, setting the zoom to 125%) the jpg in the flash starts to distort and pixelate. How do I get Flash to not pixelate the jpg?
I've made a simple portfolio web site which loads a swf file containing the navigation at the top and then the navigation loads individual swf files containing full page images.The problem is the full page images are distorting very slightly when they are loaded in. I've attached two images, the first image (picture2.png) is how looks when I just open the image's swf file, and the second image (picture3.png) is how it looks after its loaded in by the navigation.
this might have been handled somewhere else, I just didn't know how to word this error properly. Type is distorting randomly. This is happening with multiple fonts (and will show up in exports). I'm running Flash CS5 on Snow Leopard.
I need to achieve the image scaling done here (not copying the site, just need that image scaling technique)[url]...
i've got the listeners in place, and have no problem getting images to fit the browser windows. the problem is stopping the distortion, while also making sure at least 1 dimension fits the browser's dimensions (ie no borders appearing along one direction). i don't mind the browser 'cropping' the image.
I'm trying to cut up a bitmap image into pieces, and then tween each piece away sequentially. Cutting up the pieces and placing those pieces in an array is where I'm at. But to tween each piece on a timer is where I'm stuck; here's the code:
I'm wondering if there is some library (or maybe tutorial?) which can produce Instagram-like color tweaks for Bitmap/BitmapData objects in AS3. Color Matrix/ColorMatrixFilter will not be probably able to achieve such as results or yes?
I am trying to replace a movie clip image with a bitmap image and now the code to fire the image(missile) doesn't work. I get these errors:1119: Access of possibly undefined property dx through a reference with static type flash.display:Bitmap.1119: Access of possibly undefined property dy through a reference with static type flash.display:Bitmap
I'm loading a list of urls of pics from an fql query, then loading those urls with the loader class using this function:_loc is a MovieClip that holds the picture,[code]In onMyPictureLoaded I would like to get the bitmapdata out of loader.content and scale the image (smooth it too) that way, and then reattach it to the _obj MovieClip, but I'm having trouble reattaching that new bitmap to the object.It seems the problem is more to do with events and not having the ability to pass information (_loc, for example) from:loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.CO MPLETE,onMyPictureLoaded); to the onMyPictureLoaded function.
The basic concept: I want to at runtime overlay (or paste or whatever) one bitmap image asset onto another. The original image asset is a texture on a 3d sphere.Example:3D Sphere with earth texture applied to it. Put a cloud on the earth texture and have cloud move along the earth.
Caveats:Can't use any composite materials because I take a serious perf hit. Want to try working only with bitmaps to see if it is faster.I've gotten this far but don't know how to fill rectangle with jpeg file and certainly have no idea where to go from here..earthBitmap= new BitmapData( 256, 256, true); fillRect will only do a color ... I need what fills a rect with jpeg image and how to edit a bitmap on the fly.
I have an masked image that is externally loaded onto my stage that the user can drag and position.I then need to be able to record or save where and how the user has positioned the image by either -taking a bitmap copy of where the user has positioned the image (my first and easiest thought of how to do this) -or is it possible to get X and Y co ordinates of where they have positioned it I have a movie currently set up but when the user clicks 'save and continue' it takes a copy of the original position of the image - not from where you have last dragged it to?Full code and attached fla file below
stop(); //-------------- // Loader //-------------- var imageP1:Loader = new Loader();
What I would like to do is to take a loaded GIF file as a Bitmap and then distort it by stretching and shrinking parts of it, so it would look like it got squished up against the screen. I'm pretty sure that there's no easy way in Flash to go beyond scaling and shearing, but I wonder if there might be some simple techniques to accomplish this kind of effect. By the way, I've also thought of pre-deforming the images in GIMP and saving them there, but I can't find a simple way to do it without learning their scripting language.
Is it possible to iterate each pixel of a bitmap image? Eventually what I'm trying to achieve is that I need to get the coordinate values of each pixel of a bitmap image and change the color of those pixels according to their coordinate values. As I see it, I need to use the getPixels() method but I still did not understand exactly what I should do.
I have the Bitmap data from a Loader object and I would like to slice it up into 32x32 squares to use as tiles. What is the most efficient way to do so?
I would like to display an Image using a Bitmap as source. I've looked at many websites and most suggest something akin to this but somehow it still doesn't work....img1 works fine... But img2 doesn't load for some reason.
private function onComplete(event:Event):void{ bytes = event.target.data; img1.source = _bytes; /*this last bit works*/[code]....
I've been tasked to write a chat engine in actionscript3 (AIR) and every chat message has an image of the poster associated with it. So I have 5 chat messages on the screen at any one time but it will be obvious that the images associated with message e.g. #1 changes all the time because the last person posting is different.
What I believe is wrong is to use the .addChild method every time I need to replace the image because it will just keep creating more stuff on the stage. What I tried to do is the code below but it refuses to update the image. The way I thought it should work[code]...
I have an image, that will be dynamically loaded. I have some graphics drawing tools with which a user can draw something, which is saved on a shape object. Now what i want to make the uploaded pic & drawing pic into one pic. Actually it will be better if i can draw on the uploaded pic.
I've put together an example of the problem I am having and I've also attached my 2 x 2 image I'm using. The image is linked with the class name of ContentTexture which is referenced in my code below:
I've tried using different tweening engines (greensock's TweenLite, Tweener, and flash's built in Tweening engine) so I think it's more of a general flash issue...maybe a bug? I'm using Flash CS4 on a PC and I've tried 24fps and 30fps with no difference. Is this a rendering issue/flash bug? or is there another setting I'm missing?
I have an masked image that is externally loaded onto my stage that the user can drag and position. I then need to be able to record or save where and how the user has positioned the image by either
-taking a bitmap copy of where the user has positioned the image (my first and easiest thought of how to do this) -or is it possible to get X and Y co ordinates of where they have positioned it
I have a movie currently set up but when the user clicks 'save and continue' it takes a copy of the original position of the image - not from where you have last dragged it to. Full code and attached fla file below:
Code: stop(); // Loader var imageP1:Loader = new Loader(); var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest('XXXXXXX/image.jpg'); imageP1.load(request); addChild(imageP1); [Code] .....
When I created a Bitmap object from drawling the pixels of an image and then scale that Bitmap too large (or even too small) the image disappears or in some cases distorts in what appears to be random pixels barfed all over my screen.
In order to show you this I have made an example: [URL] (click the plus button any more than 8 times and poof! the bitmap disappears) And source: [URL] (Flash CS4)