ActionScript 2.0 :: Possible To Controlling Loaded Swfs?
Apr 21, 2004
What I'm trying to do is create buttons in one swf that load another swf and also give instructions to begin playing from a certain frame in that swf. The target swf has a preloader on frame 1 and then a movie clip that contains a video in frame 2. Depending on which button the user presses the video will be cued up ready to play at different frames. think it may need an if statement ie if x=34 then goto frame 34, but I can't seem to pass the variables to the loaded swf.In the zip file is an example of what I'm trying to do.
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Mar 23, 2005
what actionscript could i use to make an movies loaded into a movieclip play. tried; holderMC being the movieclip the external swf is loaded into, doesn't seem to work! searched the internet too but no lucky
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Jun 24, 2003
how can you controll them as they are coming in? For example: i want to load three swfs but i want them to sit invisible until the user clicks a button to change visibility and see the content. The problem seems to be that you can't control it until it's all there... here's the code i have been trying.[AS]function
goMovie(xMovie, xLevel){
loadMovieNum(xMovie, xLevel);
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Mar 23, 2005
what actionscript could i use to make an movies loaded into a movieclip play. tried; holderMC being the movieclip the external swf is loaded into, doesn't seem to work! searched the internet too but no lucky
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Sep 11, 2009
I have a main fla file which loads an external swf into an empty movieclip on the main timeline which works fine but I want a button in the external swf to load another external swf into another empty movie clip on the main start.swf loads UKEIAMap.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) MapLoader_mc then a button havant_b within UKEIAMap.swf needs to load HavantProjectSheet.swf into (empty movie clip within start.swf) ProjectSheetLoader_mc without unloading UKEIAMap.swf
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Aug 2, 2006
Flash - 8 : Above is an example of what I would like to do/have done. I've gotten as far as loading the "loaded.swf" into the "start.swf" but my problem is I'd love to use that little loading action I made earlier without copying and pasting into the new movie the same actions for a different link. So, how do I load "loaded2.swf" into "loaded.swf" via the link in "loaded.swf"?
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May 25, 2006
I have a SWF (SWF A) that I'm loading into a movieclip (Movieclip C)which is part of another SWF (SWF B). Basically, SWF B functions as a player, with play and pause controls. These controls control Movieclip C where the external SWF A is loaded into.Normally, I have had no problem with this and it always works. At run time, when you click the pause button on SWF B, a stop() command is issued to Movieclip C, which stops the play of
the external movieclip (SWF A) loaded into it.However, I did a screen capture with Captivate and published it as a SWF. I loaded this SWF (SWF A) into Movieclip C in SWF B at run time. However, clicking the controls on SWF I created has NO EFFECT on the SWF I created in Captivate. It just keeps playing.I guess all SWFs are NOT created equal. How can I make this work?
View 4 Replies
Mar 11, 2003
load/attach and 'control' external .swfs, i.e. loading them into a MC and then applying actions, masking, etc.
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Apr 10, 2003
I need a little advice. I've got a set of swfs that are all part of one training, and within these movies are a few sound effects attached to button instances. I want the user to be able to click a button to turn the sound on or off at any time during the training.
My first idea was to create a variable called wantSound, which each sound instance checks before deciding to play. This is working perfectly. There's a toggle switch on the main timeline that sets sound to on or off, and when a sound is supposed to play, it checks to see if wantSound=true, and plays, or if it is false, it does not.
This works fine on each individual .swf, but when a new .swf loads in, the sound defaults back to true, and the user has to turn it off again. I imagine this could be fixed by loading each movie into different levels instead of loading them into level0 or root, but as this is not how I originally created the file, that will take a lot of work to handle aligning the loaded movies and parking them (making sure none of the buttons are active on the level below). I'm lazy, what can I say? :-)
I've been looking around at similar questions, and found a decent tutorial on Macromedia's site about using javascript to pass a variable from flash to HTML. I went through that, and managed to get Flash to send my wantSound variable to HTML with no problem. Check here for the tutorial.
The only problem is that in macromedia's example for sending data from HTML back to Flash, they use a text field for getting the variable. I just want to take the variable sent from Flash to HTML and send it back to Flash when requested (at the beginning of the next SWF.)
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Jul 27, 2010
What I have is a SWF file that calls out to 3 different SWF files via the following code:
// Array of external clips to use. Variable index refers to next clip to be displayed.var clips:Array = ["page1.swf", "page2.swf", "page3.swf"];var index:int = 0;
// Stuff to load swf filesvar thisLoader:Loader = new Loader();
View 11 Replies
Mar 22, 2004
Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie? For example, we have a main movie which creates classes where the class is itself in an external movie. When we load locally, the movies all load fast enough that the classes are created correctly, however when we move to loading from the server some of the class movies are not loaded into their levels before the main movie tries to create the class with of course the result being the class is not generated and the movies do not function correctly.
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Jul 14, 2005
My Website opens, its written in HTML... There is a "Navigation" FLash at the top of the page which opens up HTML documents into the "Main Frame" below.Ok now... When the Website first loads up, In the Main frame of the page I want a flash swf to play as an intro to the website (Its a band website). Once the (intro) Swf ends I want it to tell the Navigation Flash Menu Swf to go ahead and show the buttons so people can navigate.Thats my first problem, or task to solve.2nd... If it is possible to control Swf's from an external one it must be possible to preload them aswell right? So what I want to do, is the site to load up... and all the preloading done from the Navigation Swf to account for both Swfs (Intro and Navigation)
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Mar 22, 2004
It could be that using loops is the only way to do what we want, however ever the optimist I'll ask the question anyways.
Is it possible without looping to control which of 12 or so external swfs loads first when they all have to load on the same frame of the main movie?
For example, we have a main movie which creates classes where the class is itself in an external movie. When we load locally, the movies all load fast enough that the classes are created correctly, however when we move to loading from the server some of the class movies are not loaded into their levels before the main movie tries to create the class with of course the result being the class is not generated and the movies do not function correctly.
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Dec 4, 2002
I have several buttons, that link to several scenes, containing swf files. Using the loadmovie command I can get these swf's playing on-screen. That's good.
-How can I control where they appear on my document (I'd guess these require some x or y values, but not sure how this is done) as they all appear in the top left-hand corner.
- When I mouse over another button (link to scene/swf) how can I remove the previous swf from the page, then load the new swf -as they all appear in the same spot/all over each other? Is this an unload movie command?
I was hoping to counter this problem by using different scenes (no luck there) and all I really need to do is remove the previously loaded swf, when the new one is loaded.
View 6 Replies
Jun 10, 2010
I have a "photo" gallery that loads numerous SWFs through xml, one by one on click. All works fine. All my SWF work fine stand alone. But when I load them into the player, many swf dont work example, I have textinput textfields in many of the swfs, which work fine on their own but not when loaded into the player. Then I have a word search game that works fine when alone, not when in player. I can see there is something as my mouse cursor changes into the "button finger", but nothing visual.
All drag and drop assigments work fine etc. I have no idea whats up. I have receantly switched to as3 and in as2 there was _lockroot declaration that solved similar problems, but now in as3 (where it supposedly should be automatic) it doesnt work. As it seems that it cannot recognise it own stage value, or selection_focus when loadedinside another swf through xml.Using cs4, as3.
View 4 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I have a controller.swf which loads an external swf into a movieclip.
news_mc = loadEvent.currentTarget.content as MovieClip;
the swf is called "news.swf" and has a movieclip on the maintimeline, frame 1 called "sb".
I have tried everything to access this such as = 0;
but nothing works?
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm loading a SWF into a main SWF using the code bellow, from senocular tutorials:
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("home.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, loadProgress);
I have buttons inside a movie clip, at the main movie (parent) and I want to control the home.swf movie that I just loaded. How can I do that?I'm trying this, without any result:
function botao_clique(e:MouseEvent):void{
View 4 Replies
Jan 23, 2009
I have several flash swf's that are about 10 - 20 min. each. I load these in a player that I have created as the user selects them from a menu in the main swf (a swf player basically). I can pause start and stop the swf's with no problem, but I can't seem to get a handle on controlling the audio. I have the audio in the loaded swf's timelines because I need to sync the audio with the animation taking place in those swfs. I could, take the audio out of the timeline (after syncing it), and then load it separately, but it would be much cleaner for me to just have it in the timeline.
I've resorted to the SoundMixer of the main swf to mute and change the volume, but I can't get hold of the Sound(), soundTransforms etc. of the loaded swf. To assign a play location for the soundChannel I need to access the loaded swf's Sound().Play() function, but I can't seem to do that. I have exported the timeline audio in it's actionscript, supplied a name (same as it's class name), and then tried to access it, but I can't seem to do it (yes I wrap the loaded.content variable in a MovieClip cast--that's how I can control the pause and play of the animation). Tutorials I have found only seem to work with sounds loaded into variables, and none refer accessing timeline sounds in a loaded swf.
View 5 Replies
Aug 2, 2009
I need to bring the playhead to the begining (rewind) each time the onsound button is clicked. But a loadimage function was used to load the swf.
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Aug 25, 2011
I'm loading assets from a swc and I need to loop through every frame of the movieclip and find a certain instance so I can colorize it. Is this possible? It seems that with a swc I loose the ability to control the movieclips playback. It just plays and repeats no matter what I do.
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Feb 23, 2012
the .FLA files are attached at the bottom. intro.swf is the actual movie and introLoader.swf is the preloader and it loads intro.swf into it.the problem with the actionscript previously was that itd start playing the external movie halfway through the preloader bar as if it was streaming..however i found a workaround that doesnt really work.. i used xyz.stop(); and; functions to control when the external movie plays.The problem with those functions is that i need a check for them i.e if(percentage <100) etc. which causes problems like if the flash movie is already watched once and cached and you reload the page it wont play.
View 9 Replies
Apr 26, 2004
I have a button on my main scene which creates the varaiable "soundoff", then if one of the placed swf's when loaded detect the variable it stops all sounds,
if(soundoff == true){
This works fine but does not target sounds placed in movieclips in the loaded swf's timeline. I've tried targeting them with the _root. command and using linkage but I can only stop the sound in the main timeline level.
View 2 Replies
Feb 7, 2005
Is it possible to control one loaded SWF File e.g.,(MOVIE-1.swf) from another loaded SWF file e.g., (MOVIE-0.swf) on a different level? E.g. with a syntax like:
_MOVIE-1.SWF.gotoAndStop (4)
gotoAndStop (MOVIE-1.swf, frame4)
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Oct 7, 2005
I am loading a .swf that a previous developer made (don't have the .fla) but the actionscript at the end of the movie is resolving to home.html. Instead of it resolving to home.html I would like for it to instead have gotoandPlay.
View 4 Replies
Oct 25, 2005
is it possible for a loaded swf to control the timeline of the main swf or even to tell the main swf to unload the loaded swf just by pressing a button in the loaded swf.
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Nov 1, 2005
i had made a image gallery using xml in flash MX 2004. some of the images are jpgs and some are swfs. i'm trying to get it so that once the external file, be it jpg or swf, is loaded, it would recenter itself in the middle of the i attached the following code to the container clip that the files were loaded into:
this._x = ((304 - this._width)/2);
this._y = ((304 - this._height)/2);
View 11 Replies
Feb 27, 2010
I'm creating a flash site, navigation is simple, or so I thought. Buttons along the top load external swf's to the stage. As they are loaded and unloaded the swf's animate in and out again on button clicks so the next one can come in.
I have suceeded in controlling the loaded swf's to get them to animate onto the stage, but what I have added to animate them off again does not work. I don't even get error messages, it is just ignored.
I have indicated below what I have added to try and 'animate out'
var swfloader:URLRequest=new URLRequest('contentboxhome.swf');
This is a sample of two of the 5 buttons, I have tried using both the 'if' function on all buttons and the 'event complete' function on all of them, and both are just ignored. No error messages, no unusual occurrences at all. The code is just skipped over and the swf I have requested to load, just animates in and replaces the one there currently. Only funny thing is that, despite the 'loader.unload();' being WITHIN the 'complete' function, it still seems to be fired. The swf's never overlap each other.
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Apr 30, 2010
trying to create a universal fla file (shell.fla) in which I can load any swf file and control it from buttons in the shell itself. The buttons being play, pause, rewind, magnify etc.I�ve done all this in AS2 and now I have to do it in AS3. See my website [URL] E-Training - Motor to get a better idea of what I mean.The shell file has three buttons so far with instances called playMovie, stopMovie changeMovie and a dynamic text field - movieNumber. It is bound to the class Shell. The swf files to be loaded are numerical 1.swf, 2.swf, 3.swf etc. If I can get playMovie, stopMovie to work I can then do the rest.Here is my code so far for the class
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
1. How can I kill, unload, removeChild the preceding swf file which has been loaded? When I load a swf file it creates a new loader.
2. On the onPlayClick and onStopClick buttons I get the following error message:
TypeError: Error #1009: Der Zugriff auf eine Eigenschaft oder eine Methode eines null-Objektverweises ist nicht m� Shell/onPlayClick()
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Jan 23, 2005
I load a movieclip via:
loadMovieNum("detection.swf", 1);
So I load it in my current timeline on level 1. Now in the detection.swf is a button that has to controll the first movie. (that loaded the swf)
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Nov 2, 2010
I have a simple swf called site.swf that loads a menu with UILoader called menu.swf, from menu I'm able to navigateToURL but I also need that it goes to frame 50 in menu.swf.
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