Professional :: Image Fade In On Button Roll Over And Fade Out On Button Roll Off?
Mar 10, 2010
I have 3 buttons going around in a circle, in the middle of this circle I want a specific image to fade in for each button when you roll across it then fade out when you move off the button. I also want the button itself to change colour slightly when you roll across it. I've not had much look so far without the use of actionscript, but even with using it I'm not getting very far, I also seem to have a problem where once I have an image appear on the rollover of abutton that the image becomes part of the button, ie instead of the image just appearin when you roll over the button it appears when you roll over where the image should be appearing.
i'm a beginner to all this but I have an idea of what I want to do. I basically want my button to fade on with glow & underneath text to accompany the button, in the roll over state.Now I have managed to get it to work as a button with the glow work but I now need to get the fade part of the process working.
I want to create a button that toggles but has a roll over, roll out and click animation. Anyone willing to point me in the direction I need to be so that I can achieve this. I can create the roll over and roll out animation for the buttons but then how could I toggle between the two buttons. Ultimately this is for a start and stop situation. I want when I roll over the button for it to have a transition then click and it toggles to the alternate button with animation. I have been tackling this now for a week and with no success. So far I have found ways to toggle but loose the animation or vice verse.
I just want to design a button when the mouse roll over the button will gradually become larger (to a fixed size) and gradually comes to the originally size when roll out. I try to use "Adding Buttons to Movie Clips" method, ie, one MC with two layers, an amimation MC (tween from small to big and then big to small) and a button. Add script as follows: on the first frame:
if (Playing eq "True") { play (); } else {[code]....
When I roll over the MC tween small to big and big to small and when roll out the MC gradually small. What I want is when I roll over the MC tween small to big and keep it is except when I roll out.
I have 5 buttons that need to, when clicked fade the image in the background out and fade a new picture in. each of these buttons has a specific image related to it. how can i achive this smooth transition in and out for all of the buttons?
I figured out how I can create a roll over effect on one button so it fades in & out depending on if you are on it or not. I'm trying to create the same effect for my other 13 or so buttons & I can't seem to get it. I keep getting errors any way I try to code it. This is the code I have **trying to add the code for my first 2 thumbs"
I am going to make a mc button inside of a movie clip that changes the image when ROLL_OVER and goes back to the first image when ROLL_OUT. I thought I can change the alpha of the first image (btn1) so that the second becomes visible when ROLL_OVER. But this doesn't work out. I coudn't find any fitting example for my buttons and maybe there are even better ways to change the setting.
I have a menu bar button for my website but I need to resize the object on the roll over state, so it can be seen so it needs to be much bigger the problem is, when I create the hit are it can either be the size of the small button on the up state, or the large button on the over state. The problem here is when I make the hit area Large or as large as the over state it make the hit area way past the perimeters of the up state button so you scroll anywhere near that button and it will activate to the roll over state which can be anoying. My question is how to I make the scroll area as small as the up state button and once I am on the button itself, make the scroll area as large as the over state. So I don't scroll off by mistake. is that possible without making a roll over animation on the time line its self I would want to avoid this if at all possible.
I included two images attached to this post to explain.I have a few buttons on my webpage that lose part of the letter when I roll over them. I am using a glow effect when I roll over the buttons and the buttons were not "broken apart" before I made them buttons, I dont know if that makes a difference.
I have a button that when the user rolls over it, it plays a 3 second piece of audiothat works fine.When the user rolls off though, the audio still plays, that, if the user rolls over the button several times you get multiple instances of the auduo until they all play out.
I have 2 buttons on the stage whose each MouseEvent load a different external swf when clicked. In an attempt to get the current swf to fade out and new swf to fade in on button click, I vainly added a Tween to the function but to no avail.
As it is now, when the movie starts, the button 1 swf fades in, however, when button 2 is clicked, the new swf is loaded but the old swf does not fade.
Code: import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; var image:Loader = new Loader();
Does anyone know how to do this rollOver effect? [URL] Enter flash site and look at the rollOver buttons. I have the bar moving over each button but can't get it to fade out.
Just starting to wrestle with flash again, and i am trying to make a very simple website. I have made a graphic that will appear as the intro / splash page, and i want this to fade in... then appear as normal. Then when you click, i want it to fade out and load the rest of the site (yet to be made!)I am having difficulty making the fade in / fade out actions does anyone know how to do this? as i have seen it on many websites.
I have completed my first Flash 8 movie which has an invisible button the size of the image which Stop/starts the movie with AS toggle script below.
Can this script be modified so that the movie fades to alpha zero a short time after the stop action, and the re-appears to play instantly when the play action is triggered?
In an earlier post I mentioned I had solved my problem of finding out how to make an image fade in and out when a button is rolled over.I used this code:
image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, imageOver); image.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, imageOut); function imageOver(event:MouseEvent):void{[code]....
Where the button is a movie clip containing a layer of stop actions, a layer of labels, and the image which fades in and out using a Tween and Alpha combination.It works great when the mouse rolls over the button, however if I roll over the area where the image fades in and out, the image will also appear! It's almost as though the 'hit' area is both the button and the image but I am unsure how to change this.
So im using CS5, and i have a very basic script which makes an image appear when a button is clicked, ie click button1, and pic1 shows. click button2 and pic2 loads etc.
The script i have is this: stop(); button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic1 ); button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic2 );
How can i make each image fade in from 0 to 100 opacity, in for example 1 second (time isn't that much of an issue)
Im trying to get a movieClip to change its tint on roll over and back to normal on roll out. But this has to happen gradually like a tween. Im trying to use the code for alpha tween but its not exectly i also tried the tweenlite but im to confused :S here is my code:
i've been trying to code a small variation into the normal roll over roll out animations... i want the animation to stay on the last frame once i click the button. but when i put the code in it dosent even bother playing the rollover/out animations it just goes to the end frame...
So I have a menu that fades in on a movie clip rollover. It fades out when the mouse rolls out over a 'hit area' mc. All is working fine except when you move fast off the hit area. Sometimes the fade in menu remains up when the mouse should have traveled over the hit area and told it to fade out... any reccomendations to remedy this?
I have movieclip controlled by a button. by rollover on the button the movieclip transition starts working and I want that on rollout the movieclip will disappear in smooth fade. (the movieclip and the button have an instance name).
OKay, I have a drop down menu. Around the menu I have a button surrounding the outside, so when I roll away from the drop down menu and roll over the outline button, it is coded with action script to make the drop down menu fade away.
I have MovieClip A on stage, that when the user rolls over it another MovieClip (B) is added above it to the stage (it's not added as a child of Movieclip A). Now, when the user rolls over this newly added clip, it triggers the roll out event of the clip 'below' it. So, how can I prevent this from happening ?Basically, it's a movieclip that displays a button when rolled over and hides it when rolled out. I need the roll out NOT to be triggered when the user rolls over movieclip B.
I have a movieclip serving as a button in a slideshow. The movieclip instance name is tmb1_mc. The second frame in the movieclip is a little brighter than frame 1. How could I write a function to go to the second frame in the movieclip and another function to go to frame 1 when the mouse rolls out?
I tried the nextFrame command in this function
function mcOver(e:MouseEvent):void{ nextFrame();}
But that went to the next frame on the slideshow, the main timeline.
I was able to take an existing Flash file created in '06 and make a simple slideshow. See it at: [URL]. Now I've been asked to add buttons and make the slides fade instead of slide into each other. They want it like this: [URL]. So I created a very simple mock up: [URL]. I just can't get the buttons to work like the prosolassociates one above. I have attached the FLA here for review. Attachments: (9.0 K)
I have a tweened movie which plays on a loop. A click on the image area stops the movie and the image fades nicely from alpha 100 to alpha 0. A second click brings the image back immediately to alpha 100 and the clip continues. I would like the movie image to fade back in from alpha0 to alpha 100 before it re-starts; (the reverse of the fade out). At the moment the re-appearence of the image is a crude jump. So far my ill informed tinkering has not worked.
I have a graphic that when rolled over it starts a movie clip, when rolled out or off I would like the clip to instead of stop actually roll the movie back whether the clip is at the end or not. Like an animated button I would guess.