Professional :: Resizing Flash Contents To Window Size?

Apr 17, 2011

I want to make the stage and contents to resize in ratio to the window size, Like the file I have provided, When you make the window bigger or smaller the contents change with it. How did they do that? [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing Loaded Swfs - Increase The Size Of The Stage Contents Only

Feb 1, 2012

I loaded a swf from external. using loader class. But if i check with the width and height of the loader is differes from loader.contentLoaderInfo.width.

loader.width // 1250;
loader.height // 750;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.width // 750;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.height //420;

From this statement i came to know the loader gets the width of all hidden objects, which are already outside of the stage area. But now I need to increase the size of the stage contents only..

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Professional :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To The Browser Window Size?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.I have found this solution [URL].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.
Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing .swf Window Causes Stage Size And Origin?

Feb 14, 2011

When I create a little .swf file with actionscript it will run correctly in whatever stage size I choose for the document.  However, I want the display to update when I change the window size that the .swf is running in as it is running.  It does some resizing as I drag the corner of the .swf window, but not correctly.  I actually put the statement:
graphics.drawRect(0,0,stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);into the code, and it is not drawing the origin at the corner of the window (among other problems).  Is this a bug in Flash, and/or is there some way around this  When I put the window back to its original size, it displays correctly, and this is happening for all stage sizes and aspect ratio

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Actionscript 3 :: Resizing A Sprite Without Resizing Its BitmapFill (or Its Contents For That Matter)?

Nov 1, 2010

I am not simply trying to contain things and have the container resize without the contents resizing. I would just use a simple MovieClip for that.. My main focus is on the use of BitmapFill. I'm trying to make a repeating background image for a container; thus far I'm able to draw my BitmapFill sprite to the size I want. (Which is the stage's height) but when the stage is resized, I want to re-size my container but have my containers BitmapFill crop or add more as the window is resized bigger or smaller. Allow me to illustrate what I mean:

I've got a simple rectangle sprite that fills with a bitmap from the library and a simple resize handler function that detects when the window has been resized.what I would like to do is have my rectangle resize to the height of the stage.stageHeight maintaining its bitmap fill, but not resizing the bitmap fill or any children within the sprite.

From what I've read, this is a little tricky because the sprite resizes in relation to what it contains.. or.. something like that.. I really don't know any more.. I saw one example where a person extended the sprite class but I don't know why or how..

in my library there is an image called 'pattern' and my code looks like this:

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler, false, 0, true);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Main Contents Change Size And The Menu Position According To The Size Of Main Contents?

Nov 10, 2003

i want to know how did the creator of otradesign accomplish the effect in his site like the menu and the main contents change size and the menu position according to the size of main contents.

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Professional :: Scale Entire Contents Of Stage Down In Size ?

Jun 28, 2010

Can a finished flash file be resized.
Stage is at 1684 x 1322 animated map operated by buttons in a static key located outside of map border, all on stage. Map also pans/zooms.
Two scenarios:-

1) resize stage and all contents down to a different size.

2) resize the animated map down but more so than the static key (sits outside the map) which should remain readable.

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Professional :: Flash Game - Customize Size And Location Of Popup Window

Aug 31, 2010

In my game people shoot at 4 different moving images and get points. Simple right? Well one of the images is a question mark that people can shoot and when they do, I need flash to pause the game timer, pop up a new window, display the multiple choice question in the window and wait for the user to answer. I would also like to be able to customize the size and location of the pop up window!

Then if the question is answered correctly close window award 10 points and continue the game. If the question is answered incorrectly, say wrong and then display the end game results screen. Right now I have it to where it opens a pop up in a web browser and askes the question there. The question is randomly chosen from a file called random.html. But I do not want the game to operate that way. I want the game to open the pop up within flash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resizing Flash Contents Maintaining Aspect Ratio?

Jan 15, 2010


Notice if you adjust your browser size in both direction, it'll resize itself accordingly.

But if you resize in only one direction (squish your browser left) it won't resize at all past its aspect ratio..

Same if you squish your browser upward (with out resizing to the left or right), it'll resize till the aspect ratio is good, but if you continue squishing your browser up, it'll simply stop resizing all togethor and crop it.. AS well as the top portion of the flash file never moves up.

I want to make a full flash page, but allow the aspect ratio to be maintained when people adjust their browsers, so it can be resized if the browser is at a smaller resolution, but if they only move one side of their browser, nothing happens, (try it on the jimcarrey site to see what I mean, if you size your browser in both directions, the site resizes, but if you resize your browser in only one direction, say like up/down, it'll just crop out the bottom once the aspect ratio is met.

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Professional :: Way Of Resizing A Dynamic Text Box Without The Type Changing Size?

Apr 1, 2010

I want to use the UI Text Scroll component on a text box. When I make the initial text box,it is the normal 1 line in depth, based on the font size. When I paste the type into the box it gets very long, which is fine, but when I try to make the text box  smaller using  the transform tool so that I can make it fit the movie, it makes the type smaller as well. Is there a way to change the height of the box, without it effecting the text inside?

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IDE :: Flash CS3: Specify The Size Of A MovieClip's Contents?

Mar 30, 2009

I have an MovieClip that loads a slideshow (imagerotator to be exact). I'm using AS2 loadMovie to achieve this. The images in the slideshow appear way oversized, extending the width of the entire stage. How to I constrain the size of the slideshow/MovieClip contents?All the images are going to be the same pixel dimensions so it doesn't have to be anything fancy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Build A Flash That Auto-adjust Its Size To Browser Window Size?

Jun 8, 2010

I am trying to build a flash that auto-adjust its size to the browser window size, while leaving the content of the flash itself top-centered in the screen.

I have found this solution [url].. on How to keep centered stuff in this exact case so i am pretty confident i will be able to adjust that script to do what i want.

Now my problem is that if i put my content inside the movie-clip (centerrectangle) with all the animation require, link and other stuff, the movieclip (center rectangle ) never have the exact same center, thus making the script go wild trying to always adjust the location to the variable size of the movie clip...

I need it to stay exactly at the same position whatever the size of the movie-clip. [code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trying To Center Flash Contents On Browser Window

Sep 27, 2009

I have a flash website that takes up 100% of the browser, I want it so that when I resize the browser, even to its smallest size, I need the flash content to be perfectly centered. Ive researched quite a bit and ran into the "Stage.align" property but when I use it it gives me an undefined error. How to use this properly?

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Professional :: Content To Window Size RatioOk?

Jan 26, 2010

I have a site i've done for a client and I wand the content to remain in the center of the window no matter the size of the window, I know it's probably something simple in the actionscripting but I'm still a bit new to this whole Flash thing seeing how everything I know about flash I've taught myselfthe content that pops up when you click one of the menu buttons needs to remain at the center of the page/window at all times.

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Professional :: Control The Size Of A _new Window?

Apr 1, 2010

I would like to control the size of a _new window that opens by hyperlink to an SWF file that was created using Flash. Any suggestions to control the window's height and width pixel size? The new window opens and is about the same size as the parent. Also, this link loads the SWF file that contains audio and images very slow. Any suggestion on the mostly likely cause, or how to speed up the loading of this Flash movie?

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Professional :: Open Window With Defined Size..cs4?

Sep 16, 2010

trying to open a window with defined size in a button, but never to the right (do not want to use functions inside the html file)  wanted to make the following way: when you click the button, it opens  the file size that I set to the window (the file will be opened this in  html

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Professional :: Unable To Control Window Size?

Aug 6, 2009

I would like to control the size of a _new window that opens by hyperlink to an SWF file that was created using Flash. Any suggestions to control the window's height and width pixel size? The new window opens and is about the same size as the parent. Also, this link loads the SWF file that contains audio and images very slow.

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Flex :: Resizing Contents In TabNavigator In 3

Apr 12, 2010

I am working on tabNavigator in flex 3. I have tileList within it. Contents in the tab comes dynamically so I cannot provide explicitly fixed height and width. I need to resize the tabs depending on the contents within it. To resize the tabs I have enabled 'resizeToContent' property of tabNavigator.For some reason it is not resizing as expected. 'resizeToContent' works fine for other child items in tabNavigator but fails when I use tileList as child in tabNavigator that time tileList resizes to its default size(4 rows are only visible). So i was wondering if there any way so that I can force tileList to display all its items without putting scrollbars after its default size.

just by invalidating size on creationComplete ,will that resize all tabs for me. I am having n-number of tabs in tabNavigator as user can add tabs and content within it. how can I achieve this. I am new to flex so just getting confused with its behaviorand struggling with this issue from long time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set The Flash Player Not The Contents To Resize To Fit Browser Window?

Dec 15, 2009

how to set the flash player, not the contents to resize to fit browser window.

[SWF(width="1024", height="768", backgroundColor="#000000", frameRate="29")]

My main swf is set to the above, but I want it to resize and fit the window?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizing The Window - Photos Will Popup In A Fullscreen Window

Apr 25, 2008

Go to [URL]. Click on "The Photos". It will pop up in a fullscreen window. Try resizing the window and you'll notice that the background is vector and it looks like the scale mode is set to "showAll". BUT, the photos look like they have a separate scale mode set to "noScale". They don't resize.

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Professional :: Size / Position Mc Relevant To Browser Window?

May 27, 2010

How can I make a .swf with a movie clip that reacts to the size of the browser like this one:

The movie clips are all positioned and sized relevant to the size of the browser instead of positioned within the document.

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Resizing Bg To Fit To Window In Flash Movie

Sep 9, 2009

Ive got a bg image in my flash movie and I want it to resize it 100% to the window when the movie resizes in the browser, but i dont want anything else in the movie changing in size, just the bg..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Resize A Sprite Without Resizing Contents?

Feb 12, 2010

How do you resize a sprite without resizing the contents? For example the script below create a sprite, attaches it to the root, creates a button, attaches the button to the new sprite then resizes the sprite. but it scales the button when I try to resize?[code]...

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Flex :: Resizing The Restore-window Of A Maximized Window

Aug 11, 2009

I have a window, the window I programmatically change the size of the window depending on the current view it is displaying. The user cannot resize the window them self, but they can maximize the window.

The problem is if the view is changed while it is maximized, the maximized window size changes, I do not want this, I want it to only change the size of the non-maximized window.

My first thought is to just check if the window is maximized, and if so do not resize it...but the issue there is then when it is restored at a different view then when it was maximized it will not restore to the new size it should be.

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Professional :: Specifiy External Window Size And Screen Location?

Jan 28, 2010

I have this ActionScript: function openNewCart(evt:Event):void { navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""),"_blank");} OpenCartPage.addEventListener("click",openNewCart);

Is there a way that I can have it open a 5 pixel window that automatically closes after it loads? Also, is there a way to specify within the actionscript where on the screen I want the new window to open?

I'm newer to flash. What I'd like to do is have it add a product to the shopping cart and close back down.If I can't do it straight from flash, I'm sure I can have the flash page open up an html page which redirects to the add to cart page and automatically closes, but obviously a much bigger pain in the butt, and it will only work anyway if I can specify in the actionscript for it to open a 5 x 5 pixel window.

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IDE :: Resizing Flash Movie To Different Size Browsers?

Mar 14, 2009

Because i design on a new mac book pro, my resolutions is very high and the flash movie fits perfect in my screen, just the way i want it to sit in every computer.

But on a computer with a lower resolution, i now that that my web site would be much larger and not fit right.

So how can i make it so the movie adjusts to different resolutions and sits just perfect?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resizing And Position Flash Window?

Apr 23, 2007

There is an fscommand function to turn the flash movie into full screen. But is there a way to control where exactly the flash window opens on the desktop (and whether it is maximized - note. NOT full screened).

My client is complaining that whenever he opens the flash movie (exe) it is shifted to the right such that the X window close button is not visible. Obviously he can just drag the window to the left, but you know, you gotta always make your client happy. Is this possible without using an external application like zinc?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Full Browser Size In Flash Even When Resizing?

Jul 23, 2007

how people use the full browser size in flash, even when resizing? Just like they did on [URL], the navigation is always on the bottom of the window, still after resizing the same for [URL], here also the background images resize real time

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Flash :: Resizing A High Resolution Video To A Smaller Size?

Nov 2, 2011

My company sent me a video that they wanted us to post on the intranet.  It's a simple powerpoint video with a narrator talking about some policy and benefit changes, etc.

I tried the exporting the video in both 720(width) and 1280 format, and found that when shown in fullscreen mode, the 1280 format was much easier to read than the 720, however, we didn't want to show it on the intranet page at full 1280 by default.  So I modified the html and javascript that plays the movie so that it would show in 720 width on the page.  The problem with resizing the 1280 video into a 720 space is that the video player bar (where the play, stop, volume controls are) becomes extremely small when I do this.  Of course, this is because Flash generated the player with a toolbar optimized for 1280, so it's getting scaled down when I pack it into a smaller playing area.

Is there an solution to this that I haven't thought of?  How can I generate this movie to get the better full screen appearance of the 1280 video, but also still show the video in a smaller 720 area when the user is not in full screen mode?

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Javascript :: Dynamically Resizing Flash Object To Fill Window?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a Flash/Flex object (Flashlight-VNC), which I would like to dynamically resize to fit the entire window after pressing a button in the Flex app. This would preferably happen without restarting the Flex app (and therefore the VNC session). I would just use the built-in Flash fullscreen mode, however Adobe's somewhat silly security restrictions prevent keyboard input while in fullscreen mode.

How exactly can I do this? I'm already using SWFObject to embed the SWF, if that helps. I am open to any solution utilizing ActionScript, JavaScript, or both, however I am not all too familiar with ActionScript or Flex, and the AS-based solutions I have found involve extending a "Sprite" object to add resize functionality, which Flashlight-VNC does not seem to use.

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