Professional :: Which Fonts Will Display The Numeral Zero With A Slash

Jan 1, 2011

I'd rather see the numeral zero displayed with a slash through it when I'm writing ActionScript. Right now Flash defaults to Lucida Console. Rather than test the dozens of other fonts, can someone recommend several that display zero in the slash style?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Unable To Display CIRCLED DIVISION SLASH Unicode?

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// osol  ISOamsb  0x2298 # CIRCLED DIVISION SLASH
// 2298  ; [*0575.0020.0002.2298] # CIRCLED DIVISION SLASH
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Professional :: Fonts Display Wrong On Certain Machines

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I am working on a large batch of banners with another designer. We are both using the same assets, the same version of Flash (CS4) and are both working on Macs. We are also both using the same fonts through Universal Type Client yet when I open files that he has produced the text elements display lower down than they should. If I align them correctly on my machine and then give back the file the text appears too high when he opens it. There are no font errors when the files are opened and the characters display fine except for the alignment. Does anyone know what might be causing this in Flash or is it an issue with the fonts themselves?

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Professional :: Can't Remove Forward Slash From Url's

Jun 23, 2011

Above is the webstie in question.  When you hit the Benefit button for example it takes you to a url /benefits.html/.
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Actionscript 3 :: Why Can't Display Embedded Fonts

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I have this line in my

[Embed(source = "assets/SKA_75_marul_CE_extended.ttf",
fontName = "SKA_75_marul_CE_extended",
fontWeight = "bold",
advancedAntiAliasing = "true",
mimeType = "application/x-font")]
public static var SKA_75_marul_CE_extended:String;

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format.size = 20;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fonts Will Not Embed - Characters Don't Display

Mar 24, 2010

I am trying to embed a font in my actionsrcipt and the characters don't display at all when the embedFont = true. If it is set to false it displays the characters. I really need this to work because I want to maintain consistency with the font used through out the site.

The problem is that its not a common device font. The TextField is set up in another class I created and the the text formating is applied when the for loop runs in the initialization of the class I'm working in. I've tried everything I can think of and it just will not embed the font and display it.


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var systemFonts:Array = new Array();
var fontNames:Array =new Array();
systemFonts = Font.enumerateFonts(true);


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Mar 26, 2009

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Actionscript 3 :: Allow Forward Slash In Input Text?

Sep 30, 2010

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myInputField.restrict = "A-Za-z.\-\/";

the above text field should allow upper case letters, lower case letters, periods, hyphens and forward slashes. however, i can't seem to permit the forward slash.

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Sep 4, 2010

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percent = score/25*100+"%";

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The thing is if you use
then when people type URL : [URL]

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Flash Fonts - Text Fields' Fonts Replace To Default Fonts.some Text Gone Down

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Professional :: TLFTextField And Fonts?

Feb 2, 2011

I am attempting to dynamically display  standard "symbol" fonts in a TLFTextField using the AS3 code below:

import fl.text.TLFTextField;
var tf:TLFTextField = new TLFTextField();
tf.tlfMarkup = "<TextFlow xmlns=""  fontSize='14'>


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Professional :: Embedding Fonts 100% With Code

Apr 2, 2010

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Professional :: How To Embed Fonts Using Code

Apr 2, 2010

Just wondering how to embed fonts using code, and not the library - the examples I have used are giving me errors, so I'm obviously not understanding something.I originally set up a library font, and got it to work fine using the following code, but ideally I'd like to embed using just code.I set up and populate a dynamic text field (JX)g1.textParamFunc(JX);[code]So how would I use the following code to replace the library font?Is there a way to take part of the code, and place it in the g1 package above?  Or do I have to create a separate external as for it, and somehow call it into the g1 as?[code]

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Professional :: Fonts Not Showing Up In Flash CS5?

Oct 5, 2010

As adobe's phone cust. service is rubbish, making me wait for half an hour just to tell me they can't even try to help me with fonts that are not purchased from adobe, I have turned to this message board in the hopes that someone here can help me with my latest in a perpetual series of dillemmmas with this nightmare of a program...
Im using flash cs5 at work on a mac pro with juiced up processors, memory, etc.  I installed a bunch of fonts, mostly ttf and otf and when flash loads I'd say about 40% of the fonts that I installed don't show up in the font list.  This sucks.  Adobe's good programs like photoshop and illustrator show all my fonts, no questions asked.  I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the fonts, re-starting flash, and disabling fonts.  My one breakthrough was when i created another account on my computer and tried installing a font which was not showing up in the new user's font book.  Lo and behold, the font shows up in flash!  I have about 900 fonts on my computer which may be alot but I have used previous versions of flash with around that number of fonts and I don't recall any problems.  I really dont want to switch my user account as this is a company computer and it will throw off company related access. 

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Professional :: How To Embed Fonts At Runtime (AS2 In CS3)

Nov 6, 2010

I have a shared fonts.swf file containing a variety of fonts that my main swf uses. I have a movieclip within the fonts.swf file which is exported for runtime sharing. In my main swf I have the fonts.swf imported for runtime via a movieclip. This all works fine and allows me to use the fonts within the fonts.swf file in my main swf. I am trying to work out how to import fonts.swf for runtime via as2 (instead of manually within the library), as in different circumstances different fonts are required and it is massively increasing the filesize having to import all fonts every time when only a few are needed.

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Professional :: Way Of Embedding Fonts With CS5 & Flex?

Feb 9, 2011

There is a new way to embed fonts in CS5. So I've embeded a font in a CS5 flash file's library and gave it a linkage ID. I'd like to embed this font in an ActionScript project using the "[EMBED]" tag. I've tried the following code to embed the "Helvetica LT" font, but the textfield seemed to be unaffected.

[Embed(source="../fla/CS5FlashFile.swf", symbol="HelveticaLinkageID")]
private var _cHelvetica:Class;
private function someFuntion():void {


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Professional :: Fonts Don't Appear After FontAgent Activation

Mar 24, 2011

I'm using Flash CS4 and have wasted--over the course of the past 18 months--at least three days of work time trying, in vain, to make Flash fonts work completely consistently. Problems:1) Fonts don't appear after FontAgent activation (must copy to Adobe/Fonts folder), 2) Bits of styled type totally disappear on compile (haven't figured this one out and try to avoid certain faces), 3) and most recently, totally bizarre font display (looks like egg thrown against the wall), which, despite verifying the fonts, replacing them (even though they checked out fine), cleaning the font caches (with Font Finagler, nee Font Cache Cleaner), doing a million restarts and praying, are still screwed up.

One possible common thread is that these seems to be OpenType fonts. But the errors are totally inconsistent -- for example, the font with #3 above had worked fine for nearly a year before becoming hopelessly destroyed in the past five hours, and only *some* characters in #2 disappear.I'm posting here mostly out of frustration, since previous posts on similar issues haven't yielded decent (working) solutions and Googling these problems (ad nauseam) mostly shows people using either different font managers (or none at all) or working with dynamic text. (Mine is static text.)But perhaps someone has a definitive resource/recipe for troubleshooting and solving these font problems?Or perhaps someone could shed some light on why Adobe uses separate font folders and caches?

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Professional :: Fonts Incorrectly Embedded In CS5?

Mar 28, 2011

Create new AS3 fla fileIn publish settings, click 'Generate Size report'Put some text on the stage - Classic text, static (Though it doesn't seem to matter)Make sure the font is '_sans' (There is no 'Use device fonts' option for this font choice)Publish the fileNote that _sans is now embedded in the SWF, occupying bytes in the size report. Try the same in CS3, and there is nothing embedded, as you would expect. Unfortunately I can't get my fla loaded into CS3 because CS5 will only allow me to export as CS4.
Similarly, change the font to something specific, like Verdana, and set it to use device fonts and it still embeds font data (We're talking about 3 or 4k) but doesn't list any glyphs. Occasionally though, by screwing around, it doesn't embed anything. Then nudge some text in some magical way and it's back to embedding redundant data.

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Professional :: Disappearing The Embedded Fonts?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a static textfield using Myriad Pro bold font that, when set to STATIC TEXT works absolutely fine, in the correct font.If I set it to DYNAMIC TEXT and test the SWF, the text shows up as a system font; not Myriad ProIf I set it to EMBED CHARACTERS the text doesn't show up at all on ANY system, whether the font is installed or not.
I have tried adding the font to the Library and using that "Family" for Properties>Character in my dynamic text box, but get the same results as when I don't set that to EMBED CHARACTGERS. I've tried selecting the font for the textfield as both the standard OS Font, as well as the one with the Asterisk next to it, but get the same results both ways.The library font is set to "export for actionscript" and "on frame 1".
I don't think it's an issue with the font not being available, as I'm able to see it when setting textfield to STATIC type, and I use the font in other CS4 products (Photoshop, etc.).

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Flash :: Runtime Fonts Not Playing Nice With Fonts Embedded In Static Text?

Jul 11, 2010

I save my (embedded) fonts in an external file (fonts.swf) that gets loaded at runtime. Pretty standard. I also use a bunch of UI artwork generated in the Flash IDE. Some of this artwork contains static textfields (thus, not proper TextFields that can change. Just frozen glyphs). Here's the problem: if I use the same font in any static textfield and then embed that same font into my collection of runtime fonts, the runtime font will refuse to render. It's the same effect you get if you set a textfield with embeddedFonts=true to use a font that isn't embedded. If I change the static textfields to use a different font, the runtime fonts work just fine.


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Professional :: Certain Installed Fonts Not Appearing In Flash?

Jul 30, 2008

I'm running XP and have installed 6 .otf fonts, from the Avenir family. Flash MX 2004 and Flash 8 don't see all but the Light and Roman versions of the font (they are the only ones that appear in the font menu). Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop display all the fonts, however.

An associate suggested that sometimes Flash doesn't like the names to be non-standard; in other words, it doesn't like "Heavy", but prefers "Bold", etc. This seems to support the fonts not being displayed in the Flash font menu, as they are AvenirLTStd-Heavy.otf, AvenirLTStd-HeavyOblique.otf, AvenirLTStd-LightOblique.otf and AvenirLTStd-Oblique.otf. The only two being displayed in the font menu are AvenirLTStd-Roman.otf and AvenirLTStd-Light.otf ("Roman" and "Light" are pretty traditional names).

I've tried renaming the fonts to "Bold" and "italic", etc., but Windows still sees the original names. I've tried opening the fonts in Notepad and changing all references (for example, all "Heavy" to "bold"), but saving the font file (even if I add and remove a space) makes it unreadable as a font (security issues, I think). One reason I think it's a naming issue, is I did try renaming Heavy to Roman, and installed it, and Flash saw it as Roman, but it had the Heavy characteristic. This work-around doesn't work, however, as I need Roman, too (and renaming it Roman2 doesn't work). Is there any solution for this? I need access to all of the Avenir font family, as it's for a branded project that uses Avenir specifically. Oh, and last but not least, I have the fonts installed on my Mac, and Flash 8 and CS3 both see all the fonts, no problem.

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Professional :: Apply Html Tag To Embedded Fonts?

Feb 10, 2010

i have a textfield, i embedded fonts and  assigned htmlText, i.e.
txt.embedFonts = true;
txt.htmlText       = '<b>my text </b>';
but it doesnt  aplly html tags because of embedFonts... i tried to make style using css  but didnt work is there any way to accomplish this?

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