Professional :: Flash CS5 Was Not Opening The Fla - Error Reading Txt File
Feb 24, 2011
he bought a template that makes the reading of external files, at first Ihad a problem because the flash CS5 was not opening the fla, so I managed to solvethe updating Flash CS5, solved this problem after another arose, the same open thefla normal, but when you export the swf so it makes reading the menus, most do notread the contents of rest, and saw the variables are correct, only appears the letter "a"sample (aaaaaaa) looks like this should appear where the text in question,
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Dec 20, 2011
...Anyway. Since college happened, I'm used to C++ storing data in .txt files and reading in from there. I'm trying to make a monopoly remake for something to do while Christmas comes, and I wanted to store all the card information somewhere. I thought of storing it in some sort of "Information Class" or perhaps just a text file.
how does AS3 read from text files?
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Feb 8, 2010
I have Flash CS3 on OSX. Everytime I open a specific FLA file, I immediately get the following error message:
"Error creating Flash Movie. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check to make sure the name is not too long."
Dismissing the alert box results in the same alert box instantaneously popping back, completely blocking any attempt to act upon the file. The file name is 7 characters long (extension included) and is located in a folder which contains other FLAs I have no problem publishing.
I have sent back the file in question to its creator and she had no problem opening it in CS3. She has done a "Save as..." and sent me the result, but it did not work. A collegue of mine opened it successfully in CS4. I have taken the opportunity to verify the Publish settings there (not that it should matter as I can't do anything with the file, let alone publishing it) and it is set to publish only a SWF file next to its FLA. Saving it as a CS4 file then back to CS3 has not produced a file which I can use with any success. It seems very unlikely that the file is corrupt. So is my Flash CS3 installation corrupt?
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Aug 21, 2011
When I test some of my as3 movies a new window opens and I can test the file. Yet when I test other movies I get an (error opening url 'file message.) What causes that? It seems to me that if a movie plays it should also test in a new window.
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Jun 3, 2009
I use flash 8 to edit my projects, recently I got a website related to music downloads and it was built in flash, now when I try to edit the fla file it opens up in flash 8 but I cannot see the library and when I edit it and make some changes in it it saves but it doesnt work like the original one.
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Mar 22, 2011
When I open the file in Flash CS5, this message appears:Flash can not parse this document.An error occurred opening file 'D:......fla'
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Sep 21, 2010
I'm doing some small edits to a few lines of text in a .fla file.The file was created with an older version of Flash.When I edit this fla in CS4 and then export it to .sfw and play the movie it does not display correctly.Can I edit an oder file using CS4?the older file is using ActionScript 2.0.
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Dec 10, 2010
This is a new, legal installation of Flash CS5 running on MacBook Air. Here are the file management problems I'm experiencing:
1) files are excrutiatingly slow to open, close, save, and switch between
2) I currently have a series of about 15 files open and I'm trying to close them - I click "don't save" but the files won't close - it's like I've clicked cancel. I have removed the external media these files were originally on, but if not trying to save the file, why can't Flash just close them and make them go away?
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Jan 11, 2012
Description: Flash "Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working, Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..."Files that Windows decided were important: [code]....
"Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." This only happens when I open this specific fla file. I've attached it to this message, (download it here: http:[url].... (I didn't know which file to send so I sent all three that seemed to be related))
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Feb 23, 2010
I hope someone here can help me figure out why my Flash CS4 on a Mac 10.6.2 machine crashes unexpectedly every time I open a file. (I have posted the entire crash log below) The program will open, and even stay open when I choose a .fla file for about 5-10 seconds and then CRASH every time. For what it's worth, all my other design collection programs work fine.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalled the Flash app., but it didn't do anything. I have also tried deleting all preference files and application support files in my user, and the problem persists.Does anyone have any ideas? I have a Flash job to get out and no way to work on it![code]
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Sep 27, 2011
I'm using the Flash CS4 IDE, and the first page of my site takes a lot longer to load than I want it to. So I wanted to go through the varied images / symbols / movie clips / sounds and so on to see where all the memory is being chewed up. When I go into my library, however, I can see the Name, LInkage, usecound and Type of my elements, but no mention of file size and I can't seem to find any right click menu that lets me add file size to the list of details being displayed. Is there a way to make it show file size? Or some workaround? And are there any best practices to reduce file size aside from using symbols for anything that's used more than once and reducing image and sound quality?
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Apr 26, 2010
I'm reading a 2d array from a .txt file, this is what I do:
[Embed(source = '../lib/lvl1front.txt', mimeType = "application/octet-stream")]
private var frontTxt:Class;
Then a bit further:
var fgString:String = new frontTxt();
foreGround = stringToArray(fgString);
The stringToArray function is where things go horribly bad:
private function stringToArray(input:String):Array
var output:Array = new Array();
Notice the starting comma on every line except the first? I think it's the newline character somehow interfering, but I've tried everything I can think of, and nothing has helped.
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Mar 27, 2009
I really don't know actionscript but i downloaded an fla for a calendar and but it can't find the xml file it needs.. i have the xml file in the root folder but it still cant find itthats the code thats looking for the xml
xmlpath = _root.locationuri + "calendar_xml.asp?" + cb;
i named the file calendar_xml.asp
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Aug 7, 2010
I have an .fla file that I've been working on for hours and hours. Everything seemed to be fine when I went to bed last night, but I woke up this morniong to find I can't open the file, I get the message "An eror occurred openning file 'C:users....'
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Feb 9, 2010
When I click the Edit button next to AIR Settings in the properties panel in Flash CS4 Version 10.0.2 I get the following error: The following JavaScript error(s) occured:
At line 984 of file "Apollo_OpenSettingDialog.jsfl":
exportSWF: Argument number 1 is invalid.
I've installed the new AIR2 (beta2) I found here: http:[url].....but I don't think this error has anything to do with it.I'm currently running Mac OS X 10.5.8.
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Sep 13, 2010
I've been working with flash on and off for about 4 years now so I'm used to the interface but I've never worked with actionscript that much.I'm working on a flash photo gallery that uses XML to load each images title text, and the filepath to each thumbnail image and full size image.It all seems to be working fine, however when I test the movie I get the following error message in the output:Error opening URL 'file:///Z|/20930AliWebb/FlashGallery/fla/undefined'The images are stored in a folder named gallery_images and the thumbnails in a folder called gallery_thumbs, both within the fla folder. The fla folder also contains the xmlphoto.xml file and my flash file.Here's my actionscript:
spacing = 60;
//create a new xml object
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Sep 5, 2011
I am brand new to Flash and I am completely unsure on how to diagnose and resolve the problems I am having.I am in an online program through the Art Institute and I am currently taking a course to learn the basics of Flash.I am running Flash from CS4 on my MacBook Pro running OS X 10.6.8 and I am having problems opening some of the .fla files that people post. One of two things happens, either:
(1) when I try to open the .fla file I get an pop-up alert (below) and if I click OK the file doesn't open (and clicking OK is my only option, as you see);
(2) I go to open the .fla file and it appears to be opening but then the screen is blank and I get two error reports in the Output pane which says:"VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of isRelatedObjectInaccessible in .RemappedMouseEvent.ReferenceError: Error #1065: Variable_ e9a7 52f233536079fc4486d6ac92a1b05a633a5657d5b83ad7fac2246298 b191_flash_ display_ Sprite is not defined."I tried installing all available updates for Flash and that did not solve it. I also tried opening the same .fla files on my husbands MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.8 running CS4 and got the same problems.
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Mar 11, 2008
I am using a dynamic nav menu edited using xml, when the corresponding button is pressed I want it to display some text in the text box and load a .swf into the loader m.c. It sort of works, however which ever button I click on it displays the content text and .swf for the last button listed in the xml file, when I try to set a var equal to the instance name of the button clicked on it shows the text as undefined and does not load the m.c? If I leave out the var 'currentIndex' I get a message in the output Error opening URL file undefined. I've checked everything and there are no typos.
var yPosition:Number = 0;
var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
var links:Array = new Array();
var names:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....
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Jun 7, 2011
I added a Flash animation to a web page, and instead of showing it, I get this Canceled opening the page error (that, or it just shows this big blank space) in all of the browsers I've tried (IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera). Adobe says Flash won't play in a 64-bit browser. I made sure I'm using Safari's 32-bit mode; it still won't play. I empty the cache, reset Safari, still nothing. I admit to not having loads of Flash experience, but this strikes me as odd.g
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Mar 5, 2012
I remember that I tried it on my friend's laptop and it worked. I am using a trial version of flash and is a beginner?
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Jul 22, 2010
I have Flash CS4.I'm having problems opening a specific file.Its about 239,000 KB.Sometimes it opens partially, I can open movie clips and scrub through the time line and see my keyframes. The problem is that it wont display my movie clip keyframes in the viewing window.The flash dialog giving you options to open previous files is there instead.My friend can open the exact same file on his computer in Flash just fine.Also, I have hardware acceleration settings turned to 'NONE'.?
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Feb 5, 2011
I have this problem opening a .fla file of mine.Error: "Unexpected file format". solving it as I don't want to lose all my work with that file
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Mar 18, 2011
I encounter a big issue.When creating a new AS3 Flash file, or opening an existing one, Flash CS4 crashes(see crash report below)I can however create a new AS2 file.I reinstalled Flash, and installed latest update, and problem still occursIs it possible that a corrupted file screwed up Flash CS4 installation ?
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE AdobeCrashReport SYSTEM AdobeCrashReporter.dtd>
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Aug 31, 2011
I am working freelance on an animated show for children, animating characters in flash, and I have a problem that is driving me crazy.
I will try to explain it so it won't be too confusing. This just happened on the file I am working on now, an animation of a character walking: The graphic symbol containing the legs had two keyframes in it (on frame 1 and 2) when I saved the file. When I reopened it, the legs had only keyframes on frame 1. When I check the swf I exported just before saving, the legs are fine.
Similar problems has happened many times now, sometimes keyframes are gone, other times they have turned blank, and on one occation graphic symbols had changed to empty movie clip symbols. The last swf exported has always been okay.
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Aug 16, 2011
I've built a presentation that requires the need to open pdf files in Acrobat Reader... as I have been building this on a Mac I simply used the geturl code which has been working a treat... today when I tested it on a PC it opened the file in a browser window!
I'm not really a coder and have to rely on finding bits online that I can tweak... after many hours I have fixed the pdf opening problem by using the fscommand method, but unfortunately when the pdf file is closed, my presentation (that was running fullscreen) has minimised itself to a window 100% to the original stage size!
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Dec 7, 2010
i'm trying to make a contact form but it gives me this error and the messages are not being sent.
"Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:///Ana%20Valente/Snowflake/site%20snowflake/contact.php at index_fla::MainTimeline/sendMessage()"
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May 16, 2005
I turn to you for help, dear sweet Kirupa Forumites. First, let me explain the problem: I have a flash file reading an external text file for the content. Everything works perfectly for nearly everyone - you click a menu button, and the content text comes up fine. However, a couple of people have found that the text shows up as "undefined". I have checked the player versions of the people where it doesn't work, and it is the same as for those where it does work, so that ain't the problem.
I don't understand why it works perfectly for nearly everyone, but a small number of people have this "undefined" text problem. It seems to be a problem with loading the external text file, but I don't know why. I have a main flash movie, and load the text in the first frame, using the following:
var my_content = new LoadVars();
my_content.onLoad = function(success){
if (success){
I then have a couple of dynamic text boxes in the main movie - one called ErrorText (for displaying an error message to the user) and one called ContentText (for displaying the content). I use an external menu swf which jumps to a specific frame in the main movie, depending on which button is clicked. Actionscript on the main movie frame for the first button does the following, with the other frames similarly configured:
ContentText.htmlText = my_content.content1;
My external text file is properly configured (content1=blah blah&content2=other blah blah) etc.
Does anyone have any advice on how I can solve this particular weird problem??
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Feb 9, 2011
I have a script that loads a php page for variables. There are no problems when the swf is uploaded to the site but when I run it locally, I keep getting "Error opening URL" messages. I'm using absolute pathing and if I paste the URL my script is using in a browser, the correct page opens. This only started happening after the site changed servers.
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Feb 9, 2011
I have a script that loads a php page for variables. There are no problems when the swf is uploaded to the site but when I run it locally, I keep getting "Error opening URL" messages. I'm using absolute pathing and if I paste the URL my script is using in a browser, the correct page opens. This only started happening after the site changed servers.
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Jul 24, 2006
this function should open me a pop-up window with a set of strings passed in the location var.With firefox have no problem, but IE gives me an error on the bottom bar without opening anything.Here belowe the code wich is on the button:
on (release) {
//customize the window that gets opened
// 0 equals NO.
// 1 equals YES.
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