Professional :: Flash CS5 File Opening / Closing

Dec 10, 2010

This is a new, legal installation of Flash CS5 running on MacBook Air. Here are the file management problems I'm experiencing:
1) files are excrutiatingly slow to open, close, save, and switch between

2) I currently have a series of about 15 files open and I'm trying to close them - I click "don't save" but the files won't close - it's like I've clicked cancel. I have removed the external media these files were originally on, but if not trying to save the file, why can't Flash just close them and make them go away?

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Professional :: Opening Older Flash File In CS4

Sep 21, 2010

I'm doing some small edits to a few lines of text in a .fla file.The file was created with an older version of Flash.When I edit this fla in CS4 and then export it to .sfw and play the movie it does not display correctly.Can I edit an oder file using CS4?the older file is using ActionScript 2.0.

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Professional :: Flash Crashes When Opening Fla File?

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Description: Flash "Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working, Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..."Files that Windows decided were important: [code]....

"Adobe Flash CS5 has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available." This only happens when I open this specific fla file. I've attached it to this message, (download it here: http:[url].... (I didn't know which file to send so I sent all three that seemed to be related))

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I hope someone here can help me figure out why my Flash CS4 on a Mac 10.6.2 machine crashes unexpectedly every time I open a file. (I have posted the entire crash log below) The program will open, and even stay open when I choose a .fla file for about 5-10 seconds and then CRASH every time. For what it's worth, all my other design collection programs work fine.I have tried uninstalling and reinstalled the Flash app., but it didn't do anything. I have also tried deleting all preference files and application support files in my user, and the problem persists.Does anyone have any ideas? I have a Flash job to get out and no way to work on it![code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Closing MovieClips Before Opening New One?

Oct 30, 2008

when you click on a button it opens a movie clip (the background drops down). Each section has a different background.I want to be able to close the movie clip before moving onto the next section, e.g the backgound goes back up again and the next background drops down. e.g If you click on "contact" you go into contact section (a background drops down), then when you click on "work" the bg from contact goes up (i created a label called "contact_out" which contains a movieclip of the bg going up) and then loads the "work" section.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Opening And Closing Doors?

Feb 28, 2012

Imagine a locker room that you can open and close the doors. I have the opening and closing working (one sample below) but I need to make it so that only one door can be open at any time. I had thought about using a boolean that switches between true and false within an if/else statement. If the boolean is false (no doors open) then the one clicked can open. As it opens it sets the boolean to true so no others can be opened. Trouble is to close it the way its set up right now you click it again and the movieclip's timeline continues and resets to the closed position. This is an issue because the opening of the door sets the boolean to true and I need a false value to click the button again and close the door.I'm building on top of a tutorial I've just run through so ignore the "response_mc" - although that's where I'd put a "Please close the open door first" line through the else function.

ActionScript Code:
// Door ActionScripting
mc_door1.buttonMode = true;
mc_door1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, clickDoor1);[code].........

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Professional :: Opening A Specific File

Jul 22, 2010

I have Flash CS4.I'm having problems opening a specific file.Its about 239,000 KB.Sometimes it opens partially, I can open movie clips and scrub through the time line and see my keyframes. The problem is that it wont display my movie clip keyframes in the viewing window.The flash dialog giving you options to open previous files is there instead.My friend can open the exact same file on his computer in Flash just fine.Also, I have hardware acceleration settings turned to 'NONE'.?

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Professional :: Getting Error On Opening Specific FLA File

Feb 8, 2010

I have Flash CS3 on OSX. Everytime I open a specific FLA file, I immediately get the following error message:
"Error creating Flash Movie. Be sure the destination file is not locked or on a locked drive. Also, check to make sure the name is not too long."
Dismissing the alert box results in the same alert box instantaneously popping back, completely blocking any attempt to act upon the file. The file name is 7 characters long (extension included) and is located in a folder which contains other FLAs I have no problem publishing.

I have sent back the file in question to its creator and she had no problem opening it in CS3. She has done a "Save as..." and sent me the result, but it did not work. A collegue of mine opened it successfully in CS4. I have taken the opportunity to verify the Publish settings there (not that it should matter as I can't do anything with the file, let alone publishing it) and it is set to publish only a SWF file next to its FLA. Saving it as a CS4 file then back to CS3 has not produced a file which I can use with any success. It seems very unlikely that the file is corrupt. So is my Flash CS3 installation corrupt?

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Mar 18, 2011

I encounter a big issue.When creating a new AS3 Flash file, or opening an existing one, Flash CS4 crashes(see crash report below)I can however create a new AS2 file.I reinstalled Flash, and installed latest update, and problem still occursIs it possible that a corrupted file screwed up Flash CS4 installation ?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE AdobeCrashReport SYSTEM AdobeCrashReporter.dtd>


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Professional :: Missing Keyframes When Opening Fla-file?

Aug 31, 2011

I am working freelance on an animated show for children, animating characters in flash, and I have a problem that is driving me crazy.

I will try to explain it so it won't be too confusing. This just happened on the file I am working on now, an animation of a character walking: The graphic symbol containing the legs had two keyframes in it (on frame 1 and 2) when I saved the file. When I reopened it, the legs had only keyframes on frame 1. When I check the swf I exported just before saving, the legs are fine.

Similar problems has happened many times now, sometimes keyframes are gone, other times they have turned blank, and on one occation graphic symbols had changed to empty movie clip symbols. The last swf exported has always been okay.


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Opening CS4 File In Flash 8 - Unexpected File Format

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Jun 3, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Opening PPT File From Flash?

Sep 17, 2005

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Jun 2, 2010

I'm working on a portfolio in Flash CS3 and AS3. I'm trying to avoid doing the whole thing in Flash, so the home page is a CSS/HTML header page that will house a looping flash piece underneath the header, and the inner portfolio will be flash pieces brought into the same CSS header framework.I'd like to know what kind of code I need to use in the portolio flash navigation so that the "home" link will open the CSS/HTML home page in its same window, rather than launching another window. Is this something that can be done using AS3, or do I need javascrpt as well?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS4 Crashes When Opening New Flash File

Feb 6, 2010

I am using flash for the first time and have been trying to open a new flash file: action script 3 but haven't been successful cause the program immediately crashes.
Attachments: Error report.docx (84.1 K)

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Flash 8 :: Opening Macromedia Fla File In The Adobe?

Aug 26, 2011

I try to open the macromedia flash 8 version flash file in the Adobe Flash CS4. At that time one "Font Mapping" window came. In that Window  "The document "Name" contains one or more fonts currently not available on your system. The text will display and publish with the font mapping below".

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Feb 21, 2012

I did one flash file by using Action Script 3.0. That SWF running in Vista and Windows7 systems but it not running in XP systems.

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Sep 4, 2005

I have some problem opening a words document via flash projector.Here the code i use

on (release) {
getURL("doc/unit1/LP.doc", "_blank");

It WORKS prefectly on my computer. Opening up the doc file in words and in the foreground.But i recieve feedback that sometime it doesn't open up in the foreground, and sometime, it open up in Internet explorer instead.

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Nov 29, 2010

I would like to know my options for opening the movie. What we would like is to have a link at the bottom of the page, and when clicked, the movie opens. We prefer not to simply use the html file which may be easier for what we want. Is it possible to open the movie from an HTML link? I'm guessing no.

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Flash :: Professional - Opening Multiple Files On CS5 BUG

Dec 8, 2011

Im always encountering this same bug since I got Flash CS5 everytime I open multiple files on Flash, my instance names lock in this case I have to restart flash and pray the instance names wont lock up again... It's really getting annoying because I could be working on up to 10 files at a time which forces me to individually open each file everytime I start my project.

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