Professional :: Flash Login Managed By Xml File?

Feb 29, 2012

I have a site template I customized. in this site there is the possibility to have a loginit works very well, but the problem is that the users rights are managed in the movieclip (action) which is not very easy in useso I would like to manage the users in an xml file outside flash, but I'm not able enough to create the good codemay
here below the login code :
//disables right click menuvar myMenu_cm:ContextMenu;myMenu_cm = new


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Flash Login Page For Multiple Separate Login Accounts

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Username: user1 Password: pass = link to [URL]
Username: user2 Password: pass = link to [URL]
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var user_input = "";
var pass_input = "";
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if(user_input == "user1"
&& pass_input == "pass"){
getURL([URL], "GET");
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Professional :: Load A Login.swf From Localhost?

Mar 1, 2010

i have realy pain start with af3 when i was fine with of my probleme is i load a login.swf from localhost .
Probleme1. i test on my pc "wamp" then i test on a remote server let call it  "Lamp". my code in main swf (As3.swf)  look a something like this.

var chemin = new URLRequest( "http://localhost/As3_login.swf" ) ;cadre.load ( chemin );cadre.x = 40;cadre.y = 100;addChild(cadre);

what happen is in localhost test everithing does the job but when i upload on my distant server "Lamp"  as3.swf and As3_login.swf,the main swf (As3.swf) don't load the As3_login .swf that is on my distant server "Lamp" .in fact it try load the swf that is on my local "wamp" server (my own hard disk).so if i close my "wamp" what happen is As3.swf from "Lamp" load then it can't load As3_login.swf.seem totaly ilogique to me since when localhost isn't local?

Probleme 2. the code above addChild(cadre) add the As3_login.swf from here all is finel) .now the probleme is i have a button cancel on the As3_login.swf and i want this button remove what we loaded previously(itself then).i tryed a lot of thing to remove a loaded child from the child itself???

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Larger Projects Managed Where Content Loaded Isn't Known Ahead Of Time?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm very used to building things with hard references in mind using AS2. I build it knowing I'm going to put a panel A in _level0.panela_mc and interface B in _level0.interfaceb_mc and Login Prompt in _level0.login_mc.login_com, etc etc.. I always know these will exist and you simply reference them via _level0.whatever. What is the new strategy to managing references to lots of sprites?
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Login With Php?

Mar 23, 2011

Everything I've tried with this script has ended with no positive result, this was developed in flash 9, but attempting to publish in flash 10 since its no longer working after updating flash. I have also upgraded from CS3 to CS5 recently also if that makes any difference. Well, here's the code:


AS3 code:

stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.showDefaultContextMenu = false; //path to the php file on your server var phpPath:String = "login.php"; //make password text field (when you type the characters will be like "******") pass.displayAsPassword = true; login.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, loginDown); function loginDown(e:MouseEvent):void{


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Professional :: Put A Video Player Swf File Inside A Flash File?

Aug 17, 2010

i want to know how i can put a flash file inside a flash wbsite. i have found a tutorial [URL] that says something like that but in this tutorial if i understand correctly it creates a new flash project and add another swf inside. i have my website created and i just want to add video gallery, image gallery etc that are already swf. how i can do that?

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Flash :: Professional - File Unexpected Format Can't Open File

Jun 1, 2011

I have been working on a project for a week and suddenly it crashed during save (nothing strange had been imported or anything i just saved after moving content around) and now i cant open my file again. I contacted adobe support who claim that since the problem is related to the file this is not their problem, what a load of HORSE ****, who should i contact about this dell if its an FLA FILE!? I have already renamed the file to then opened with WinRar and repaired as a new zip file to a different folder (which removes the corrupt content which is document something.xml) then i tried renaming this folder back to flash.fla however the file still does not open.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Login In Flash?

Jan 19, 2004

I'm trying to make a login in flash but i don't know how to code it.

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IDE :: Creating Login Page In Flash CS3 / CS4

Sep 10, 2009

I am trying to create a simple login page, once the user has logged in successfully they will be taken to another site which contains their photos. I have created the login page already, it has a Username and password plus the Submit button. I guess 2 things need to happen here:

1. I would like to be able to access an xml document which contains the Username and Password in order to validate the details.
2. Upon successful validation, the user is directed to another page which contains their gallery, I guess I need to add a navigateToURL here in actionscript where the URL is passed from the XML file to the code (the URL needs to come from an the same XML file, if possible).

I am trying to design this site so I don't need to keep accessing the actionscript in flash to add user details and URL links.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (mx) Login Page In Flash

Dec 2, 2003

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Login In Flash?

Jan 19, 2004

I'm trying to make a login in flash but i don't know how to code it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Login From Flash To Php Page?

Mar 16, 2004

There's been a long time since i dont ask questions here... not that i dont need to, coz i know nothing , is just that im not using flash that much lately.

ok then, heres the question, I have a simple username/password form in a swf file, and i want to launch, in a new window, a login php page when i hit the submit button, with the variables passing from the swf form to this page. the problem is: i have no idea how the script of the submit button should look like

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Professional :: Use A .ICO File Instead Of A .PNG Or .JPEG File In Flash Project?

Apr 18, 2011

I'm trying to find out if it's possible to use a .ICO file instead of a .PNG or .JPEG file in my Flash project. Is this even possible? The reason I'm asking is that the project I'm putting together uses ActionScript 2.0 code (not sure if that makes a difference or not) and displays a bunch of images for a bunch of different applications. So instead of creating a .PNG file for each application, since I've already got .ICO files on hand, I'd rather use those (saving me a ton of time).

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Flash :: Professional - Publish Is Generating A Swz File - What Is A Swz File

Oct 11, 2011

trying to work out why Flash is publishing an unexpected swz file with one recent project. From what I can tell this is an optional run-time library used to reduce file size. My problem is that it is causing all sorts of text formatting grief when I try to import my swf into Adobe Captivate. how I can publish a swf without generating a swz? Why on earth has Flash opted to generate this unexpected file in the first place (assuming user error, but can't work out what I've done)?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Login Isn't Working Correctly?

Jan 13, 2009

The page I created can be found here: [URL]

The login info should be "letmein77"

This is my AS (2.0):

loginbutton.onPress = function() {
if (password == "letmein77") {
else {


I don't work much with input variables (my focus is more in animation/design than forms and scripting) in my flash movies and i've been scratching my head for days now.

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Simple Login Flash Stuff Not Working

Sep 21, 2010

I am fairly new to Flash and I am creating a simple Flash login programme in Flash. If I type in the correct password or even if I type in the wrong password it always goes to frame 3 which is "Login Failed! Username or password was wrong". I have attached .fla file. Note I created in Macromedia Flash 8.

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