Professional :: Make A Scrolling News Section With A Stage Of 200 W X 250 L?
Sep 1, 2010
I am in the process of building a web site and am running into an issue with dynamic loading text.I am trying to make a scrolling news section with a stage of 200 W x 250 LCreated a movie clip with the following coding:
var myTextLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();var myTextField_txt:TextField = new TextField();myTextField_txt.wordWrap=true;
myTextLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoaded);
function onLoaded(e:Event):void {myTextField_txt.text =;addChild(myTextField_txt);}
myTextLoader.load(new URLRequest("myText.txt"));
Then set the clip (which is 250 W x 600 L) on the main stage, moving upwards, creating the auto scroll effect.The problem I am running into is that I can't figure out how to make the text use the whole width of the text box I created. It only uses half of the width, creating columbs like this:
Hello and
to our new
The text box itself is at least twice the width of the sentences, but they aren't using the full width.
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//load XML
xmlContent = new XML();[code]....
It seems to duplicate the movies correctly, but it won't load the XML into the corresponding text boxes I've created. I've included a link to the source files as well if anyone has a minute to take a look.http:[url]....getting the date from the attributes of the news item I'd like it to go in the "date_txt" box within the news module clip.
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Code: Select alllearn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, learnClick);
act.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, actClick);
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if (_root.up) {
_root.newsMC._y += 10;[code]....
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I am trying to make a AS3 version of a scrolling news ticker although Iseem to be having trouble. The code below doesn't seem to be working although its not throwing any errors. I think its not loading my xml nodes or something. All I am trying to do is it to eventually load an rss feed and scroll a selected set of nodes. For now I just tried to get it to display an xml formated file since rss is xml formated. Ultimately for this example I just want it to display the title attribute of every item.
news_txt.x = 1024.0;
var count:int;
var textnode:String;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.TEXT;
[Code] .....
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AS3 Example
mask = customMask;
var my_str:String = " Ad hoc ad loc and quid pro quo ";
function addUm():void {
my_str = my_str.charAt(my_str.length - 1) + my_str.slice(0, my_str.length - 1);
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Sep 6, 2010
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Feb 1, 2011
Anyhow, I have a few buttons (six of them) to scroll from left to right non-stop via looping. Those buttons are in the up state. What I want to achieve is that when someone hovers over one of the buttons, the entire scrolling temporarily stops and perhaps the hovered button becomes larger as well. I'm sure you've seen something similar on ebay listings before shown as slideshows.
my Over buttons are managed via movie clips, but not the Up state buttons.
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Apr 21, 2007
i've got a fair bit of text i'm trying to keep on an internal page by just making each section a scrolling content box. So there are 3 buttons at the top, each 'scrolls' onto a new section and I would like the ability for it to scroll back too, hence using the tween class to do this. I've managed to set it up and each button goes to each 'page' fine in reading order, so to speak (1, 2, 3), but if I got to 1, 2 then back to 1 it will start from 0 on the x axis.
Basically what i'm wanting to do is set the tween from the current _x value. So if I go 1, 2, then back to one, it will take the current _x value from 2, and scroll the opposite direction back to one. I am using the following code on the buttons:
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Jun 30, 2010
like they did on this site: [URL] so, how to make this scrolling effect
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Mar 26, 2011
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Apr 16, 2011
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May 17, 2010
I am working on the news ticker module (AS2) where I have to fetch news from xml and populate that news headings into four text fields and these 4 headings will stay for a while and fade until last record. this process will continue.
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Mar 24, 2007
Making an XML news reader based off of senocular Squirrel XML news.
I'm using Fuse and wanted to target the dynamic text and or background portions of the headline section.
However, this movie clip is attached to the menu_mc so I'm stumped as to what I should exactly target for the fuse sequence (or any mx.transition/zigo engine based code-tweening process for that matter).
I've attached the files in a .zip for people to look at (and possibly conquer my problem!
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Nov 9, 2009
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- I've had a look at Print num scripts etc, but am hugely confused.
Has anyone got the script for printing a section of a flash stage?PS Can you set those x and y values to print something off the stage
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on (release) {
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May 1, 2009
I'd like to make a news slider for flash that not only shows images and text, but can also play videos that are presented as news, through an XML file or something.A good example is the flash news slider that uses, which can play videos on clal as well.Can anyone direct me to a tutorial or guide me here on how I cna achieve this through Flash CS4?
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Mar 1, 2004
I'm trying to make a news system, loaded from XML ... headers dyn created, onreleases ... so far..sorting the xml data (on DATE; xx/xx/xx) and storing it into an array for further violence I just found out something about this:
var myArray:Array = new Array();
myArray.push({day: "18", month: "02", year:"04"});
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Oct 10, 2006
how to create a simple horizontal news ticker [URL].
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Nov 9, 2009
I'd like to make a news slider for flash that not only shows images and text, but can also play videos that are presented as news, through an XML file or something.A good example is the flash news slider that uses, which can play videos on clal as I cna achieve this through Flash CS4?
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Oct 4, 2009
Similar to this: [URL]. Where all the latest news are rolling automatically. Is there some special name for that?
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Oct 21, 2009
I would like to create a Flash file using AS3 that pulls info from three different nodes in an XML file. The pic below is a screen shot of what I'm trying to accomplish.
Here's an example of my XML:
<?xml version="1.0"?><rss version="2.0"><channel><title> - MORE NEWS</title><item><title>State announces details of Minnesota FluLine </title><description><![CDATA[<img
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Jun 20, 2007
I want to make a news ticker with ASP & Flash. Each trun will show one news.
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Mar 1, 2004
I'm wondering if someone could help me with giving me the right direction, I should look for. I'm trying to make a news system, loaded from XML ... headers dyn created, onreleases Now I was wondering if someone could help me with sorting the xml data (on DATE; xx/xx/xx) and storing it into an array for further violence
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