Professional :: Omit Certain Text Input Fields On Flash Site From Form?
Apr 18, 2007
If I have a form with 12 text input fields on one page and on another for a different reason I have 4 text input fields how do I keep this information form the 4 from being passed to my php script?
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Aug 1, 2008
I have a form that works fine except that when trying to navigate through input text fields with tab it would skip the last input text field and go to the submit button. So I used this to fix the problem: name.tabIndex = 1; and so forth. Now that problem is fix but I have a new problem. When I test the movie the input fields are populated with this: Does anyone know the reason for the?
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Jan 18, 2010
I have created a form based on this tutorial by senocular: [URL]..The ide is to create input text fields on a site where a viewer can write his/her name and email address and then press "send". When the send button is pressed an email will be sent to my own email account.
My problem is that the email is supposed to contain only a name and an email address which the user wrote in the form.
I'm guessing it is because I use CSS to set the format on the input text fields. How can I solve this problem?
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Oct 20, 2008
I am a newbe to Flash and I have built a flash file that ends up with user input fields which write data to my 1shoppingcart autoresponder. From 1shoppingcart I got the HTML code to capture my website visitors name, email & phone number.
<form name="form1" method="post" action="[URL]">
<input name="merchantid" type="hidden" id="merchantid" value="111555">
<input name="ARThankyouURL" type="hidden" id="ARThankyouURL" value="[URL]">
<input name="copyarresponse" type="hidden" id="copyarresponse" value="1">
<input name="custom" type="hidden" id="custom" value="0">
[Code] .....
When I try to submit the information from my new flash website it does not work and when I did a trace on the application all of my variables seem to be working correctly but not in the same sequence as I had added them to the Actionscript. The only other difference on the trace is at the end of the correct post I get the following fields.
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Nov 11, 2010
This is about fill in the blanks in flash 8 as2. In this i used input text fields and three buttons.In first frame i used multiple input text fields and a submit button. After filling all the blanks we click on submit button then in the second frame we will show the result like if the blank is correct it should change the color to green and if it is wrong it should change to red.and in the frame i have check button when we click on it will display all the answers. And when we click on analyse button we have to display the answer which the user types and the correct answers.And my problem is when we click on submit there is no difference in the blanks color all are in black only.
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May 24, 2010
Just wondering where I find a list of what can be error checked in input text fields?I'm looking for things like...- checking that letters and not numbers are entered- checking that an entered number is in a certain range
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Apr 29, 2010
I have two input boxes that I can type numbers into.I'd like a third input box to display the total of the first two.I've set up a key pressed listener on the stage to run a function that adds them together when a key is pressed.Problem is, it just places the strings together - it ddoesn't add them.So how do I tell Flash that box1.text and box2.text are numbers?box3.text = box1.text + box2.text ain't doing it.
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Feb 16, 2009
Iam Jennifer, Iam having a doubt in Flash, I hope that you are going to solve my problem, Iam taking 3 Static text fields as Name, Age and Country and besides each and every static text fields i have taken 3 input text fields with different instance names, when i enter my Name, Age and Country details in the input text fields and after entering those details if user clicks the submit button the data should be send to some mail address, is it possible?
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Apr 2, 2007
I recently created a form in flash and managed to get it all set up so i receive it through e-mail,But, I do not see the info. on what has been typed in the text fields from someone responding to the form. what script should I be using to see that info, once it's emailed to me?
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Nov 17, 2011
I love Flash CS5 and working with the AS3 package yet I have done everything and now I am stuck at the most frustrating part - I want to add contact forms to my site and its now allowing me to add another form, brings up errors as follows:
Scene 1, Layer 'Action Script', Frame 291, Line 3 1021: Duplicate function definition. 1st Code that works fine send_details.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendData); function sendData(evtObj:MouseEvent):void{ trace (fullnames_txt.text); trace (email_txt.text); trace (contact_numbers_txt.text); trace (postage_details_txt.text); trace (message_txt.text); var [code]....
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Aug 25, 2010
So, what I'm trying to do can't really be that hard, I still can't get it to work properly...
So, I have two textfields and one button. Whenever I type a set message into one of the textfields and then press the button, I want the other textfield to return another set message. Probably the trickier part: this should work both ways.
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May 4, 2009
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Oct 11, 2010
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Sep 11, 2010
I've got a form that the user enters numeric values in to a series of text Input fields. I want to allow the user to use the arrow keys in addition to the tab keys to control the active focus of the fields.
I set up a 2D array with the names of the input fields as values. I'm trying to call the name of the input field from the array and then assigning the focus, but I'm getting Error 1067 implicit coercion errors.
import flash.text.TextField;
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May 4, 2011
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import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
[Code] .....
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Jul 10, 2011
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var myvar:TextField=new TextField();
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Oct 14, 2003
I was wondering if anyone could please send me info user input text fields. I was wanting to set up a section in my flash site where the user
a) types in their name in first field
b) second field they type in their email address
c) third field they type in their email message and then hit a submitt button to make their message reach me!
View 5 Replies
Nov 24, 2004
I am trying to create a TextField, set its type property to "input," set its format via the TextFormat object, and allow the user to add a label to a movieclip.
Assume you have a button named b_add, and you assign it this code on the main timeline:
_root.b_add.onRelease = function () {_root.createTextField("myLabel", 10, -38, -15, 76, 29.7);
_root.myLabel.type = "input";
_root.myLabel.text = "insert label";
_root.myLabel.wordWrap = true;
The TextField that gets created loses all of its formatting once the user starts typing. It reverts to Time New Roman and doesn't wrap. Do I have something out of order? Should I approach the problem with another solution?
View 6 Replies
Oct 14, 2003
send me info user input text fields. I was wanting to set up a section in my flash site where the user a) types in their name in first field
b) second field they type in their email address
c) third field they type in their email message and then hit a submitt button to make their message reach me!
View 5 Replies
Mar 6, 2012
I'm creating a simple quiz which has 3 questions. Each question has an input text field next to it for the user to type their answer. There is also one submit button underneath the 3 questions.
What I'm needing is some actionscript so they can only progress to the next frame by clicking the submit button once ALL 3 text fields have text in it. It doesn't have to detect any specific text, just that there is something put into each one. If there hasn't been, then it'll pop up with text asking them to complete all the questions first.
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Feb 5, 2009
Trying to connect an input text field to a dynamic text field - each with different formatting (font, size and justification). So far I'm just using the properties box to format the text. Using a.2.0. It works easily in a small test, but in a larger .fla, the results dynamic text field retains the formatting of the input field.
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Jul 21, 2010
I am wondering if there is a way to fill out fields in another website with the input text (or dynamic text) fields from my flash page.
I want to be able to have a sort of 'auto fill' function, where the 'username', 'password' etc. fields in my flash page get transfered to the other website's fields. I had the actionscript set up that looked like:
getURL("http://www,zimbio,com&username=" + userName + "&password=" + passWord)
(not sure if that was the exact way I had it, but you get the idea)
Anyways, some fields (like email and username) worked, but some (like password and 're-enter email', did not work.
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May 30, 2009
I am having some trouble figuring out how to work auto-tabbing between input text fields when a user inputs a character. I have a series of text boxes with maxChar set to 1, and when the user inputs a character, I would like it to auto-tab to the next one. I'm putting together a crossword-style banner ad so the auto-tabbing willtremendously. All the input text fields are instanced on the stage as input1, input2, etc; not called in from a custom class.
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Aug 28, 2009
I can not for the life of me figure out how to change the background color of my input text field,I can change the type and stroke color but in cs3 I see no option for background color, and at the same time have the background opacity lowered so the background of the site can be somewhat showing through. like have the opactity of the background color be at 70-80%.
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Apr 15, 2011
When changing wmode to transparent or opaue, or just by default, some browers change the @ to a " ... so you have to use the opposite button, ie shift-2.The only fix I know is to run a listener and switch double quotes for @ symbols...
View 1 Replies
Jul 21, 2010
I am wondering if there is a way to fill out fields in another website with the input text (or dynamic text) fields from my flash page. I want to be able to have a sort of 'auto fill' function, where the 'username', 'password' etc. fields in my flash page get transfered to the other website's fields. I had the actionscript set up that looked like:
getURL("[URL]" + userName + "&password=" + passWord)
Anyways, some fields (like email and username) worked, but some (like password and 're-enter email', did not work.
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Dec 5, 2010
I have an input text field with embedded fonts together with embedded special characters. I published my app on MAC, when I use my app on mac - all is fine all special characters are displayed correctly - but when I test it on Windows - special characters do not appear or I get wrong characters when I type. I'm confused - becase I have embedded fonts etc - and all should work but for some reason it does't...
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