Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Form Input Text Is Not Formatting Correctly?

Oct 18, 2011

I have this flash form and it was functioning fine a minute ago, when you go to contact us and click contact us you will see the form only inputs in all caps and for some reason it will not let you type every letter it is driving me insane.

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Flash Form Sending Text Formatting Through PHP?

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I am working on a fairly simple form in flash that sends its text input (name, email, subject, and message) to a php file that in turn sends an email containing the inputted text. I tried searching the forums but I couldn't find another case quite like this. Basically I'd like the email sent to just include the inputted text, but it seems that the variables are passing all the text box formatting in addition to the inputted text. I will include my AS, php, and email result below.





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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Text Not Formatting Correctly?

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var external_txt:TextField = new TextField();
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ActionScript 2.0 :: Partial Input Text Formatting At Runtime?

Mar 16, 2007

format partial parts of an input text box at runtime. I have seen a few "text editors" around which are built in flash so i am assuming it is posible but i would like to know the extent of developement on this. My idea is much more simple than the text editor.

Basically i just need to be able to change the format of a specific word or two in a string, which the user has entered in the user input box, on specific words..

for example. image writing some text in MS word, and the last word written is wrong "spelled incorectly" it is then immidiately underlined.. this is the effect i'm after. i have the code working producing errors in a seperate output box. but i need it to change the input text dynamically at run time.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Displays Returns Formatting

Oct 12, 2010

The first questions was a calculation with the correct answer 5 or five. I have created an input text box with a variable ans1. Instance for the input text is Q1Input. I made a button with the following button script:

on (release, keypress "<Enter>") {
if (ans1 eq "5" or ans1 eq "five") {


Typing a correct answer gets me to a wrong message (frame 3) not correct (frame 2). When I trace(ans1) it seems that the input text box is passing teh formatting data with the value thus giveing me WRONG.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash - Navigate Through Input Text Fields With Form Tab Index

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ALIGN="JUSTIFY"><FONT FACE="American Typewriter" SIZE="12"


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I set up a 2D array with the names of the input fields as values. I'm trying to call the name of the input field from the array and then assigning the focus, but I'm getting Error 1067 implicit coercion errors.


import flash.text.TextField;


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import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
[Code] .....

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Mouse Bouncing Out Of Text Form Input Field?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Form Field To Check Length Of Input Text?

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on (release) {
if (!name.length) {
text.emailstatus = "please enter your name";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input Text Area Values For Contact Form

Oct 9, 2009

I have a Input text area set up for a contact form. I want the area to display "Email", and for the alpha to be 50%. When you click on the text field to put in your email address, I want the original value to be removed and for the alpha to reset to 100%. I've been able to accomplish this fine so far using the code below; the problem is that I only want the value to become blank again if the user hasn't entered in information yet (this way if the user wants to come back and change something, it won't all be deleted when the text area is clicked on). I tried using an "if" statement, but Flash seems to just ignore it and perform the function either way.

Here is the code that I came up with:
email.text = "email";
email._alpha = 50;
email.onSetFocus = function() {
email.text = "";
email._alpha = 100;
[Code] .....

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Flex :: Form Validation - Delete Error Icon Of Validated Text Input

Feb 29, 2012

I have a form with a horizontal layout and with this TextInput:
<s:TextInput id="platformNameTI" showErrorSkin="true" showErrorTip="true"/>
I have a simple validator that just checks if there is something entered (required field). My problem is as the layout is horizontal, when an error occurred (required file missing), all form items are shifted because of the error icon. Is there a way to delete that annoying icon or force the component to not display it?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input TextField Formatting?

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Using Flash Components Input In PHP Email Form?

May 7, 2009

Basically I've created a simple flash form which is linked to a PHP processor to email to a client. I have both simple text input fields, and the ComboBox and DateSelector components from the flash CS3 menu.

Inputs from the text fields work fine and appear in the emailed form, I have set the var fields on these. However the ComboBox and DateSelector inputs don't appear, and i cant figure out how to set the var fields on these. How do you get the text/whatever is chosen from these components to actually appear in the emailed php form!?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Testing Flash Form For Error Input?

Dec 7, 2011

I am a newbie still practising "Form-2-Email" kind of code with flash 8 AS2 . But in my case,(using the submit-form method) i am designing a scenerio where the user can request/submit for a change of password.In my code,i have the following textfields as input text boxes -> oldpass, newpass,rtnewpass,emailadd...n finally a dynamic textfield named work isn't ready to run on a (php)server yet.But i have wrtten the codes to make sure the flash form is ready to send variables to Php.My problem is when i test the flash form,my dynamic text message "static.text" does not pop out the required "error messages" when users make a wrong entry. i dont know if i have been able to make my question clear enough but here is my code;

//This is te Function on my AS layer.........
serverFile = "mail.php";
function formValidationChecks() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: The Form To Validate That The Fields Are Filled In Correctly

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Formatting User Input TextField Automatically?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to create a user input textfield which automatically applies the defined format on it. The only problem is: actionscript 3 seems to ignore the format and stubbornly applies the default text format. How can I apply the desired format on user typed text? Here's my code so far. As you can see, for experimental reasons I tried to apply the size "60" on the text, but if you execute the script, the size of the text remains unchanged:

PHP Code:
import flash.text.Font;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextField;
var theTextField:TextField = new TextField();
var txtFmt:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Required Field Form Script Not Working Correctly?

Aug 17, 2011

I require all the fields filled before processing but the result is, whenever the last field is filled out(tComments field) the form will still go through, even if other fields are left blank. Here is my script and:

bSubmit.onRelease = function()
if (tName.text == "",
tEmail.text == "",
tPhone.text == "",


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Professional :: Flash And Text Formatting?

Nov 12, 2011

I have a dynamic TextField with very wide letter spacing in my .fla. However, whenever I change the text in the TextField using actionscript, the letter spacing resets. Is there a way to keep that from happening? And why does it happen in the first place

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Flash :: Text Box Formatting Differences

Feb 14, 2011

I have two text boxes on the same window. They are both set to Arial 14 Regular but they both appear very differently. To see what I am referring to: [URL] and go to the Conversion Tools at the bottom of the page. Click on Surface Finish and type in a value in the two different fields and click calculate. I really don't see anything that could be causing this difference in appearance.

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IDE :: Formatting Text Field In Flash?

Jun 15, 2011

how to create formatted dynamic text fields, to embedding media in dynamic text fields without some graphical environment?In Flash authoring environment it is pain to do the formatting.[URL]

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I'm trying to build a fahrenheit to celsius convertor in AS3. How can I test to see whether what is input into a text input box (flash component) is not a number? This isn't correct but you can get an idea of what i'm trying to do:

if (celsius_txt.text == NaN || fahrenheit_txt.text == NaN)
//do something;

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Make Input Text Box Empty And Ready To Get Next Input From Starting Position?

Jul 26, 2011

i have an one input text box, first i type text into it and press space bar at this it will become empty and ready to accept next input from starting position, i make the text box empty by

textbox.text = "";

but the cursor not set to initial position in text box it consider "" as "space" and cursor will display after one space only, i need that cursor again move to starting position..

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