ActionScript 3.0 :: Testing Flash Form For Error Input?

Dec 7, 2011

I am a newbie still practising "Form-2-Email" kind of code with flash 8 AS2 . But in my case,(using the submit-form method) i am designing a scenerio where the user can request/submit for a change of password.In my code,i have the following textfields as input text boxes -> oldpass, newpass,rtnewpass,emailadd...n finally a dynamic textfield named work isn't ready to run on a (php)server yet.But i have wrtten the codes to make sure the flash form is ready to send variables to Php.My problem is when i test the flash form,my dynamic text message "static.text" does not pop out the required "error messages" when users make a wrong entry. i dont know if i have been able to make my question clear enough but here is my code;

//This is te Function on my AS layer.........
serverFile = "mail.php";
function formValidationChecks() {


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/*To Define The Main Varibles*/
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if (!name.length) {
text.emailstatus = "please enter your name";


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email._alpha = 50;
email.onSetFocus = function() {
email.text = "";
email._alpha = 100;
[Code] .....

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Feb 17, 2010

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