Remove Header From A Spark DataGrid?
Sep 2, 2011
How do you remove the header row from a Spark DataGrid? MX DataGrid had the attribute "showHeaders" but this doesn't seem to be present in the Spark DataGrid.
This seems like it should be a very easy task, so either I'm extremely dense or just missing something? Do I have to create a custom skin for my DataGrid and remove the header parts? That seems like overkill or is it the Flex / Spark way?
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<common:PageDataGrid width="100%" height="100%"
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dgc=new DataGridColumn();
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I noticed someone was looking for the same thing few years ago but without success... [URL]
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override protected function mouseEventToItemRenderer (
event: MouseEvent): IListItemRenderer {
var listItem: IListItemRenderer;// = super.mouseEventToItemRenderer(event);
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