Actionscript 3 :: Custom Sorting Algorithms' Speed

Sep 22, 2011

I'm doing a project where I manually create sorting algorithms.After several tests I found out that my heapsort is way quicker than quicksort (I think it should be the other way around), my selection sort is also faster than insertion sort.I'm testing using integers from -100 to 100, randomly generated, 5000 values in an array (I modified this number several times, still the same problems).My quicksort isn't in-place.I thought that maybe flash's recursive functions are slow? my heapsort uses loops, unlike quicksort. That's just a hypothesis though. I start a timer, run the class's exec() function, stop the timer and calculate the elapsed time.[code]

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Aug 19, 2011

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public class HashMapDict implements IDict
private var _map:Array;[code].....

What I am thinking about is to use cryptography libs for hash generation. But I am a bit confused with how it should work. e.g. Tried to look on several libs like as3crypto (http:/url]....) and it seems to produce hash in a way I don't really think can be used for indexes in arrays.

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Actionscript 3 :: Custom Sorting Function Bottleneck?

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I am trying to sort big array using actionscript 3. The problem is that i have to use custom sorting function which is painfully slow and leads to flash plugin crash.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting An Array With A Custom Function?

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I'm trying to create a custom sort function. This function will sort the pegs in a certain row by their row number (0: lowest -- numRows - 1: highest)For context, here is Adobe's description for the Array sort method:

My array-building function:

public function getPegsInRow(row:int):Array
var pegRowArray:Array = new Array()
for(var i:int = 0; i < pegArray.length; i++)


Unfortunately, the array does not get sorted correctly.

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Flex :: Extending DataGridColumn For Custom Sorting Function

Aug 25, 2009

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Anyways, it also needs a custom sorting function. So I have written the sorting function like so:

private function mySortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int{
var currentData1:Object = obj1;
var currentData2:Object = obj2;


Whenever I try to sort the column, I get the error "Error: Find criteria must contain at least one sort field value."

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Flex :: Custom Sorting Capabilities With Server Side Support?

Feb 22, 2010

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Flash :: Custom DEFLATE Implementation To Speed Up PNG Encoding

Jun 13, 2011

I'm optimizing a PNG encoder for use within Flash SWFs (but I'm writing it in HaXe).I've so far managed to speed things up a fair bit, mostly by using speedy memory read/writes.While profiling my code, I noticed that about 75% of the time is spent in a single call to Flash's built-in compress() method, which uses the zlib algorithm (which uses DEFLATE in turn).I'm not too fussy about compression ratio, but faster compression would be awesome. So, I was wondering if it's worthwhile to try to implement zlib/DEFLATE myself. A little searching has turned up the zlibC.implementation source, but it's not exactly light reading (or easy to port!).Are there any simple implementations of zlib/DEFLATE that I could use as a starting point? I'd rather not have to wade through the two specs, especially since I don't know whether an implementation running in AVM2 could even perform as fast as the native Flash one in the first place.

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Flex :: Algorithms Use For Audio Volume Level?

Jul 22, 2009

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Flex :: Sorting - Best Way To Custom Sort A Flex Array?

May 11, 2011

Here are the strings this array can contain (in the correct order):

'recipients,' 'columnSelector,' 'headerImageLink,' 'title,' 'mainText,' 'text,' 'bodyImage'

Now, to sort them, I obviously don't want to do something like this:

if( a == 'columnSelector' && b == 'headerImageLink' ) return -1;
else if( a == 'columnSelector' && b == 'title' ) return -1;
else if( a == 'columnSelector' && b == 'mainText' ) return -1;

So that brings up an interesting thing. I know you can optimize the above some using something like this:

if( a == 'columnSelector' || a == 'bodyImage' ) return -1;

This would get the last two, but lately I have just wanted community input on issues I have had in the past. So the question is, what is the best way to write a custom sort, using a relatively random order (not alphabetical, etc)?

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Actionscript 3 :: Vector Graphics Flood Fill Algorithms?

May 1, 2011

I am working on a simple drawing application, and i need an algorithm to make flood fills.The user workflow will look like this (similar to Flash CS, just more simpler):the user draws straight lines on the workspace. These are treated as vectors, and can be selected and moved after they are drawn.user selects the fill tool, and clicks on the drawing area. If the area is surrounded by lines in every direction a fill is applied to the area.if the lines are moved after the fill is applied, the area of fill is changed accordingly.Anyone has a nice idea, how to implement such algorithm? The main task is basically to determine the line segments surrounding a point. (and storing this information somehow, incase the lines are moved)[code]

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Actionscript 3 :: Javascript Implement Math Functions Using Its Own Algorithms Or Outsource To Cpu/processor?

Nov 20, 2011

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Note: The Math functions acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log, pow, sin, and sqrt may result in slightly different values depending on the algorithms used by the CPU or operating system. Flash runtimes call on the CPU (or operating system if the CPU doesn't support floating point calculations) when performing the calculations for the listed functions, and results have shown slight variations depending upon the CPU or operating system in use.

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Anyone know if Javascript has it's own algorithms, or does it outsource them to the CPU/processor like ActionScript?

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Professional :: Change Speed Of Symbol Without Changing Speed Of Entire Movie?

Aug 7, 2010

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Dec 13, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Increasing Enemy Speed /cannot Seem To Change Speed

Mar 23, 2010

I have a movie clip on my scene which has a speed applied to it making it move across the screen. This is duplicated when it reaches the other end of the screen.On my scene I have some action script which is acting as a timer. After a set time I want it to increase the speed of the movie clips, making the game become "harder". I seem to be able to manipulate the alpha of my movie clips but can't seem to trigger the speed increase.If i use a setInterval it seems to trigger the speed increase but it does it each time the movie clip is duplicated (so the delay resets, it does not change once and apply throughout)However, where I am changing the alpha I cannot seem to change the speed.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 4 Disptaching Custom Event From Custom Component (why Flex Converting Custom Event To Mouseevent)?

Mar 2, 2012

This is NOT duplicate of my earlier post (its is slightly different)But this is similar issue with similar error but its not the same error The error I am getting now is below while dispatching the custom event from my custom component

TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert events::MapEvent@a74ab51 to
dispatchEvent(new MapEvent(MapEvent.CLICKED_ON_MAP));

Note: The error in my earlier post is giving below error message

Type Coercion failed: cannot convert to

The difference here are two things, the earlier error is while converting flash event to custom event and now this one is while converting custom event to flash event and secondly, I have no clue why it is trying to convert to the mouseevent where I am just dispatching my custom event with proper listeners.

This is my custome event

package events


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Sorting Out Pop-up Windows

Mar 17, 2009

I have been deveolping my new site, which is in it's early stages and have most things working ok but i need to open new windows from buttons in the main swf file. please check out my link to see for yourself! new windows load in the same window ad the main swf. [URL] I have been using this code on the thumbs on my design and illustration sections

on (release) {
getURL("'url.html ','newWin','width=1133,height=425,left=425,top=113 3,screenX=1133,screenY=425');NewWindow.focus();voi d(0);");
each of the thumb windows being a different specified size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sorting An XML?

Nov 26, 2003

Given an XML file similar to this:



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Flex :: Sorting An ArrayCollection?

Oct 21, 2009

Is there any way in Flex where in we can sort an arraycollection based on strings .I have a dataprovider with strings like "Critical" "High" "Medium" "Low" where in I need to sort it in such a way that I need Critical to be displayed on the top and next High , Medium and Low follows.

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Flex :: Sorting Dates In Adg

Apr 4, 2011

I have an advancedDataGrid and I would like to sort the adg according one AdvancedDataGridColumn(studyDate) which use strings in format DD/MM /YYYY(I receive like this from the server):But i find another problem, I need to sort the columns of the adg the first time it displays so I used the following function but It doesn't sort from the recent day to old one, I do not know what I can I do cause I set sort.descending= true, any ideas?[code]

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Flex :: Sorting - Get Value In ComboBox

Sep 26, 2011

I have a one comboBox that I fill as:
for (var key:String in values) {

After that I sorted my ComboBox as:
private function sortConnection():void {
var dataSortField:SortField = new SortField(); = "data";
dataSortField.numeric = true;
var numericDataSort:Sort = new Sort();
numericDataSort.fields = [dataSortField];
conns.sort = numericDataSort;

And on finish I want to select item on my specific value in ComboBox. How can I do that? I try:
for (var ii:Number=0; ii<combo.rowCount; ii++) {
var item:String = combo.getChildAt(ii);
if (item == name) {
index = ii;
But does not work. I do not know where I made mistake, and how I can select on specific item in my combobox.

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Flash :: Sorting XMLListCollection?

Mar 28, 2012

I have been trying to sort an XMLListCollection following instructions like this for some time, without success. Here's the relevant code:

<s:HTTPService id="photoServ" url="pics.xml" resultFormat="e4x"/>
<s:XMLListCollection id="photoList" source = "{}"/>


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sorting Xml Categories?

Mar 7, 2007

i'm trying to sort out some xml entries based on an attribute when you click a button. an example of my xml is below.

<entries cat="all">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Z Sorting To Work?

Jul 2, 2003

i just started with isometrics. i got the 3d to 2d coordinates working but i cant seem to get the z sorting to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cant Seem To Get Z Sorting To Work

Aug 7, 2009

i just started with isometrics. i got the 3d to 2d coordinates working but i cant seem to get the z sorting to work. please check the fla if you have knowledge in the subject.

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IDE :: Sorting Again Array Of Objects?

Sep 18, 2009

Trying to re-sort an array of objects from:
var arr:Array = new Array({num:0},{num:1},{num:2},{num:3})
var arr:Array = ({num:0},{num:3},{num:1},{num:2})

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Sorting An Array Of MC's By X/y?

Mar 23, 2010

- Put a bunch of MC's on the stage distributed horizontally.

- Store them in an array.

- yourArray.sortOn("x", Array.DESCENDING)

- loop though the now "sorted" array and trace their x property.

Doesn't work, does it? If it did, shuffle them up and try again (sometimes, perhaps randomly they will be in order).

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