Flex :: Custom Sorting Capabilities With Server Side Support?
Feb 22, 2010
The sorting capabilities that are available in Flex assume that you have access to all the data, but I'm using a paginated datagrid (with custom code), the datagrid is binded to an ArrayCollection instance, on the next page call I change the data of the dataprovider and everything works ok, but for sorting I need to override the click or event better override the sort method of the arraycollection
All this is to be able to do a server-side sorting.
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editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
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private function mySortCompareFunction(obj1:Object, obj2:Object):int{
var currentData1:Object = obj1;
var currentData2:Object = obj2;
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'recipients,' 'columnSelector,' 'headerImageLink,' 'title,' 'mainText,' 'text,' 'bodyImage'
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if( a == 'columnSelector' && b == 'headerImageLink' ) return -1;
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else if( a == 'columnSelector' && b == 'mainText' ) return -1;
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Oct 1, 2011
I am new to web technologies. I along with my friends want to develop a web application. There is one guy in our team who knows Flex technology. I would like to use Java Springs framework at the back end. The web application caters to students a Music school. And for the same reason we chose Flex for UI since the application needs to be flashy and rich in graphics.
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Nov 1, 2011
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how can I get stream from server to client and vice versa?
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Apr 15, 2012
Flex: - Is it possible to export Chart/Graph/component with dataGrid data into xls file without using server side?
(Web Application)
I have gone through number of article but could not find any hind to do. As per few article it is possible to export data of dataGrid into xls by using as3xls-1.0.swc but not Chart.
I am looking to export data from dataGrid as well as Chart.
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May 4, 2011
I'm implementing a very simple audio-only RTMP server.I have my client code like this:
// get the default mic
var mic:Microphone= Microphone.getMicrophone();
// best quality (picks up all sounds, no transmission interruptions)[code].....
Then on the server, I keep receiving audio packets with size of either 43 bytes or 11 bytes (no other sizes found yet).My questions are:
Why do I get size of either 43 bytes or 11 bytes (from SPEEX encoding?)?
Is the 43 bytes = 1 head byte + 42 data bytes?
What is the size of 11 bytes?
How should I process or convert the SPEEX to raw data, so that my server side app can use this audio data? My current implementation:
I pick up all 43-byte packets (drop all 11-byte packets);
Skip the first 1 byte;
Decode the left 42 bytes using Speex library.
How should I convert the raw data back to SPEEX audio data?
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Oct 26, 2009
I have a java class which has been deployed as WAR web application in a BlazeDS/Spring server sitting on JBOSS. Apart from the Flex application which will access the WAR file, I also need to start some server side process's which will initiate BlazeDS "pushes" to the Flex client via AMF messaging.
What is the best way to implement this server side process? - Should it just be a class with a main() method in the WAR file which gets called from the command line? Can this be done - not sure you can run a class in a WAR file from command line? - Should it just be a class with a main() method in a JAR file which gets called from the command line? Not sure what the standard practise here is. The key is that the process needs to be started on the BlazeDS server to push data out (not on the Flex client).
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Jan 23, 2012
We are trying to create a sqlite db file using java on the server, and encrypt it.Then we send the encrypted db file to a client's pc, which has an Adobe Air desktop app running.The air app then needs to be able to open/read-from the encrypted db file (client is read-only).We are using java 1.6, flex/actionscript 4.5, and Air 3.1.We can create the sqlite db file on the server and send it to the client, and it can be read by the client without issues, when we do not encrypt it.But we are having trouble with the encryption part. We've read quite a lot of documentation about Actionscript's ability to open encrypted sqlite files using AES + CCM (URL...).And we're trying to use java's crypto package to encrypt the sqlite db file.The encryption is important because we don't want the client to be able to open the sqlite db file with any sqlite browser, only with our Air application.
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Mar 20, 2012
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Jun 6, 2011
I am trying to sort big array using actionscript 3. The problem is that i have to use custom sorting function which is painfully slow and leads to flash plugin crash.
Below is a sample code for custom function used to sort array by length of its members:
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Sep 22, 2011
I'm doing a project where I manually create sorting algorithms.After several tests I found out that my heapsort is way quicker than quicksort (I think it should be the other way around), my selection sort is also faster than insertion sort.I'm testing using integers from -100 to 100, randomly generated, 5000 values in an array (I modified this number several times, still the same problems).My quicksort isn't in-place.I thought that maybe flash's recursive functions are slow? my heapsort uses loops, unlike quicksort. That's just a hypothesis though. I start a timer, run the class's exec() function, stop the timer and calculate the elapsed time.[code]
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