ActionScript 3.0 :: Standalone - Make A Flash Object Where Users Can Interact But Has No Server Side Support?

Dec 17, 2010

Is there any way to make a flash object where users can interact but has no server side support. All users are in the same network, the swf file would be on a shared drive. Nothing complicated, just one frame where everyone (about 10 user) can make modification. No login, no password.

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Way To Interact With A Flash Object From The Client Side?

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My goal is to build a program trader for the upcoming CNBC porfolio challenge. I need a way to collect quotes, current positions and place orders in the flash object.

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Flash :: .net - Java Or Dot Net For Server Side Support?

Oct 6, 2011

We are building a Flash application for client use but will need to do server side processing of images. All our expertise and application code is in Java, but I've been told Dot Net has better Flash support. This is general but we will be modifying large (up to 50MB) image files. The idea is that what we could do in Flash should be duplicated, automated and extended on the server side.

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Server Side :: Flash Mx And Php - Obtain Information About The Users Of Sites?

Jan 3, 2003

I have been trying for a few days to obtain information about the users of sites. No success so far.In flash I am using:

loadVariablesNum("mailPHP.php", "0", "POST");

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PHP Code:


I know I have made an arseup somewhere.

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Flex :: Custom Sorting Capabilities With Server Side Support?

Feb 22, 2010

The sorting capabilities that are available in Flex assume that you have access to all the data, but I'm using a paginated datagrid (with custom code), the datagrid is binded to an ArrayCollection instance, on the next page call I change the data of the dataprovider and everything works ok, but for sorting I need to override the click or event better override the sort method of the arraycollection

All this is to be able to do a server-side sorting.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Object Interact With An Object On Stage?

Aug 2, 2010

The following is that long only because I gave examples of what I want to know, not because it is complex .I have three basic questions regarding AS 3.0 classes.

1. How can I make a class object interact with an object on stage?

For example, when I have a square (mc_Square) with class "square" attached to it and I want it to trace "Colliding!" and print the X and Y of the mc_Box on contact with an on-stage *hollow* box (mc_Box) that has no class attached to to do it vice-versa would also be awesome .

2. How can I make a class object interact with the same class object? For example, when I have two squares (mc_Square) that both have the class "square" attached to it and when they collide, it prints the X and Y of both of them.

3. How can I make a class object interact with a different class object?

For example, when I have two squares mc_Square1 with class "square1 (that also has a variable Primary=true written in it)" and a mc_Square2 with class "square2"; When they collide, the one with Primary=true would be removed and it's X,Y position traced.

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Flash :: IDE - Media Server - Get Multiple Users To Control One Shared Object

Nov 19, 2009

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Flex :: Download Files From The Server Side To Client Side Without Prompting A Window To The User To Download When Any Updates Happen At Server Side?

Dec 17, 2009

I want to download files from the server side to client side without prompting a window to the user to download when any updates happen at server side.Right now I am using urlstream class but first file is downloading completely rest of the files contents downloading partially.

editCode sample taken from other post. Warning: it's a huuuge chunk o'code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx=""
xmlns:MyComp="client.components.*" layout="absolute" height="554" width="817"


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Swapping - Play The Client Side Mp3 First Then Only Play Server Side Sound Object Alternately

Aug 9, 2004

I am new to actionscript. I have created a script that will play server side sound object and client side mp3 files alternately. Now, I would like to play the client side mp3 first then only play server side sound object alternately. However, I have no idea how can I do so. The following is the code that need to be swapped:


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Media Server :: Why Server Side Shared Object Doesn't Work

Mar 29, 2011

application.onPublish = function (client, p_stream){  var myInfo = SharedObject.get(;   myInfo.setProperty("live", true);

I set the sharedobject using code above,now I can publish video,but so is not set(from admin console, "shared object" tab).

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Media Server :: Make FMS 3.5 To Support Live Feed DVR Option?

Jul 30, 2009

I installed FME 3.0 + FMS 3.5, and can get live stream on clients.
Now I want to record the live streaming from FME on FMS, I changed the fms.ini:
LIVE_DIR = d:Program FilesAdobeFlash Media Server 3.5webrootlive_recorded
but the streaming didn't be recorded in this folder.

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Flash :: Flex Building An Application With Client Side And Server Side

Sep 3, 2011

I want to create an application that has these features

- At client side: Display a list of images, when user click on one image, data will be stored in MySQL database.

- At server side: Manage images used in client side, I can delete, add new images.

Is this possible for me to achieve this using Flex? And if it is able, will my output be 2 separate SWF files? And where can I find the materials to read on writing such applications?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shared Object On Server Side?

Apr 16, 2006

i just have known about shared object class , it is really so usefull,the problem is that : flash movie cannot save info. on the internet ,- it save it just on PC -e.g. if i wonna make some movie in my site that add No. "1" when any visitor open my site ( as a visitors counter) , i cannot do that with shared object class

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Media Server :: When Call A Client Side Mothed From Server Side?

Nov 10, 2010

Below is the code. When the swf is connected to FMS(the connection is successful) I use this application.user_so.send("enterContestGroup"); to call the client side mothed. You can see that in the client side I have defined the "enterContestGroup" mothed. However the fact is it doesn't call that mothed. Can anybody tell me what the error is
application.onAppStart = function(){  application.user_so = SharedObject.get("user_so", false);  application.nextId = 0;}application.onConnect = function(newClient)  application.acceptConnection(newClient); 


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Media Server :: Write Remote Shared Object Sequentially When Multiple Users Are Connected?

Mar 31, 2010

I am using FMS3 and Flash CS3 (actionscript2) in a Flash based whiteboard application. Multiple users can join this whiteboard. I want to save chat text and drawing in same sequence as live time. I am using persistant remote shared object to save these data. But when i try to replay these data its not showing in same squence as live . I am generating unique slot for chat and drawing but still same error occuring.

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Flash :: Object In The Browser Interact With A Scanner?

Sep 30, 2010

I know Flash can work with my webcam. Is it possible for a Flash object in the browser to get a document scanned by a hardware scanner?

Will it be different if this will be an Adobe Air application?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make File Uploader - Server-side Script Like Php?

Jan 6, 2010

Could someone point me in the direction of a good tutorial of how to make an actionscript 3 file uploader? I think you would have to use a server-side script like php to?

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Javascript :: How To Make Sure That Image Returned From The Server Side Cannot Be Intercepted

Dec 13, 2011

In our application,we have a web service which wll return images to the client according to the parameter.Now,we want to make sure that the image can not be used by no-permissioned user and can not be intercepted through the network.So we want to encrypt the image in the server side,when the client get the image,it should be decrypted accordingly. However our application is browser based. It seems that in the browser we can not use javascript to decrpte the image stream.

Assume that each client which call the service is absolute safe.We try to use a hidden flash in the page,which may decrpte the image and save them to local,then show them in the page, this will use the communications between the js and flash.But we have to decrype the image use the flash language other than c# or java.

UPDATE:Our service for servering images:


This url is public,so any one can use this service with different paramter.Even we add a key paramete like this:


THen we meet two problem:

1)how about other people know this key,even we bind the key with the ip or mac addresss.

2)How about the user grap the http package directly? Then he do not need know any parameter,he can intercept the whole image steam.

UPDATE2:using both server side and client side?

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Server Side :: Make A Small Thing On A Website That Will Allow The User To Update The News Themselves?

Dec 26, 2003

Ok I'm trying to make a small thing on a website that will allow the user to update the news themselves.... after reading up on it i found that to export a textfile in this way I would have to have a serverside script to execute it for me (PHP in my case)... I did it, but it isnt working..

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Java :: Client-side Framework For Web-app With Good Audio Support?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm trying to create a client-side web app that generates music procedurally using some user-input parameters, so I'm looking for a framework (e.g. Flash, Silverlight etc.) that has the capability to play audio at a specified pitch. Whether it is playing a WAV/MP3 file, using MIDI output, or just playing beeps doesn't really matter -- I just need something that will enable me to generate arbitrary music client-side.

I've done a bit of searching and it appears that Flash might have the ability to change pitch with the help of a third-part plugin, but I couldn't find anything similar for Silverlight.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Writing And Modifying XML Files Using Server-Side / Flash Media Server?

Jul 8, 2009

can you write and modify XML files using server-side Actionscript? I've been going through Adobe's Server-side Actionscript reference, reading up on the File class that lets you modify files on the server, and the server-side XML class that lets you read and 'understand' XML data, but can you put them together and essentially edit XML files on the server?

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Actionscript 3 :: OAuth Twitter Without Use Of A Proxy Server Or Server-side Script In A Flash Web Application?

Apr 19, 2011

I can't use a proxy server. Can't use google app engine etc. I can't use server side code. No php or python. I need to be able to do logins to twitter and post status updates to twitter through an Actionscript 3 web application. The biggest thing is obviously getting around twitter's crossdomain. Is there a clean ajax version of this or something?

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Flash :: Javascript - Make A Console Plugin To Interact With Facebook Games Or Other Apps

Feb 5, 2011

I'm playing a flash game on facebook. I know I can decompile it to find out all the commands and would like to make scripts to automate the game by calling procedures in the actionscript of the game. So I guess I would like to make a plugin also that would insert this console into any flash app and this would be handy for a lot of things. Then if anyone wants to hack a new game, u just decompile it and make a handbook of methods for people to make scripts with. So how would I go about making this console? I don't know if I could make a swf interact with the game or if it has to be compiled into the game's swf. Or if it is easier with javascript, that is cool too. maybe we can make a javascript library just for this. anyone can tell me more?

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Flex :: Server Side Alerts For Client Side App

Aug 28, 2009

User interacts with Adobe flex webpage to configure reports based on some data stored server side. They configure their view and have THAT view emailed to them daily. I've got the report builder, the part I'm trying to figure out is how to render the report server side and send it out as email (native flex functionality? convert to html? take screenshot? assume something is running client side?...)

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Flex :: Adobe Client-side Or Server-side?

May 17, 2011

I am writing a thesis and have been able to place all my frameworks under two categories (client-side frameworks and server-side frameworks), but I can't seem to finf where to place Adobe Flex...In which category should I place this or should I place it in some separate catgeory?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Better To Thumbnail Client Side Or Server Side?

Apr 17, 2009

I am making an app where people upload a bunch of images and it thumbnails them and saves them to the server. Is it better to create thumbnails from the uploaded images, or to upload them to the server then re-download the thumbnails?

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Media Server :: RTMFP Support In Flash 4

Sep 14, 2010

I see that the new Flash Media Servers were released. Looking over the information on the product pages, Flash Media Enterprise Server 4 is the only available product that supports RTMFP connections?

We currently have Flash Media Server 3.5 and our product utilizes RTMP connections, but I've been working with your Stratus Server and RTMFP and have found that the new protocol better fits our needs. However, the price for Flash Media Enterprise Server 4 is beyond our budget. Is there any possibility that RTMFP support are/will be available in the lower levels of Flash Media Server?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll Side To Side By Having An Object Follow The Mouse?

Sep 22, 2011

How would I be able to create a scene where you scroll left to right using the mouse, but instead of having it at a constant rate and having the picture (background) move when your mouse is at a certain x coordinate to have it be that when you move the mouse away from an object the background will move, and will move faster the farther away the mouse is? I have tried scrolling back and forth with x coordinates, but I haven't been able to get this to work.

(I found an example of what I'm trying to describe here; [URL], just click play, skip, leave, and then leave again and you'll be able to see it).

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Media Server :: Flash Player Support RTMPE?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm trying to make a new flash player to stream a video from the vod folder. But after creating the player, the video doesn't show. It only shows the a blank screen with the player skin.
what's the format to put in the RTMPE url into the source/content path?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Image To Follow Mouse Only Side To Side

Nov 11, 2010

I am on a tight deadline and looking for the AS3 code of how to do what this company does on their site:URL...However, I don't know AS3.Literally my project requires I recreate the what is shown with the hand holding the sharpie and moving only back and forth restricted to a centered rectangular area at the bottom of the screen.I know how to import the image that follows the mouse to the stage, and to make it a movieclip. Let's say I have named the instance "Image_mc".Does anyone have the actionscript for how to do this? Do you attach it to the object or to a keyframe on a separate actions layer?

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