Flash :: IDE - Media Server - Get Multiple Users To Control One Shared Object
Nov 19, 2009
i am trying to develop a multiplayer game using the flash media server. Currently i can get multiple users to control one shared object but i need to have 2 users controlling seperate shared objects on the same stage.
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Mar 31, 2010
I am using FMS3 and Flash CS3 (actionscript2) in a Flash based whiteboard application. Multiple users can join this whiteboard. I want to save chat text and drawing in same sequence as live time. I am using persistant remote shared object to save these data. But when i try to replay these data its not showing in same squence as live . I am generating unique slot for chat and drawing but still same error occuring.
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Aug 26, 2004
I am creating a computer game with a save game function which outputs the contents of an array to a shared object, so that users don't loose their place.However, I wish for this to work with multiple users, and realise that to do this I need a new seperate "folder" within the shared object being created for each new users data array.I know it must be something like....
// Define the shared object using a "sublevel" for each users data array...
_root.savegame.sublevel = sharedobject.getLocal("savegame"; "/");
// somehow dynamically change "sublevel" to the contents of the var "currentUser" as defined when the user logs in when the game loads up.
//Define the shared object but using a variable title for the actual SO...
_root.savegame = sharedobject.getLocal("savegame_currentUser", "/");
//with that "currentUser" being dynamically substituted for the contents of the var "currentUser" which is defined when the User logs in when the game loads up.
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Mar 29, 2011
application.onPublish = function (client, p_stream){ var myInfo = SharedObject.get(p_stream.name); myInfo.setProperty("live", true);
I set the sharedobject using code above,now I can publish video,but so is not set(from admin console, "shared object" tab).
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Mar 17, 2010
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I know we can store single live streaming with DVR but I need to store all the live cams into single video. Note: I'm using FMIS for above application (with rtmp).
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Mar 6, 2012
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package{ import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.net.SharedObject; import flash.events.NetStatusEvent; import flash.events.SyncEvent; import flash.net.NetConnection; import flash.events.MouseEvent; import
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Jan 21, 2010
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Sep 30, 2009
Basically trying to update a "userlist" shared object everytime someone connects.Administration console live log reads:"Sending error message: ...main.asc: line 12: TypeError: this.usersSO has no properties"
I'm connected ok. Here's the server code Doesn't like "usersSO.setProperty()" call:
application.onAppStart = function(){ this.uniqueID=1; this.users = new Object(); this.usersSo = SharedObject.get("userlist", false); }
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Dec 19, 2011
I'm having trouble connecting to a remote persistent shared object. When I run from the Flash authoring environment it works. But when I run it from a browser it doesn't. The code attaches an event listener to the sync event, and then calls so.connect(nc).
As mentioned - it works inside Flash authoring only. In both cases the connection to the server is successful. I also tried setting client.readAccess to "/" in the application.onConnect function of the server-side code - but it doesn't help. (Everything was written by me including the server-side application code. I have full control and access to the server).
Also, I can see the remote object exists on the server in the admin console.And as mentioned, when running inside Flash CS5 - the onsync gets triggered after connecting to the shared object.But, the same code under a browser - doesn't trigger the onsync.The SharedObject.getRemote method on the client side returns an object on both occasions.
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Dec 21, 2010
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Feb 3, 2010
Is it possible to protect the broadcasted content from unauthorized copying users. In the demo version of FMS 3.5 for interactive broadcasting stream audio and video can be copied by means of such programs as Comtasia. This may not like the content holders. Perhaps there are some instruments of protection.
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Jul 9, 2009
I'm usig Adobe Flash Media Streaming Server 3.0.1, it works fine, no major problems, when the internet between Media Encoder and Server stops, some times the stream doesn't start automatically.I have a problem with users(viewers) trying to connect to server. The server is connected to fiber optic internet at 100mbps and the stream is made in 500kbps with media encoder 2.5.
When are 40-50 simultaneous viewers works fine, but when enter more viewers, for example, 200 simultaneous, nobody cam receive the stream good, it works frame by frame or flash player display "buffering", work 3 seconds and buffer 5 sec,and so on.HOW I CAN RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM?it is possible to connect milions of users simultaneous, how can i do that.I need more servers to connect each to each other? Could you send me a diagram how to do that?I need to increase the ram memory from server?( i have P4 dual core 3.0 Ghz, 6 Gb ram 800Mhz).
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Sep 22, 2009
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From a development standpoint, I'd like to make one NetConnection instance in my main application file and connect with it. Then, when successfully connected, I'd like to pass that connection into any custom components that need it.
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Jul 31, 2011
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Aug 25, 2009
Medium-load chat server using Shared Objects segfaults every few hours. Runtime size has been increased to 30MB (this saves it from crashing every 10 minutes). I have the core dump but don't understand what it means.
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Aug 8, 2011
If I have a Quad-core server and 8 RAM, how many users can it handle while streaming a 48-128Kbps audio-only stream of Mp3 or AAC? I guess there are some users here that are handling similiar cases, and maybe employees with estimates
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Dec 17, 2010
Is there any way to make a flash object where users can interact but has no server side support. All users are in the same network, the swf file would be on a shared drive. Nothing complicated, just one frame where everyone (about 10 user) can make modification. No login, no password.
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Sep 25, 2009
I am working on flash chat in AS3,i need to count the users in each room.
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Jan 9, 2011
I do noticed that any user who have the ip address of my FMS can do connect and stream to the server although there is no user for him and the server listens to the stream already and it appears in the active streams. How can I prevent that and only allow authorized users by my to connect to FMS and prevent all other from using it ?
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Oct 6, 2009
The project I'm working on has grown to include multiple swf files of different types. However, the client wants the sound of all swfs controlled from the main swf. After some Google searches I came across examples of local Shared Objects and have attempted to implement what I found. However, the satellite swf in my prototype only registers the data from the LSO as "null."
I think what I need to do is encapsulate the code that defines, writes and clears the LSO in a separate .as file, call it from the .as of my main file (which already has a Document Class defined), and define the satellite files as having the LSO's .as as a Document Class. Am I correct in this line of thought?Using this article as a reference, my SO class would look something like this:
ActionScript Code:
class SO {
private var shared:SharedObject;[code]........
I'm also thinking the satellite files will mostly be using the "returnString" function, since I don't want them to write to the LSO, just to reference it.
View 6 Replies
Aug 3, 2009
With the following recommended spec from Adobe website, how many concurrent users ? Flash Media Streaming Server system requirements OS : Windows Server 2003 SP2 or Windows 2008
H/W Requirements
- 3.2GHz Intel Pentium 4 Processor (dual Intel Xeon or faster recommended)
- 2GB RAM ( 4GB recommended)
- 1Gb Ethernet card
View 3 Replies
Oct 12, 2009
I need to protect my FMS, so that only me (my Username, or IP if its not possible) can start a live stream. I have been reading the pdf on plugin for developers, and i read that the authorization plugin can do this, but it is C++ and i dont know nothing about that, i can understand a little bit, but i do not know how to make the dll i want. Is there another way to do this, the server requests a user and password when i want to stream.
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Sep 21, 2010
i have made a chat app and i want to let the user add another users that he can find by searching the database of users to his own list, and grouping them ,,, this is can be done but ,,, now in my app when the user connect to the lobby he get all the online connected users in his list i mean when connecting to the online user list sharedobject the user list contains all the connected clients to the lobby and if the number of the connected users is by hundreds or thousands i think
if i create a loop for updating the own user users list statues it would not be good idea,,,
so what is the best way to let the user build his own users list and get the statues of each user in his list from the application online users sharedObject witch connected to the lobby app
View 24 Replies
Nov 22, 2010
Uses can log into my site and record camera videos to FMS, and now I want to present videos that belongs to a specific user in a classfied way,that is: videos those are being recordedvideos those have already been recorded, how to do this with FMS? I'm thinking of doing this by storing such information into the database with server side as,using onConnect and onDisconnect,but that's not the most stable way IMO, I don't know whether FMS has a native support for this kind of job...
View 11 Replies
Feb 16, 2011
I'm building a chat app and there are between 100 and 900 users inside. I'm checking if a user is connected to the FMS by pinging it and if the stats['ping_rtt'] is higher that 3 secs i disconnect the user. The problem is that some user are connected but have very high ping like 30 secs or even higher.Does anyone have an idea what can be the reason for the high ping?
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Mar 23, 2011
I will deliver the following technical information on the server:
-Dedicated server:
Connection bandwidth: 100 Mbps Unlimited transfer limit
RAM: 512MB RAM Intel Atom 1.60 mono
System: CENTOS 5.5 FMS
Version: Interactive 4.0
We will send a stream of quality 800kbps
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