Actionscript 3 :: Flip Effect Leaving A Trail?
May 26, 2011
I'm trying to create something with a flip effect tutorial from tutplus - [URL] However my flip area is much bigger than the tutorial, it's 900px wide. Everything works fine except that it leaves a trail when the width is that big. You'll see it when you flip it a few times. Someone else posted the same problem in the comments from last year, but no one replied. Does anyone know a solution to this?
Edit: Here is a screen shot: [URL] The front is purple and the back is white. As you can see it left a bit of the purple as the page flipped to white. I couldn't get a screen shot of it turning, but it's even more obvious as the page is actually flipping because the width become narrow which reveals a whole lot more that's left behind on the page.
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Feb 7, 2012
I've been experimenting with the following tutorial (scroll down to "Eye Candy 1: Trails"):[url]...........I can get it to work like his example, but I would like to apply it to my game which works a bit differently. Rather than having a player-controlled mc move around on the stage, I place the player's character in the center of the stage and have their actions control the level around them (tl;dr the player doesn't move, but the level does).My approach was to determine the location inside of "level" that matched up with center stage where the "hero" is located. Then, rather than place the trail effect on _root, I would place it at this location inside of the level.See below for my code:
_root.level.attachMovie("trail_sprite", "trail_mc", 8000);
trailbitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(1000, 800, true, 0x000000);
_root.level.createEmptyMovieClip("trail", 1);[code]..........
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Feb 16, 2008
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but i want to stop this at frame 3... does anyone know how to do that? (i only want it to run while my preloader is active.
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Nov 12, 2009
I�m working on an asteroid game and don�t get it to create a nice trail for my spaceship(s).It doesn�t need to look spectacular, just "nice".I tried a comic look alike version with angled mc�s, whose scale are tweened down and up. But it�s not the right look.And I tried some flame effects by as3, but it not seems to be a smart solution. Nice look, but needs a lot of memory space.
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Mar 11, 2002
I'm trying to make a mouse trail, and the duplicated MCs are supposed to become lighter and lighter.
duplicateMovieClip (_root.dragger, drag1, 1)
thats my code...why's it not working? I got that from the Elastic Ball Open source.
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Apr 6, 2004
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Jun 29, 2006
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