Actionscript 3 :: HTTPService: What Is Its Send Method Doing

Aug 12, 2011

I've got a JSON string:


I don't know what I am doing wrong but on my HTTP server I get: {["object","Object"]}

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Flash :: Send Xml Flex To Php Via Post Method In <mx:httpservice >?

Jul 9, 2009

i created xml in flex after that creation i post to php via http service but when i add like xml in http service flex throws error msg like Error #1096: XML parser failure: Unterminated element." What did i worng ? How to send xml data flex to php ?

<mx:HTTPService id="createxml" method="POST" url="http://####/admin/?do=storebettingdetails" useProxy="false"></mx:HTTPService>var xm:XML = new XML("**********"); ------ adding child node -- Thend attached xml to service like createxml.request=xm;

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Xml :: Flex - HTTPService Event Listener So It Triggers Something When ".send" Method Gets Data From XML?

Sep 23, 2009

I've doing a bit of "training" at working with Flex and Remote Data from XML files.This is my HTTPService

<mx:HTTPService id="loginData" url="com-handler/basic.xml" showBusyCursor="true">

I have a button and when its clicked its call a function, that calls loginData.send and does a little IF condition, that IF condition relies on the data returned by loginData.The condition doesn't work because its called right next to the loginData.send, and .send method still didn't returned the values from the XML file. But if you click it a second time a second after the first click the IF condition works.So to deal with i wanted to do a eventListener so that when loginData.send returned the data from the XML it fires up the IF condition. But i don't know how to do it.

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Xml :: Automatically Call The Httpservice.send?

Mar 29, 2010

I have an application that displays the data from 3 xml files (auto generated from SQL table) using httpservices to get them.The first xml file is small and contains around 30 items, the second and thrid contain around 200-300 items each.The first dataset loads quickly and is invoked on creationComplete. The second and third are called from click events and take quite a few seconds to load. A user of the application will take at least 2-3 minutes reading the data from the first dataset so is there a way I can have the httpservice.send for the second and third xml files called automatically, straight after the first file has finished loading to be able to show the first dataset immediateley and get rid of the waiting times between dataset views.

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Encrypt Password And Send Through Httpservice In Flex?

Nov 4, 2009

I am sending password text to the http service request pass.text now this password i am giving in navigate url also.but password is visibleing when load url and it is can i encrypt password string and send it to jsp?

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Flex :: Send Parameters In Order In HTTPService?

Mar 25, 2010

I am trying to work with a simple HTTPService. The problem is that my webservice is conscious of the order of arguments it gets. I will tell the problem with an example:

var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
var params:Object = new Object();
params.rows = 0;
params.facet = "true";

Note that in the above code I have mentioned the parameter rows before facet, but the url I recieve is facet=true&rows=0. So I recieve the argument rows before facet and hence my webservice does not work. I figured out that the contents of array is always sent in alphabetical order, which I dont want.

Is there any way I can achieve explict ordering of parameters sent?

Note that I am not in power of changing the logic of webservice(its basically a RPC service supporting both desktop and web client).

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Flex :: Send Some Data To PHP Using HTTPService POST?

Jun 2, 2010

I'm trying to send some data to PHP using HTTPService POST but for some reason it's not working. The same example works with GET but not with POST:

private function start():void{
var param:Object = {}; = "2010-10-10";


But when I change the method in HTTPService to GET and in PHP I get the result as expected - PHP sends back the date:


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Media Server :: Shareobject.send() - Send Method Does Not Work

Mar 18, 2010

I have a problem with shareobject. the Send method does not work. I work with AS3 My code


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Ruby On Rails - Send Form Data To HTTPService?

Aug 5, 2009

The form is in a component lauched as a popUp, form data consists in:


I thought of a few different ways, but I don't like the popUp, send button triggers a function that gets the form values and stores them in an Object, then saves the Object in the model, then dispatches a CreateSessionEvent. The CreateSessionCommand execute method is called, and it send the HTTPService passing the object from the model. (but then what if the model somehow doesn't get update and I send the same request twice?) I could try to get the form data from the command execute method itself.. how can I access them though, since it is a popUp (created with PopUpManager.createPopUp(this, LoginDialog),true))

I'd love to see an example flex+rail with restful xml application by the way, know of any?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: No Response From HttpService Send(), Close Connections?

Nov 11, 2009

my request with the HttpService class does not return any result at all in case I call the HttpService.send() method in short succession. No events dispatched.. even if the previous request has been processed successfully.I tried using a timer that does the seconds request after 100msec, and in this case it works alright.

Is this because the HttpService object does not allow multiple requests? In the API the "concurrency" attribute is mentioned, but that attribute does not seems to exist!? (in the AS class) Is there a wrapper class that queues requests? Also, is there a way to close connections? I get the "Transferring data from [server]" message in Firefox ever after the first call to resourceManager.loadResourceModule().

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Send Xml Data To The Server Using HttpService Request Thr POST In Flex?

Dec 12, 2009

send xml data to the server using HttpService request thr POST in Flex?

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Flex :: Messaging - Using HTTPService To Send Http POST To Webhook

Oct 19, 2010

I've used the Flex HTTPService to connect to a backend blazeDS service without any problems at all. The question I have is, can I also use HTTPService to send a HTTP POST message to a server (with basic authentication)?

Specifically I'd like to be able to interface Flex with Notifo [URL] and to interface with it you just need to send a http POST with authentication and some key:value strings for the message content. (I've done it from java and from the command line with curl and it all seemed pretty easy to set but I'm just not sure how to go about trying this with Flex).

How would this be done via the HTTPService (if at all) ?

Can anyone see how the mxml/as class would look like and what would be in the services-config file and what adapters need to be used etc etc ??

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Flex :: If HTTPService.send() Gets Called Before A Previous Call To It Returns A Result

Jan 28, 2010

I have an HTTPService that executes the dataLoaded(e:ResultEvent):void function whenever it gets a result from a send() call. OK so If I call HTTPService.send() and then call HTTPService.send() again before the previous one receives a result, I end up repeatedly running dataLoaded() which is undesirable What I want is if HTTPService.send() gets called before a previous call to it returns a result. I want to cancel the first call, and only process the result from the last call to HTTPService.send()

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Flex :: Determine How Long An HTTPService.send() Call Takes Round-trip?

Dec 10, 2009

I am looking to find out and track how long a round-trip to the server is taking. Just kinda curious more than anything.

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Flash :: Flex - PHP Script Works Fine Until Send It A Parameter From HTTPService In Builder 4?

May 10, 2010

I'm using a PHP script to read an RSS feed in my Flex 4 app. The script works when I put the URL of the feed in the actual script, but I can't get it to work when I try to send the URL as a parameter from a HTTPService in Flex. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Here is the HTTPService from Flex 4 that I'm using:


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Ruby On Rails 3 :: HTTPService Not Properly JSON-encoding Nested Objects On Send()?

Nov 22, 2011

i am creating an object like this:

var myObj:Object = new Object();
myObj["someProperty"] = {
anotherProperty: "someValue",
whateverProperty: "anotherValue"

now i want to send it to a web server (rails):

var service:HTTPService = new HTTPService();
service.url = "";
service.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
service.send( myObj );

the problem is that the server receives the json like this:

{"someProperty"=>"[object Object]"}

is this a problem with HTTPService? should i use the good old loader/urlrequest and serialize myself? by the way, serializing and then passing the string doesn't work, webserver receives empty request as GET.but i kinda want to use the httpservice class though...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What Is The Flash (non-Flex) Equivalent Of HTTPService() Method In The Following Code Snippet

Jun 11, 2009

I use the HTTPService() method to post a variable value to a SQL Server database. The suggestion came from someone with some past experience in Flash but nothing specifically related to posting variables to a database.

This person sent me the following code snippet that he found in a Flex forum (and changed a bit), with a suggestion that maybe it will work with a bit of massaging.

PHP Code:

private function start():void  { 
service = new HTTPService(); 
service.url = "http://webServer.aspx"; 


My biggest problem is that I'm using Flash instead of Flex. What is the Flash (non-Flex) equivalent of HTTPService() method in the following code snippet?

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Flex :: Manipulate "userid" In CDATA And Also Send It Off In Later HTTPService Code?

Dec 21, 2010

I'm trying to use a variable that I declare in my CDATA later on in my flex document. How can I manipulate "userid" in the CDATA and also send it off in the later HTTPService code? [code]...

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Php :: Use HTTPService Rather Than URLRequest To Send Data. Content Type Is Messing With The Data?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to send a byte array of data (its an image source) along with a bunch of other vars to a service.If I send the byte array using something like the following

var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ( '' );
var loader: URLLoader = new URLLoader();
request.contentType = 'application/octet-stream';


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Facebook API - Method To Send Gift?

Oct 7, 2009

I need to know wich method from the AS3/Facebook API I must use to allow users to send a gift. I have all my system developed, at the point the user selects his friends from a datagrid, obtaining their UIDs. I explored the SendEmail and SendNotification methods, but those aren't what I'm looking for...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Special Chars And Xml Send Method?

Aug 8, 2006

I'm sending an xml file from flash to php, so php can save it to the servers filesystem.It works great, except when there's a node with a special char like a quote in it.My actionscript code is like this:

xmlExport.xmlDecl = "xml=";
xmlExport.sendAndLoad("xmlexport.php", xmlExportStatus);

And my php code is like this:

PHP Code:

fwrite($handle, stripslashes(urldecode($_POST['xml']))); 

Both somewhat simplified, but this is what matters I think.I'm not sure about the urldecode part, but I've got this problem always, no matter if I use it or not.I've traced the xml object, and I see that the quote is converted to ' then. That's great, but when php writes it, it stops there, so I end with only half of an xml file.

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IDE :: How To Get And Send Values In AICC - HACP Method

Dec 11, 2007

I am new to AICC. Is anybody know how to get and send values in AICC - HACP method ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Email Over ASP (POST Method)?

May 11, 2009

I have a problem with sending email from a flash contact form using ASP. I'm trying to send data to ASP with the POST method, and then send an e-mail using ASP code, but it doesn't work. In fact, when pressing the submit button in a Flash contact form, in IExplorer nothing happens, and in Mozilla I get a message Waiting for[code]...

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Flash :: URLRequest - Send A Delete Method From Player (Flex)

Jan 14, 2010

Need to find a way to send a delete method from Flash Player (Flex). Currently it's not done by default (except for from AIR), but I am sure someone has augmented the URLRequestHeader to get it to work properly. I've tried this, it isn't working:


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Actionscript 3 :: Pass Contents In The Byte Array To The HTTP.Send Method In Adobe Air

Mar 5, 2012

I upload a file using adobe air HTTPService.Send method by passing byte array of file content read using FileReference. When I write the set of bytes from the server side (php) it writes the details of the byte array (buff) to the file instead of contents of the file like "endian=bigEndian&position=0&bytesAvailable=61127&length=61127&objectEncoding=3" . Below I have included the code that how I read the file and send it to server. Is there anyway that i can directly pass the data in the byte array to send method?

File Read

var buff:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var localFilePath:String = "/Videos/sample.txt";
var uploadedFile:File = new File(localFilePath);


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Data Integration :: Firefox 2.x Sending Variables To PHP Scripts With The LoadVars.send / POST Method

Dec 29, 2006

There seems to be a problem with Firefox 2.x sending variables to PHP scripts with the LoadVars.send/POST method.


The same problem doesn't occur in IE or Opera. <br>See this url for example to try in both FF and IE/Opera: here. <br>The source files are here

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send The Data Using SendAndLoad Method To Asp File And Get Data Back From Asp File

Feb 13, 2008

I am the fan of kirupa but this is my first thread in forum. I have some problem with sendAndLoad method with actionscript 2.0. I am developing a online game with flash mx , MS SQL 2000 and asp. The problem is I send the data using sendAndLoad method to asp file and get data back from asp file. But when the internet connection is not good there is a problem like jam or lost packets. How can I prevent the lost of packets. Some of the data are important. Is there any way to solve this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send List Of Variables From Php To Flash And Send Back Random Selection To Php?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm looking to send a list of variables (say 6 in total) from php to flash and for flash to pick a random one and send it back to php when clicking a button.

I would like it to appear in a dynamic text box. That randomly selected variable needs to be sent back to php on pressing a button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send List Of Variables From Php To Flash And Send Back A Random Selection To Php?

Nov 16, 2010

I'm looking to send a list of variables (say 6 in total) from php to flash and for flash to pick a random one and send it back to php when clicking a button. I would like it to appear in a dynamic text box. That randomly selected variable needs to be sent back to php on pressing a button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Send Data To A CGI Script Via GetURL And Not Have A Popup Window On Send?

Mar 11, 2004

I searched around and found some helpful things, but I am still missing something I think...

LoadVariables() won't work across domains, right, so, is it porrible to send data to a CGI script via getURL and not have a popup window on send?

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