Actionscript 3 :: How To Zoom And Pan SWF File In Flex
Mar 16, 2012
I need to pan and zoom swf file. I have work with adobe's zoom component. But it work only with images. My requirement is zoom the specified area of swf and set centrally when I drag and drop a rectangle to the swf file. Have any open source api available for doing this. or please give any useful information.
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May 13, 2011
Using flex / air 2.6 working on an Android device, I am using a canvas with a TransformGestureEvent for zoom in on a map. The listening of the efect is working ok, but I can´t seem to find the information on wether the user intended zoom in or zoom out (fingers getting closer or getting apart).I expected the intention of the gesture to be identifiable with the offsetX and offsetY properties of the event, as you will do on a swipe gesture event. But I always get 0 for both properties, no matter how I do the gesture in the device.How can I know if the fingers getting closer or getting apart in a gesture zoom event?
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Dec 13, 2007
I found a cool flash file online that allows the view to pan and zoom with the mouse. For my own uses, I modified it somewhat, adding buttons that triggered pop up windows, changed out the graphic, and also the zooming increments.
However, I have not been able to figure out how to keep the panning feature constrained by the boundaries of my graphic, which is going to be an aerial map. I want to limit the boundaries to the dimensions of the actual map, so the viewer does not continue to pan beyond the graphic, if that makes any sense. I am uploading a revised copy of the fla, I swapped out the bitmap graphics with generic vector shapes making it look more generic.
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Jan 2, 2003
Im not to hot with action scripts yet, but anyway i was woundering how do you turn how the zoom in a shockwave file? sometimes when you press left mouse button it says somthing like let flash use your webcam or whatever and no zoom options. well i want to do that, how do i do?
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Feb 7, 2012
I want to make a scope wich can zoom in on button click and go back to previous stage (zoom out) also by clicking a button.Now i made it work for zooming in (when i click my button it zooms) but when i want to zoom out everything i tried didn't work .Here is the code:
//button for zoom in
function glassMove(event:MouseEvent):void{[code]..............
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Jun 7, 2004
i've made a button that zooms into a movie clip on a rollover, but it on moves it a certain amount each time you rollover the button. code below:
on (rollOver){
_root.Mypic._width += 5;
_root.Mypic._height += 5;
wot i want it to do is to continue zooming in for as long as the mouse is over the button, is there anyway i can change the code to zoom in at the same amount but do it continuously until the mouse is moved off the button. Also is there anyway that i can set it so that the zoom stops at a certain percentage, i.e. it only zooms in so much and then stops. What i mean is that the user can zoom in but the picture will only zoom in to say 200% of the original size.
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Dec 14, 2005
I am working on flash application TELESCOPE or Camera. My goal is to move around the scene and zoom-in or zoom-out I found that if I move scene, I have to move registration point, because I always want to zoom in the centre of my ocular. So far application works fine only if I move, zoom-in and than before I move any further, zoom-out! But when I move, zoom-in (not fully), move again and zoom-in again, the second zooming doesn't appear on desirable registration point
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Dec 15, 2011
I have this code for my effect to zoom in and zoom out in certains buttons
canada.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, canadaover);
function canadaover(event:MouseEvent):void
the problem is when u reach certain corner of the button it kinda gets into a loop, any ideas how can i fix this?
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Oct 26, 2009
i had a flash file, and the image was dynamically loaded in a movieClip. when i double click the image it will zoom max. and another double click it will retain its best fit.
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Jun 19, 2009
i am required to zoom a canvas through Hslider. The problem is after zooming the canvas i cannot scroll to the extreme left and top of the canvas i.e some part of left and top canvas are not visible. i cannot find the reason. The source code for the example is given below.
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Mar 31, 2011
I was wondering how you can use the matrix to increase the component of the canvas!
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Apr 14, 2009
I need to have a button to be clicked for the zoom effcet to be activated, then when the mouse hovers over an image it should zoom to 200%. I have 40 images which I'd like to have this effect by.Also when the cursor is over the image is it possible to make the change the cursor to a magnifying glass?
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Jul 8, 2009
I'm developing a full screen zoom/pan UI. Everything is working great, except I can't get it to center on the correct point when zooming in.
You can view what I have here: [URL]
The numbers in the top-left corner are the navigation, and the white boxes represent the individual sections.
I have a large container movieclip that fills the entire page. Inside of that movieclip (site) I have all of my individual section movieclips (section1-section6). I'm also using a dynamic registration point class to dynamically set the registration point of the "site" movieclip to the current selected section, so that the zoom in/out is centered on that section.
When a user clicks on a navigation item, I first reduce the _xscale and _yscale of "site" to 80, when that is complete I move _x and _y to the position of the selected section's movieclip. When that is complete, I set the _xscale and _yscale back to 100. Right now, it is not zooming in centered, so I have a final step where I correct the _x and _y position after zooming back in.
If I don't zoom in/out I can successfully pan the movieclip and center on the correct section. I believe the problem is that I am moving the _x and _y to the position of the "site" movieclip as if it is at 100%, but since it is at 80% it is not moving to the correct position. I tried to fix this by giving the _x and _y coordinates as:
endX = endX / 100 * 80;
Which made it a little better, but still not centered. I have a feeling that there may be a fundamental flaw in my approach to this.
For some reason the forum won't let me attach my .zip, so I posted it online, as well: [URL]
My code below, in case you don't want to download the file:
tile._alpha = 0;
currentSection = section1;
//** Set Stage **//
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May 9, 2004
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Apr 14, 2009
I need to have a button to be clicked for the zoom effcet to be activated, then when the mouse hovers over an image it should zoom to 200%. I have 40 images which I'd like to have this effect by.Also when the cursor is over the image is it possible to make the change the cursor to a magnifying glass?
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Apr 13, 2012
I'm making a mobile application with a bargraphs in it. I'm using Flash Builder 4.6 and Flex SDK 4.6.0.
In my appication I'm using the builtin Bar Graph from Flash Builder. Is there a possibility to zoom and scroll with this chart. Remembder that it is a mobile app (iPad) so it needs to work with gestures.
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Sep 1, 2011
Am working in a flex projects needs zoom in & zoom out with
more effects apart from the default effects.
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Feb 23, 2012
I have a swfloader object on to which i want to zoom into (with respect to a point).... this i achievedinternet.But now i notice that when i zoom into a point the scroller on the swf loader doesnt work anymore....Code i am using below..on how i could correct this problem???
<s:Scroller id="scrollme" width="100%" height="100%" >
<s:HGroup id="mapView" width="100%" height="100%" clipAndEnableScrolling="true" >
<s:SWFLoader id="img" autoLoad="true" addedToStage="img_addedToStageHandler(event)"
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May 23, 2002
how do you edit a movie so that when you right click the wont show all the things like "zoom in" or "zoom out"???
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Jul 8, 2011
someone could tell me how I can zoom a Canvas, with transform.matrix, so that the content of the component fits into the parent container (application), either inward or outward
this function is called Zoomfit(), I have this code:
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Sep 8, 2011
I came across this great tutorial on how to zoom into a chart by drawing a rectangle in a LineChart to zoom into it [uRL] but I'm trying to apply it to a PlotChart instead and I'm having issues trying to get the DataTips showing with the following error:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at mx.charts.series::PlotSeries/findDataPoints()[]
at mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartBase/findDataPoints()[]
at mx.charts.chartClasses::ChartBase/mouseClickHandler()[]
The link mentioned about extending the LineChartSeries and override the findDataPoints() function, but after trying to doing the same for extending, sortOnXField seems to be undefined and I don't have access to the since it is in a swc. Has anyone tried applying the following to a PlotChart instead and got the DataTips to show? What was the override function in the findDataPoints()?
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Mar 27, 2011
i need created zoom for image in flex,
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Jun 14, 2010
There is an Image control that when I click on it I need to zoom in (using the center/transform point where the mouse is clicked). I have the zoom transition working great, but when I set transformX & tranformY (with autoCenterTransform false) it doesn't zoom into that point.
Here is my code that only zooms in (not to a specific point)
protected function imgLogo_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {;
} ]]>
[Code] .....
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Jan 25, 2012
I'm developing a web app using Flex. This app allows to draw forms in a Canvas (like MSPaint in Windows).Now, I want a new feature on it: an infinite canvas. The user should be able to drag the main Canvas and this should be infinite in X and Y axis. Consecuently, this Canvas should be resized in real time.
Obviously, I don't want to create a Canvas of 1k x 1k pixels with zoom in an specific area to give the feeling of an infinite drawing area.
EDIT:I just read that Flash/Flex Flash/Air supports canvases up to 4056x4056 px, not infinite.
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Aug 6, 2003
i have visited a very good flash site..I gotta give credit for their dedication and their work as well. [URL] I wonder, how they put all those animation in a banner with that small size of file ? I mean banner's size is not big at all. My other question is that, how do you make it "zoom in and zoom out" on a movie..Like on those banners. Do they binding all the layers to make it a movie then resize it on the movie or what?
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to introduce a canvas component by zooming from a height & width of 0.0 to 1.0. I want the component to be invisible until the zoom begins and then for it to be visible when it begins zooming.
However, if I bind the zoom effect to a showEffect trigger on the component and then make the component visible, it will first show the component at its regular size for a split second before it begins the zoom effect. If I combine the zoom effect and setting the component visible together in a parallel, it will also flash the component at its regular size for a split second before the zoom. If I make the component visible when the zoom effect starts through its effectStart event, it still does it. Does anyone know how to make it visible only when the zoom effect begins so that it doesn't flash the component at its regular size for a split second before the zoom effect?
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Aug 11, 2011
i want to zoom in on an image by clicking one particular region and zoom out by clicking again. how can i achieve this.
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Oct 22, 2010
How to post data from a flex file to a php file? I am not able to create an action.
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Apr 28, 2011
I have a application developed in flex deployed on server. In the application data is filled by user and saved in cookies so as to be available even when the user closes the application. However if new version of application is released the user can still access the older version saved in the cahe. How can it be assured that whenever a new version of application is released the application is loaded from the server and not from the cache and at the same time data saved in the older version (in cookies) can also be accessed in the new version.
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Nov 26, 2006
I have to make a project for school. It will be like a tutorial, but into an application. I already made a part of it in MXML and a bit of action script but I encountered a few problems that are over my newbie limits. So the Flex Builder 2 makes a SFW file, in the main folder of the "project". I want to make that SWF file my main executable file. I have a folder with some pics, and another folder with Action Script Files. The code lvl that I know atm is ABSOLUTE BEGINER... I don know how to make my SWF file have a specific name when I run it.Here is a picture of a training exercices that should make thing more clear:Some people told me that I should use a HexEditor and stuff. Is it ture(what u think?).
Next problem. I dont know how to make the Stage to be fix. I mean.. I dont want the stage to be resizeble. I tryed to change the stagescalemode but that wasn't it. I toke a look at the help files of Flex from the net, about the Resize action and SystemManegment, but I didn't find out what I wantend.
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