Actionscript 3 :: Way To Mute A Movieclip
Nov 25, 2010
I load a movieclip in another project. this loop.swf has music in it.[code]...
After some seconds, I want to unload or easier "mute" this clip.
When I unload it, even when I load a new clip in it, the music continues to play.
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Feb 3, 2009
I've downloaded the the Flash mp3 Player. I did some minor modifications to it and it works well. The only problem I have is that when the mute button is pressed, the current song is mute(s.setVolume(0)), but when the next song comes up, the mute button is not in mute state(Volume not set to 0). I want to keep the mute state unchanged when the songs are playing untill the mute button is pressed again.
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Jan 14, 2010
I have a play and mute/unmute MC in a timeline instanced as "btn_playMute." The movie clip contains two frames. Each frame contains a button and some AS3. Here's the goal: When the flash loads, a video starts playing with the volume turned all the way down. This video continues, and loops when it gets to the end, ensuring that the volume is all the way down. I'm doing this as such:
HTML Code:
videoPlayer.volume = 0;
videoPlayer.source = "dieSort.f4v";
function rewindAndMute(videoEventObject:VideoEvent):void {
[Code] .....
The problem is that when I click the button the first time, which restarts the video with the volume up, I get the following error in the Output panel:
HTML Code:
Play Button Clicked
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Semigen_fla::btn_playMute_1/frame2()[Semigen_fla.btn_playMute_1::frame2:3]
at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop()
at Semigen_fla::btn_playMute_1/playHandler()[Semigen_fla.btn_playMute_1::frame1:9]
Any reason why my control MC is not changing states properly from "rewind and unmute" to "mute"?
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Aug 5, 2010
So i have a flv playing on a flash load. I need the mute button toggled to "mute" by default.
my_FLVPlybk.muteButton = mutebtn;
that is the mute button instance i am using.
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Sep 25, 2005
I'm working with the FLVPlayback component but the mute functionality is a bit of a black box to me and it seems Macromedia has forgotten to mention anything about it in the help files.I'm trying to mute a playing movie with actionscript. The closest I got is using myFLVplayback.volume = 0. However volume 0 is not the same as mute and pressing the mute controller will do nothing and leave the volume at 0.I can use the volume slider but I can't stand not knowing how to mute the sound through actionscript.
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Feb 1, 2002
How to create a mute button in flash so that when its clicked all sounds are muted, however, when clicked again all sounds resume but without starting again from the beginning.
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Jan 10, 2011
something probably quite simple. fla that I need to add a mute/unmute button to. It would be even better if mute/unmute occured onmouseover, but no doubt this is a more complex question?
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Sep 16, 2008
anybody knows the AS to mute all sounds?
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Aug 9, 2009
This is a simple mute toggle button for an mp3 player.
I first var sound: Sound
Then I have the function
//mute the current sound
function muteSound ()
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Mar 31, 2010
To stop all sounds in a swf, I'm using the following code.
var transform1:SoundTransform=new SoundTransform();transform1.volume=0;;
This mutes all sounds. Now there is an issue, I want to stop all sounds but one (i.e. "music.mp3").
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Jan 18, 2011
In the following code how to mute the speakers
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Feb 10, 2011
I want to mute the sound not pause....i already using setVolume script on other buttons.
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Apr 26, 2011
I'm creating a video chat app using Flash Media Server 4 and Flex, using RTMFP for peer-to-peer.No matter what I try, I cannot mute a user's NetStream. I tried receiveAudio(false) and that does not work. I tried capturing the stream SoundTransform and setting the volume of that to 0, that does not work.I tried setting the mx VideoDisplay volume to 0 and that does not work.I can set the alpha of the VideoDisplay, so its really strange that I cannot set the volume.BTW, I am not trying to mute the mic of the user who launched the app, that I can do. I'm trying to mute one of the other users stream in the Flex app, that way the app makes it possible to not hear people who are perhaps being offensive.
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Jun 15, 2011
I'm trying to work on a AS3 file with a video in to have the flv muted on start up?So far I have this script:
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Jan 6, 2010
i have 5 buttons all that do there thing, they have sound on over and hit.but i need a way to mute and unmute everything (including these buttons sounds) iv tried everything. The button changes state to mute and unmute, but the sound still plays for over and hit. This is where I am now. PLEASE HELP!!! urgent for coursework.
1st Frame of main timeline:
var globalVolume:Sound = new Sound(_root)
vol = true;
Mute movie clip:
on (release) {
if(vol == true) {
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Sep 23, 2010
I have an flv file that i am loading externally and want to start the video of with no sound and let the user click the mute_btn to turn the sound on. I am having problems with the code. the video starts with sound on and i want it to start silent. what do i have to add to my code to make this happen?
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Sep 4, 2007
I have an flv that is playing through a playback component with the instance name of "player". The whole goal here is to have the audio muted when the file begins, and have an mc button ("noise") allow the user to toggle the audio on and off. I'm not having any video controls on here, just the home-made audio toggle. Here is the code I have:
player.volume = 0;
noise.onRelease = function(){
if (player.volume = 0){
player.volume =100;
I have tried switching the 0's to 100's and vise versus, I sometimes can get it to play but then not mute, or mute then not play.I have also tried switching the function to setVolume, with no results. I know I am close, disregard the gotoAndPlay's, it just controlls an animation for the button.
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Aug 2, 2009
i have an mp3 that plays as background music to my website with a mute button that fades the music in or out. This works using the code below that i found on another site.My problem is i would like to have this music added to an external swf that i could load into my main site in order to decrease the main site file size. When i load swf however, the music doesnt play. the button appears (which is also in the external swf) so i know that the movie is loading but no sound plays.
some_sound = new Sound();
some_sound.attachSound("Kevin Spacey 16bit.mp3");
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Oct 11, 2009
My sound object (below) is working with my volume dragger, but not with the mute button as well. The mute button works without the dragger, but they don't work together.
t1 = new Sound();
why does the sound not play when this SWF is externally loaded.
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Jun 8, 2009
I have some background music playing on my website and when I click to play one of my FLV on the site I want to background music to mute. Also when the FLV is finish (complete) the background music back on.
how to do this, I'm a little rustly on this but know it is easy to do, seen it done many many times?
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Mar 31, 2010
To stop all sounds in a swf, I'm using the following [code]...
This mutes all sounds. Now there is an issue, I want to stop all sounds but one (i.e. "music.mp3").
View 3 Replies
Jan 9, 2011
i am using this script to mute all the sounds in my movie...
code: Code:
level = 100;
globalSound = new Sound();
audioToggle_mc.audioOn_btn._visible = false;
but it is also muting the audio for the flvplayer component. how can i tweek the above script to keep flv component at 100? is it posiible? i have tried a few things now (including local sounds) but it just kills all sounds!!! if it makes it easier all the sounds that i want to mute/unmute are linked from the library with the name "explosion_a" "explosion_b" etc... is there a way of just changing the volume for just the explosion refs and leave the other sounds playing?
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Dec 19, 2008
I need to create a mute button for an embedded FLV file.There is no separate sound file for me to control, so I'm unsure
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Sep 2, 2008
i'm trying to pause and/or mute a sound, with little success.i've found out that something like '' might fail on sound-clips with low sampling-rate.however when i try to mute a sound with a 48000Khz sampling rate it simply won't work.
i've tried both -
soundChannel.SoundTransform.volume = 0
- and -
SoundMixer.SoundTransform.volume = 0
however both won't mute the sound and when traced return 1.
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Apr 10, 2009
I am wondering how to make a mute and unmute button is actionscript 3.0. I did it before in actionscript 2.0 but not in 3.0. Here is my actionscript 2.0 code.
var sound = 1;
var slashMC = _root.attachMovie("slash","slash01",99);
slash01._visible = false;
slashMC._y = btn._y;
slashMC._x = btn._x;
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May 28, 2009
how can i mute microphone using AS3?
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May 30, 2009
can i mute MICROPHONE sound using AS3?
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Oct 9, 2010
I tried using a form of "volume = 0" kind of code but one thing it doesn't mute is the sounds I have in buttons (or symbols). Those seem to continue playing even when the mute is active.So whats a form of code I could use to shut off all volume?If there isn't a solution then what can I do to mute symbol sounds?
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Apr 25, 2011
I'm creating a video chat app using Flash Media Server 4 and Flex, using RTMFP for peer-to-peer.
No matter what I try, I cannot mute a user's NetStream. I tried receiveAudio(false) and that does not work.
I tried capturing the stream SoundTransform and setting the volume of that to 0, that does not work.
I tried setting the mx VideoDisplay volume to 0 and that does not work.
I can set the alpha of the VideoDisplay, so its really strange that I cannot set the volume.
BTW, I am not trying to mute the mic of the user who launched the app, that I can do. I'm trying to mute one of the other users stream in the Flex app, that way the app makes it possible to not hear people who are perhaps being offensive.
View 2 Replies
May 25, 2011
I have an flv embedded onto my timeline (it's short, the only video to be played and has an animation synced up to it) but now I need to mute/unmute it. Is this even possible with the video being embedded? If so, how?
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