Professional :: Mute/unmute Embedded Flv?

May 25, 2011

I have an flv embedded onto my timeline (it's short, the only video to be played and has an animation synced up to it) but now I need to mute/unmute it. Is this even possible with the video being embedded? If so, how?

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Professional :: Flash Mute/unmute Button?

Jul 5, 2010

I have just installed Flash Professional CS5. I have set up a short 3 second Flash .swf file and incorporated it into my website using Dreamweaver CS5. The Flash file has a background sound file and the Flash program loops. I see how to set up a mute button and have done that, yet when the file loops the sound begins again. I have looked through the many tutorials and forums and simply cannot find out how to set up the button so that when the "Mute Sound" button is clicked the sound stops even after the file loops. I am guessing it might have something to do with setting up my timelines, yet I have played around with that and did not get anywhere.

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Fla That To Add A Mute / Unmute Button

Jan 10, 2011

something probably quite simple. fla that I need to add a mute/unmute button to. It would be even better if mute/unmute occured onmouseover, but no doubt this is a more complex question?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute And Unmute Button?

Apr 10, 2009

I am wondering how to make a mute and unmute button is actionscript 3.0.  I did it before in actionscript 2.0 but not in 3.0. Here is my actionscript 2.0 code.
var sound = 1;
var slashMC = _root.attachMovie("slash","slash01",99);
slash01._visible = false;
slashMC._y = btn._y;
slashMC._x = btn._x;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MUTE On Load And Then UNMUTE?

Sep 3, 2010

I just joined today to look for a solution on how to mute a flash video when it starts/loaded and then unmute it anytime a user wishes. I've tried searching for "mute" but only discussions I see are how to make mute button etc. My mute button works flawlessly but some web ad banners nowadays require the flash video to be muted from the start and an unmute button be available.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mute A Sound That Is Looping And Unmute It Again?

Jan 29, 2009

I have a small loop of a beat. it automatically loops in flash, i need a button to mute this specific sound (so i can put other different sounds) and another button to unmute it... i've seen how to mute a sound (or set volume to zero) but that only works if the song is beiing played on the timeline, but this sound is looping!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute / Unmute Sound On FLV Player

Mar 18, 2009

I've built an FLV player using Lee Brimelow's AS3 video basics tutorial. I've pieced together my play/pause buttons, but I haven't been able to figure out how to mute the sound. I've tried using soundTransform a bit, but I'm not sure if that only works for the flvPlayback component. My mute/unmute toggle button is working, but the actual muting functionality not. Here's my current failed attempt.

var soundVolume:Number = 1;
var muted:Boolean = false;
mute.buttonMode = true;
mute.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, muteoverToggle);
mute.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, muteoutToggle);
mute.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mutetoggleClick);
mute.buttonState = "On";
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rollover To Mute/unmute Sound Object?

Mar 15, 2010

Found an old topic, and have the exact same problem!Quote:I have an animation I've created for an average Public Service Announcement banner ad project.I need the user to be able to not be bothered by the sound at first, but if they choose to hear it they can rollover the banner and the sound will play, and once rolled out the sound ceases.I know you can do:

mySound = new Sound();
on the root frame and


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute/unmute The Volume For An Internal Aif Music File Using A Button?

Mar 9, 2009

I need the code to mute/unmute the volume for an internal aif music file using a button.

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Media Server :: Mute/unmute - Giving An Error #2044 : Unhandled NetStatusEvent?

Mar 29, 2010

I want to perform mute /unmute For that i am using following code
public function audioMuteUnMute(state:String):void{                                            if (state=="Mute"){                    ns.attachAudio(null);                    ns.receiveAudio(false); [code]....

Give errror at ns = new NetStream(nc); firstly i mute then press for unmute then it gives folloeing error.
Error #2044: Unhandled NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetStream.Seek.Failed    at com.controller::BroadcastPod/connectStream()[C:wampwwwvideoConfern cehostViewsrccomcontrollerBroadcastPod.mxml:35]  [code]....

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Sep 21, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute Button For Embedded FLV?

Dec 19, 2008

I need to create a mute button for an embedded FLV file.There is no separate sound file for me to control, so I'm unsure

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mute Button Not Working In Embedded SWF

May 19, 2010

The mute button code I have works perfect when the SWF is played itself, but when it is embedded in a wrapper SWF it no longer works. I know that it is the code that references _loc1. I have the root locked in the first frame of the embedded swf with this:

this._lockroot = true;

Here is the code in question. I just need to know how to change this code to make it work when this SWF is embedded in another SWF:

btn.onPress = function () {
var _loc1 = _root.snd.getVolume();
_root.snd.setVolume(Math.abs(_loc1 - 100));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MUTE A Sound Embedded In A Timeline Layer?

Feb 25, 2009

I am developing a flash web site using ACTIONSCRIPT 3. There is a menu of small icons that, when one of them is clicked, the program loads the correspondent SWF into a loader and then presents it in a "virtual screen" ( a rectangular area ) in the web page. The problem is that some of these child SWFs have an embedded background sound and I DO NOT KNOW how to mute them from the main SWF when a user decides to do so by clicking a "mute" button.

Each SWF embedded sound has its own layer in its timeline and is set as Sync: Event, Repeat:1.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mute Audio Embedded In A Button's Timeline From The Main Stage?

Oct 26, 2007

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Actionscript 2.0 :: Mp3 Player - Keep The Mute State Unchanged When The Songs Are Playing Until The Mute Button Is Pressed Again

Feb 3, 2009

I've downloaded the the Flash mp3 Player. I did some minor modifications to it and it works well. The only problem I have is that when the mute button is pressed, the current song is mute(s.setVolume(0)), but when the next song comes up, the mute button is not in mute state(Volume not set to 0). I want to keep the mute state unchanged when the songs are playing untill the mute button is pressed again.

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Professional :: Adding Mute Button To Timeline

Jan 1, 2011

I currently have several photos that rotate in an out and i also have a music clip which plays when i test the movie. i want to add a mute button from the components tab onto a timeline. Not sure how difficult this is for a novice, but I would like to try and figure it out. Most of the tutorial i've looked at tell you how to create the button and link it to the music. I haven't come across anything that tells you how to embed it into a timeline.

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Professional :: Cross Site Page Mute Button?

Jul 16, 2010

I have a flash animated logo with sound on all of the pages of my website. My goal is to make a mute button which when clicked will work on cookie base or php session (?) and will mute the sound of the logo on all pages for the given period of cookie.

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Professional :: Store And Read 'cookie' Or Shared Object For A Mute Button In Flash?

Jun 10, 2010

I have only ben using flash for a little while and do not know a lot about action scripts.I have used a flash file found online which plays music and has a mute button, but at present it plays the music when the page is viewed at another time.So need to have a cookie or shared obect as i have been told it is, so that when the music tries to play it can read the mute state cookie to decide if it should play or not.i see i can not upload a file so have uploaded to the following location

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mute Button Toggled To "mute" By Default?

Aug 5, 2010

So i have a flv playing on a flash load. I need the mute button toggled to "mute" by default.

my_FLVPlybk.muteButton = mutebtn;

that is the mute button instance i am using.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLVPlayback: Unmute & Restart?

Jul 18, 2006

I'm trying to load an FLV that will start playing muted, but on click of the unmute button will restart from the beginning, with sound, I've got it working except that I can not seem to get it to restart... can anyone tell me what it is I am doing wrong here? I've been fighting with this for two days now! [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Unmute - Button That Disappears On Click?

Jul 20, 2010

I am doing a video that I need to start playing automatically, but it has to start playing muted.For this part I am using the following code


vid.playPauseButton = playpauseVid;
vid.volume = 0;
vid._uiMgr._isMuted = true;
vid.muteButton = mute;
vid is my video instance name.

This works great so far. But now the client wants to ad a big button over the video that says PLAY WITH SOUND. And that button has to serve the same function as the unmute button but it has to disappear once it is clicked.

I tried using this

cover.onPress = function(){ this._visible=false}

But that only makes a button that disappears when I click it, how do I make that button unmute my video or how do I link it to this

vid.volume = 0;
vid._uiMgr._isMuted = true;
vid.muteButton = mute;

I tried to add that disappear code to my already functioning mute button, what is happening is that it is applying the this._visible=false before it unmutes. So the button disappears before it has a chance to unmute the audio Got it working.

cover.onPress = function(){
this._visible = false;
vid.volume = 100;


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Professional :: Embedded FLV Never Displays?

Jun 23, 2010

I've embedded an FLV file (created in Premiere Pro CS4) using Dreamweaver CS4 and I cannot get the actual video to show/play in any browser. If you right click where the video is located on the page, or highlight everything on the screen, you can see the defined outline of it, but nothing ever actually loads/shows. I uploaded all of the files that Dreamweaver created with its little FLV embed wizard, so I'm not sure what exactly I'm missing

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Professional :: Border Around Embedded Swf Object In IE 8?

Jan 7, 2010

I'm well aware of the Eleos/Microsoft issues that came before IE 8. However this isn't my problem. My company's website is able to display the swf file fine in FF but in IE, as soon as somebody clicks on the swf file, it does its thing without having to double-click (as in the ActiveX issue previously discussed) but also has what looks like a pink border around it. I'm testing in IE and created the Flash component in Flash CS4 using AS 3.0.Like I said before, the SWF object is activated on the first click, and doesn't have to do with the previously mentioned ActiveX control issue.

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Professional :: All Code Needed For Embedded Swf?

Jun 20, 2010

When embedding an swf (which plays external FLVs), you have quite a bit of code generated for the HTML embed.

<script language="javascript"> if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) { alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");  AC_FL_RunContent(  'codebase',


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Professional :: Fonts Incorrectly Embedded In CS5?

Mar 28, 2011

Create new AS3 fla fileIn publish settings, click 'Generate Size report'Put some text on the stage - Classic text, static (Though it doesn't seem to matter)Make sure the font is '_sans' (There is no 'Use device fonts' option for this font choice)Publish the fileNote that _sans is now embedded in the SWF, occupying bytes in the size report. Try the same in CS3, and there is nothing embedded, as you would expect. Unfortunately I can't get my fla loaded into CS3 because CS5 will only allow me to export as CS4.
Similarly, change the font to something specific, like Verdana, and set it to use device fonts and it still embeds font data (We're talking about 3 or 4k) but doesn't list any glyphs. Occasionally though, by screwing around, it doesn't embed anything. Then nudge some text in some magical way and it's back to embedding redundant data.

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Professional :: SWF File Embedded In Website?

Dec 2, 2011

I have a swf file, how can i embeded in website which code is used.

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Professional :: Disappearing The Embedded Fonts?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a static textfield using Myriad Pro bold font that, when set to STATIC TEXT works absolutely fine, in the correct font.If I set it to DYNAMIC TEXT and test the SWF, the text shows up as a system font; not Myriad ProIf I set it to EMBED CHARACTERS the text doesn't show up at all on ANY system, whether the font is installed or not.
I have tried adding the font to the Library and using that "Family" for Properties>Character in my dynamic text box, but get the same results as when I don't set that to EMBED CHARACTGERS. I've tried selecting the font for the textfield as both the standard OS Font, as well as the one with the Asterisk next to it, but get the same results both ways.The library font is set to "export for actionscript" and "on frame 1".
I don't think it's an issue with the font not being available, as I'm able to see it when setting textfield to STATIC type, and I use the font in other CS4 products (Photoshop, etc.).

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Professional :: Download Embedded Video From Swf Files?

Dec 10, 2006

I can't seem to download the flash files from the address.i click on page info and find the embeded flash,but can't download it. Another, how can I convert flash files from youtube to my ipod? I found an excellent flv converter, but not knew if it could convert flash from youtube.How to make flash suitalbe for youtube?

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Professional :: Apply Html Tag To Embedded Fonts?

Feb 10, 2010

i have a textfield, i embedded fonts and  assigned htmlText, i.e.
txt.embedFonts = true;
txt.htmlText       = '<b>my text </b>';
but it doesnt  aplly html tags because of embedFonts... i tried to make style using css  but didnt work is there any way to accomplish this?

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