Actionscript 3 :: When Trying To Select A Column Of Type BLOB, SQLStatement Throws A RangeError #2006: The Supplied Index Is Out Of Bounds?
Aug 30, 2010
var imageData:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var headshotStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();
headshotStatement.sqlConnection = dbConnection;
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ActionScript Code:
I found this output
RangeError: Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/setChildIndex()
at Dan_fla::mcContent_1/on_pic_loaded()
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uiBar = new mcUiBar();
addChildAt(uiBar, numChildren-1);
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import com.utils.Fader.*;
import com.utils.Fader.FaderItems;
import com.utils.Fader.Events.*;
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package com
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class mydoc extends MovieClip
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[FaultEvent fault=[RPC Fault faultString="Error #2006: The supplied index is out of bounds." faultCode="InvokeFailed" faultDetail="null"] messageId="85CF2FB3-E79D-779F-87F9-B04520318D3A" type="fault" bubbles=false cancelable=true eventPhase=2]
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Apr 10, 2009
the title is self-explanatory. i'm VERY new to flash so i don't understand a lot of the lingo. can anyone give me a simple answer or, better yet, fix the code for me? i'm reading that it usually comes up when there's a child error but i'm not sure how to fix it.
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//menuvar player_menu:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
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this.addChildAt(player_menu, 6);
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ActionScript Code:
public function tmFlashPlay():void { //Play TubMates Flash
tmClip.y = 0;
galleryMask.y = 0;
If I'm reading it right it is saying that the index supplied for the child is out of bounds. Yet it is the index captured earler, and I add or remove no children in between these functions being called.
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Jan 16, 2012
I am trying to use the same custom renderer for all the columns in a spark DataGrid. I need to know the dataField or columnIndex based on which I can change state in my custom itemrenderer.
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// Sample itemRenderer used for mx:DataGrid [Working Code]
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Apr 11, 2010
i have a spark List control. it has a dataProvider that shows reply from twitter search.i have created a function for change handler like this:
protected function list_changeHandler(event:IndexChangeEvent):void
ta.text = coverflow.selectedItem.title;
so, whenever i select each of the items in the List i will see the message(ta.text)but now, instead of me manually clicking the first time, i want it to automatically click/select the first item and see the first message(ta.text)how do i do it?
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