Actionscript 3 :: Access Entry Point Class Object From Other Classes Of The App?

Jul 26, 2011

Just wonder if I can reference entry point object from any place in the app? Is it maybe assigned to some global object, like stage is for example? Currently I use static methods and variables, but this breaks encapsulation.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Vars Between Document Class And Other Classes?

Apr 19, 2009

For the example, there's a single FLA with a document class "" In the public class package, there is a public variable: "var example:String='example';." Inside of the FLA, there is one movie clip in the library and it is assigned a custom base class "" The movie clip is then placed on the first frame of the stage so its constructor is run at runtime and reads the value of example.

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public class Example {
public function Example () {

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btnLMain = new MovieClip(); //variable declared earlier in code = "btnLMain";
btnLMain.clickNum = 0;

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import com.adobe.serialization.json.JSON;


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public function myMethod(clazz:Class):void


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Jan 6, 2010

I have a document class called Main, and a class called DispatchEventExample. In DispatchEventExample, I'm trying to add an event listener to the stage but get an 1120 error, access of undefined property stage.

If I understand things correctly, even though I create an instance of DispatchEventExample in Main, it's not added to the display list & therefore cannot access stage.


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import com.ClassName
var c:ClassName= new ClassName();
var mc:MovieClip;
mc = ClassName.create("some parameter");

I want to get access to the stage from ClassName class file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Global Object With Another One Of Different Class

Aug 30, 2011

I have 2 classes:
bullet class:Extends MovieClip and stores information about bullets while handling their movement and properties. enemy class:Extends MovieClip and simply so far stores the x,y co-ordonates of the enemy. I want the bullet to home onto the enemy object in the movement function by referencing the x and y position of the enemy.

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//Main as3 file
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,clk);//stuff that happens on click
function clk (e:MouseEvent){
shotcnt += 1;
shotobj.push(new pshot(player.x,player.y));
[Code] .....

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Feb 8, 2009

I'm creating a game in flash for a university project, and learning actionscript and programming as I go. I'm very much still at a beginner level - at the moment al I have is some actionscript for drawing rectangles and moving them about the screen. This is what I'm having trouble with at the moment: I have a class called 'Creature', and I want instances of it to interact with each other. I want them to do something when they come within a certain distance of another instance. And I want them to be able to pick a random other instance to get the location of, in order to do something with that information.

What I think I need is: A function for telling the distance between two (x,y) points.
A way of referencing the nearest other instance of the class. And a way of randomly selecting from all of the instances of the class.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: A Line From One Point Past Another Point And Whether It Hits An Object?

Aug 19, 2009

I am using AS2 with Flash 8 Professional So, my problem is that I currently have a man in the middle of the screen, who shoots a line towards the mouse when I click. However, when I use hitTest to see if the line collides with another object, Flash recognizes the line as a large box if it is diagonal, so the hitTest isn't very accurate. The line only satys there for one frame, so I can't have the usual moving-bullet-style. I am either looking for a way to create an imaginary line with AS from the starting point to the mouse and beyond, and tell whether or not this line intersects with an object... or some other way that I haven't thought of to fix my problem. Keep in mind that the line rotates from a center point towards anywhere around it for 360 degrees.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Object Inside A MovieClip From A Class?

Jan 4, 2011

I have a movie clip symbol placed on the main timeline. The class linkage to that movie clip is Sheet. Inside Sheet class, I make a public string call _textRow. Inside the Sheet's constructor, I create a new TextField call values_txt. Inside the Sheet class again, I create a public function call updateTable().

The document class is Main. From the, I need to call updateTable() function to update the text inside values_txt. And I need to find a way to get to values_txt. That's where my problem lies.

Actionscript Code:
package{//imported stuff herepublic class Sheet extends MovieClip{public var _textRow:String = " Lorem
Lorem again";public function Sheet(){addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, initSheet);}public function


Basically, I need to run Sheet's updateTable() from and update the values_txt.text with _textRow string. But I don't know value_txt's target path.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Method Inside The Object's Class?

Apr 9, 2010

I created an array of objects and put an event listener  on each of them. My problem is that when the object is clicked, I want  to access a method inside the object's class but I do not know how to  reference its position in the array. This isn't very clear but hopefully  my code will make it clearer.
This line is inside  while loops and puts an event listener on every square.
How can I know which square has been clicked?
Note: returns the following error:

ReferenceError: Error  #1069: Property placeChar not found on flash.display.Sprite and there is  no default value.

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Jan 1, 2012

I'm currently trying to add the resulting XML (xmlResult) to a textbox that is on the stage. I did try using MovieClip(root).[instancename].text = ..... however it didn't work - null object reference?

package {
public class ChatHistory extends MovieClip {
public function ChatHistory()


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Class Object From Main Timeline

Dec 29, 2010

I have a class, and I'm trying access an object outside of that class. For example, in my class I have function: onNodeLoad(node:Object)with that function I can access the properties of node just fine, but outside the class I cannot.In the function that is inside the class, I can trace (node. title)I want to be able to do that trace on the main timeline.[code]So right now, in my main timeline, trace(con.node) comes up null.I've tried to declaring _node public, private, public static.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access Object Properties In Class File?

May 27, 2011

I made a movie clip that is linked to a class named "Fugel". In the "Fugel" class I want to access the object's properties (x, y, rotation, alpha...) that I created in the main FLA file. I'm trying to center it in the constructor, but I don't know how to. The "this" keyword doesn't seem to work.

Here is the code for the "Fugel" class:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Fugel extends MovieClip {
public function Fugel() {


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Mar 27, 2008

how to use these in order to make an object move from point A to point B in an arc.Think of that classic game where you have to input the angle and power and try to hit your opponent.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Object That Has Been Made In A Class In An External AS Document

Sep 12, 2009

I'm using the following code to arrange indexes of objects on the stage the only problem is I can't access an Object that has been made in a class in an external AS document. if i go into the document and trace I can see it but i can't access it from the document class and arrange its index anybody have any ideas?


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