ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Class Object From Main Timeline
Dec 29, 2010
I have a class, and I'm trying access an object outside of that class. For example, in my class I have function: onNodeLoad(node:Object)with that function I can access the properties of node just fine, but outside the class I cannot.In the function that is inside the class, I can trace (node. title)I want to be able to do that trace on the main timeline.[code]So right now, in my main timeline, trace(con.node) comes up null.I've tried to declaring _node public, private, public static.
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I have 3 functions in my main document class that I want to execute when the main timeline reaches a particular frame number. how do I do that?
see the code and comments
public function mainClass()
//stage declaraction
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
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Dec 12, 2008
I have a game which consists of 5 frames.frame 1 asks if you wnat to play and that clicks thru to frame 2. I have a meter which is a movieClip, and if the meter goes to the last frame, there is an onEnterFrame listener that I want to tell the main timeline to gotoAndStop at frame 5, here is the eventlistener code:
this.addEventListener(event.ENTER_FRAME, youLoseGame);
function youLoseGame(event:Event):void {
I dont understand how to access the main timeline
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Nov 18, 2009
I need to access variable that lies on the main timeline first frame from a action script inside a movieclip that is inside a movieclip.
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Dec 30, 2009
Is there a way to access variables on the main timeline in Flash other than MovieClip(root).myVar ? The problem I am having is that I have a movie clip that uses several main timeline variables, but when I instantiate it, it throws a 1009 type error (cannot access property of null object reference). My understanding of whats going on (and please correct me if I am wrong) is that when instantiated it runs the code on the first frame of the movieclip. However, it is not added to display list yet, so it does not have a root. Thus, all the MovieClip(root).myVar lines do not have a root to look at. Does anyone know of a way around this?
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Jul 16, 2007
my main application is a sprite heres my code:
package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;
when my main app is a MovieClip (extends MovieClip) is working.but my main app is a sprite i take this message cannot convert ROOT@16b26df1 to flash.display.MovieClip.can i change this line
to something like this Sprite(this.parent.parent).traceMe();
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a which instantiates a class which needs to access the "currentState" property and the States array as well. However we cannot get this to work as we cannot see how we can access this information.
Within currentState is accessed via "this.currentState". This does not work in the class which is instatiated within The following error is thrown:
"Access of undefined property currentState."
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Jul 15, 2009
On my movie clip timeline, what's the syntax to access a variable on a main stage timeline?
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Nov 2, 2009
as always, this seemed simple in AS2, but i am stumped with this simple command in AS3.
i have a main timeline [one scene] that has multiple movies, one after each other, in different frames. i need the buttons that are placed in a layer below the movies to access various movies in the scene. was really simple in AS2.
it appears that i can get my button to go to the frame, but the movie contained in the frame will not load and or play. [i have 2 frames dedicated to each movie, the second frame, in the actions layer has a stop command]. the following is the actionscript and the errors i am getting.
food_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playfood);
function playfood(event:MouseEvent):void {
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May 21, 2009
I have two frames in the timeline of my flash file. On frame 1 there is a movie clip. How can I access this movie clip with code located in frame 2?
It doesn't matter whether the mc is already placed on the stage or is added dynamically from the Library - I just need to access the alpha property. I can provide a more detailed description of my file if needed.
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Mar 3, 2011
My first experience is build an aquarium with a lot of fish swimming, and they can be clicked. When one of them is clicked we should receive a trace message saying ("Iļæ½m a Fish!"). To do this, I thought that the best way will be:
1- create a document class, named
2- create a base class, named
2- create a movie clip with a fish.
3- export the movieclip to actionscript. In the mc properties set Class as "fish" and Base Class as "Clicked".
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Mar 1, 2010
i have a game that i want to put load screen on, which i created a separate class for. first the main class is initialized and in the constructor function, it does an addChild(loadScreen) which places an instance of the loadScreen MC on the stage. within the loadScreen is a "Play Button" that when a user presses this button i want it to continue startGame in the Main class. the way i tried it was Main.startGame from the loadScreen class, but that obviously does not work. is it possible to call a function from a different class.i have three files:
the file:
import flash.text.*;
import flash.display.*;
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Sep 14, 2009
I can't access the variables that I declare in the main timeline from a child.
I attach the child to the stage during runtime.
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a button inside a movieclip. When the button is clicked I want it to make a movieclip in the main timeline go to a specific frame. what's the code I need to use to define that movieclip located on the main timeline? Right now I have my code written inside the movieclip where the button is located because I have multiple buttons on multiple frames, and I don't know the syntax to define a button in a specific frame inside a movieclip.
Here's my current coding...
Select allfunction bwbtn2(btn:SimpleButton,frame:Number) {
btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,function() {photobw_img.gotoAndStop(frame);});
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Dec 26, 2009
I've been working on flash CS3 for some time now and have learnt a lot in actionscript 3. However, I still have some very simple doubts which I want to clear:
1) Is the Document Class same as the Main Timeline?
2) If we type "trace(this)" in the actions panel on the main Timeline, it gives "object MainTimeline", is this what is the document class because there is nothing else as the mainTimeline Class.
3) If we type "stop()" in the main timeline, it stops the movie. Where does stop() belong, I mean, it is the method of which class?
4) Sometimes, when within a class or a movie clip, something like "root.gotoAndPlay" doesn't work while "MovieClip(root).gotoAndPlay()" works. Another example is when we try accessing a child of a movieClip by using getChildAt(i), "MC1.getchildAt(i).play()" does not work and we have to write "MovieClip(MC1.getchildAt(i)).play();
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Jan 19, 2011
I'm trying to go to the next frame in the main timeline from a class with no luck.
I have a movieclip called winner_mc that is created in the document class.
winner_mc is linked to the Winner class.
The Winner class creates a movieclip called nextlevel_mc which is linked to the Nextlevel class.
Then when I click on the nextlevel_mc movieclip I want to go to the next frame on the main timeline.
I tried this for the Nextlevel class:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
public class Nextlevel extends MovieClip {
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Nov 20, 2011
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Apr 24, 2009
In the Main Timeline I have
import FlashVar;
// Instantiate FlashVar Class and Pass Root.
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Nov 8, 2009
I have question regarding removing instantiated objects. Let's say i have a main class in which i instantiate a custom video player (or whatever) class:
From my experience, if i don't destroy for example event listeners from my VideoPlayer class and just remove VideoPlayer class the way described they still get fired with null exception messages etc. This is something that's bugging me for a while so i would really like to know what's best thing to do here?
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Nov 3, 2011
I have a label on my root timeline called "services". I have a services button inside a movie clip. How do I access the main time line to send it over to the page services? I'm using actionscript 3. Back in the day it would have been as simple as root.gotoandplay("services")
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Jan 30, 2012
I would like to store the value from combobox or text area-MovieClip in MyClass and then I'd like to read this from another frame in *.fla file only this :) have you another code? what can I write in frame 2 Miclass and frame 3
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Feb 28, 2012
The code works, I'm jsut unable to read the Class variable "myString" on the main timeline.I thought I could pass the "myString" value from the Class to the Main Timeline?I created a variable in an external Class .as file.See coding below.
//------- Code on main timeline .Fla
var testClass:MyClass = new MyClass(myString);
var myString:String;
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Feb 29, 2012
I have no trouble invoking a Class using the code on the main timeline shown below; var testClass:MyClass = new MyClass(); //code on maintimeline invoke Class. However, if I were to remove this code and just use the Flash Class Input Field and insert; MyClass //the name of the Class. I get throwback errors:
1 - Call to possible addFrame Script?
2 - MyClass must subclass flash.display.MovieClip etc
I've tried variations of adding and removing the flsh.display.MovieClip Class
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Jan 13, 2009
I have a menu btn that is created via an external class. I want to move the main timeline of my flash file to a frame label but I'm having a hard time referencing the main timeline via my external class code.
How do I control the timeline via this external class.
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Feb 3, 2011
In the Main Timeline I have
import FlashVar;
// Instantiate FlashVar Class and Pass Root.
var myFlashVar:FlashVar = new FlashVar(this);
Now I have to pass 'this' when instantiating the class so that later I can use DocRoot to get the loaderInfo for FlashVars.Is there any way to not have to pass 'this' and have the external class point to the Main Timeline?
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Jul 8, 2009
Is it possible to access the currentFrame of the main timeline from a document class (which extends movie clip)?
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Dec 20, 2010
I have a class, the relevant parts of which are defined as follows:
class myClass extends MovieClip {
public function myfunc() {
trace( "mainVar: " + _root.mainVar );
As you can see, I want to access the variable "mainVar", which exists in the main movie, from within the class. This works fine, if I have only one instance of the class. But, if I have more than one instance, within separate movie clips, the value of mainVar is always taken from the first instance. How do I refer to the actual instance from within the class?
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Jun 2, 2011
Here's my main class:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
Basically the class waits for the callback variable (my_msg). The problem is: I need to set the dynamic textbox text to my_msg variable.
How can I access it? I know I can access a public var in the timeline with functioname.variable but I can't define a public var inside a function, right?
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