ActionScript 3.0 :: Access An Object That Has Been Made In A Class In An External AS Document
Sep 12, 2009
I'm using the following code to arrange indexes of objects on the stage the only problem is I can't access an Object that has been made in a class in an external AS document. if i go into the document and trace I can see it but i can't access it from the document class and arrange its index anybody have any ideas?
How to access a display object on the stage in a class which is not a document class?
I am looking for a solution that doesn't involve passing the stage as a parameter to the class.
One solution i always come across is using "". Is it a good method because as far as I have heard using global variables is not recommended because it might cause some problems while working on big projects.
Going further on my app, I felt in another problem. Despite having lots of posts on the web regarding this, none of the solutions worked for me In my document class ( ve two containers. One empty and another with a star that is being imported from the library. Here´s the main class:
Using Flash CS5 Professional I have created a symbol, dragged it onto the stage, and given it an instance name of GreenLight1. If I want to make this visible from the document class, I can simply do the GreenLight1.visible=true; and poof it's good to go when I test the file. As long as I stay in the document class I am good to go, but now I'm trying to move to another class and hitting ALL kinds of trouble just trying to get Flash to allow me to access this simple object. All I am looking to do is have this GreenLight1 go invisible (visible=false) when a certain condition occurs in this new class and Flash just won't let me access GreenLight1 at all. Things I've tried thus far:
stage is passed to the class and is referenced by _stage and is working just fine when I do _stage.addchild or anything like that. So I have tried "_stage.GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property GreenLight1 not found on flash.display.Stage and there is no default value." My document class extends Sprite, so I figured I'd try the root function. So I tried "Sprite(root).GreenLight1.visible=false;" and I get "1119: Access of possibly undefined property GreenLight1 through a reference with static type flash.display:Sprite." I tried to create the Resource class as described therein. To which I came across the same problem that I started with in that it doesn't know what GreenLight1 is to begin with so I got "1120: Access of undefined property GreenLight1." Here is my code for (am I supposed to pass something to this class from the document class?)
I found myself loading a new XML file every day and so decided to create a small class that will load the xml file and return it.The class is loading the file but when i try to return it to a new xml object in the document class it doesnt load it.I think that it's something to with the return being in a nested function but i tried a few ways and non seems to work.
[DOCUMENT CLASS] loadXML:LoadXML = new LoadXML(); myXML:XML = new XML(loadXML.loadXMLFile("gallery.xml"));[code].....
Got two classes "" and "". is the document class that is calling
The point is to have create a movieclip on the stage, but it seems it cannot access the library or something. Because when the player class is at the createHero() method it gives me the "error 1009 cannot access a property or method of a null object reference"
I have created an enemy object from document class. if my enemy score becomes zero, the enemy must get removed.Is there any way to remove that object by destroy the object from document class?.
It seems simple, but it doesn't seem to be working I have 2 as3 files as classes "mainclass.as3 (this is the document class)" and GamePlay.as3
the GamePlay class works flawlessly on it's own, but when i try to create the var to access it ... var gp:GamePlay=new GamePlay(); ... i get the following error.
I have looked at tutorial etc, but i cant get it to work i am currently getting the following error.[code]...
It used to be simple to access an object you put on the stage like a mc or dynamic text field by simply using _root.instanceName ect. Now I see references to making references to the Stage and such like:
private var stage:Stage; stage = stageRef; and I am still confused.
What I have going on is, I have placed a movieclip on the stage in Flash and gave it an instance name of Cell_mc.I have a cusom class that extends MovieClip with the following imports
if i want from a document class to access some variables in other classes (which are imported into that document class) does these variables need to be public to access them or they can be something else?
I was wondering if it was possible to access the document class from within a movieclip.
I am creating a slideshow type project, and I'm using a document class to switch between the frames using the arrow keys. However, in one of the "slideshow screen" movieclips, I want to have it stop, and then play another part when the arrow key is pressed again.
I tried to access my nextScreenToPlay method within the document class, but whenever I try to do it within a movie clip, I get this error: Call to a possibly undefined method nextScreenToPlay through a reference with static type class.
If I do a trace(Main), within a movieclip, it shows the class.
Just tried using cs5 on my new macbook and I have a tlf text object on the stage with an instance name of mText. I tried to access (mText.text = "test") it like this and got a null object reference. I tried to trace the stage from my document class and it was null when the tlftextbox was on the stage but i could trace stage correctly when I deleted the textbox. [code]...
For the example, there's a single FLA with a document class "" In the public class package, there is a public variable: "var example:String='example';." Inside of the FLA, there is one movie clip in the library and it is assigned a custom base class "" The movie clip is then placed on the first frame of the stage so its constructor is run at runtime and reads the value of example.
What is the proper way to get the value of "example" in the root document class? Using "root.example" in the class to target the document class returns an error and when I trace "root", I get "null." Main.example naturally throws an error because that's looking at the actual class and not the movie / stage its attached to.The round-about way I've done it before is to dynamically add the object in the library and pass in the root path when I create a new instance of it (example: submc:sub = new sub(this); ).Is there anyway to get back to the document class with a built-in method like root, etc?
I m trying to access stage.width property but sometimes it trace 650 and 720 but i see my flash file dimension is 500x400, I need to align objects on stage..
I want to know how you access a variable within the fla file from the Document class?I want an int inside the fla or swf file to be accessed from the class that is being used to run the file?
I have a "box_mc" movieclip on the root of my stage and I need to select it from within my Document Class. I thought Stage.getChildByName("box_mc") would work, but it just returns null.
I can access the targetObj instance inside the document class, but when I try to access it in another .as class,get this error: Access of undefined property targetObj.
I am trying to add a keyboard event listener to the stage, to detect when a user clicks the left or right arrow keys. But this listener is called from inside a class file which is imported into the document class, therefore I think it doesn't know what "stage" refers to. How do I solve this?
Let's say I have a FLA file with document class called main. In main, let's say I have a method called test1 that just outputs "hello world" via trace. On the FLA I have a movie clip. In that movie clip, when the timeline reaches frame 123, I want it to invoke the test1 method (I just set up a simple action on the frame). However, I get an error saying that the method is undefined. I try this.parent.test1() too but that gives me the same error. Is it not possible to invoke a document class property from within the timeline of a movie clip that's on the stage?
I often write apps in flash where I wrap all the display elements into one parent display object container (not the stage). Let this parent container be mc_world for example. I declare this in my Document class (Main) as:
ActionScript Code: public static var mc_world:MovieClip;
Since this container is unique and often times needs to be referenced from various classes in the project (that are not its children) I find myself often doing Main.mc_world across my project to access this container.
Is it bad practice to directly access static members of the Document class throughout my project? Are there any simple alternatives? I don't want to dispatch events every time I need to access mc_world. And using a singleton class doesn't seem all that different from the Document Class (which only has one instance right?).
I am start developing small games (I have just finished reading a nice book from Rex van der Spuy) but I would like to use the best OO approach.Let's make a very simple example: suppose that i have a Player class which adds a listener to the stage waiting for keyboard events in order to move around the stage.I have also some enemies on the stage and the player must register a collision with them; what is the best approach in order to access the enemies on the stage and check for a collision with them on the ENTER_FRAME player's event? I have read a lot of solutions, but I am just starting coding and so I don't know which one is the best approach.
a) Access the document class directly with a getter (e.g. Main(root).allEnemies, supposing that every time an enemy is created it is added to the allEnemies array)?
b) A singleton class which has a reference to every instance in the stage?
Anyways, I've been trying to figure this out for quite some time.Let's say I have my document class. I'm guessing the document class can correspond to the first thing that gets run? (such as the "main" function in most C++/low level languages).If I set a variable in it:var myNumber:Number = 10;how would Iaccess: "myNumber" from other objects in my stage?Like a movieclip on my stage for example.If I go inside that movieclip into the movieclip's first frame, how would I say:trace(TheDocumentClass.myNumber);Another similar question is, what about the actual stage frame?If I click on frame 1 of my stage, set a variable:var aNumber:Number = 5;how would I access it from other objects?In my movieclip's first frame, what would I put?trace(root.aNumber); ?trace(stage.aNumber); ?
Everything with my PurePDF project is in place I just need to be able to take user input and put it into the PDF document that is created.
If I have a text input field on the stage called inp_Name, how would I access the text the user puts into that from my document class which creates the PDF file and put that information into a variable in my document class?
i m getting an error, i am loading an external child swf file to main parent swf, and want to access the document class of the child swf through parent swf document class using application domain. Now when both child and parent swf resides in same directory it's works properly with application domain means we can access the document class of the child swf see the attachment and when we move child swf and it's document class to sub directory that time we are unable to access the document class of the child swf see the second attachment
Tried to access a function in the document class by simply calling it. For exampe, the code in my frame is: Code: Select allinitButtons(); And in my document class I have the function: Code: Select allprivate function initButtons():void{ trace('anything'); } But it gives me an error. Even tried to change private to public the same.